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Author Topic: Regular Show - It's Anything But  (Read 2912 times)
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Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« on: 08-31-2011 18:01 »

A really great show on Cartoon Network about two park rangers (A blue jay named Mordecai and a raccoon named Rigby) and their 'normal' everyday lives

I highly recommend it...

« Reply #1 on: 09-02-2011 00:27 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2011 00:37 »

I watch this show, although not consistently (mostly because I always forget that it's on), and I love it. It's just different from other CN shows. It definitely appeals to that 16-25 age range rather than the normal childrens' shows that they air. It's pretty edgy for Cartoon Network to air, I mean, they're using language like "pissed" and "screwed" and "crap" (and "how in the H are we gonna fix this S?"), which not every parent would want their children to hear.

It's just good ol' crude humor that appeals to me, a teenager.

Also, crazy stuff usually happens in the second act that leads me to believe the writers are high 50% of the time, which is fine with me. Have you ever seen Quintel's early animation, 2 in the AM PM? It's amazing.

edit: I was watching it on TV today, and Pops was dressed up like an ice cream cone. I think that Pops may be the one of the greatest characters on that show. He's just so...wacky.

Urban Legend
« Reply #2 on: 09-02-2011 21:32 »

I love this show. Love, love, LOVE this show. I have learned lots of valuable life lessons from Regular Show, such as hamboning. No one is going to try and mug me.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #3 on: 09-02-2011 23:54 »

I watch this show now and again and I am completely shocked that they got away with saying stuff like "Crap"
Nibblonian Leader

Urban Legend
« Reply #4 on: 09-06-2011 14:46 »

This show is actually really good. It's kind of surprising, Cartoon Network having a good show.

Urban Legend
« Reply #5 on: 01-13-2012 20:14 »

Know who else enjoys Regular Show?


Bump because this show doesn't get nearly enough love. I'm just finishing up season two.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #6 on: 01-30-2012 05:07 »

I've seen it a few times, and if I was still a little kid I would love it! It was sorta entertaining, and a little strange, but successful nonetheless.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #7 on: 01-30-2012 21:11 »

It's much more better than the crap they produced in the mid 2000's.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #8 on: 01-30-2012 23:21 »

I have to agree, they have improved quite a bit since then...

Urban Legend
« Reply #9 on: 01-30-2012 23:39 »

I've seen it a few times, and if I was still a little kid I would love it!

I'm in my twenties, and I love it. I don't really see why little kids would like Regular Show any more than people my age. In fact, I'd say that they probably wouldn't understand just how funny it is.
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #10 on: 01-31-2012 00:21 »

I just like to stick to more mature shows, but I still can like the quality of kids shows, as I do sometimes. The only kids show I still watch is the first 4 seasons of Spongebob. They are so funny! :laff:

Bending Unit
« Reply #11 on: 02-18-2012 03:23 »
« Last Edit on: 02-18-2012 04:14 »

I watch this show now and again and I am completely shocked that they got away with saying stuff like "Crap"

You think THAT'S bad, in two of the early episodes, Mordecai actually said "pissed" (like Smarty said).
What i'm trying to say is that its a great show, I watch it every afternoon, but they need censors on CN sometimes, they need to remember that it's a kids network even if the show's aimed at teens.

Urban Legend
« Reply #12 on: 03-16-2012 05:50 »

Really love this show.  I really liked the Free Cake episode.  I also thought the one where Mordecai tries to eat a big omelette to win a hat for Rigby was just hilarious.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #13 on: 05-17-2012 05:57 »


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #14 on: 05-25-2012 05:45 »

« Reply #15 on: 05-28-2012 17:23 »

Regular Show is not that innap. Crap, Sucks, and freaking are common in newer cartoon network shows like Total Drama and Adventure Time. And the word pissed was only used two times in the first season, I'd say the first season was the most innap, for example "Bensons gonna drop his balls" or "How in the H are we going to fix this S" but after the 1st season, the show got more tamer.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 05-28-2012 21:43 »

A lot of the new CN shows know how to appeal to their secondary dermagraphics, so they do try their best to see what they can get away with.   I haven't seen much of Regular Show yet, but Adventure Time has tons of homoerotic innuendo and mild swearwords and so on. 

