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Author Topic: That Seth Macfarlane Reject Show starring Daniel Tosh: Welcome to Brickleberry  (Read 7062 times)
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Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« on: 12-12-2012 04:45 »

As you might've heard, their has been a new animated show on Comedy Central called Brickleberry, by the creator of Tosh.0, Daniel Tosh. It has recently finished its 1st Season and has been renewed for Season 2 with 13 episodes. Now in case you haven't heard about it, let me show you it's terribleness, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zpWXinvQ-I
I really hate this show and by its ratings, it might replace Ugly Americans, or possibly Futurama, and judging by its animation, it's likely very cheap to make, so discuss on what you think of this show and it's Drawn Together/South Park like shock humor... minus the humorous part.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 01-11-2013 01:10 »

I think this show sucks, but apparently Eric Rogers just joined the writing staff for it. :hmpf: I don't know how to feel about that.

Space Pope
« Reply #2 on: 01-11-2013 05:44 »

I love Daniel Tosh and tosh.0, but I could never fully get into this show. It's made me laugh, but the writing and stories just aren't there. I'm all for offensive humor but the show just isn't clever enough to justify it.

Bending Unit
« Reply #3 on: 01-11-2013 15:21 »

This looks even worse than Crash Canyon...

« Reply #4 on: 01-27-2013 00:31 »

And now Eric Rogers writes for it.... wtf.

Gotta make money some way I guess.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #5 on: 01-27-2013 01:28 »

The show just isn't funny. Offensive, yes, but offensive isn't always funny. This show proves it.

I watched an episode or two (by "watching", I mean the show came on on a television in the same room as I was using my computer). While I do enjoy the girl from "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" doing some voice acting (reminds me of Nicole Sullivan), Daniel Tosh's character is purely the selling point of the show. It is the only reason that show attracts and audience yet alone was considered to be produced by Comedy Central. And Daniel Tosh's character, the bear cub, has cultivated a hatred towards him for me. The character isn't funny. He has no flaws whatsoever, other than being gluttonous (which only makes the character "cuter" or "funnier"). The character is never really insulted in the show. Tosh's voice does not go well with the character, and he doesn't seem to even give an effort of acting to the role (other than being Tosh). It's basically Tosh playing a perfect version of himself. Tosh doesn't seem to take any bullets for himself. He refuses to play a character that isn't offensive or could be deemed "uncool". I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

If "Brickleberry" gets renewed and "Futurama" doesn't, heads will fucking roll.

Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 01-27-2013 01:52 »

I honestly don't care if either of them get renewed. Right now Comedy Central's only quality shows are Workaholics, Tosh.0, and to a lesser extent, new South Park.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #7 on: 01-28-2013 06:20 »

I honestly don't care if either of them get renewed. Right now Comedy Central's only quality shows are Workaholics, Tosh.0, and to a lesser extent, new South Park.

If you're not a fan of Futurama, then why are you on a Futurama forum?

I only like the first eight minutes of Tosh.0. And even then, I only like it for the spitfire funny videos. Tosh is just an obnoxious Bob Saget-like commentator- same level of hilarity and just less family-friendly. To add to that, I have to wait an hour after I eat to watch Tosh.0.

Space Pope
« Reply #8 on: 01-28-2013 08:37 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2013 08:38 »

If you're not a fan of Futurama, then why are you on a Futurama forum?

Of course I'm a fan of Futurama. I'm just one of those assholes who think it sucks as of late. I mean, it doesn't necessarily suck, but after finishing this last half-season that just aired (in which there wasn't a single stand-out good episode for me), I think I'm finished with keeping up with new episodes. I'll probably at some point watch  future episodes that air, but I'm not going to make any effort to see them while or soon after they air, since it's to the point now where I simply don't find it worth it anymore. I may change my mind by the time the second half of this season rolls around, but at the moment that's my decision since there are so many other shows that I follow rigorously that I enjoy so much more.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 01-28-2013 22:23 »

I've just watched a few clips, and I'm thinking about watching the show for Connie.  Maybe the actual show is worse and this is just what I've seen from the trailers, but they've managed to do what Family Guy tries to do but fails miserably at: make a gay character that's funny in a stereotypical way, but genuinely makes you care about her.   She's funny, but at the same time I wanted to give her a big hug when I found out about her past.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #10 on: 01-29-2013 03:08 »

I've just watched a few clips, and I'm thinking about watching the show for Connie.  Maybe the actual show is worse and this is just what I've seen from the trailers, but they've managed to do what Family Guy tries to do but fails miserably at: make a gay character that's funny in a stereotypical way, but genuinely makes you care about her.   She's funny, but at the same time I wanted to give her a big hug when I found out about her past.

I guess you haven't seen the joke about her vagina growling yet.

