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Author Topic: Nikita  (Read 1228 times)
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salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« on: 10-01-2011 07:43 »

This show is so amazing. I started to get into it fall of last year, but I would only catch the second half of the episodes if I was lucky because I would just be coming home from work. Well I recently bought the series on DVD and did a two day marathon - it is one of the greatest underrated shows on air. They moved it to Friday nights this season, which really bums me out because it is NOT a show I would expect to be doing poorly or get cancelled. I don't know what the budget is on this show, perhaps it is using too much money, but for the scenes they shoot it is so worth it. And there is so much going on in the show, it leads many roads in which to divulge.

I really really love it - it's funny, smart, and Maggie Q kicks ass. Shane West is actually pretty decent too :D I didn't know how well I would adapt to Shane West being in a recurring tv spot as opposed to his movie roles, but he actually makes it work and is believable.

If anyone is ever bored on a Friday night (who am I kidding, we ALL are), I highly recommend checking this one out at 8pm PST on your CW affiliate. Easily my favorite show of the season. Although Terra Nova had an impressive premiere last week.
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