
DOOP Secretary

The Night of the Doctor
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
I saw that clip on youtube, it having been linked by somebody on Facebook. It was good to see McGann as the doctor again, but a real shame that almost as soon as we're re-introduced to him, he regenerates. I'd have liked to see a season of McGann. Agreed! Anyone catch the Brian Cox/Doctor Who lecture BTW?
I'm planning to iPlayer it at some point.

DOOP Secretary

I just watched The Day of the Doctor; what a cracking episode! If you haven't seen it yet hurry up and watch it before you read any spoilers!

DOOP Secretary

Most people had no clue about what was going on in The Time of the Doctor, nor did I. That regeneration was way too fast, so lame. 
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Most people had no clue about what was going on in The Time of the Doctor, nor did I. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean that it isn't logical, consistent, perfectly simple, and enjoyable. I suggest that you re-watch the Moffat/Smith run, and take careful note of the connections between the three arcs. Then, you might actually understand that throughout most of the episode, almost nothing is not thematically significant. It was really rather damn good.

DOOP Secretary

I haven't really enjoyed Doctor Who that much since Series 5.  Matt Smith was a great Doctor, but the way the show has been handled has really put me off of it. 

DOOP Secretary

That regeneration was way too fast, so lame. 
The dramatic aspect had already been done earlier in the episode, and repeating a long scene with the same theme would have dampened the impression meant to be left by the final speech. I thought it was brilliant; it happened so suddenly I nearly fell out of my seat in shock. Overall, it was an alright episode, although I consider myself spoiled by the high standard set by The Day of the Doctor. Plus, so many drama-heavy stories are beginning to be a drag -- I want more lighthearted fun to return. Only one thing confused me, and that was given what the Silence are supposed to be, wouldn't it be a better design for them to forget you, rather than the other way around? Assuming the Church's intentions are benevolent, which is certainly debatable. I am a bit disappointed that Omega wasn't behind the whole thing.
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #457 on: 12-27-2013 19:32 »
« Last Edit on: 12-27-2013 20:39 »
Yeah. For me, the show hasn't been as good since Matt Smith took over. The Doctor's Wife was the last episode I genuinely liked from his tenure, but we'll see if Peter Capaldi's Doctor can get me interested in the show again.
Smith acting was quite okay, though the writing did not do him justice. There have always been occasional episodes in which the Doctor just hangs on for the ride, while the significant actions are performed by other. Yet, with Matt, the writers just overdid it. He was too often a mere spectator, who got not too much done by himself. Also, the Doctor used to be an older or at least middle aged guy. I considered Tennant really young, but it turned out he really knew how to handle the character. Matt Smith really took the Doctor's age to the extreme. It was not easy to accept that someday, pro soccer players were all younger than me. Okay. But -from season 5 on- suddenly EVEN DOCTOR WHO WAS YOUNGER THAN ME????? Good to have Capaldi 

Space Pope
I watched the episode very drunk and tired at the end of Xmas day and spent the hour either drifting off to sleep or wondering why there were 6 Matt Smith dancing in front of me. I imagine I'll enjoy when I get a chance to watch it awake and sober. What I did watch awake and sober was An Adventure in Space and Time, a dramatisation of the making of the first few series of Dr Who (the Hartnell years basically), which was a very entertaining 90 minutes (the random non-speaking cameo bit at the end was kind of odd but otherwise it was excellent). The lookalike for Jacqueline Hill was just amazing.


I hope this is more than just a token nod toward the early Doctors. I would really like this incarnation to be a modern version of the third Doctor: there are hints of the Pertwee years in that picture.

DOOP Secretary

I have a feeling Capaldi will do a fine job; it is just a pity the BBC made such a show of introducing 'The New Doctor' rather than having us learn that he was to be The Doctor when he first appeared in the show... I guess somebody would have spoilt it before it aired though.

