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Author Topic: An unearthly thread. (Doctor Who).  (Read 43388 times)
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PEE Poll: Who is your Doctor?
William Hartnell   -0 (0%)
Patrick Traughton   -0 (0%)
Jon Pertwee   -2 (9.1%)
Tom Baker   -2 (9.1%)
Peter Davison   -1 (4.5%)
Colin Baker   -0 (0%)
Sylvester McCoy   -0 (0%)
Paul McGann   -0 (0%)
Christopher Eccleston   -7 (31.8%)
David Tennant   -4 (18.2%)
Matt Smith   -5 (22.7%)
Rowan Atkinson   -0 (0%)
Peter Capaldi   -1 (4.5%)
Total Members Voted: 22


Space Pope
« on: 10-08-2011 01:52 »

It's the best DW thread title ever! Credit to whatshisname with the hat.



Starship Captain
« Reply #1 on: 10-08-2011 01:58 »

Eccelson. But the new guy is great. I completely skipped Tenant. Didn't like him at all.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #2 on: 10-08-2011 02:02 »

It's the best DW thread title ever!

It should be the first Doctor Who thread ever.

I voted for Matt Smith, because he reminds me so much of a mixture of the first three and the eight doctors, possibly with a dash of numbers four and seven in there, and he's just brilliant. But prior to Smith I'd've been torn between Eccleston, McCoy and Tom Baker.

Only Davison and Tennant stand out to me as particularly worth of criticism, to be honest - and Tennant did have some brilliant episodes. Davison's were mostly pretty meh.

Space Pope
« Reply #3 on: 10-08-2011 02:05 »

You didn't get the point of my question. I asked who was your Doctor, not who was your favourite. And I'm afraid that makes me a PD man (which doesn't stand for personality disorder - I hope).

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #4 on: 10-08-2011 02:06 »

tnuk: did you pick which doctors to single out for criticism based on which ones had already received votes, or was that just a happy coincidence?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #5 on: 10-08-2011 02:25 »

Dammit, Gopher. Stop broadcasting my secrets or I'm going to have to take a pipewrench to you.

Yes, I don't have a massive problem with Davison or any of his episodes like I do with Tennant and some of his. Yes, I was hoping to raise an impassioned defense of Davison and Tennant that I could then try to pick apart because I can't sleep.

I'm sorry. But not as sorry as you'll be, next time you point out to people what I'm up to.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #6 on: 10-08-2011 02:26 »

I can't be held responsible for the words that come out of my mouth!

Urban Legend
« Reply #7 on: 10-08-2011 02:30 »

Matt Smith, forever and always.

Nah, he's the one who got me into the series with such enthusiasm although I had previously watched and enjoyed several episodes. Both Eccleston and Tennant stand out for me because I'm more familiar with New Who, but there are several that I've watched from the previous Doctors and I am fond of a couple of them, particularly Tom Baker.

But yeah, Matt Smith is above and beyond my favourite from what I've seen. Quirk and charm with a little more than a bit of darkness thrown in there. I love it. And him. Scary amounts.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #8 on: 10-08-2011 06:18 »

You didn't get the point of my question. I asked who was your Doctor, not who was your favourite. And I'm afraid that makes me a PD man (which doesn't stand for personality disorder - I hope).

That would make mine Sylvester McCoy then.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #9 on: 10-08-2011 06:44 »

I swear we had a thread with the same poll.  What am I missing?  I haven't seen Mr. Smith so I voted for TB.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #10 on: 10-08-2011 12:02 »

Yay I can finally vote in the poll... :D

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #11 on: 10-08-2011 12:30 »

Tom Baker is the only real doctor.  Anyone who disagrees has never traveled in time with Tom Baker in his TARDIS and is dumb. :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #12 on: 10-08-2011 18:04 »

Tough choice between Smith and Eccleston. Had to go with Smith though, he just has that little extra something that makes him brilliant.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 10-08-2011 19:32 »

I'm glad to see some love for Chris, I didn't expect anyone on PEEL to like him... :shifty:
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #14 on: 10-08-2011 20:18 »

I'm glad to see some love for Chris, I didn't expect anyone on PEEL to like him... :shifty:

Eccleston was fucking brilliant. A very worthy Doctor, and it's just a shame that he was only there for one season. He's got some of the best episodes of the entire classic + Nu Who run.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #15 on: 10-08-2011 20:23 »

Exactly. He's my favourite Doctor, probably because I grew up watching him and he was the first Doctor I'd seen. And he reminds me of my Dad a little. :O_o:
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #16 on: 10-08-2011 20:33 »

Now watch 28 Days Later. If Christopher Eccleston still reminds you of your dad, then your dad is very fucking scary.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #17 on: 10-08-2011 20:34 »

Yes, yes I've seen both 28 Days/Weeks Later, I mean how he looks and the fact that he's from up North.

And he didn't mean to rape the women, he made a promise and tried to keep it, even though he kind of turned evil.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #18 on: 10-08-2011 21:44 »

Doctor Who pictures I found when I GIS'd "Doctor Who motivational".

The Worst Doctor.

Tom Baker's face is just brilliant here.

But it's even better here.

Composite of all the Doctor's incarnations.

Not sure that this qualifies as art, but who am I to judge?

I'm sure everybody's seen this already, but I love it.

Taste them indeed.

Remember when the Doctor's Assistant or Companion was more than just a pretty face?


What. The. Fuck?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #19 on: 10-08-2011 21:58 »

But it's even better here.

Lol'd hard.

Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 10-09-2011 04:44 »
« Last Edit on: 10-09-2011 04:48 »

For if it was favorite Doctor it's a toss up between Tom Baker and Matt Smith. For my Doctor well then it's a toss up between Tennant and Smith. But I like Smith more than Tennant and therefore voted Smith instead of Tennant. I just prefer him. Eccelston is very good but seeing how my first episode ever of Doctor Who was Father's Day it threw me off the series until Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit.  Just because they were very interesting episodes. I never really liked Rose. Yes I was a Tennant fan girl for a while but Smith is so much better and I love most of the original Doctors I think that the only one who I have seen nothing of is John Pertwee I've seen stuff from every other Doctor. And have stuff from every other Doctor.

I'll read the rest of the posts here when I'm not so damn tired.

Not sure that this qualifies as art, but who am I to judge?

That's just sexy. I'm ignoring the caption.

As for the Doctor Who D&D alignments I had not seen that before.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #21 on: 10-09-2011 05:44 »

a toss up between Tom Baker and Matt Smith

The mental image that conjured up. I don't think you want to know.

Space Pope
« Reply #22 on: 10-10-2011 04:52 »

I think I do. Was it a sexy mental image tnuk? If it was sexy I want to know. Otherwise keep your disturbing images to yourself.

Doctor Nyan I found this through my friends. I found it entertaining for a few seconds.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #23 on: 10-10-2011 21:34 »

If you find the idea of Tom Baker and Matt Smith masturbating onto each other sexy, then it was a sexy mental image. If not, pretend you didn't read that.

Personally, I found it disturbing, and I hope that everybody else did too.

Urban Legend
« Reply #24 on: 10-10-2011 21:53 »

Not sure that this qualifies as art, but who am I to judge?

That's just sexy. I'm ignoring the caption.

I agree muchly. Back off, he's mine.


I have to wonder where the two missing doctors from the alignments would fit in. I reckon Matt would fit somewhere around Chaotic Good... I dunno though.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 10-10-2011 22:38 »

Yeah that sounds about right. He always struck me as one of the most erratic. Which is why he's my favorite Doctor.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #26 on: 10-10-2011 22:45 »

Neutral Good or Neutral, I think. For Smith.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #27 on: 10-10-2011 23:30 »

In general, I'd consider the Doctor to be Chaotic Good. The Master would be Chaotic Evil, and the Time Lords overall Lawful Neutral.

The Daleks would be Neutral Evil, most likely, and the Cybermen closer to Lawful Evil.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #28 on: 10-10-2011 23:43 »

Alternative version.

Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #29 on: 10-10-2011 23:44 »

I will never forget that David Tennant was my first Doctor thanks to a crazy friend of mine who would often mention him years ago, while Tennant was still on the show. I had no idea what the show was back then and thought she was mad for wanting a sonic screwdriver. I thought it was some special real thing (and technically, now it IS a real screwdriver; more on that in a sec). So I kinda forgot about it after high school was out and my friend stopped sending video clips. THEN..... Got into the show not too long ago thanks to a clip of Matt. I then asked myself "Why did I not discover this sooner!?" and started sitting down all afternoon to watch these things. Just finished up Tennant's (IMO) brilliant run, and I'm starting on Matt's. Tom was a great Doctor too. After seeing the clip of 11th oddly enough I search YouTube for anything I could find, and got two whole archs of Tom. Quite a charming show back in the day, I must say. Now it's dark and junk which I'm also cool with. I wish Eccleston got more credit than he does. He was damn brilliant. I felt kinda bad for skipping him for Tennant first. :laff:

Nutmeg: You will share him, and you will share him NOW.

Space Pope
« Reply #30 on: 10-11-2011 08:41 »

In general, I'd consider the Doctor to be Chaotic Good. The Master would be Chaotic Evil, and the Time Lords overall Lawful Neutral.

The Daleks would be Neutral Evil, most likely, and the Cybermen closer to Lawful Evil.

Meddling Monk as Chaotic Neutral?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #31 on: 10-11-2011 17:11 »


Space Pope
« Reply #32 on: 10-11-2011 17:39 »

Nutmeg: You will share him, and you will share him NOW.

She better share him cause I want him too.

Tnuk you need to stop imagining stuff like that. You'll stop being able to sleep because you are haunted by those images.

Space Pope
« Reply #33 on: 10-11-2011 18:30 »
« Last Edit on: 10-11-2011 18:38 »

So, Xanfor, we need Lawful Good, Neutral Good and True Neutral to complete the set. I confess I am rather stuck.

Hmmm, maybe UNIT for lawful good... White guardian for true neutral ('cause despite his remit, he does seem to like to maintain the status quo)... Now neutral good, neutral good... erm... K-9?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #34 on: 10-11-2011 19:10 »

I thought of the White Guardian for True Neutral, but I think he'd be better suited for Neutral Good. As his counterpart, the Black Guardian would be Neutral Evil.

UNIT is definitely Lawful Good. I can't think of a True Neutral.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #35 on: 10-11-2011 20:54 »

UNIT is clearly Neutral Good. They're known to ignore laws if they need to.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #36 on: 10-11-2011 21:03 »

UNIT occasionally ignores the laws of others, but doesn't it tend to obey its own?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #37 on: 10-11-2011 21:08 »

following only the laws you make up does not a lawful person make.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #38 on: 10-11-2011 21:12 »

Lawful Good simply means that one is good (roughly paraphrasing) and follows a code of conduct. The source of this code can be "a personal one or a set of laws." UNIT would most likely fall under flavor number two.

Space Pope
« Reply #39 on: 10-11-2011 21:41 »

I still want to argue the toss over the White Guardian, because despite his name he really doesn't try to do "good". He just wants everything to tick over as normal.

It would also solve the true neutral problem we currently have.
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