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Author Topic: If you don't have a rose get the FUDGE OUT of the South Park Thread  (Read 51019 times)
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Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #120 on: 04-10-2013 22:37 »

Now I've seen almost all episodes, and those everything changing/shit -episodes were outstanding! Little emotions there and South Park is suddenly great.

« Reply #121 on: 07-12-2013 02:47 »

What are your guys opinions on this show. i always thought the jokes were a bit corny.

Space Pope
« Reply #122 on: 07-12-2013 04:15 »

No kitty, it's my pot pie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 07-13-2013 07:10 »

Thanks for posting the link; I merged the topics :)
My Manwich

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #124 on: 07-14-2013 08:24 »

Who doesn't love Butters when he says "Awe hamburgers"?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #125 on: 07-14-2013 11:46 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2013 11:48 »

Oh, they finally revealed the DVD cover art for Season 16:

Releases 24th September in Region 1 (exactly one day before Season 17 begins) and 18th September in Region 4. No word on Region 2 yet. :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 07-23-2013 14:46 »


Bill Hader Is Writing for 'South Park' Full-Time This Season

Urban Legend
« Reply #127 on: 07-23-2013 20:31 »

I'm down for that, I'd also like to know the extent of what he wrote for before

Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 07-26-2013 18:06 »

I'm also down with that.

Season 15 was alright and I know he helped on that - but I didn't hear anything about his involvement with 16 (the worst season of the show to date).

Season 14 was great and they had Robert Popper as a staff writer then, too - so I think it does seem to impact on the show's quality.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #129 on: 07-26-2013 23:53 »

Robert Popper

He wrote for South Park?! Nice!

Urban Legend
« Reply #130 on: 07-27-2013 04:57 »

Yeah; I'm not entirely sure of the extent of his involvement, but I know he had his hand in the 200/201 saga in some capacity.

Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 07-27-2013 05:42 »

Also, didn't Norman Lear cowrite a few episodes?

« Reply #132 on: 07-27-2013 12:58 »


Bill Hader Is Writing for 'South Park' Full-Time This Season

Nice! Hader seems like he'd be good writing for a show like this.

Urban Legend
« Reply #133 on: 09-20-2013 18:16 »

So, it seems like there's going to be a Minecraft episode that makes use of the actual game engine, just as they did with World of Warcraft in "Make Love, Not Warcraft".

I don't really know how to feel about this.

On one hand, it's sort of a cool gimmick. On the other, it's the exact same gimmick that they used last time.

I would link to the promo image that they had on their official website, but it seems to have been taken down for the time being.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #134 on: 09-20-2013 23:59 »

I honestly can't find anything about that Minecraft promo you saw cyber turnip. If that actually is going to be an episode, I guess it could be cool to see South Park take on the Minecraft craze and possibly some other video games (would love to see something on GTA 5), but it'd pretty much be exactly the same as Make Love, Not Warcraft's idea. If they manage to use a different plot with just Minecraft graphics shown at times, it could be a cool episode I guess.

Also, here's a promo from South Park's Facebook page.

Maybe there'll be a stop motion episode this Season, or possibly made for a new opening?

Urban Legend
« Reply #135 on: 09-21-2013 00:51 »
« Last Edit on: 09-21-2013 01:09 »

People are talking about the TV spots airing on Comedy Central in various other message boards; but they're not online yet as far as I can tell, so I'm only spewing third-hand info. That said, there's allegedly a clip where Randy wakes Stan and asks him how to do something on Minecraft.

I assumed that that image you posted showed the Minecraft game engine at work, although, I haven't played Minecraft, so I might be completely wrong. That's a cropped version of the image I saw, though - in which the people visible at the bottom looked fairly blocky.

But yeah, now that I really look at the image, I think I might have jumped the gun a bit. It's probably from something else entirely - which begs the question, what exactly? It doesn't look like stop-start animation to me and I'm not sure if Trey and Matt would have any desire to do that - especially seeing as South Park was, technically, a stop-start show to begin with.

A new opening might make sense. They tend to update the openings fairly often and I think they've gone the longest they've ever gone without revamping it fully. They've replaced the clips each year, but they've basically been using the same opening since the second half of season 10. It could be part of some flashy opening stuff, such as the CGI that they whacked into the opening of season 4's back-half episodes.

Urban Legend
« Reply #136 on: 09-21-2013 01:20 »

Yeah, I'd take this:

as confirmation that it's from the new opening sequence. Looks like Cartman is singing his part of the opening sequence inside a 3D rendering of the bus. My guess is that it'll start with the first shot that we've seen, zoom in and the various characters will sing their parts.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #137 on: 09-21-2013 02:24 »

Woah all this looks super neat. :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #138 on: 09-21-2013 03:02 »

I like that the 3D style they've gone for, retains the show's origins as being made from cardboard cut-outs.

