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Author Topic: The Walking Dead  (Read 53066 times)
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salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #400 on: 02-28-2012 22:45 »

I'm just really surprised with all the shooting they've done around the farm that there hasn't been some massive hoarde of zombies coming by...that house doesn't look all that strong.

Space Pope
« Reply #401 on: 02-29-2012 00:30 »
« Last Edit on: 02-29-2012 00:31 »

The situation with the boy is so odd...this whole episode Rick and Shane are complete assholes to him even though he seems totally innocent and just somebody who wants to survive. But then you have to remember that he was shooting at and trying to kill Rick, Hershel, and Glen in the last episode for not any particularly good reason, so it does makes sense that they are being cautious around him. Personally, his pleas of "I'm not like those other guys" has won me over...like he said, maybe he was just stuck with them because he knew he would die alone, and was only shooting at Rick and the others because if he didn't follow the other guys' example they would kick him out. Rick and Shane really need to lighten up and open their minds a little.

As for the suicide B-plot, I honestly thought that it wasn't even really about trying to get us to care about the girl...rather, that it was a framing device that allowed for that conversation between Lori and Andrea mid-episode to happen. Andrea letting Lori have it and pointing out that it's easy for her to think everything's going to be okay because every time she's been in risk of losing someone, they've come through in the end, could be a pretty important factor in Lori's character later on. At least that's my theory.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #402 on: 02-29-2012 11:24 »

I just thought it was used to bring up the fact that Andrea doesn't do her laundry lawl.

In general, I like Andrea. Way more than I like Lori...who really just doesn't know what she's talking about half the time...but parades around like she's right anyway.

I am waiting now for that "I don't see bite marks how did they turn into zombies" remark to pay off down the road. So many of the group has been in close contact with these things, I am surprised that none of them has contracted the disease yet unbeknownst to the rest (well, aside from Sophia, but she was "lost" and never hung out with the group while she had it).

Bending Unit
« Reply #403 on: 02-29-2012 21:19 »

Given that cutting holes in your fingers then shooting zombies in the head at point blank range meaning you are bathed in blood doesn't result in infection it must be quite hard to catch? or only kicks in once you are dead?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #404 on: 02-29-2012 21:24 »

I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #405 on: 03-01-2012 10:06 »

But what initially caused the "virus" to expose itself like that?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #406 on: 03-02-2012 18:58 »


salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #407 on: 03-05-2012 09:37 »

Oh Dale, always gotta steal the show...

« Reply #408 on: 03-05-2012 13:16 »

Holy crap, what an episode. Was not expecting that.  :eek:

Bending Unit
« Reply #409 on: 03-06-2012 01:35 »

dumb move, illogical ending

Space Pope
« Reply #410 on: 03-06-2012 02:42 »

I give that review a D-.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #411 on: 03-06-2012 19:48 »

Care to explain hopie?

I think the hat really went to Carl's head that episode :laff: I don't know how he is in the comics, but in the series I find him to be a little annoying and brattish...

Bending Unit
« Reply #412 on: 03-06-2012 20:16 »

quick initial reaction, I stand by it

we have a group that is becoming very unlikeable, even the kid is a complete douche
we spend the whole episode looking for some kind of moral compass and it is clear that Dale is the only one who doesn't think torture and murder are ok and then you kill him off! Let the arseholes have their way, if the "others" came and raped and pillaged through the farm then why should I even care? At the beginning of the show we had a good honest (former teacher) police man trying to protect family and the right thing from an evil world, seems like everyone lost their way

also the death was stupid, zombie finds cow, mauls it but then stands a few feet away not eating - intelligent trap? not based on it's dumbfuckery by the river
why didn't Dale see it and how did it rip his guts out? pah

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #413 on: 03-07-2012 02:00 »
« Last Edit on: 03-07-2012 02:02 »

Most of the group was rather unlikeable a long time ago, what with everyone whining and talking about this horrible new world as if that phrase somehow meant something.  I liked when Hershel said that the world was the same as it had always been; not even Dale ever possessed wisdom on that scale.  

That said, the way things unfolded is rather ridiculous with our Randol.  I'd have argued for assimilating him as well, but I wouldn't have waited 2 weeks (if not longer) to do it.  We just saved the sumbitch's life; he's more than likely to perceive us as his rescuers and decent people.  If he fucks up though, I'd definitely execute his ass, just like I'd execute any other stranger who becomes a clear threat.  

That said, torturing him for intelligence was a bit much, although I can understand why Daryl was doing that considering that he no context for who Randol is (he's some guy that shot at Rick, Hershel, and Glen)... and to be honest, by the time you've tortured him, you might as well kill the poor bastard before you get some Godfather II shit on your hands.  He was a dumb sumbitch though... should've been happy with being dropped off by himself after some strangers he shot kept him from being zombmunchies earlier and healed his legs; instead he's gotta blurt some shit out of his big mouth.  The death penalty may be immoral, but to be honest, Randol did originally get a fair shake.

