Bending Unit
« on: 12-18-2012 01:45 »
Here's what I think:
The Simpsons - Mr Burns dies, Homer put in mental home, Sideshow bob kills bart Family Guy - Lois leaves Peter, Brian dies, Stewie comes out, Meg commits suicide American Dad - Francine leaves Stan, Roger discovered, Stan arrested, Claus regains human body Futurama - Fry and Leela marry, have a kid, zoidberg finally mates and dies South Park - Cartman executed, stan and kyle leave south park as they're fed up with the adult's stupidity
Mr Snrub
Urban Legend
Here's what I think:
The Simpsons - Mr Burns dies, Homer put in mental home, Sideshow bob kills bart Family Guy - Lois leaves Peter, Brian dies, Stewie comes out, Meg commits suicide American Dad - Francine leaves Stan, Roger discovered, Stan arrested, Claus regains human body Futurama - Fry and Leela marry, have a kid, zoidberg finally mates and dies South Park - Cartman executed, stan and kyle leave south park as they're fed up with the adult's stupidity
So basically just write DEATH on a mini whiteboard and throw it into each writer's room respectively.
Bending Unit
This thread's dumb. For the most part, you're picking shows that aren't serialised and could easily just end on an episode that wasn't significant/special in any way. Most of these shows didn't start with an episode that has a sense of beginning, why would they end with one that had a sense of completion? Also, what's the obession with characters in light-hearted comedies dying here?
Correction, this threads old. I made it ages ago and it appears to have been bumped. Anyway, I deliberately went with the most possible dramatic outcomes. I was not trolling, just trying to raise discussion and read other people's predictions.
DOOP Secretary
And yet you still haven't learned not to double post. And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?
Because they both treat their wives like shit!
I think the question is, what would be the purpose in disrupting the status quo of these shows that depend deeply on the very notion of a status quo, just for one episode at the very end, when they're barely even set in reality in the first place? It doesn't make any sense. That's not their MO.
Francine doesn't treat Stan like shit. He's an egotistic, opinionated, unsympathetic person who treats her like shit. Granted Francine has her moments , Stan treats her way worse than she treats him.