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Author Topic: Call Bob! We Need Some Building! (The Redeem Thread)  (Read 1322 times)
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Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« on: 02-03-2012 01:42 »

Alright, so as most of you know, some of the shows that used to be amazing now suck. (I.e The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, etc.) In this thread, post what you would do to make the shows in their former golden age once again. I for a start, would stop doing these dumb celebrity jokes in Family GUy because I barely know any of them! :( POST AWAY! :D

Urban Legend
« Reply #1 on: 02-03-2012 05:45 »

The Simpsons - I would step in as showrunner and sack most of the writing staff, picking out people who clearly knew what they were doing to stay / replace the old guys.
I'd put a ban on anything whacky to the point that it would feel out of place within say, season 4 as well as a blanket ban on celebrities appearing as themselves... for at least one season. I'd work heavily on making the show both funny again and giving it the heart is used to have in the golden years. Also, I'd look at potentially introducing some story arcs and similar other ideas to try and give the show something resembling new life. I'd also try to stick as many Futurama references into it as I possibly could for my own amusement. In other words, I'd make the show good again.

Family Guy - I'd probably cut down on the number of episodes they're producing per year so that the staff could really focus on what episodes they have. They're still capable of producing some great stuff now and again so I'd try and make sure that all of the episodes have storylines that work to a reasonable degree as well as quite simply staying funny without jokes that last 5 minutes and are only funny in a fucking with the audience, Andy Kaufman kind of way. I'd stop them from flat-out recreating moments from old movies and shows because what's the point if they're not actually going to put some jokes in. To be honest, I'd just try to bring the show back to how it was in season 4 as much as I possibly could. It's not beyond repair like The Simpsons is so it wouldn't need to find a new groove so to speak.

South Park - I'd take them away from their ridiculously quick schedule because whilst it clearly worked for a while, it seems to have started taking its toll on them. The episodes that had a bit more thought and time put into them in the last few seasons are generally speaking, far better than the rest - Imaginationland for example was something they started preliminary work on months in advance. I'd trial giving them much longer to write each episode. For example, I might give them a week to come up with an episode, then Trey would have a week to write an episode, then they'd get 2 weeks to animate it and get it ready to go. This'd mean each episode would take 4 weeks which is still absolutely nothing for animation. I might make them produce 4 episodes from each run in advance, so they're good to go, meaning that 3 episodes from each run can be completely up to date with current affairs if need be. I'd also probably hire in some more staff-writers to write some extra jokes for each episode. The concepts are usually still fantastic, but a bit of beefing up on the humour side wouldn't go amiss.

American Dad! - I'd do my hardest to avoid retreading old material, I'd use Haley more often and Stan and Steve's relationship less. I'd look at some format-bending episodes such as what I imagine this upcoming Wheels and the Legman episode to be like. I'd try and give Klaus a few episodes where he's the protagonist or at least a big part of it all. For the most part, this show's still doing fine, though.

In fact, I'd cancel all of the shows except for American Dad and just get the staff working on a endless movie continuations of the show, instead.
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 02-03-2012 14:18 »

Simpsons: Attempt to squeeze a couple more seasons out, and end it. 25 years is insane for any show, let alone animated. I'm pretty sure no other show can compete with the length of the seasons.

Family Guy: Bump over a couple writers from American Dad to help 'em along.

The Cleveland Show: End it. It's hopeless.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 02-03-2012 21:44 »

Torchwood: Season 4 should have never happened. Hopefully if they make a Season 5 it will be better

Doctor Who: The end of Season 6 (Wedding of River Song and The Doctor The Widow and The Wardrobe) were dreadful I hope that this longer break will help Steven improve his writing.
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