As for Carl being a douche... sure a little bit.  However, unlike everyone else's immature outbursts on the show for two seasons... Carl is the person I'd expect to act like a child.  Sophia too when she was around for that matter.  We never really saw either of them until Sophia zombed out on us though, which is unfortunate, because instead we saw a bunch of adults acting like children for awhile instead.

You raise a good point on how stupid it was for the zombie to be standing behind Dale.  I had my belief completely suspended for that (it's a zombie show), but in reality it almost definitely wouldn't go down like that, and Dale would've had the time to react better.  Hell, even if the zombie was standing in the shadows, Dale should've had a large amount of time to see him there.  That said, I really really liked the setup of that scene, and especially the lighting.  The show runners were going more for emphasis on symbol with that one I believe.  I didn't suspend my belief for the zombie ripping open Dale's stomach; however, I know think that was quite possible.  The zombie has bones for fingers and doesn't feel anything but hunger.  I think it's definitely possible for an unfeeling human being (especially one with just bones for fingers) to claw open another human's stomach.  

I'm surprised no one has ever brought up how everyone now has the magical power to stick knives through zombie heads before though.


Urban Legend
« Reply #414 on: 03-07-2012 03:19 »

I just caught up with the show.

Last week's episode was absolutely fantastic and stands as the best of season 2 so far, if you ask me. It was never boring, it crammed a lot of content into the runtime, it did things that the comic never could particularly (incredibly tense action sequences), I like the new character they basically introduced to us here (technically it was the previous episode), I loved all of the soap-opera-y theatrics and that Rick and Shane finally had something of a head to head.
It did piss me off that Rick and Shane were both so happy about cutting themselves open and risking mixing blood, getting infections and such. Really stupid if you ask me. But that aside, this was great and I'm happy with the show's place in the world again.

Then the most recent one kind of sucked and threw all the good work away.

It managed to turn me against every character in the group except for Dale, whom I've always liked, and then it took him away from me. Fuck that shit.
I mean, perhaps if there was some deeper purpose or reason to killing him off, I'd go with it, but it felt like such an arse-pull moment. Like "we need to inject some emotion into this somewhere, let's kill someone".
This execution thing is exactly the sort of thing that the comics might do, NOW. I mean, as it stands, the characters in the comic are on the brink of being villains. And I love it. The difference is that in the comics, you've followed the characters living in this world for years and there's always far, far more build-up and depth to a situation such as that put forth in this episode. The show probably liked this aspect of the comics and didn't want to wait several seasons to get to it, which means that the characters haven't had time to develop into that morally grey area without losing my sympathy. Basically, fuck all of them, I hope that kid's mates come to the farm and kill all of them.

It was nice to see Carl getting some screentime for a change because he's arguably the best character in the comics as they stand and he needs screentime in order to be developed into something good. It's a shame, then, that he was such a prick through the episode and seems more in line to become the next "We Need to Talk About Rosemary's Omen" than an incredibly interesting and rounded character like he is in the comics.

Oh, and bits of it were really messily written. The entire 12 Angry Men debate was done so badly. Dale was right, someone agreed with him, that went nowhere so he said something else, then nobody agreed, then he repeated his first point but re-worded it and someone else was on his side, but then they decided to kill the kid anyway. It just felt like such a meandering and ultimately pointless scene.

Plus I don't even quite understand how that zombie killed Dale. It just sort of grabbed him and its hand went inside his chest and made a big hole in him. I mean, fair enough, I've seen zombies rip people to shreds in films before and it rarely bothers me but firstly, The Walking Dead seems to like itself as having a degree of realism about it and secondly, those sequences tend to at least put the zombies in a position where they can get some leverage and really rip and tear at someone - not just a one-handed attack like when Uma Thurman punches her way out of that coffin in Kill Bill vol. 2.

I certainly didn't get bored with this one like I did with much of season 2, but I fear that it's done pretty significant damage to the show's dynamic as a whole in that I now hate every single one of the characters for the first time.

They need to add Michonne so that I can like one of the characters again.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #415 on: 03-07-2012 06:07 »

I have spoken to people who read the comics, and I agree that maybe they were trying to take them to the "dark" side prematurely.

That scene with the kid a few episodes ago reminded me of a scene from Firefly, specifically I believe the Serenity movie. Reavers follow the crew and approach the town with the bank vault on it. As Mal and the crew try to escape, a "kid"/young adult grabs onto the side of their hovercraft. Mal throws the man off because his weight was holding them down. As the Reavers attack the "kid", Mal shoots and kills him to spare him the torture he would have to endure.

Now contrast this with Rick's choice. Rick and Mal share some similarities - they are both leaders in a dangerous world (let's face it, Reavers are basically intelligent superfast zombies on speed) and both would fight to the end to save their crew/group. However, Rick chose to save the boy at the expense of his group while Mal chose to put the boy out of his misery to come.

