transgender nerd under canada
DOOP Ubersecretary
It's the best DW thread title ever!
It should be the first Doctor Who thread ever. I voted for Matt Smith, because he reminds me so much of a mixture of the first three and the eight doctors, possibly with a dash of numbers four and seven in there, and he's just brilliant. But prior to Smith I'd've been torn between Eccleston, McCoy and Tom Baker. Only Davison and Tennant stand out to me as particularly worth of criticism, to be honest - and Tennant did have some brilliant episodes. Davison's were mostly pretty meh.
DOOP Secretary
I swear we had a thread with the same poll. What am I missing? I haven't seen Mr. Smith so I voted for TB.
DOOP Secretary
Tough choice between Smith and Eccleston. Had to go with Smith though, he just has that little extra something that makes him brilliant.
DOOP Secretary
Yes, yes I've seen both 28 Days/Weeks Later, I mean how he looks and the fact that he's from up North.
And he didn't mean to rape the women, he made a promise and tried to keep it, even though he kind of turned evil.
Space Pope
« Reply #20 on: 10-09-2011 04:44 »
« Last Edit on: 10-09-2011 04:48 »
For if it was favorite Doctor it's a toss up between Tom Baker and Matt Smith. For my Doctor well then it's a toss up between Tennant and Smith. But I like Smith more than Tennant and therefore voted Smith instead of Tennant. I just prefer him. Eccelston is very good but seeing how my first episode ever of Doctor Who was Father's Day it threw me off the series until Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit. Just because they were very interesting episodes. I never really liked Rose. Yes I was a Tennant fan girl for a while but Smith is so much better and I love most of the original Doctors I think that the only one who I have seen nothing of is John Pertwee I've seen stuff from every other Doctor. And have stuff from every other Doctor. I'll read the rest of the posts here when I'm not so damn tired. Not sure that this qualifies as art, but who am I to judge?
That's just sexy. I'm ignoring the caption. As for the Doctor Who D&D alignments I had not seen that before.
DOOP Secretary
Yeah that sounds about right. He always struck me as one of the most erratic. Which is why he's my favorite Doctor.
DOOP Secretary
In general, I'd consider the Doctor to be Chaotic Good. The Master would be Chaotic Evil, and the Time Lords overall Lawful Neutral.
The Daleks would be Neutral Evil, most likely, and the Cybermen closer to Lawful Evil.
DOOP Secretary
DOOP Secretary
I thought of the White Guardian for True Neutral, but I think he'd be better suited for Neutral Good. As his counterpart, the Black Guardian would be Neutral Evil.
UNIT is definitely Lawful Good. I can't think of a True Neutral.
DOOP Secretary
UNIT occasionally ignores the laws of others, but doesn't it tend to obey its own?
DOOP Secretary
Lawful Good simply means that one is good (roughly paraphrasing) and follows a code of conduct. The source of this code can be "a personal one or a set of laws." UNIT would most likely fall under flavor number two.