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Author Topic: At Long Last Leave! - The Simpsons  (Read 44146 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #160 on: 03-20-2012 03:33 »

This episode was too weird for me, but I do like that song at the end credits. What's it called?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #161 on: 03-22-2012 02:59 »

As I do about once a year, just watched the latest eps of simpsons on hulu. To my amazement, I laughed slightly more frequently than I bled from one of my face-holes (mostly the eyes, followed closely by ears.) The best thing about this show is how it manages to stay topical.

Eps I watched:
Parody of Inception (2010)
Parody of The Social Network (2010)
Parody of Avatar (2009)
Parody of Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007)

Mmmm. Topical.

Urban Legend
« Reply #162 on: 03-22-2012 04:19 »

I'm not sure if parodies of films from up to 4 years ago qualify a show as "topical". Or at least, if it does, it's the cheapest and least imaginitive way to do "topical" humour.

Space Pope
« Reply #163 on: 03-22-2012 07:51 »

It was basically just "Itchy and Scratchy Land" without the jokes.

And a gigantic plot-hole in which the robots were able to go anywhere they wanted instead of following a yellow line when it came to killing Homer. Seriously, did I miss something here?

But I mean... the show's capable of much worse.

While it doesn't usually bother me Homer's stupidness in this episode in dealing with the robots was...too stupid. I don't know normally I can tolerate or not really care about how stupid they make Homer but god...it was really annoying in this episode and I'm not sure why.

Bending Unit
« Reply #164 on: 03-22-2012 12:46 »

Last episode was the worst episode of Simpsons ever.

Urban Legend
« Reply #165 on: 03-22-2012 16:51 »

It really wasn't.

Bending Unit
« Reply #166 on: 04-14-2012 02:03 »

This Sunday, all is revealed!

Space Pope
« Reply #167 on: 04-14-2012 19:57 »

By all, do you mean "absolutely nothing"?
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #168 on: 04-14-2012 20:21 »
« Last Edit on: 04-14-2012 20:22 »

I remember in Treehouse of Horror VII when Marge called Dr. Hibbert about Hugo. She typed in the number, and we saw the first 3. Could we use that to find the location? I believe the number was 417.

Edit: There's a Springfield in there, but it could just be concidence. Still, pretty cool.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #169 on: 04-14-2012 21:17 »

Not knowing where Springfield is can make for a pretty funny gag. ( Much Apu About Nothing for example)

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #170 on: 04-14-2012 22:07 »

Made the mistake of reading comments there... People's capacity for stupidity never ceases to astound me. Groaning has explained this whole Anytown, USA thing many, many times, going back to the show's earliest years, and yet, even when he takes the time to explain it again, people either refuse to accept or fail to comprehend.  There is no secret.

Bending Unit
« Reply #171 on: 04-15-2012 01:32 »
« Last Edit on: 04-15-2012 04:56 »

By all, do you mean "absolutely nothing"?

Exactly. To be honest, after 500+ episodes, does anybody really give a crap anymore? (I'm guessing I did since I posted that :hmpf:) Plainly I agree with Gopher and Matt.

« Reply #172 on: 04-17-2012 20:40 »

I liked the Lost parody, first episode I've watched in a long time, and was pretty funny. Is the show less crap these days, or is it just a case of a few good eps scattered around an ocean of terrible?

Ideally, I'd like to start cherry-picking the best episodes to watch, no way I can be bothered to sit through all the bad ones.

Space Pope
« Reply #173 on: 04-18-2012 06:38 »

Bart making out with an older girl was kind of creepy for me. I preferred Homer's plot just because it amused me how into the show he was getting, but super harsh for Marge to spoiler everything. I would have liked to have seen him go through the whole show and get progressively more confused and upset and rage when the final episode didn't actually reveal anything.

« Reply #174 on: 04-18-2012 07:17 »

Fry and Leela, Sharing their little world...

...A little world where there are sharing their world...

Now, that is BEATUIFUL.
Dorsal Axe

Bending Unit
« Reply #175 on: 04-18-2012 17:03 »

Is the show less crap these days, or is it just a case of a few good eps scattered around an ocean of terrible?
A bit of both. The show is certainly not in its darkest period, but there are still dud episodes here and there.

Anyway, this was a decent episode. Shame some of the funniest lines got cut though. I really liked seeing AL1 ("Watch Futurama Thursdays at 10") and Fry and Leela's cameo, and I'm really intrigued at how they've been ramping up the Futurama references as of late.

