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Author Topic: How will each show end?  (Read 2240 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 12-18-2012 01:45 »

Here's what I think:

The Simpsons - Mr Burns dies, Homer put in mental home, Sideshow bob kills bart
Family Guy - Lois leaves Peter, Brian dies, Stewie comes out, Meg commits suicide
American Dad - Francine leaves Stan, Roger discovered, Stan arrested, Claus regains human body
Futurama - Fry and Leela marry, have a kid, zoidberg finally mates and dies
South Park - Cartman executed, stan and kyle leave south park as they're fed up with the adult's stupidity
My Manwich

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 12-18-2012 04:31 »

So what happens to Butters?

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 12-18-2012 09:55 »

He gets a friend and becomes the cool kid.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #3 on: 12-18-2012 20:47 »

HIMYM - Ted gets married, has two kids and a miscarriage. His wife dies of tuberculosis. Marshall kills himself after Lily cheats on him with some random person, because Marshall no longer seems attractive. Robin gets cats, lots of them, before becoming a morphine addict. She then kills 12 people looking for morphine cash, and gets the death penalty. Barney bangs lots of chicks and doesn't call them again. He then marries a chick, and kills her to have a hot steamy affair because it's a master play in the Playbook.
Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 12-19-2012 00:54 »

Here's what I think:

The Simpsons - Mr Burns dies, Homer put in mental home, Sideshow bob kills bart
Family Guy - Lois leaves Peter, Brian dies, Stewie comes out, Meg commits suicide
American Dad - Francine leaves Stan, Roger discovered, Stan arrested, Claus regains human body
Futurama - Fry and Leela marry, have a kid, zoidberg finally mates and dies
South Park - Cartman executed, stan and kyle leave south park as they're fed up with the adult's stupidity
So basically just write DEATH on a mini whiteboard and throw it into each writer's room respectively.

Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 12-19-2012 05:30 »

Neat-y Petey! Jarvio, are you saying that you write for all of these shows? The past seven-to-nine years are suddenly being thrown into stark relief.


Bending Unit
« Reply #6 on: 04-07-2013 19:55 »

Simpsons- they decrease in quality until they just consist of homer getting beaten up, Mage grunting and Bart being an annoying little arse.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 04-09-2013 19:06 »
« Last Edit on: 04-09-2013 19:08 »

the Big Bang Theory - Penny and Leonard gets married and moved to another country to start a life together.

Sheldon and Amy will finally have sex.

the Walking Dead - all the main characters die and become zombies.
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #8 on: 04-09-2013 19:17 »

Any show or film based on the novel version: Will end the same way the book does.
Like anime, it's a bit of a rare one.

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 08-29-2013 18:16 »

Why are all these endings morbid?

Cartman shouldn't be executed.  How about he just gets kicked out of town, instead?

And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?


Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 08-29-2013 20:40 »

The Simpsons - The final episode won't be anything special. It'll be another rehash of a plot where Homer gets a new job and a load of celebrities are shoe-horned in for no reason. This is because the show won't end until one of the principal cast members dies and once they're gone, they won't be able to put a proper finale together.

Family Guy - They end the show, but make multiple films as a means of continuing on. There's little in the way of overall resolution, because none of the films are ever produced with the intention of being the last.

American Dad - Roger may well be discovered, leading to some sort of interaction with his home-planet, or possibly a full-blown invasion. Klaus may well get a new body - though, it may end up being something other than human. There's a good chance that everyone will die (based on "Hot Water").

Futurama - The plot of "Meanwhile"

South Park - They make another film. There's absolutely no telling what that'd be about given their previous efforts (the first film and how "Imaginationland" was originally intended to be a film). It won't see the kids permanently leaving or Cartman being executed.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 08-30-2013 02:59 »

This thread's dumb. For the most part, you're picking shows that aren't serialised and could easily just end on an episode that wasn't significant/special in any way. Most of these shows didn't start with an episode that has a sense of beginning, why would they end with one that had a sense of completion? Also, what's the obession with characters in light-hearted comedies dying here? :eek:
Lost My Phone

« Reply #12 on: 08-30-2013 05:48 »
« Last Edit on: 08-30-2013 05:49 »

And why execute Cartman? Can't they just give him a savage beating?