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #17 on: 05-28-2012 22:07 »

If those are the only two things you've picked up from Adventure Time, you're totally missing out.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #18 on: 05-28-2012 22:11 »
« Last Edit on: 05-28-2012 22:12 »

Oh no, I've picked up many things from the show, I'm just too lazy to list all of them.   I will say the lesbian breakup song and the time they made Finn poledance count high on my "How the hell did they get away with that" meter.  

(I mean they were planning to make an aborted foetus a recurring character at one point but changed it at the last minute.)

« Reply #19 on: 10-24-2012 02:42 »

The half hour season four opener and the Halloween special were epic this year!!

The other two new episodes... not so much.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #20 on: 10-24-2012 19:13 »

The half hour season four opener and the Halloween special were epic this year!!

The other two new episodes... not so much.

Really? I thought "Pie Contest" was really awesome. I can see why you wouldn't like the other single episode but this season is off to a great start...

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 10-29-2012 00:26 »

did anyone notice a 1900's refference,the maximum glove is the n.e.s POWERGLOVE,lol

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 10-30-2012 23:02 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2012 23:05 »

why hasent anyone posted in a while

Bending Unit
« Reply #23 on: 11-08-2012 19:10 »

Regular Show is my favorite Cartoon Network show right now (besides The Amazing World of Gumball,is really good!!) but I forget to see it...so I'm waiting my winter's vacations for have time and see it!

But my favorite episode is one where they travel back in time because Mordecai kissed Margaret and was something really awful  :laff:

« Reply #24 on: 08-02-2013 06:08 »

Hey, I just watched a few episodes of this show a while ago.

The first one involved Mordecai (the blue one) catching pops naked. It was interesting, and pretty entertaining, to say the least. I enjoyed it at a pretty basic level.

Now the one I saw a few days ago, involved Mordecai kissing the girl Margoret, and he had bad breath. So he wanted to use this time machine to go back and make Mordecai take a mint before the kiss. I loved this episode. I liked alot of things about it. The great continuity thing with Rigby interrupting him was pretty funny.

Now, are alot of the episodes like these 2? Because I might actually start watching them if they are.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #25 on: 08-02-2013 09:12 »

I discovered this a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it. Someone described it as Adventure Time meets The Mighty Boosh and I think that's dead-on.

Except, Pops' voice is eerily, EERILY similar to one I do for a character in my web cartoon (www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpHhtPHlpto).  :hmpf:
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #26 on: 08-02-2013 09:18 »

Now, are alot of the episodes like these 2? Because I might actually start watching them if they are.

Strangely both of those episodes are pretty far apart in the course of the show's run. There are many episodes that, while not being similar to those, are far better (in my opinion). I'd go on YouTube and search for the following titles if you want to get into the show...

"Weekend at Benson's"
"Prank Callers"
"'Ello Gov'nor"
"Rage Against the TV"
"This is My Jam"
"Over the Top"
"Karaoke Video"

... and I could go on, but I'd definitely watch those.

« Reply #27 on: 08-02-2013 19:05 »

I'll add "The Night Owl", "Eggscellent" and "Bald Spot". 

« Reply #28 on: 08-02-2013 19:36 »

I saw Bald Spot a few hours ago, and thought that was actually pretty good. I saw this other episode called My Mom and it was pretty weak. It was #1 on some dudes best episode list. I was just like what?

But I'll definitely check out the episodes you guys suggested.

« Reply #29 on: 08-08-2013 20:40 »

It actually seems good.
Their Christmas special got nominated for an Emmy but it's overall okay.
Kind of surprising for a show on Cartoon Network.

« Reply #30 on: 08-10-2013 15:35 »

I'll add "The Night Owl", "Eggscellent" and "Bald Spot". 

Eggscellent's a good one. I've never seen Night Owl and I don't like Bald Spot. Muscleman annoys me.

« Reply #31 on: 08-26-2013 17:08 »

I'm not crazy about the show, but I don't hate it. I like Skips and Rigby.
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