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Author Topic: Tim and Eric  (Read 1567 times)
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« on: 03-08-2012 06:43 »

Now that Tim and Eric: Awesome show, Great Job! is done and over.  I've seen Dr. Steve Brule (aka John C. Reilly) has a new show, think this show will be any good?

And if you have seen the Tim and Eric B$M yet, how was it? I didn't think it was as good as the show, but it was alright.

Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 03-08-2012 07:37 »

I had no idea their show was coming to an end. That sucks. What is "Tim and Eric B$M"- a movie?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #2 on: 03-08-2012 11:50 »

Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie.

I never really enjoyed the show much and won't be paying any of my dollars for their billion dollars.

« Reply #3 on: 03-08-2012 14:06 »

Everyone who is anyone will be at this movie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #4 on: 03-08-2012 14:15 »

Why am I not surprised that you would be a fan of Tim and Eric?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #5 on: 03-08-2012 15:07 »

yah, gotta say, tim and eric perfectly represent everything that went wrong with adult swim. Not entirely their fault, mind you, as AS basically kept being told "yeah, your shows are cheap, but could you make them, I dunno, 10x cheaper somehow?"

« Reply #6 on: 03-09-2012 05:04 »

yah, gotta say, tim and eric perfectly represent everything that went wrong with adult swim. Not entirely their fault, mind you, as AS basically kept being told "yeah, your shows are cheap, but could you make them, I dunno, 10x cheaper somehow?"

How could you say that?  That show is hilarious in all levels, and genius. I never laughed so hard to any other show before.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #7 on: 03-09-2012 05:05 »

Well, normally I'd say it with a carefully coordinated series of mouth shapes, tongue positions, and breath control, but in this case I just used my fingers to operate the keyboard.

Starship Captain
« Reply #8 on: 03-09-2012 11:39 »

Tim and Eric are funny when they're not running every joke/thing into the ground.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 03-09-2012 15:41 »

I'm pretty sure Adult Swim is deliberately catering to people who are in some way inebriated, be it booze, marijuana, cough syrup, or whatever other recreational substance.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 03-09-2012 15:55 »

I disagree. I just think most of the people making it are in some way inebriated.

« Reply #11 on: 03-10-2012 20:45 »

I'm pretty sure Adult Swim is deliberately catering to people who are in some way inebriated, be it booze, marijuana, cough syrup, or whatever other recreational substance.

That is what they do

Starship Captain
« Reply #12 on: 03-10-2012 20:48 »

I'm pretty sure Adult Swim is deliberately catering to people who are in some way inebriated, be it booze, marijuana, cough syrup, or whatever other recreational substance.

A more obvious statement these eyes have never seen. Adult Swim even plays "Happy Holidays" commercials on April 20th. Most of the shows that came and went were horrible (Saul of the Mole Men being the worst offender). There's been a couple good ones though (Aqua Teen, Children's Hospital, uhhh...ummm...oh yeah, the ill-fated Assy McGee...and uh, others...).

« Reply #13 on: 03-11-2012 02:31 »

I'm pretty sure Adult Swim is deliberately catering to people who are in some way inebriated, be it booze, marijuana, cough syrup, or whatever other recreational substance.

A more obvious statement these eyes have never seen. Adult Swim even plays "Happy Holidays" commercials on April 20th. Most of the shows that came and went were horrible (Saul of the Mole Men being the worst offender). There's been a couple good ones though (Aqua Teen, Children's Hospital, uhhh...ummm...oh yeah, the ill-fated Assy McGee...and uh, others...).

Most adult comedy channels celebrate April 20th Comedy Central, and G4.  Is there a problem that they want to catch the attention of the people that comedy means most to?
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