
DOOP Secretary

Maybe he's thinking of the time when it was stated that none of the cast members wouldn't be coming back??

DOOP Secretary

I came in here to share this (Level 7 on Relaxed mode, it really is cool), but instead I saw this: Maybe he's thinking of the time when it was stated that none of the cast members wouldn't be coming back??
Please, for the love of all that is holy... Read this...

DOOP Secretary

I know what a reboot is weiner, that's why I said was close.

DOOP Secretary

Whatever, no matter what I say you guys will always believe you are right.
Maybe you are a lot of the time, but not always.

DOOP Secretary

Whatever, no matter what I say you guys will always believe you are right.
Well yeah. If I believed I was wrong then I wouldn't believe the thing that was wrong. Unless I wanted to be wrong on purpose.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
The only way I think this could work is if it were done like maybe a musical. That, or make it canon in the context of the TV series and use the appropriate actor(s) to play the Doctor. I'd love to see Matt Smith and Christopher Eccleston (possibly even David Tennant) running into each other, saying something with timey-wimey ramifications and then teaming up to save a doomed spaceship or rescue an alien civilisartion from the Master, or kick the psychological shit out of a battalion of Sontarans, or face a horde of cybermen, or outwit a cunning group of Daleks who have decided to wipe out Gallifrey before the Time Lords existed.
Shit yeah. That's what I want. I want to see as many Doctors as possible running around Gallifrey trying to kerbstomp the Daleks plan and prevent the timelock that turned the Time Lords into galactic douchebags. I want to see Rassilon, I want to see Omega. I want the Doctor to somehow twist time so that everything from the end of the time war forms part of a closed loop and we're left with Eccleston, the other two regenerations having happened but not happened at the same time, and three new seasons of Doctor Who starring Eccleston and... let's say Donna, Rory, and somebody new. Some kid. Because, dammit, Eccleston is fantastic and doesn't need Billie Piper staring at his arse to convey that. Donna was the least sexualised of the RTD companions, and with everything since 2005 becoming unwound, Donna would actually be able to join Eccleston on an amazing series of bizarre adventures. Rory is far more interesting than Amy, and if he gets to go off with Eccleston for three years or so before he has to go back to Leadworth and marry her, he can develop that badassness without having had to have been a gay plastic robot for 2000 years. Some supergifted kid could be picked up at some point to provide the Doctor with an intellect closer to his own to play off of.
With new arc-episodes and things like four-parters and the sinister undertones that perhaps all is not right with the universe and the hands of the Master (Derek Jacobi) are reaching across time and space to seize the Doctor once more...
I like the idea of having McGann regenerate into Eccleston at the end. Let's add that in there.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #133 on: 11-18-2011 00:25 »
« Last Edit on: 11-18-2011 00:27 »
A little bit for tommorow The special Doctor who mini-episode was recorded yesterday at BBC Television Centre in London, this is the first time Doctor has been filmed there for an episode since Ghostlight, completed in 1989. It was directed by Richard Senior (Let's Kill Hitler).
The episode is written by Steven Moffat, and sees the Doctor offering viewers the chance to win his tweed jacket (as seen in The Doctor's Wife), bow-tie as well as other items, which will be added to the charity's online auction; the winning bidder will also receive a signed copy of the script.
Matt Smith said I'd say the tweed jacket or the bow-tie are the most iconic - although the boots are my personal favourite. I hope people donate generously for BBC Children in Need because it's a wonderful cause - and we've got to beat last year's total.
Items also in the auction include art work from the cast of The Sarah Jane Adventures: Tommy by Anjli Mohindra, Anjli by Tommy Knight, Odd Bob by Tommy Knight, Shansheeth, Anjli Mohindra, The Groske, Daniel Anthony and The Empty Planet, Anjli. There are also signed Pudsey Bear dolls from John Barrowman (Jack Harkness) and Jo Joyner (Lynda). The auction closes on Monday.
The title of the Christmas Special will also be revealed during the evening, with an exclusive preview of the episode scheduled for between 8:00-8:30pm! so its a busy night for Whovians!and here's some pictures http://www.flickr.com/photos/combomphotos/sets/72157628022242891/

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #139 on: 11-18-2011 20:23 »
« Last Edit on: 11-18-2011 20:25 »
I wish! But I don't think she'll be in it seeing as she left and all.. Here's some bits about the Xmas special. From Steven Moffat - ...This episode contains the words "looms", "panthers" and "wish", and the line "Watch and learn, kid." followed by a loud crash. And frankly, if you can’t figure out who says that line and does the crashing, you’re watching the wrong show.
Marcus Wilson tells us nothing new and most of what he says was already said about last years Christmas episode, yes some of us remember, expecting the same again for next year etc.
Marcus Wilson on series 7 - There’s a real range of stories. The ambition of these scripts is huge. Steven has pitched kind of Blockbuster ideas.”“We’ve got a couple of returning monsters, some old fan favorites – but we’re going to move them on a bit. That’s how they were done in the 60’s and 70’s, here’s what we can do with them now.

DOOP Secretary

I got the wardrobe reference and the Doctor's direct quote from Digory Kirke right away, then saw what the title was going to be and felt promptly disappointed that I wasn't going to have an opportunity to feel all clever and impressed with myself. Also, some unrelated, possibly linked to before media content: the Ballad of Russell and Julie.

DOOP Secretary

So the Doctor Who movie will NOT be a reboot or spin-off according to Steven Moffat. He says whoever is the Doctor on TV at the time of the movie's production, they will be the Doctor in it. More here.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #147 on: 12-11-2011 20:47 »
« Last Edit on: 12-11-2011 20:59 »
Two lost episodes have been found Galaxy 4 part three and The Underwater Menace part two have been found, sadly these do not complete any storys, and neither is likely to feature high on a fan wish list, but any find is a marvel after so many decades and each episode has its own merits. 108 episodes were - until now - missing from the BBC archive, so its 106 now  The BBC restoration team are busy with them ATM. Both where found in the collection of Terry Burnett, who used to be an engineer at TVS (the former ITV franchise based in Southampton), which proves the chances of finding material is still possible! Clip from Galaxy4Clip from The Underwater Menace

DOOP Secretary

Which will have deteriorated to the point of being unrecognisable as anything other than faint static. You need to read Synthespians™. Very good story, and it has a bunch of Autons in it.

DOOP Secretary

I don't like them. Never really like Amy. Rory has been alright until recently.