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Author Topic: Outrageous Prices For Food and Entertainment! (The Movie Reviews Thread)  (Read 47215 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #640 on: 05-02-2013 06:33 »

Scar Jo is a weak link for the most part but at least she wears her ass well.

Why, thank you, sir!


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #641 on: 05-02-2013 17:41 »

I saw Five Broken Cameras recently. It was an eye-opener, and it's a pity that this Academy Award nominee didn't receive the Oscar for Best Documentary. Maybe that would've prompted more of the American public to watch this, and see just how skewed and biased the American media is toward portraying events in the Israel-Palestine conflict, in the West Bank.

I was entertained and fascinated, but also disgusted. The Palestinian filmmaker did a great job in telling a story.

I also recently watched The Place Beyond the Pines. First half was very good, second half lagged. Good storytelling and acting, but the pace lagged towards the end. It's interesting how they can take some very glamorous and beautiful movie stars and make them look grubby and downtrodden (e.g., Eva Mendes and her graying hair and wrinkled skin, Bradley Cooper looking like a dufus).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #642 on: 05-02-2013 22:33 »
« Last Edit on: 05-02-2013 22:34 »

I saw Oblivion today, it was alright, nothing too amazing. The plot is just an overly-complicated version of with added action and even more science fiction tech. The movie creates a lot of questions, some of which are not answered or answered poorly, and it has a few twists but I was that confused and annoyed by the time these came around they didn't take me by surprise.

The effects are great, as is the design & atmosphere of the movie, and the soundtrack (composed by the awesome M83) is great. The coolest thing in the movie has by far got to be the drones, they are awesome/scary as fuck and the sounds they make are brilliant, I loved every scene they were in. I also liked the design of

Another annoyance is how Tom Cruise's character reacts to certain things, lots of crazy things happen to/are revealed to him over the course of the movie and he doesn't seem to really react at all, he just stays quiet and deals with it. Unless the very first revelation was that much of a shock to him he went numb and got deeply scarred.

Overall, I'd say 6 or 7 out of 10.

Space Pope
« Reply #643 on: 05-04-2013 08:46 »

Iron Man 3

Fantastic climax and the extra bit at the end seriously had me squeeing like an idiot. Also now I finally know who Guy Pearce is, he was very good and I liked his character. It felt like a long comic book, while there was kind of a lack of Iron Man at least the character of Tony Stark is still entertaining to watch.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #644 on: 05-04-2013 11:25 »

John Dies at the End

Is this where I got it from?  The second or the third time?  Rather confusing turn of events I must say, but what's there to do with time anyway?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #645 on: 05-04-2013 15:07 »

Yes. Third. Not much.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #646 on: 05-05-2013 03:18 »
« Last Edit on: 05-06-2013 13:47 »

Iron Man 3:
Extremely big disappointment. My major criticism:


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #647 on: 05-07-2013 22:19 »

Sean Bean gets his own Liam Neeson-in-Taken type role, except he's after terrorist bombers in London.
I like that the guy he's tracking isn't a one-dimensional terrorist (his backstory is shown) and Bean himself is not entirely justified as the good guy, the side of the law is just as shady in his case.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #648 on: 05-07-2013 22:23 »

I apologise for the use of nested spoiler tags. But it had to be done.


This film follows the true story of Bernie Tiede, in the town of Carthage, Texas.

He moved there to work as a mortician, and quickly became a beloved figure in the community. What unfolds is a strange, sad tale.

The film has a relatively small cast of actors, and includes a lot of interview footage with actual residents of Carthage, which really brings home that this was based on real events, and that the main character (played to perfection by Jack Black) is a real-life...

Interviews and real footage of the town are a masterstroke, as is the casting of the few people who don't appear as talking heads (all of whom are actual Carthage residents who knew Bernie).

One final note: this film is a dark comedy. It's fucking hilarious, and it's horribly sad at the same time. You'll probably enjoy it if you can sit through an hour and a half of nothing exploding without feeling cheated. You'll definitely enjoy it if you enjoy stories about people, about human relationships, and about intrigue and tragedy.

