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Author Topic: Parks and Recreation  (Read 9720 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 02-28-2015 13:07 »

Here's mine, though maybe take it with a grain of salt right now, seeing as I haven't rewatched most of seasons 5-7 since their initial airing:

10. The Camel
9. Dave Returns
8. Leslie and Ron
7. Ron and Diane
6. Practice Date
5. Ron andTammy: Part 2
4. April and Andy's Fancy Party
3. The Debate
2. Flu Season
1. The Set Up

With honorable mentions to The Stakeout, Beauty Pageant, Leslie and Ben (actually, pretty much every episode titled "*name* and *name*"), Gryzzlbox and One Last Ride.

I am honestly shocked that The Debate isn't on anyone else's list, though. :eek:

Urban Legend
« Reply #121 on: 02-28-2015 14:58 »

That's a really good one and Rudd was so great in his guest role that season

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #122 on: 02-28-2015 15:23 »

Paul Rudd's probably my favourite recurring guest star the show's ever had. Plus, The Debate had Leslie's incredible speech, which may be her character's finest moment in the entire series, not to mention the sheer hilarity of all the other candidates (and Purd Hapley as the mediator), Ron stealing cable, AND Andy acting out Roadhouse.

It comes up early and often in every other online discussion I've seen among fans on the subject of the show's best episodes, so I truly was very surprised that no one else had mentioned it yet.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 02-28-2015 16:47 »

I, uh, debated including "The Debate" on my list, but I opted for "Campaign Shake-Up" in its place because I love Jen Barkley (Kathryn Hahn would probably be my favorite recurring guest actor, but Paul Rudd is certainly up there as well) and the water-fountain B-plot is one of my favorites.

Really, I had trouble deciding which season 4 episodes to include on my list; in a way, they're all interchangeable in their awesomeness, particularly in the second half of the season. I could just as easily have included "Campaign Ad" or "Bowling for Votes" or "Sweet Sixteen" or "Live Ammo" or "Bus Tour" in place of the S4 episodes I did choose. The second half of the season has this great momentum to it, and it's almost impossible to choose the "best" individual episodes from that kick-ass whole.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #124 on: 03-01-2015 08:59 »

That's true, I guess. And I'd forgotten which episode the water fountain sub-plot was in, which is one of my favourites, too. Such a perfect encapsulation of what a completely bizarre place Pawnee is.
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