« Reply #139 on: 09-21-2013 04:07 »

This does look very promising. I hope this batch of episodes turn out to be as promising as these pictures look. Unlikely though, to be quite honest.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #140 on: 09-21-2013 09:34 »

Yeah, I really like how the CGI actually looks somewhat cardboard like instead of being super realistic like some of the CGI models used in the last few Season. I'm very curious for what type of remix they'll do for the South Park theme this time, assuming this actual is a new opening (kind of getting tired of the electric rock theme being used currently)? As for the quality of this Season, I'm expecting alot from it, especially with the fact that Matt and Trey have already came up with 4 episode ideas beforehand and the episodes being produced differently (more use of the other writers, being done in 1 consecutive production). Can't wait to see what will happen.

Urban Legend
« Reply #141 on: 09-21-2013 16:39 »

They normally go into a run of 7 episodes with 2 or 3 ideas in the bank, so I don't know how much stock to put in that.

But I have high hopes for this season. They've taken almost a year off to recharge, they're clearly approaching the show a bit differently this year and they're probably as aware as anyone that season 16 wasn't the greatest. Plus, that figure of 4 episodes came from back when they were promoting The Stick of Truth at E3, right? That was ages ago. They've probably got even more episode ideas by now, and they've probably developed the ones that they do have further than they normally would have done.
And, like you said, they're making more use of the staff writers than they have done in the past.

It could all prove to be exactly the shot in the arm that the show needs.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #142 on: 09-21-2013 17:05 »

Yeah, I'd take this:

Wow, that looks pretty cool. :D

It'll be nice to see the old opening sequence back again, and the 3D aspect just adds to my excitement.

« Reply #143 on: 09-21-2013 21:51 »

I'm excited for this new season. It should be really good.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 09-23-2013 21:43 »

First episode of Season 17:

Let Go, Let Gov


« Reply #145 on: 09-23-2013 21:53 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #146 on: 09-23-2013 22:11 »

I'm not too sure what to think of that description. It feels weird to be on this forum talking about the upcoming episodes of South Park again :P.

Urban Legend
« Reply #147 on: 09-23-2013 22:41 »

Nothing about that description sounds remotely interesting, but to be fair, they've hardly given anything away there. It could still be fantastic and I still have high hopes for it.
Box Incorporated

Starship Captain
« Reply #148 on: 09-24-2013 01:29 »

Clip from Let Go, Let Gov from South Park Studios.


Eh, the plot sounds pretty meh, but I could see it being good if done right. As for the clip, nothing funny, but it might just need to be seen in context.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #149 on: 09-24-2013 02:56 »

Nothing about that description sounds remotely interesting, but to be fair, they've hardly given anything away there.

Sounds like every other pre-broadcast South Park press release. :p
Lost My Phone

« Reply #150 on: 09-24-2013 04:45 »

I assume this episode will be making fun of Edward Snowden? I haven't actually followed the link, but based on the spoiler posted above and the commercial that was broadcasted by CC a few weeks ago, that sure is what it sounds like to me.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 09-24-2013 04:57 »

Man, I really need to brush up on my current events before this season begins.  :shifty:

Urban Legend
« Reply #152 on: 09-24-2013 18:09 »
« Last Edit on: 09-24-2013 18:25 »

The descriptions often sound pretty exciting - but it depends on how exciting of a base premise that the episode has and some great episodes like "Tsst" have very dull base-premises.

They've never been very good at choosing preview clips, either. I think it's just because they give some of the first bits of animation to be completed out, regardless of if it's a good self-contained gag or not.

Edit: I just watched the clip and the concept of a social network that uploads thoughts directly to the internet is actually pretty interesting. I'm surprised they didn't mention that in the plot description.

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 09-24-2013 19:10 »

They've never been very good at choosing preview clips, either. I think it's just because they give some of the first bits of animation to be completed out, regardless of if it's a good self-contained gag or not.

And sometimes the clip shown doesn't even make it to air

« Reply #154 on: 09-25-2013 02:46 »



First episode of Season 17:

Let Go, Let Gov

The Cartmam story sounds interesting, but the Butters story sounds a bit boring/strange. Not sure how to feel about it.

Urban Legend
« Reply #155 on: 09-25-2013 03:24 »

I assume it basically means that someone follows Butters on this Twitter parody.

Probably a celebrity that they want to mock.

« Reply #156 on: 09-25-2013 23:27 »

I almost forgot that South Park comes on at 10. I really hope this episode's a good one. The preview clip was meh.
Lost My Phone

« Reply #157 on: 09-25-2013 23:31 »

I'm trying to decide what I should watch at 10: South Park or Sunny. It really sucks that they're on on the same night now. :(
My Manwich

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #158 on: 09-26-2013 05:33 »

So who is getting a "shitter" account?

« Reply #159 on: 09-26-2013 06:07 »

In the beginning of this episode, Cartman sounds different to me. As did Butters. Pretty decent so far.
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