DOOP Secretary

Capaldi is going to be a really good Doctor. I will be looking forward to it.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #472 on: 07-07-2014 15:51 »
« Last Edit on: 07-07-2014 15:55 »
The scripts for the first 5 episodes of series 8 have leaked online, I have the link if anyone wants me to PM it to them. And for anyone who wants the episodes' titles & their respective writers: 1: "Deep Breath" by Steven Moffat 2: "Into the Dalek" by Phil Ford 3: "Robots of Sherwood" by Mark Gatiss 4: "Listen" by Steven Moffat 5: "Time Heist" by Steve Thompson

DOOP Secretary

*bump* BBC have released all episode titles, writers and directors for series 8: Episode 1: Deep Breath Written by Steven Moffat Directed by Ben Wheatley
Episode 2: Into The Dalek Written by Phil Ford and Steven Moffat Directed by Ben Wheatley Introducing Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink.
Episode 3: Robot Of Sherwood Written by Mark Gatiss Directed by Paul Murphy
Episode 4: Listen Written by Steven Moffat Directed by Douglas Mackinnon
Episode 5: Time Heist Written by Stephen Thompson and Steven Moffat Directed by Douglas Mackinnon
Episode 6: The Caretaker Written by Gareth Roberts and Steven Moffat Directed by Paul Murphy
Episode 7: Kill The Moon Written by Peter Harness Directed by Paul Wilmshurst
Episode 8: Mummy On The Orient Express Written by Jamie Mathieson Directed by Paul Wilmshurst
Episode 9: Flatline Written by Jamie Mathieson Directed by Douglas Mackinnon
Episode 10: In The Forest Of The Night Written by Frank Cottrell Boyce Directed by Sheree Folkson
Episode 11/12 Dark Water/Death In Heaven Written by Steven Moffat Directed by Rachel Talalay
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #474 on: 08-24-2014 10:58 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2014 20:26 »
Watch the theatrical premiere of "Deep Breath" yesterday. Might need some more time for it to settle, but right now, I am inclined to give it a B rating + Strax intro was one of the greatest humor wise (Strax was outstanding in the beginning). + Capaldi's more reckless/distanced approach leads back to earlier, older Doctors (as I stated before: Tennant was already very young, and Smith too it to extremes. A development that could not carry on forver). + The script provided an interesting surreal background (a dinosaur in Victorian London, steam punk like robots, and a dectective story like search....yep, sufficiently absurd). - The overall story was a bit repetitive: Vastra, Jenny and Strax have been a tad overused in the past. Existing characters AND the Madame de Pompadour ship repair aspeects made the episode look a bit "recycled" (which admittely fitted the robot repairs). - The Doctors regeneration was a bit "random": He walked around confused (understandable), but randomly turned to normal when the plot needed it. -/+ Not too sure what to make of the new intro. The clockwork setting obviously went well with the Victorian theme, but overall looked to human.
All in all -despite lacking in some details- still an above average episode.

DOOP Secretary

The episode was the first one I have laughed at multiple times in many, many years. Capaldi is quite funny in places, however, I found his confused state and craziness at the start to be quite distracting. I think they focused too much on comparing him to Matt Smith and stressing the differences between the two, especially with that cameo towards the end, which is basically Matt telling the fangirls of the show to stop worrying that he's gone. I found myself more interested in the cyborg/robot character, and that whole thing about the Promised Land. Clara was also pretty bearable for this episode. I'm a fan of the new opening, more so the 80s-vibe of the new theme arrangement. The visuals, I can take them or leave them. Also: two sex references? It doesn't bother me personally, but this is a show targeted at a young audience. Sure it'll go over their heads, but even so. People complain that the monsters aren't scary enough and that there isn't enough violence and all that, and the writers/directors/whoever always come back with "but it's a kid's show!". Okay, so we're allowed sex jokes but no violence?
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #477 on: 08-24-2014 22:18 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2014 22:19 »
Strax is my new favourite character ever.
I just imagined Strax replying something that "Sontarans do not care about the appreciations of puny humans", pausing a bit, to inquire -just out of interest- WHAT exactly it is that makes him the most appreciated character  Btw..question to all those who saw it on TV: Did the episode also start with Strax giving a briefing about the various Doctors, are did it start with the dinosaur in London ?
Inquisitor Hein
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #479 on: 08-24-2014 22:50 »
« Last Edit on: 08-24-2014 22:51 »
Okay, then this one seemed to be cinema exclusive. Pity, cannot find it online. but it was an hilarious introduction of Strax describing (and insulting) every Doctor. E.g. the Third as "Half man, half granny", or Ecclestone "...and when the call came, he was all ears". Strax paused, tried to supress a chuckle, and then burst out "ALL EARS! You get it? ALL EARS!" while showing various pics of Eccelstone (with -surprisingly- a focus on the ears). I REALLY hope that one will be on blueray. Was hilarious... 