Bending Unit
« Reply #176 on: 04-24-2012 01:53 »

Last night Fox celebrated their 25th anniversary with a special and pilot airings of Married....With Children and The Simpsons (Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire). But at the end of the Simpson episode, they congratulated Fox with this sweet little card similar to the one at the end of the 500th episode.


Urban Legend
« Reply #177 on: 04-30-2012 18:36 »

An odd episode this week.

Better than average for modern Simpsons (though, still bad) - but very cinematic with some nice themes and ideas thrown about and Steve Coogan, wooh!

Space Pope
« Reply #178 on: 05-01-2012 04:27 »

A lot of episodes lately are focusing on "in the future" themes like this last one did, and it was alright for a newer one (like I could probably watch it again, most of these I watch once and never desire to see them again). So the fact that they keep teasing me with these "future" scenarios only makes me want them to reboot the series by a few years. This show needs its characters to age already.

Starship Captain
« Reply #179 on: 05-04-2012 22:09 »

Started watching reruns again on tv and was pleasantly surprised at how well the older episodes hold up and how not-as-shitty-as-I-remember-and-everyone-says the newer episodes are. If I ever get a Sunday off maybe I'll catch a brand spankin' new one.

« Reply #180 on: 05-06-2012 20:33 »

I think that the past 6 newer episodes of Season 23 is something die hard Simpson Fans can deal with. They actually weren't that bad. I actually think a few of them were actually entertaining, like Them, Robots and Beware my Cheating Bart. The Simpsons would be better off having their episodes like this, because there is probably not a chance in hell that they can get to their classic greatness again, but this is a little close to it. I got bad hopes for the one coming on tonight, because it sounds like a reused idea. -_-

Bending Unit
« Reply #181 on: 05-21-2012 03:06 »

The Simpsons return to theaters...sort of.  :D

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #182 on: 05-23-2012 16:27 »


« Reply #183 on: 06-04-2012 04:20 »

I hope they wrap the show up at 25 seasons and go on with more movies like Al Jean said they would do, after the series ends.

All good things must pass, what's wrong with wanting a little finality?

Urban Legend
« Reply #184 on: 06-04-2012 06:42 »

25 would be a nice solid number, especially then Simpsons would able o be on netflix or shown on channels other than Fox. I know many Fox affiliates (mine included) that don't even air syndicated reruns any more. The sad thing is it's worth more cancelled.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #185 on: 06-12-2012 04:35 »

So I found this Nostalgia Critic video kind of interesting. He actually makes a really convincing case for
being the number one episode of all time--even though I'd probably put
ahead of it on my own list.

On an unrelated note: I hate the funky things that spoiler tags do to the format of my paragraphs. Oh well...

Space Pope
« Reply #186 on: 06-12-2012 05:58 »

Yeah that was a great episode of the Nostalgia Critic. On the message boards there people started arguing about Homer's Enemy too.

And while I agree with what he said about #1 he makes it sound like this is the ONLY episode ever to mix the comedy and tragedy. Which I think is a little silly.
Quantum Neutrino Field

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #187 on: 06-26-2012 00:03 »

I still enjoy new episodes of the Simpsons. Even if they're not as great as before, I still want to see couple of seasons more or couple well-made movies.

There is some crappy episodes that annoys me, like Lady Gaga episode. Also I'm not so excited about new episodes as I'm with Futurama.

The Simpsons movie was great, best of the Simpsons actually. I'm looking forward more movies with old writers, even if there wouldn't be more new episodes. That'd be something to wait for.

Bending Unit
« Reply #188 on: 07-03-2012 23:23 »

Realistically, when do you guys think the simpsons will end? I know that many of us want it to end, but when do you THINK it will happen?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #189 on: 07-04-2012 15:36 »

I hope the show ends in 2014, 25 years sounds good to me.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #190 on: 08-23-2012 14:56 »

Season 25 needs to be the last season, it NEEDS to be. Also, some bad news...

Justin Bieber to appear in 'The Simpsons' :rolleyes:...

Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 08-23-2012 15:26 »


Urban Legend
« Reply #192 on: 08-23-2012 15:55 »

"He tries to get into a talent show that Bart is playing piano in and they won't admit him," said Jean of Bieber's role. "Draw your own conclusions."

so he'll probably only have a handful of lines and serve no purpose to the plot.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #193 on: 08-24-2012 01:40 »

so he'll probably only have a handful of lines and serve no purpose to the plot.

Like pretty much every guest star who plays him or herself just for publicity's sake!

