

« on: 07-15-2012 14:57 »
« Last Edit on: 07-15-2012 14:59 »
Anyone else seen this? Just watched the first few episodes, and was constantly laughing throughout, the jokes are great, and the animation is great too. Hard to describe the show, but it's kinda like an animated version of "Eerie, Indiana", with super-detailed backgrounds and an 8-bit video game style soundtrack. 


Looks like Disney's 'Eerie' take on the digicast characterised as the 'Universal Atmospheric Element Compensator.'

Bending Unit
This is a good show, I can see the Eerie Indiana comparison, x-files for kids is a good idea when done well It looks good and the character's are well done, particularly Mabel There are lots of things going on in the background and hidden messages and codes etc "Stan is not what he seems" and I think he has some kind of mystery tattoo on his back

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

This looks interesting, there's an appeal to Otis from what he sees in this thread. Further investigation may be required...

Liquid Emperor
Holy crap, I just watched the first episode, and it was AWESOME. Futurama WHAT? I loved virtually everything about it. The animation is beautiful, the jokes worked and were funny, the story and world setup intriguing. I liked this more than Adventure Time. Mable is so cute and great. NEW FAVOURITE SHOW.
Exactly! It saddens me that nobody seems to know about this show. (At least that's what it seems like from my conversations with people.) Adventure Time deserves all the praise it gets, but I think this show deserves even more praise. Plus... Kristen Schaal...  I will love whatever you do. Mabel is such a fun character.


« Reply #24 on: 08-03-2013 15:43 »
« Last Edit on: 08-03-2013 15:46 »
The finale was amazing, crammed full of jokes, I loved "You ... calyptus trees" and "I go vacuum my face". really love this show, although the scheduling is the absolute weirdest I've ever seen for any TV show, they've somehow dragged out 20 episodes over 14 months, showing new eps seemingly at random, with random-sized breaks in-between each one. At least it has been renewed for a full second season, very very happy about that, especially considering the finale.


This show is alright, I'm kinda surprised it's on Disney though considering so many parents wont let their children watch it. It should be on like cartoon network, It would get better reviews, but don't get me wrong, I like the show.


I just watched the Time Traveler's Pig episode.
I fucking love this series. I didn't care much for the first episode, but if more episodes are like this one, then count me in! I'll start watching this!
Are their episodes like this one?
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
I just watched the Time Traveler's Pig episode.
I fucking love this series. I didn't care much for the first episode, but if more episodes are like this one, then count me in! I'll start watching this!
Are their episodes like this one?
Summerween, Carpet Diem, Fight Fighters, Dreamscaperers, and Gideon Rises if your looking for really sci-fi ones. Personally, I'd watch the entire Season in order so you can follow the minor continuity and mystery plots in it, but if you need more convincing before watching it, watch one of the first 3 I mentioned (keep in mind, the show gets a lot better after the pilot episode). Also, there's going to be a few Gravity Fall shorts on the Disney Channel starting October 14th to keep people happy between then and Season 2 (which airs late 2014  ).


I just watched Double Dipper. It was almost as good as the Time Traveler one. I really like this show so far. Some eps I don't really care for, but I like the little crush Dipper has on Wendy. I think that really picks up the show's momentum quality. Like the eps concerning him and Wendy are always the best ones.


« Reply #33 on: 09-26-2013 01:07 »
« Last Edit on: 09-26-2013 01:09 »
The Wendy/Dipper dynamic is great. I can totally relate to it!
What episodes did you not like? I can't remember any bad ones off the top of my head.
I love it. Well, the first episode didn't really have me sold on this series. I liked it, but not an entire whole lot like later episodes. But maybe that's because I got interrupted and stopped watching partway through it. I don't dislike any episodes yet, which is a miracle. I only think that a few turned out to be just good, instead of consistently great. Another episode like that was Manly tests or something like that, which started off great with Dipper trying to prove he's manly. But as soon as the barbarian creature things stepped in, it kind of got a little boring. It was still good, and I really liked the overall resolution and the subplot with Stan, but I don't know. Something about it just wasn't sold to me like alot of other episodes were. I only watched like 5 so far, I'm probably going to watch through it starting at episode 1 sooner or later.