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Author Topic: An unearthly thread. (Doctor Who).  (Read 43485 times)
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PEE Poll: Who is your Doctor?
William Hartnell   -0 (0%)
Patrick Traughton   -0 (0%)
Jon Pertwee   -2 (9.1%)
Tom Baker   -2 (9.1%)
Peter Davison   -1 (4.5%)
Colin Baker   -0 (0%)
Sylvester McCoy   -0 (0%)
Paul McGann   -0 (0%)
Christopher Eccleston   -7 (31.8%)
David Tennant   -4 (18.2%)
Matt Smith   -5 (22.7%)
Rowan Atkinson   -0 (0%)
Peter Capaldi   -1 (4.5%)
Total Members Voted: 22


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« Reply #520 on: 07-16-2017 17:58 »

The next actor to play the Doctor has been announced:

News Item

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« Reply #521 on: 07-16-2017 19:24 »


Also, why is Atkinson on the list?

The Master, McGann, Baker, Pertwee, Hartnell.

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« Reply #522 on: 07-16-2017 19:41 »

Okay, had no idea about Atkinson, but he might be the second best doctor, after the Master but slightly before Eccleston:


Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #523 on: 07-16-2017 22:18 »
« Last Edit on: 07-16-2017 22:27 »

BBC should immediatelly put out a message that ANY criticism on the new Doctor MUST be based on sexism alone.
This strategy certainly worked well for Sony :P

I would also like to bring back the excellent suggestion made by the revered and honourable totalnerd undercanada:

The Doctor should regenerate into a bear. Then he should go on a mauling spree throughout time and space, before finally being placated with a large, fresh, salmon.

Space Pope
« Reply #524 on: 07-16-2017 22:39 »

I haven't seen a single episode since The Husbands of River Song. I'll probably make it a point to watch Capaldi's last season, I truly did like him a lot as the Doctor.

I'm very, very cool with the new Doctor being a woman...that said I don't know if I can really maintain interest in the show itself. I wish it would just end but I know that will never happen.

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« Reply #525 on: 07-16-2017 23:19 »

I like the bear idea.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #526 on: 07-17-2017 00:29 »

I like the bear idea.

I would also recommend Tnuc as the future showrunner. He is the only one I consider capable of coming up with suggestions that will ultimately be too crazy (in a positive way) even for Doctor Who standards.

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« Reply #527 on: 07-17-2017 01:08 »

He would be good, but I also trust Zach Snyder.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #528 on: 07-20-2017 21:02 »

Rumors are surfacing of Kris Marshall becoming the 13th Doctor companion. Do not know him, but - from the reaction I keep on getting on the Doc Who fanboards- that guy must be REALLY popular (irony).
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #529 on: 07-22-2017 22:16 »

Could also belong in the "Gone, but not forgotten thread", but as it is very Doc Who specific....


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« Reply #530 on: 07-22-2017 23:24 »

The intersection of Doctor Who with my life has been rather sporadic, going back to the early or mid 1970s and thus I cannot recall Ms. Watling with any clarity.  My condolences to her family and friends.  The period during which I watched it semi-religiously had Tom Baker playing the role, and much like a duckling imprints on its mother, Tom will always be the person who comes immediately to mind whenever I hear "Doctor Who".

Before I touch on the most recent maelstrom, a couple of points regarding my general views to give context. I grew up loving Star Wars (yes, I got a rather late start in life in terms of growing up) and the fact that the two most recent films stared women in the lead roles was certainly no shock or surprise and I loved the characters a great deal.  And in fact, I relate very strongly with the Rey character.  In general, movie reboots really grind my gears regardless of the casting, and I was offended that rather than do a spinoff of the iconic Ghostbusters film the recent reimagining simply trod the same ground as the original, but with a different cast, which happened to star women in the lead roles.  Some reboots which dive more deeply into aspects of the original film can be great, e.g. The Thing remake by John Carpenter was phenomenal and changing the feel of the story from the unseen, unknown menace to an overtly explicit one held up well in that case, I thought.  But if someone remade Jaws I would be incensed!

As to The Doctor regenerating as a woman, the prospect itself doesn't faze me in the slightest.  My knowledge of Ms. Whittaker is zero, and if she can play the part in an exciting and convincing manner then I'm looking forward to watching her portrayal.  I'd never seen Mr. Capaldi before, and I think he's done a marvellous job with the role, keeping faith with the subtle timing of The Doctor's speech.

To me, the gender of The Doctor is of trivial significance compared to their character as a person, non-human though they may be.