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 08-30-2013 15:18 »

This thread's dumb. For the most part, you're picking shows that aren't serialised and could easily just end on an episode that wasn't significant/special in any way. Most of these shows didn't start with an episode that has a sense of beginning, why would they end with one that had a sense of completion? Also, what's the obession with characters in light-hearted comedies dying here? :eek:

Correction, this threads old.
I made it ages ago and it appears to have been bumped.

Anyway, I deliberately went with the most possible dramatic outcomes.

I was not trolling, just trying to raise discussion and read other people's predictions.

Bending Unit
« Reply #14 on: 08-30-2013 15:20 »

And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?

Because they both treat their wives like shit!

(But then again, women in today's society seem to want men that treat them like shit anyway  :nono: )

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 08-30-2013 15:41 »

And yet you still haven't learned not to double post. :nono:

And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?

Because they both treat their wives like shit!

I think the question is, what would be the purpose in disrupting the status quo of these shows that depend deeply on the very notion of a status quo, just for one episode at the very end, when they're barely even set in reality in the first place? It doesn't make any sense. That's not their MO.

Bending Unit
« Reply #16 on: 08-30-2013 16:19 »
« Last Edit on: 08-30-2013 16:21 »

And yet you still haven't learned not to double post. :nono:

Did that make you feel better?

God I hate this forum - full of people that like to talk down to others for fuck-all

Urban Legend
« Reply #17 on: 08-30-2013 16:27 »

Nothing makes me feel better. :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 08-30-2013 16:58 »

And yet you still haven't learned not to double post. :nono:

Did that make you feel better?

God I hate this forum - full of people that like to talk down to others for fuck-all

What are you even talking about? It's a pretty basic (and very easy-to-follow) rule of this forum; eight months is more than enough time to pick it up.

Bending Unit
« Reply #19 on: 08-30-2013 17:13 »

And yet you still haven't learned not to double post. :nono:

Did that make you feel better?

God I hate this forum - full of people that like to talk down to others for fuck-all

What are you even talking about? It's a pretty basic (and very easy-to-follow) rule of this forum; eight months is more than enough time to pick it up.

It was the way you said it. Starting the sentence with 'and yet' sounds patronizing. As is the smiley at the end.

I just thought there were more important things to worry about. Whatever, I'll try to remember not to double post next time.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #20 on: 08-30-2013 17:19 »

It was meant to be read as a humorous response to "Correction, this thread's old." I personally find it a little patronising to use a smiley face emoticon every time someone needs to indicate that they're not being serious, but, just to clarify: I'm not being serious. :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 08-30-2013 17:22 »

It was meant to be read as a humorous response to "Correction, this thread's old." I personally find it a little patronising to use a smiley face emoticon every time someone needs to indicate that they're not being serious, but, just to clarify: I'm not being serious. :)

No problem, thanks for clearing that up - I do admit that I find it hard to see what people mean on the internet at times.

« Reply #22 on: 09-01-2013 02:35 »

And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?

Because they both treat their wives like shit!

(But then again, women in today's society seem to want men that treat them like shit anyway  :nono: )

Hey, at least they make up for it. That's how you know their relationships are not realistic.

Urban Legend
« Reply #23 on: 09-01-2013 14:22 »

And why would Lois leave Peter and Francine leave Stan?

Because they both treat their wives like shit!

(But then again, women in today's society seem to want men that treat them like shit anyway  :nono: )

Lois treats Peter like shit and Francine treats Stan like shit arguably more than he does.

Basically, they all treat each other poorly, but they're also clearly shown to be very much in love. Especially Peter and Lois. There's no reason to think that they'd suddenly just have enough of the relationship, having shown no real signs of having a problem with it in the past beyond falling out for one episode.

« Reply #24 on: 09-01-2013 15:00 »

Francine doesn't treat Stan like shit. He's an egotistic, opinionated, unsympathetic person who treats her like shit. Granted Francine has her moments , Stan treats her way worse than she treats him.
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