Go add it to your netflix queue, and if you don't enjoy this film once you've watched it... well, I'll cheerfully admit that I was wrong*.

*Whilst at the same time calling you a tasteless, idiotic, cunt who deserves nothing but regurgitated hollywood bullshit and endless godawful sequels, prequels, and Star Wars films directed by Michael Bay.
My Manwich

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #649 on: 05-07-2013 22:36 »

I never knew that Michael Bay directed a Star Wars film.

The more you know.  De da dee
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #650 on: 05-07-2013 22:39 »

I never knew that Michael Bay directed a Star Wars film.

He hasn't. But some people deserve to be made to watch the hypothetical shitpile which would result.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #651 on: 05-07-2013 22:54 »

De da dee


Starship Captain
« Reply #652 on: 05-08-2013 02:55 »

Iron Man 3

I was super impressed by this movie and thought it was a massive improvement over the second film. I didn't see the twist coming at all, though I might have just been blinded by Downey's insane charisma to see something that was probably obvious to many others. I also liked the little kid. Usually I find the "young kid the hero befriends" characters obnoxious, but I found the plot with him adorable. The people I saw it with found the action scenes overly long and boring, but I'm pretty sure I could watch Tony Stark kick ass and make witty barbs for hours and not get slightly tired of it.

The movie also had an extra layer of enjoyment for me since much of it was filmed where I live, so I recognized many of the places and extras!

Space Pope
« Reply #653 on: 05-08-2013 06:00 »
« Last Edit on: 05-08-2013 06:33 »

De da dee


This is how Iron Man 3 started. That by default makes it an amazing movie.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #654 on: 05-08-2013 07:10 »

Sean Bean gets his own Liam Neeson-in-Taken type role, except he's after terrorist bombers in London.
I like that the guy he's tracking isn't a one-dimensional terrorist (his backstory is shown) and Bean himself is not entirely justified as the good guy, the side of the law is just as shady in his case.

How many minutes did it take before he died?

Isn't he in a show that's Taken-esque where he dies in the trailers before the show even aired? :confused:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #655 on: 05-09-2013 17:48 »

This is how Iron Man 3 started. That by default makes it an amazing movie.

That's why it was in my head. :laff:

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #656 on: 05-10-2013 20:11 »

How many minutes did it take before he died?
He didn't! :eek:

Iron Man 3
Great 3rd instalment, enjoyed it and can't fault it really, Shane Black did a good job.
The post production 3D however was meh, might need to see it again in 2D.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #657 on: 05-10-2013 21:52 »

Star Trek

The trailer for this film was slightly misleading, and I love that they did that.

I really enjoyed this film. I went in with expectations of it being a reasonable sequel to the first of the rebooted series, and was pleasantly surprised when it met and exceeded those expectations within the first half an hour.

But, there are problems. Most of them are minor ones, but the dialogue for two characters in particular was a little clunky at points. The cameo from a classic-era Trek actor felt shoved in there for the sake of it, and the turning point in the film (when everything we know turns out to be wrong) came a little early for my taste.

Oh, and lens flare. I might be blind now.

But aside from these (pretty minor) nitpicks, it had everything that Star Trek should have. Giant spaceships battling each other like sailing ships, explosions, and Captain Kirk recklessly disobeying orders without ever receiving a punishment that sticks.

A couple of visual style tweaks make it really stand out from the previous film, and Bendyrick Crumplestache delivers a superb performance as John Harrison, the deranged Starfleet officer who sets the plot in motion (and seems to be a little bit in an angry sort of love with Captain Kirk).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #658 on: 05-10-2013 22:37 »
« Last Edit on: 05-10-2013 22:40 »

Wha--??? How is that you were able to see this movie? Unless it is released earlier in the UK than here in the US! Or you are in Beijing and found someone in a backalley selling bootlegged DVDs from a blanket?

