
DOOP Secretary

I wasn't aware of that, having only been watching casually. Care to elaborate? Well, in addition to the blatant arc concerning the Grand Galloping Gala, the characters themselves evolve over the course of their experiences, in ways extremely consistent with their personalities and histories. For a show that was supposedly made to be viewed in any order, there are a lot of relevant callbacks to previous episodes. Also, the worldbuilding is very well-structured and consistent, and that is pleasing to a continuity wonk such as myself. All unicorns can teleport once a day. Everyone knows that. It's in the Monster Manual. In "Applebuck Season", Twilight teleports quite casually three or four times in a row TOTPPD! 
La Belle Leela

Starship Captain
Did I just see Pinkie Pie twitch? Everyone get their umbrellas!!!!
Run and hide!

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
Definitely start with the pilot two-parter. It gets even better as the series progresses, though, and has a very subtle thread of continuity that pays off if you watch it through from the very beginning.
Having watched the pilot (both parts), I can quite firmly re-state that it's a generic children's show designed to push "lessons" on kids. Combined with subpar animation, this pisses me off. However, having then watched part of the next episode, I can say the animation does improve, and there does appear to be some sort of attmept at building a consistent "world". Not that it's a world I'm terribly interested in, but I can appreciate what they're trying to do. I'm on the fence here. I'll finish the first five episodes before I come down on one side or the other.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #99 on: 09-09-2011 01:40 »
« Last Edit on: 09-09-2011 04:35 »
Below is an image from season two which has been released. While there is little of interest that can be determined from it (apart from the fact that Rainbow Dash might possibly be shouting "Stampede!"), I am very amused by the depiction within the closest window on the right-hoof side. edit: Linkified because I didn't realize how huge it was.

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« Reply #100 on: 09-10-2011 05:44 »
« Last Edit on: 09-10-2011 05:53 »

DOOP Secretary

I've watched that series from the beginning. Fluttershy singing Hellfire is hilarious yet oddly disturbing, and the polka Pinkie Pie performs to protect Ponyville from the plentiful and proliferous parasprites is perfectly priceless.

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« Reply #103 on: 09-10-2011 21:07 »
« Last Edit on: 09-11-2011 03:35 by Xanfor »
Spoilered because you nearly gave me a heart attack. ~ Your faithful moderator, Twilight Sparkle Xanfor

DOOP Secretary

I come here for adorable cute ponies, not zombie horror ponies!

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« Reply #106 on: 09-11-2011 04:28 »
« Last Edit on: 09-12-2011 18:55 »

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« Reply #108 on: 09-11-2011 13:42 »
« Last Edit on: 09-12-2011 15:35 by Xanfor »
Gotta get back!   Quadruple posting is spamming. Also, you is a silly pony, Applejack! ~ Xanfor

DOOP Secretary

It was much nicer before the picture spamming in non-picture-spamming threads.  If this keeps up I won't be able to stop myself from posting Luna in socks.

DOOP Secretary


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DOOP Secretary

Lesbian ponies! Human ponies! Portal ponies! And I don't even like this show!

DOOP Secretary

What about the Human Lesbian Portal Ponies?

DOOP Secretary

They exist. I'm not going to tell you where.