That's kind of an interesting thing to think about, though: How many guest stars have ever appeared as themselves in an episode and significantly advanced the plot? "When You Dish Upon a Star" revolved around Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, and "Beyond Blunderdome" was all about Mel Gibson; I suppose you could also make a case for Michael Jackson in "Stark Raving Dad," though he's not actually playing himself. And I'm sure there are a lot of other examples that are escaping me at the moment, especially from the later seasons.

In any event, though "Stark Raving Dad" is a classic and I have a strange fondness for "Beyond Blunderdome," as a general rule I'm not a huge fan of guest stars playing themselves. I might be slightly more amenable to a Justin Bieber cameo (god, it hurts my soul just to type those words out) if he were playing an actual character--but the fact that the producers presumably called that little twerp up and said, "Do you want to play yourself on this TV show that's had a greater cultural impact than you ever will, and that has in fact been around since before you were born?" just makes me ill.

Space Pope
« Reply #194 on: 08-24-2012 02:26 »

Yeah well half the time when they do have celebrities playing original characters they aren't really part of the plot anyway. Look at Jack Black's appearence. He's in the first act as a rival comic book fan who opens a store across from Comic Book Guy's store and then the rest of the plot becomes about Marge opening a Curves business. I mean I know the show often starts in one random place and ends up somewhere completely different but sometimes it can be super annoying.

Space Pope
« Reply #195 on: 08-24-2012 06:56 »

"When You Dish Upon a Star" revolved around Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger, and "Beyond Blunderdome" was all about Mel Gibson; I suppose you could also make a case for Michael Jackson in "Stark Raving Dad,"
In any event, though "Stark Raving Dad" is a classic and I have a strange fondness for "Beyond Blunderdome,"

Both great episodes. Not a fan of When You Dish Upon A Star too though? I think that one's great.

« Reply #196 on: 12-17-2012 04:31 »

The latest Simpsons episode that aired this night (12/16) had something to do with an old dog of homer's when he was a kid (6 years old they said?), and it was actually not bad. Something happens to Abe and he winds up telling the story since it "Affected Homer the most as a kid". Some things I didn't like (Homer's iPad game from the beginning was stupid, and his "side" of what happened to his dog was probably Homer's worst quote).

Now the first thing that popped up in my mind was "Jurrasic Bark". Ironic?

But overall, I kinda liked the episode except for the messed up beginning.

Space Pope
« Reply #197 on: 12-19-2012 00:59 »

I kind of liked the 'hipster' episode that aired two weeks ago. I can in a way relate to it because I feel like I'm caught somewhere in the middle of this stupid culture. I like old movies and fashions, and I do like to shop at Urban Outfitters. But I hate the hipster attitude, which was understandably exaggerated for the Simpsons, but it is spot on.
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #198 on: 12-19-2012 04:19 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2012 04:28 »

"King of the Hill" aired a hipster episode during the last season it aired. And that was several years ago. The did a pretty good job of satiring the culture too (imo, better than "The Simpsons". Arlen managed to drive away hipsters by making the neighborhood look family-friendly and welcoming.

Hipsters who shop at Urban Outfitters are bigger knobs than most other cultural divisions (rednecks, Jersey Shore followers, etc.) Hipsters are often left-leaning politics wise, often considered "anarchists" and "rebels who wouldn't drink from the mainstream". Urban Outfitters is owned by some far right-wing political campaign contributor who is just raking in money from clueless dumbasses (who probably got said money from their wealthy parents, as brought up in the "King of the Hill" episode).

But do I stop shopping at Urban Outfitters? Depends, a lot of their items in the "Apartment" department can be purchased at other, sometimes lesser-known retailers at a significantly cheaper price.

Example: Here's a "Filigree Scroll Vanity Tray" at Urban Outfitters. Here's the exact same thing at Timeless Settings for two-thirds of the price at Urban Outfitters.

Best thing to do is perform a Google search first before purchasing the item. Could save you quite a bit. For Urban Outfitters, this is quite a strategic move. Not the part about buying merchandise from somewhere else than turning a higher profit. Fact is, the types who would buy at Urban Outfitters are either hipsters or wannabe hipsters, and certainly are not going to even consider looking at a retailer aimed more towards perfume-doused elderly women.

I should probably take this observation/rant to the shopping thread, but, hey, whatever.

Urban Legend
« Reply #199 on: 12-19-2012 12:17 »

Now the first thing that popped up in my mind was "Jurrasic Bark". Ironic?
No. That isn't what irony is.

And yeah, that King of the Hill episode was much better. The Simpsons episode was terrible in my opinion - as are 99% of episodes these days.
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