Edit: Never mind. Just googled and saw that the release date is earlier for y'all across the pond. Hmmph.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #659 on: 05-10-2013 22:48 »

Edit: Never mind. Just googled and saw that the release date is earlier for y'all across the pond. Hmmph.

2nd May UK
9th May Germany
17th May USA

Though...if it's any comfort to you: Usually, we have to wait longer for movies in Europe. So, it's only fair you may share that experience just for once ;)
(Let me guess: It's NOT really a comfort to you, right? )

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #660 on: 05-10-2013 22:55 »

Ah it doesn't matter. It's not like I will be camped outside the theater box office the night before.
My Manwich

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #661 on: 05-10-2013 23:46 »

Sparky do not go to Wikipedia because the plot is already there.  I spoiled myself and like you I will be seeing the movie the day it is released in the states.

Space Pope
« Reply #662 on: 05-13-2013 04:54 »

Cabin in the Woods

Continuing a topic from a few months ago: finally saw this movie. Concept is really cool and I liked the parts that took place in the facility more than the actual "woods". But I thought it was more boring than anything, I mean it didn't have many moments that made me laugh out loud, I was just amused by certain things/sayings. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil was a much more enjoyable horror/comedy romp.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #663 on: 05-13-2013 21:15 »

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was a better cabin in the woods type horror comedy.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #664 on: 05-13-2013 22:03 »

Tucker & Dale vs Evil was just brillant.
I did not expect someone could come up with a funny, intelligent and witty comedy in the Southern Redneck Slasher genre :)

Space Pope
« Reply #665 on: 05-14-2013 00:49 »

Tucker & Dale vs. Evil was a better cabin in the woods type horror comedy.

Are you disapproving of yourself or my post which only agrees your post in every conceivable way?

@Hein: I loved Tucker & Dale, it is seriously an adorable movie.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #666 on: 05-14-2013 10:40 »

I disapprove of a young girl having much the same thoughts as I for fear of what that means for my own personality! :p

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #667 on: 05-16-2013 02:33 »

Side Effects
Jude Law plays a psychotherapist who meets Rooney Mara, who is still depressed after her husband (Channing Tatum) is released from prison for hedge fund crimes that reduced their well-off lifestyle to bankruptcy.
He prescribes her anti-depressant drugs which eventually lead her to commit a violent crime, and he has to prove he is not to blame.
Nice and twisty thriller!

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #668 on: 05-16-2013 20:12 »

Do they do the musical version of Evil Dead across the pond? If so and if you haven't seen it, try to see it--here they usually do it around Halloween. I only added The Cabin in the Woods to my Netflix queue because the song of the same title in the musical is so catchy.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #669 on: 05-16-2013 22:16 »

A wonderfully entertaining opinion savaging (or praising?) the new film White House Down  :D


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #670 on: 05-17-2013 19:05 »

I saw Into Darkness in 3D in IMAX and ...wow, after an hour of that, I got dizzy. I had to take my actual glasses off and just wear the plastic yellow ones. I don't know how people with perfect vision do that!

Urban Legend
« Reply #671 on: 05-18-2013 00:41 »

Just saw Into Darkness.

I think my enjoyment of the movie comes a lot from the fact that, apart from a few key moments, I've never really watched Star Trek. I have no particular dislike for it, it just doesn't float my boat. I can't review the movie as a Trekkie because I'm not one. Not at all.

That said, I think the movie was brilliant. I really like the story, I like the character development. The action scenes were brilliant. It was emotional where it needed to be, funny where it needed to be. And I think the cast is outstandingly well cast. Particularly Quinto as Spock.

The twist was interesting. I know enough of the original series to recognise why the twist was significant, though to be honest, Cucumber is such a badass in the film that I couldn't have cared less whether or not he had a name attached to him or not, but I did like the way they paid homage to the original, and I thought the way that they did it was somewhat clever. A bit predictable, but still nice to see.

