
DOOP Secretary

How many of you have actually seen Pacific Rim?
I have.

Space Pope
« Reply #46 on: 08-02-2013 15:05 »
« Last Edit on: 08-02-2013 15:12 »
I skimmed Danny's review. I did see, however, a small trifle of a fillum tonight called The World's End. I wasn't intending to, but I had just seen the vividly raw Vin Diesel documentary POST-RIDDICK GRIM and needed to learn how to laugh again. Spare observations: I liked that they saved the Cornetto cameo until the last few minutes, long after I had ceased anticipating it. Martin Freeman looks horrifying with a whole-face cast around the top of his head. That was all I could spare! I'll attempt to review it tomorrow, and also, without prompting, complain about why I was utterly disappointed with the 2011 The Thing prequel, which is something I've wanted to do for roughly a year and a half.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
How many of you have actually seen Pacific Rim?
Have seen it twice, and will watch it again tomorrow.

Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 08-17-2013 13:36 »
« Last Edit on: 08-17-2013 13:38 »
Wreck It Ralph"Why not", I thought. Just for a bit of fun. The trailer looked okay so I thought I'd give it a whirl. And I have to say, for a guy who's coming a lot more out of watching kids movies (FYI, me), this is quite good. The storyline was good. Plot was understandable and various confusing bits and pieces were explained further throughout the movie. I also like the twist at the end. But the characters were good and I liked all the references. Very well done, I say. Music fitted nicely as well. 8.5/10Despicable Me 2We watched this in class yesterday since our main teacher wasn't here. Didn't finish watching it (only had like 15-20 minutes left), but I guess it's eligible for reviewing anyway. Wasn't the best quality (it was my friend who got it from god knows where. It also appeared to be in German or something, but the dialogue was in English, thank god. Just some of the main text was foreign), but it was watchable. At least it wasn't out of sync.  Gru's new sidekick was funny, and the introduction of the characters was interesting, such as Gru's date etc. The kids were cute, as always, and the story was interesting, but rather predictable. Music was great, too. Love the soundtrack selection for Despicable Me. But it was good. 'Twas enjoyable. 8/10

DOOP Secretary

Kick-Ass 2
Felt super-long (in a good way), and the violence is really brutal and shit. They stepped it up to a level even higher than in Kick-Ass, and I'm not complaining.
Some of the things at the start of the movie felt pretty rushed, but then it kept a good pace. There are quite a lot of characters and plot points going on, at times it feels messy but it holds up well overall. Not sure how I feel about the extreme vomiting and defecation, I mean it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the movie but I'll let it slide.
They recast Evan Peters who played Todd (who in this movie becomes Ass-Kicker) in Kick-Ass and replaced him with Augustus Prew, who I don't think played the part all that well (judging off how Todd was in Kick-Ass alone, since I haven't read any of the comics).

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #62 on: 09-02-2013 06:12 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2013 06:13 »
I was very disappointed in this movie, mainly because it was billed as a comedy, but it turned out to be very depressing...
* One of Tachy's long dormant synapses was triggered by that post That is the perfect description for Pushing Tin. A strange drama about the lives of air traffic controllers that seems as though it might have been a comedy-drama before being recut. C. And the "C" does *not* stand for Comedy, despite the comedic moments in the trailers.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #63 on: 09-15-2013 03:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-15-2013 03:19 »
Elysium God I forgot how much Neill Blomkamp likes shaky cam and how weird the "Sewth Ifricin" accent is... Ok, the film is fairly heavy on the metaphor for the rich and poor, the 1% having all the wealth and all that, that was fine. But I think the characters should have been written a bit better, Matt Damons character is fine, he's a ex criminal trying to make it in a shitty situation and all but it seems like everyone else around him is a douchebag except for like 3 people, it's a heavy handed way of rooting for him, needs to be more balanced. Other than that, like District 9, there's cool ships, cool guns, people getting blown into chunks, generally good effects and action. There was a really gorgeous set design in one of the last fights I enjoyed. Sharlto Copley was a complete bastard (in a near entire cast of bastards though) but his accent was godawful again, and Jodie Fosters accent was weird too and probably heavily ADR'd which was distracting. C+
This Is The End So meta, comedy actors thrown into The Apocalypse situation! It was all very self-congratulatory but there are some ok parts, most of which were probably in the trailers. Nothing particularly terrible about it. C-

DOOP Secretary

Facebook isn't... ON Netflix?
*brain explodes*

DOOP Secretary

Apparently Netflix removed almost 2,000 titles from its library a few months ago, which went relatively unnoticed as the majority were pretty obscure. Maybe The Social Network was one of the few well-known films in the list?

DOOP Secretary

Guys it doesn't matter. I've seen the movie. Everything worked out in the end. Good day sirs.

DOOP Secretary

OK. You get the chloroform, I'll get the huge cake, and we'll sneak her into a midnight showing.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
The World's End: Upon first viewing, the movie appeared not quite as good as "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz". Yet -after it "settled"- it appeared like Pegg/Wrights most "mature" script. A tragic comedy, with a rather sad protagonist, covering the theme of clinging to a lost youth worked really well.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #77 on: 09-25-2013 20:07 »
« Last Edit on: 09-25-2013 22:42 »
Well..comparisons the the excellent "Shaun" and "Fuzz" are always critical, as both movies set the bar f*cking damned high:)
That said, the first two were rather pure comedies (elaborate humor, for sure, not not too much tragedy, even with the dying characters in Shaun). Yet, "World's End" was a tragic comedy from the very beginning. As funny as it is: The movies' quieter tones (after having seen it, when they got time to settle) sealed the deal for me. Ironic that movie about a drinking tour excells its tragic, quiet, low-key themes.
I must admit that "World's End" did not feature the same running gags or sometimes pefectly set up scene humor as "Shaun" and "Fuzz" (e.g. the Zombie switching off the radio).
Yet, it added quite tones its two precessors did not have. Though I must admit: Being nearly Simon Peggs age (okay, I'm 3 years younger, but in our age, that difference is neglectable), the question wether you moved along sufficiently since your youth, how you wish to cling to it (even with ambition to reclaim it) seems directly adressed at me, giving the movie a personal touching tone.*
*(For the record: I do NOT run around like Andrew Eldritch. Yet, as I never did so anyway, this probably does not count too much)

Urban Legend
Frankly, The World's End just feels like two films smushed together. I know that tonal inconsistency is true of the whole trilogy, but The World's End feels like a film about a pub crawl and then they just shoved some robots in.
And, that's literally what it is. It began its inception as a film that Edgar Wright wrote in his youth, called Crawl, and then they decided to put some robots in to make it fit more as part of the trilogy.
That's not to say that they don't do a good job of tying the plot elements back together, thematically, but it all feels very retroactive.
I agree that it's more of a tragedy than the previous films and that it's, arguably, more of a mature exploration of mature ideas, but I don't think that that necessarily makes it any better and I just don't think that it's anywhere near to being as good as the previous entries.