

What do think are the most fictional evils.
Don't you mean most evil fictional characters? Right now you're asking what evil is the most fictional, which is an interesting question to consider but not what you're going for, I think.


I know, I mean that the thread title makes it seem like you're talking about the most fictional evils, meaning the most fake. You should change the title to show that you mean things in fiction that are the most evil.

DOOP Secretary

The God of the Bible is extremely horrible.

DOOP Secretary

The Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files. He killed Kennedy AND Martin Luther King.

DOOP Secretary

Misunderstood to the extent that people often made the mistake of thinking he was misunderstood.
Besides Kennedy and Dr King, the Cigarette Smoking Man also shot his own son in the head in cold blood, and then when young Jeffery didn't die, he used the poor lad as an experimental guinea pig and turned him in a deformed monstrosity. The guy was instrumental in the experimenting on, and subsequent extermination of hundreds of unwilling human test subjects. All of it, in the end, was really about saving his own skin from the impending alien invasion. He even tried to have Gibson Praise, a little kid, assassinated because he might expose the conspiracy. And he was always so vile about the whole thing. So smarmy and assured of his own superiority. When finally dying and defeated at the end, rather than help the cause or make some kind of confession, he instead decided to toy with Mulder and took pleasure in the Agent's inability to stop the inevitable.