For enjoyment? Thus far, it's my best movie of the year.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #672 on: 05-18-2013 02:28 »

Thanks very much for that, Nutty: a non-Trekkie friend of mine in California was debating whether to see it, and I just e-mailed him a snippet of your review.  I think he'll love it.  As for me, I'll go see it in a week or so, after the lines thin out.



Space Pope
« Reply #673 on: 05-18-2013 17:14 »

Why don't you just direct them to Rotten Tomatoes instead of one review from a random person you know online?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #674 on: 05-18-2013 20:50 »

Because I know and trust the people who post here, and I wouldn't want my friend to inadvertently come across any spoilers.  And he fits Nutty's profile, i.e.  a non-Trekkie who has watched some episodes and has an appreciation for Trek but not the depth of arcane knowledge the rest of us have.

Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #675 on: 05-18-2013 20:53 »

Why don't you just direct them to Rotten Tomatoes instead of one review from a random person you know online?

Because the "Rotten Tomatoes" reviews will most certainly be Trekkie-heavy. And -with Nutmeg as well as Tachy's friends being both non-Trekkies- her review should be one of the most suitable ones for him ;) (Lengthy contemplations how the new movie does/does not capture the originals essence will obviously not help him very much in his decision).

Space Pope
« Reply #676 on: 05-19-2013 08:03 »

I don't know if I would assume that most of the critics whose reviews Rotten Tomatoes aggregates are Trekkies. A lot of the blurbs I see there seem to come from a non-Trekkie perspective.

Also, as a long-time visitor of that website, I know for a fact that they do a very good job keeping the blurbs spoiler-free.

Urban Legend
« Reply #677 on: 05-20-2013 01:20 »

Jesus, if you love Rotten Tomatoes so much, Josh, why don't you just marry it!


I'm glad people think my review was suitable for other non-Trekkies!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #678 on: 05-20-2013 02:05 »

'Cause it'll remain illegal until Proposition :D

I still haven't seen The Hobbit part 1A or whatever it is.  I wanted to see it in IMAX but *not* in 3D and there were no theaters around with that combination.

Mr Snrub

Urban Legend
« Reply #679 on: 05-24-2013 01:01 »

Big Nothing

The plot of this film is deviously beautiful. Three terrible con artists attempt to blackmail a vicar for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and just about everything goes wrong. There are plot twists, foreshadowing and a sickening sense of satisfaction as you watch all of these ridiculously horrific events unfold. It's like a perverse game of Cluedo, but without the colourful (literally) characters. It allows for multiple watchings, that give the viewer a sense of morbid superiority by knowing which characters are trustworthy and which aren't.

The performances range from suitable to superb, with no character seeming out of place, or inserted to try and boost box office sales. Simon Pegg is slimy but lovable as Gus, David Schwimmer is more down to earth, if somewhat typecast, as Charlie, Alice Eve is perfect as the half naive, half evil Josie, and all the supporting characters play their parts as well as they could have. Big Nothing does not exaggerate its performances; nothing is camp, but at the same time, nothing is totally serious. It's supposed to be a black comedy, where the audience is forced to question themselves for laughing at the tragedies before them.

Big Nothing is a shit bust sweet Naughty Bear of a film, where you can't help but gain pleasure from the incompetence of the wannabe con men. It doesn't have the deepest plot in the world, and a couple of jokes fall flat, but it deserves better than the melancholy shrug it's receiving from movie fanatics today.

Where Big Nothing truly shines, however, is in the mirror it holds up to the average Joe. Unlike action films where an unsuspecting citizen is taken under the wing of a bad-ass, violent douchebag, Charlie never stops being innocent. he never becomes a heartless killer, even when he wants and tries to be. At the back of his mind, he's always thinking of his daughter. That's a far more powerful character than a wuss who's taught how to be cool. Essentially, Charlie represents the person we all should be in society, while Gus represents the man we want to be. Both characters have major pros and cons, and the film suggests that no matter how you try and be as a person, nothing is set in stone.

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