

I love that song. I think when the show ends, they'll release a soundtrack.

Liquid Emperor
I think it's a really funny show. Most of the humor comes from the character interactions, especially since most of the characters are really, really weird -- each in their own way. [youtube]F_XaIuw6K6Q#t=7s[/youtube]

DOOP Secretary

This show took a while to grow on me, but by the time it was in its third season, it had become far and away the stand-out of Fox's animation line-up. Amazed no one has mentioned Teddy though. Hands-down the funniest damn character in this show!  "Your name is Bob Burger." "What? No it's not." "Yeah it is." "No, it's not." "Really? Then who am I thinking of? Bob Burgers?" "No--" "BUT THE SIGN--"

DOOP Secretary

I'm up to episode 5. Very funny in some parts, cringeworthy in others. I prefer Archer. So much.
Stick with it. I don't feel Bob's Burgers fully hit its stride until season 3, but it's well worth it. Archer is definitely the superior of the two shows, though I wasn't too big on the most recent season (too much reliance on callbacks/running gags for my liking... some absolute gems in the middle of the season, though).

Space Pope
« Reply #54 on: 06-16-2013 07:11 »
« Last Edit on: 06-16-2013 07:16 »
I also found it hit-and-miss at the beginning, it definitely becomes much less-so as it goes along. I think you're giving up just a little too soon, you haven't reached most of the really good episodes in season 2 yet, so maybe you should at least give it until the end of season 2, especially considering it's a pretty short season (season 3 is a lot longer at a whole 23 episodes). In fact, the next episode, Burgerboss, is one of my favorites, so at least watch that one?
Anyway, you probably won't change your mind so...sorry you couldn't get behind the show's goofy spirit. It totally clicks with me. I adore the quirky personalities of each of the kids, which only become better utilized and more interesting with time. I found the show's musical stylings to be cringeworthy at first, but once I let my guard down I've learned to embrace how oddball and truly funny it really is. It's like the sense of humor I learned to not let out because others find it obnoxious but that my inner child still finds really charming and giggle-inducing.

DOOP Secretary

Bump! The AV Club is currently doing a walkthrough of Bob's Burgers' third season (for those unfamiliar, it's a very in-depth discussion of the season with the show runner of the show in question, done episode-by-episode). Part 1 of 5 can be seen here, with a new installment set to come out daily for the rest of this week: http://www.avclub.com/articles/bobs-burgers-showrunner-loren-bouchard-breaks-down,102021/It's a really, really good read so far. Loren Bouchard cares for his characters quite deeply, and it definitely shows. 

DOOP Secretary

I never even gave it a chance, so I won't just call it straight-up terrible. The animation looks pretty bad to me. Funny thing about that, though. I hear Family Guy made fun of Bob's Burger's animation once, when Family Guy's animation is one of the most horrific things I've ever seen.
But I assume it's getting decent ratings, since Fox hasn't cancelled it yet. I mean, it does come on between The Simpsons and Family Guy, so I can see that. If this gets renewed again next year, then I'll know that it's the ratings. If Futurama had had that time slot, then I assume it would have gotten similar ratings on Fox.
1. "I'll know it's the ratings." Uhhh, yeah. Duh. That's entirely what this business is about. What else would it be? I can literally only think of ONE example where a tv show was cancelled for reasons other than ratings. 2. The Simpsons has been rating quite poorly recently. And Family Guy's doing well but still not as well as it once was. Not to mention, when Futurama WAS on Fox, Family Guy was getting terrible ratings! It got cancelled after 3 seasons originally. Pairing the shows up during Futurama's original run wouldn't have helped at all. And I believe Futurama WAS on after The Simpsons for quite a while, no? 3. Bob's Burgers is an excellent show and you should give it a chance. I didn't get fully into it until its third season (after I'd seen 1 and 2 in their entirity, too), but it's been incredibly rewarding since I have. The writing is sharp and the writers clearly care deeply about these characters, the cast is phenominal and it's probably second only to Parks and Rec as the best character-based comedy on tv right now. Why let "bad animation" put you off? (and it's not even that bad - the drawing style's a little weird but you get used to it)
Lost My Phone


« Reply #61 on: 08-29-2013 18:12 »
« Last Edit on: 08-29-2013 19:29 »
And I believe Futurama WAS on after The Simpsons for quite a while, no?
Not really. During the first broadcast season (spring 1999), the first two episodes aired after The Simpsons, then Futurama was moved to Tuesdays because Fox wanted to give Family Guy the post-Simpsons time slot. Then, during broadcast season 2, Family Guy went to Thursday (I think it was Thursday) and Futurama returned to the Sunday 8:30pm time slot. But in January 2000, Malcolm in the Middle took over that time slot, and that's when Futurama moved to 7pm, which is where it remained for the rest of its life on Fox. I looked at the air dates, and if my math is correct, 10 episodes in total aired after The Simpsons. 10 out of the 72 episodes broadcast on Fox.

DOOP Secretary

Fair enough, though the rest of my argument still stands.
Lost My Phone


One more thing. Yes, I realize that Family Guy was doing terribly back then. I never said that the two shows should have been paired up. Back when Futurama was on, The Simpsons was getting semi-decent ratings (in the top 50, I believe), which might have helped Futurama had it been on after The Simpsons. Fox hated the show for at least two reasons. First of all, they were disturbed by some of its elements (suicide booths, Zoidberg, etc.). But would that have mattered to them if it was getting good ratings? Probably not. Which brings me to reason #2: the ratings weren't good enough. But that's because Fox hardly ever advertised the show, and it was getting pre-empted for football, due to its 7pm time slot. So it was kind of Fox's fault to begin with. Well, I'd better go before I go into a massive rant about why I hate Fox.
Lost My Phone


I agree with you there. Fox handled the show terribly, but you make some good points about DVDs/Netflix/etc.


I don't entirely blame Fox. It was dumb of them to switch time slots so quickly and so often, but at the time both shows were cancelled there wasn't much of a market for DVDs as there is now, nor was there anything like Netflix or Hulu.
It still failed on Fox primarily due to a lack of promotion. It also seems pretty safe to assume that they would've cancelled it WAY earlier if Groening weren't involved.
Very true. They're disturbed by Zoidberg? Ok, yes, he is a disguisting, smelly, alien doctor that has performed only one surgery right, but what's that got to do with anything?
Lost My Phone


« Reply #69 on: 08-30-2013 04:38 »
« Last Edit on: 08-30-2013 04:39 »
I don't entirely blame Fox. It was dumb of them to switch time slots so quickly and so often, but at the time both shows were cancelled there wasn't much of a market for DVDs as there is now, nor was there anything like Netflix or Hulu.
It still failed on Fox primarily due to a lack of promotion. It also seems pretty safe to assume that they would've cancelled it WAY earlier if Groening weren't involved.
Very true. They're disturbed by Zoidberg? Ok, yes, he is a disguisting, smelly, alien doctor that has performed only one surgery right, but what's that got to do with anything?
Here is something Matt Groening said in the DVD commentary for "I, Roommate": "Anyway, the network really– really was freaked out by the show, the suicide booths– and lobster creatures and Bender being so anti-social and so– yeah, this was our show to tone things down." I can't imagine what he could mean by "lobster creatures" other than Zoidberg.

DOOP Secretary

So, this is the thread where we discuss Futurama now, right?