
DOOP Secretary

*bump* New: Going NativeWhen Butters starts acting out at school, his parents realize it’s time to tell him why he's not like all of the other kids. He must travel to a foreign place to learn the ways of his people. It will be a difficult trip for a young boy to make alone so Butters chooses Kenny to travel with him to the distant and secluded island of Hawaii. FUCK YES KENNY HAS A BIGGER ROLE! And here are the preview images. 

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #83 on: 10-16-2012 21:52 »
« Last Edit on: 10-16-2012 22:24 »

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #85 on: 10-22-2012 20:10 »
« Last Edit on: 10-26-2012 12:50 »
Newww. A Nightmare on Face TimeThe boys are all ready to dress up as their favorite foursome, the Avengers, for Halloween. After months of planning their costumes, at the last minute Randy tells Stan he can’t go trick or treating with his friends. Instead, Stan has to pitch in and help his father with a new business venture. And since imgur is not working for me lately, no preview pics. Struggling to find them anyway... But there is a clip! South Park Promo - Trick or Treat

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #87 on: 10-28-2012 19:10 »
« Last Edit on: 10-28-2012 19:12 »
"A Nightmare on Face Time" was hilarious, think it's the best of Season 16 (so far). The Blockbuster/The Shining comparison was great, Kenny FUCKING SPOKE MULTIPLE TIMES (nerdgasm on my part) and although I hate to like this song, Gangnam Style was in it. GangnamStein was great too.  This was another "planned" episode (an episode the crew started before the second-half of Season 16 began to air), which goes to show if they had more time maybe we'd be getting much less shitty eps. One last point, when the ep was first revealed the title said "Facetime", but now it's been changed to "Face Time", any reason why I wonder?

DOOP Secretary

New. A Scause for ApplauseRocked by the recent news of drug use by a beloved icon, the world is left feeling lost and betrayed. The boys, join with the rest of the nation, and remove their yellow wristbands. Everyone is on board, except for Stan, who just can’t seem to cut off his bracelet.

DOOP Secretary

Last ep of Season 16! Obama Wins!Cartman is hiding something in his bedroom that could change the outcome of the entire election. While Americans innocently plan to go to sleep Tuesday night with the election results counted and a winner announced, Cartman has secretly wrestled control of the presidental election from the voters. Also, A Scause for Applause was brilliant, lots of laughs and the plot was just awesome South Park fun. 

DOOP Secretary

Hmm, winna is that you?
I'm allowed an opinion.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
Sorry Danny, I've just been struggling with having my own lately. I'm sick of it. I guess you are allowed. You also have the thing where you like things that isn't usually liked by the guys on here too, right? "I love Futurama!" "Futurama sucks balls dude, get a life." Because after that point you can't erase it from your head. 

DOOP Secretary

I've been through that, just ignore everyone. Pricks.

Bending Unit
Wow! I really like South Park,if I had to make a top 10 or 5 about my favorite shows,obviously SP would have a place, is amazing how after long time the show stills being good or at least enjoyable, unlike other shows *cofTheSimpsonscof* But this season, I have mixed feelings about it some episodes are really good but others uh...good luck for the next time  I haven't seen the newest episode,but seems like something really big and great ,well usually almost all the episodes about Cartman are really good! but talking about the past episode "A Scause for Applause",was really bad...I didn't bother to see it the full episode,same happened with "Going Native" and "Insecurity" (yeah,I know everyone LOVED it,but I don't know why but I didn't like it). And now the episodes that I really liked this season were (a top 5): 1.Cartman Finds Love (That ending kills me  ) 2.Raising The Bar3.Faith Hilling4.A Nightmare on Face Time ( even if the gangam style thing annoyed me,the rest was really good! Cartman dressed as Honey Boo Boo...er I mean Hulk was great  ) 5.I Should Have Never Gone Zipling ( because the Live Action) and I really hope be able to see the last episode of the season today,but sure was a very ok season, I can't wait for the next year!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Sorry Danny, I've just been struggling with having my own lately. I'm sick of it. I guess you are allowed. You also have the thing where you like things that isn't usually liked by the guys on here too, right?
"I love Futurama!" "Futurama sucks balls dude, get a life."
Because after that point you can't erase it from your head. 
I've been through that, just ignore everyone. Pricks.
I think you're both pretty cool. Don't worry about that shit too much, it wears off with time. Just always be concerned with being interested and interesting. Learn new things, find things you enjoy, practice things you think are cool, and always have a good time within reasonable boundaries. It's alright to take risks, but try not to be a dick too much in life; instead try to be the opposite and sometimes be a dick. After this phase in life you're in, people will learn to love you. You'll be great because of all the things you learned and practiced, and you'll enjoy life for every moment that it is; that's what people are searching for, and they'll cling to it. You'll be the awesome individual that loves hearing other people's conversations, and they'll all want to hear your input too. Try never to compromise, but it's usually okay to be quiet... go in quiet and get the guns blazing only when it's necessary. You won't just be fine in life... you'll be great at it even when the cards are fucked. It takes a long time to create your opinions, but go with them, and try to evaluate them from as many perspectives as possible. It'll give you the ability to defend yourself and define why you have the opinions you do, so you can explain them to yourself, and you'll be shoulders above the rest. Safety not guaranteed!

Space Pope
« Reply #105 on: 11-25-2012 04:44 »
« Last Edit on: 11-25-2012 04:46 »
I'd prefer it if they cancelled commercials. It's all well and good for us to complain about the quality of a show when all we do is sit on the couch and watch it. I couldn't think up a good story if I was being stabbed repeatedly in the gut by an angry gazelle. That being said, I don't think people should keep trying to create something they're no longer fully invested in just for money. Just like real life, it seemed people put more effort into making a good story when they had to spend more time and effort making animations. As technology started doing more and more of the work, people forgot how to think.  Or maybe there just isn't enough decent shit to make fun of anymore, what with nothing having really changed much in the past 5 years at the very least. Everything in life is just war, reality TV, Batman movie, war, sex scandal, reality TV, Batman.

Urban Legend
Just like real life, it seemed people put more effort into making a good story when they had to spend more time and effort making animations. As technology started doing more and more of the work, people forgot how to think.
I sort of agree with you but it's definitely not always the case. South Park only used to take a long amount of time to produce in the first few seasons. I'd say season 8 is probably the best season of the show and, at any rate, the show was still completely golden up until season 10 - and they produced those with just as much ease as they do now (more or less). I think Matt and Trey should start giving themselves more time to do an episode. It's gotta be tough coming up with an entire 23 minute show in 7 days and it clearly shows in most episodes that they are being rushed.
I completely agree with this. Matt and Trey used to be able to rush out absolute gems but they haven't shown much evidence of being able to do so in years. The last truly fantastic episodes of South Park by my reckoning were probably 200/201 and those were 2 of their episodes planned in advance and where production began on them before the start of the season. Before that, it was Imaginationland, which again had a huge deal of prep time compared to most South Park episodes, with them even animating some of the scenes in the Summer before the 2nd run of the year began when they thought it might be a film. I've not seen The Book of Mormon yet but word of mouth is fantastic and I can certainly vouch for its soundtrack as something that must, surely be amazing - and they've spent years bringing that to fruition. So it's not like they haven't got the ability to make good stuff, anymore, I just don't think they can do it like they used to. The episodes are seeming increasingly lazy, slapdash, messy and thrown together and I can't imagine it's down to anything other than their lightning-fast turnaround.