Connie isn't as bad or stereotypical as gay guys in Family Guy cutaways are, but she's still kind of a terrible character that doesn't really go anywhere. Not as bad as the Tosh bear, but still pretty terrible. And the show itself is funnier than current Family Guy, but it's a lot more grotesque and edgy in it's jokes and a lot of the time just acts gross and fucked up just to be gross and fucked up. It's slightly better than when the pilot aired, but it's still poorly done and has a lot of jokes that just miss, but if you want to check it out for yourself, watch the Gay Bomb episode (it's exactly what the title says) and see whether it's actually watchable or not.

Space Pope
« Reply #11 on: 01-29-2013 04:25 »


I... I... I can't even... How do people enjoy this crap?   :confused:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 01-29-2013 15:50 »

I've just watched a few clips, and I'm thinking about watching the show for Connie.  Maybe the actual show is worse and this is just what I've seen from the trailers, but they've managed to do what Family Guy tries to do but fails miserably at: make a gay character that's funny in a stereotypical way, but genuinely makes you care about her.   She's funny, but at the same time I wanted to give her a big hug when I found out about her past.

I guess you haven't seen the joke about her vagina growling yet.

Connie isn't as bad or stereotypical as gay guys in Family Guy cutaways are, but she's still kind of a terrible character that doesn't really go anywhere. Not as bad as the Tosh bear, but still pretty terrible. And the show itself is funnier than current Family Guy, but it's a lot more grotesque and edgy in it's jokes and a lot of the time just acts gross and fucked up just to be gross and fucked up. It's slightly better than when the pilot aired, but it's still poorly done and has a lot of jokes that just miss, but if you want to check it out for yourself, watch the Gay Bomb episode (it's exactly what the title says) and see whether it's actually watchable or not.

Maybe Family Guy's crappy handling of gay characters and Gay Aesops have just set the bar too low for me.

Bending Unit
« Reply #13 on: 04-07-2013 19:59 »

What will happen : futurama is cancelled, brickleberry renewed for ten seasons, Simpsons renewed for another 500 eps, we all commit suicide.
dr.bender nye

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #14 on: 04-09-2013 19:20 »

What will happen : futurama is cancelled, brickleberry renewed for ten seasons, Simpsons renewed for another 500 eps, we all commit suicide.
No, I think I'll just cry for another 8 years until it's brought back again.

Urban Legend
« Reply #15 on: 09-18-2013 15:11 »
« Last Edit on: 09-18-2013 18:37 »

I really love this show.   The second season is very hilarious so far!   Denzel is my favorite.    It's my new favorite adult cartoon and it deserves to last.   But I don't want it to steal South Park's thunder.

Connie is the Meg Griffin of Brickleberry.

Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #16 on: 09-25-2013 03:24 »

From the tidbits of Season 2 I actually bothered to watch (really have nothing to do Tuesday nights), it's definitely getting a lot better at telling jokes and keeping the shock humor at bearable lengths, but it's still pretty awful to watch, mostly due to the fact that every character on the show has nearly 0 traits that can be considered likeable or worth calling..well, actual characters.

If "Brickleberry" gets renewed and "Futurama" doesn't, heads will fucking roll.

 :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:

« Reply #17 on: 10-03-2013 02:22 »

I'm a bit pissed at C.C. for keeping this on the air. It's not terrible, but it's far from a typical show I would watch. I tried my best to get into Tosh.O, but I never could, which may I explain why I don't like the show. I have to agree with Frida on this one. Offensive really isn't always funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #18 on: 10-03-2013 09:20 »

So I'm not the only person in the universe who thinks that tosh0 is offensive (and not in a good way, at all)?


Space Pope
« Reply #19 on: 10-03-2013 09:22 »
« Last Edit on: 10-03-2013 09:41 »

I love Tosh.0 but Brickleberry does nothing for me. It's just not smart or clever at all. No amount of offensive usually bothers me, as long as it's done in a way that works comedically, but this show just doesn't have that. In my opinion Tosh.0 does, so I wouldn't personally compare the two shows.

Tachy, I think that anybody who watches Tosh.0 knows that it's offensive. It just doesn't bother everybody. I think that there are a few times where he may have crossed the line a little, but honestly I think unless you're making a humorless personal attack on somebody, most of those lines were meant to be crossed for the sake of comedy. If a joke is funny, it's funny, and I find Tosh's jokes consistently clever enough to make me laugh. Jokes can't hurt anybody unless they let them. What's the point of getting upset by humor that is only meant to shock when there's clearly no intent to harm? Tosh's prejudiced jokes, whether they're racist, sexist, or anything else, are so tongue-in-cheek that it's impossible to perceive them as legitimately being his feelings toward any group of people. And his whole douchebag fraternity bro vibe is just an act. He's actually often self-aware and self-deprecating on his show, which works to his favor in my opinion. I just think he's so over-the-top with his act that I don't see how he could be taken seriously enough for somebody to be upset.
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