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Author Topic: Most evil things in fiction.  (Read 1716 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 01-01-2011 00:17 »
« Last Edit on: 01-01-2011 01:03 »

What do think are the most evi stuff from fiction.

1 (evilest.): Mass Effect (it's gonna be a movie, maybe in more parts.): The Reapers. If you don't know of them these Youtube Videos will show the full scale of their evil: Mass Effect: A conversation with Sovereign.

Part 1 Mass Effect HD Part 142 "Vigil's Tale, Pt.1/2"

Part 2 Mass Effect HD Part 143 "Vigil's Tale, Pt.2/2"

2: The Lord Of The Rings: The dark lord Sauron along with his corrupted Orcs (once Elves, that were tortured beyond believe along the use of magic by Melkor (Morgoth Bauglir, the original dark lord.), mutilated them and corrupted them turning them into Orcs) not only wants to wipe out all of Humanity, he wants to destroy the very beauty of Middle Earth (corrupt it, and burn down all the forests down, and cover the whole world in darkness) and dominate all life.


« Reply #1 on: 01-01-2011 00:31 »

What do think are the most fictional evils.

Don't you mean most evil fictional characters? Right now you're asking what evil is the most fictional, which is an interesting question to consider but not what you're going for, I think.

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 01-01-2011 00:34 »

What do think are the most fictional evils.

Don't you mean most evil fictional characters? Right now you're asking what evil is the most fictional, which is an interesting question to consider but not what you're going for, I think.

Anything. Evil race of machines or characters, or whatever else.

« Reply #3 on: 01-01-2011 00:42 »

I know, I mean that the thread title makes it seem like you're talking about the most fictional evils, meaning the most fake. You should change the title to show that you mean things in fiction that are the most evil.

Bending Unit
« Reply #4 on: 01-01-2011 01:03 »

I know, I mean that the thread title makes it seem like you're talking about the most fictional evils, meaning the most fake. You should change the title to show that you mean things in fiction that are the most evil.


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« Reply #5 on: 01-01-2011 03:35 »

I was going to say Lord Cthulu ranks up there, but then I read the title again and it said fictional. :rolleyes:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #6 on: 01-01-2011 04:24 »

Xenu then?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #7 on: 01-02-2011 08:54 »

The God of the Bible is extremely horrible.

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« Reply #8 on: 01-02-2011 12:16 »

Xenu then?

He's probably highly ethical to be honest.

The God of the Bible is extremely horrible.

Only fiction is applicable in this thread DrThunder. :)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #9 on: 01-02-2011 13:48 »

God from all those prayer books is extremely horrible?

Joker is pretty evil.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #10 on: 01-02-2011 14:09 »
« Last Edit on: 01-02-2011 14:10 »

While I certainly think the Reapers are a great invention and were very smartly handled in ME1 - I loved the principle of a vague definition of a race existing almost infinitely longer than ours and then trying to establish their motives and drawing up complete blanks - a good example of something being truly alien because it operates beyond our comprehension. However in the second game and by going from the teaser trailer for the third, it appears that the Reapers have gone all bloody human and predictable by getting all petty and trying to wipe out seemingly just the human race because it just so happened that a small bunch of humans were actually successful in downing one Reaper. So they've gone down in my estimation a bit. Still looking forward to see how they are handled in ME3 so...

Anyway, changing the subject and lowering the scale from strange alien machine races and demigods - one of the most evil characters I can think of in fiction is actually Scorpio from Dirty Harry - a thoroughly unpleasant but extremely well-written character who it is virtually impossible to have any sympathy for right to the last, I mean, I know some people cheer when the bad guy bites it but for me, I don't think before or after I've felt just so much satisfaction to see a bad guy's demise.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #11 on: 01-02-2011 15:12 »

The God of the Bible is extremely horrible.

Only fiction is applicable in this thread DrThunder. :)
As long as we all agree he's horrible.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #12 on: 01-02-2011 15:22 »

Scorpio from Dirty Harry

^ When I first realised this I was like "whoa... whoa... whoa"

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #13 on: 01-02-2011 16:07 »

The Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files.
He killed Kennedy AND Martin Luther King.
Zed 85

Space Pope
« Reply #14 on: 01-02-2011 18:09 »

@Faze - found that out today - pretty much same reaction... O_O

Bending Unit
« Reply #15 on: 01-03-2011 11:14 »

No, Orcs are pretty mean.
But the most evil of all - Gordon Brown (It's fictional if you look at the world through his eyes)

Urban Legend
« Reply #16 on: 01-04-2011 18:47 »

What about Dr. Robotnik from Sonic?  Dr. Robotnik makes King Koopa look like Jimmy Swaggart! 
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
« Reply #17 on: 01-05-2011 05:14 »
« Last Edit on: 01-05-2011 05:26 »

The Reavers from firefly

The Drakh from Babylon 5 (servants of the Shadows , when their masters left they decided to make themselves supreme beings of the universe and began ploting to destroy and confront all other races, culminating in the destruction of Daltron 7, the failed atempt to destroy Earth and Minbar and all the events of the Drakh war)


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« Reply #18 on: 01-06-2011 03:28 »

The Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files.
He killed Kennedy AND Martin Luther King.

He wasn't evil, just rather misunderstood.  Like in that episode where he failed to kill off the spin-off series. :hmpf:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #19 on: 01-07-2011 05:26 »

Misunderstood to the extent that people often made the mistake of thinking he was misunderstood.

Besides Kennedy and Dr King, the Cigarette Smoking Man also shot his own son in the head in cold blood, and then when young Jeffery didn't die, he used the poor lad as an experimental guinea pig and turned him in a deformed monstrosity.
The guy was instrumental in the experimenting on, and subsequent extermination of hundreds of unwilling human test subjects. All of it, in the end, was really about saving his own skin from the impending alien invasion. He even tried to have Gibson Praise, a little kid, assassinated because he might expose the conspiracy.
And he was always so vile about the whole thing. So smarmy and assured of his own superiority. When finally dying and defeated at the end, rather than help the cause or make some kind of confession, he instead decided to toy with Mulder and took pleasure in the Agent's inability to stop the inevitable.

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« Reply #20 on: 01-07-2011 11:07 »

He was giving reverence to nature when he died... and then he got blown up because his own compassion for humankind couldn't be fathomed by those around him. :hmpf:

Bending Unit
« Reply #21 on: 01-12-2011 00:01 »

Ganondorf. What a tyrant of a man!

Bending Unit
« Reply #22 on: 01-13-2011 01:59 »

the Mean & Bad Golf Man in happy gilmore.
Super Hans

Starship Captain
« Reply #23 on: 02-03-2011 04:09 »

The Holocaust.
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