You want to remake Rocky, but with a woman in the role?  Then you're an idiot.  Same goes for a straight-up remake of Spiderman or Thor or The Hunt for Red October or any other film where the the character's gender is an integral component of the role (in my view).  But as for Doctor Who?  Sorry, but I don't see the equivalence with role of The Doctor.  Doctor Who, to my mind, is a subtly alien protagonist who manages to demonstrate to humans what true humanity is all about, and help them find that humanity within themselves.  And you cannot say that my views are what they are simply because of how I was shaped by growing up in a culture of politically-correct revisionism, as I'm considerably older than any of you and was raised by primarily conservative parents.  Parents who themselves grew up when there were still veterans of the Civil War around.  Yes.

If you're aghast and offended by the fact that a woman is going to play The Doctor, search your feelings, identify the source of the conflict within you, and let go of your hate.  Give it a chance!


« Reply #531 on: 07-23-2017 00:27 »

Personally I feel that on the whole Missy worked well as a female incarnation of The Master, so there should be no reason why the same could not apply to The Doctor. Of course much will depend on the script, but if handled right there shouldn't be a problem.

"My" Doctor was Pertwee, so Deborah Watling was also before my time, but I did watch Danger UXB, so would have seen her in that, although my recollection of the cast is fuzzy after all this time. RIP.

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« Reply #532 on: 07-23-2017 00:47 »

The Master is the morally positive character with a strong desire to make the cosmos a better environment with which to live in.

At best, Dr Who is ethically apathetic, and at worst a morally bankrupt machiavellian villain whose arrogance and self-righteousness consistently brings the very existence of reality to chaos, if not barely escaping complete obliteration.  It makes no sense to me why the Time Lords, collectively do not sensibly decide that suffering the life of Dr Who is begging for all of life in the cosmos to be constantly tortured at the fingertips of a dangerous lunatic who stole the keys to the most powerful weapon of war ever conceived. 

Whether male or female, it plagues me to no logical end that whole civilizations, civility being the operative keynote here, not only give free reign to this individual so curious in tampering with the threads of existence, but also give aid in the destructive behavior Dr Who engages in, even as the Dr earnestly shrugs off the lives of their comrades in a systematic, clinical manner.

Source: every episode of Dr Who.

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« Reply #533 on: 07-23-2017 06:35 »

winna!  That's brilliant! :D

I'm really mostly a casual fan, and catch the odd episode nowadays.  Every once in a while the BBC will show Song of the Ood, Waters of Mars, and The End of Time together.  And even though I don't catch every reference, it's just overwhelming.  In a good way :)


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« Reply #534 on: 07-23-2017 21:42 »

I presume that the videos of Dr Who the public are allowed to view--the BBC keeps many of these "lost" episodes in a vault--is that it is used as a propaganda tool to keep the masses away from the real truth.  To paint a picture of the Master, a proponent for intragalactic and intergalactic peace (via simple established protocols and schemes so that the Master may share his happiness and peace with all living things) in a very negative light.  The videos also serve as a remainder to the average person that they have little control, power to alter themselves and their environment in a mutually beneficent manner, and to placate their minds in their weaknesses by comparison, so that the world governments can hold their iron will indefinitely and without opposition.  Since the world governments (Great Britain, Scotland, the United Emirates of the Congo, the Illuminati, People's Democratic Republic of China, the USSR, Chile, the United States of America) cannot control Dr Who, a chaotic catastrophic actor, instead they utilize the actions of the Drs life as a means to uphold their own obsolete institutions without being heeded by peaceful citizens wishing rightful cohabitation via a manner which cannot be morally argued against under any logically built framework.

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« Reply #535 on: 07-24-2017 18:57 »


« Reply #536 on: 07-24-2017 23:20 »

That looks promising.

On a related note, references to Dr. Who trivia really should be annotated as "Correct at time of going to press."

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« Reply #537 on: 08-23-2017 18:44 »

Current rumour is that Bradley Walsh is going to be the companion to Jodie Whittaker's Doctor, which is a fantastic choice, in my opinion.

Who doesn't like The Chase? :D

« Reply #538 on: 08-24-2017 00:51 »

I haven't heard of him before, but people on the internet are (predictably) upset about it?

As for me, I watched this one YouTube video of him and am on board if the rumor is true.

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« Reply #539 on: 10-21-2017 21:07 »


Between this and the war doctor, my theory about who being the villain holds more and more water with each passing moment.

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« Reply #540 on: 10-23-2017 07:48 »

New cast members announced.

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« Reply #541 on: 07-19-2018 22:23 »

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