So the viewer is left to wonder, who made the "right" choice? Even Zoe I believe questions Mal's decision, who defends his actions to save them. Rick, however, chose to save the boy even after having gone at them. This can either be perceived as an extremely redeeming, humanitarian quality of Rick, or that his selfish actions could be the downfall for the rest of the crew.

Would it have been "wrong" to shoot the guy as an offering of mercy before the zombies got to him? Would that give Rick any more of a negative perception than saving him, only to kill him later? If it is perceived as wrong to leave him there and kill him, what about Mal? Is he evil for abandoning the stranger and killing him to protect his crew? Does anyone perceive Mal as cold and unmoral, or did he just do what he had to do to save all of them?

Now back to Rick. He didn't think about his choice. He tells Carl to think beforehand, some advice he should follow himself. Considering he just shot and killed two other guys if the kid's group (in self-defense), would it make him even less likable if he were to leave this kid and spare him the agony like Mal did? Is it any better that he took him back, risking the lives of everyone in his group and Herschel's group, just to be the "good" guy?

It is a different world out there for them now, but I think Rick needs to own up to the decisions he's made. A part of him knows this too, which is why he had to be the one to shoot the kid as opposed to more-than-willing Shane or Daryl. Shane is definitely right - Rick as a leader is a liability to this group. But Shane does not retain any of the moral fiber that Rick does, so he is not suited to lead either. An ideal leader would be a balance between the two - someone who thinks ahead, and sacrifices themself for the group, but also isn't going to hesitate with those hard decisions when they come. I think in this sense, Mal was the ideal leader, as he seemed to balance the two sides well.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #416 on: 03-08-2012 15:23 »


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #417 on: 03-09-2012 23:29 »

Fuck this show. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it. They built Dale to be a fantastic character, the foil to Shane. And what do they do? They just fucking kill him off! The only good thing about this is that Carl seems to perhaps been redeemed from his huge asshole moments in this episode by realizing that he basically killed Dale.

But will Carl change back? Probably not. All this show does is take clean characters and make them darker and darker. Carl probably won't feel remorse about what he did for long, he probably won't get on the "killing Randall is wrong" bandwagon. When this new gang shows up, he'll have to help defend everybody, and he'll be back to being just the same prick he was in this episode.

I mean, seriously, The Walking Dead? You're going to take out the only morally straight character of the whole bunch? Who'll be the "voice of reason" now? Who'll play Shane's philosophical foil now? It's not going to be Rick, he was on the edge of killing a kid for the entire episode. Andrea? Maybe. Maybe this incident will push her over the edge when it comes to Shane. Or maybe she'll go back to how she was before the 12 Angry Men scene. Glenn? It's possible, but then he showed that all-too-prevalent shade of black in this episode. And Hershel and his family are already gone off the deep end of having any moral fiber.

Fuck it. This show sucks.

I can't wait for the next episode.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #418 on: 03-10-2012 00:05 »

weiner: heh. A show devoid of moral characters? I think that's what they call "realism" these days.

I miss romanticism too; maybe it'll come back eventually, but it's, perhaps not dead, but certainly on life support at present.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #419 on: 03-10-2012 00:38 »

It's exactly what the comic (and kinda the show too) is about as well though. Don't get too attached to any character because just one comic later they can be killed in any possible way, and often their death will be more gruesome than just a mere Zombie attack.
The number 1 enemy in the comics isn't actually zombies but rather humans who show what can happen if all laws are abolished and chaos and your own survival dominates. Also it give people the chance to kill someone for fun without any retribution from a government.

Urban Legend
« Reply #420 on: 03-10-2012 01:31 »

It's exactly what the comic is about but the comic does it so much better. When the show does it, it feels like it's doing a bad impression of the comic.

Space Pope
« Reply #421 on: 03-12-2012 05:18 »

I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

Good call that was pretty much confirmed by this latest episode.

Unless you already knew that cause that's what happens in the comics...in which case shame on you!

« Reply #422 on: 03-12-2012 05:41 »

Damn good episode. Reminded me a lot of season one, this show is really finding it's feet again. The ending was just plain amazing, best scene of the show so far.

I can't believe this ep wasn't a finale, it really felt like one. I guess this means that next episode will be epic zombie horde attacking the farm?

Looking highly likely that we'll get 3 main character deaths in 3 episodes, this show really doesn't pull any punches.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #423 on: 03-12-2012 07:34 »

Yeah it really felt like a finale, I almost forgot it wasn't. I am curious as to how they are gonna top this one now. I thought last week's was surprising...but then they topped that.

I thought the lead up in the beginning with zombie kid was that Shane was already infected and somehow transmitted it to the kid but faster...but I was wrong, well I mean, he was infected, they all are...but I thought it had to do with that recent zombie attack at citygrounds.

So...it's like something in the air or something? Hm. Interesting. Also interesting because of Lori's baby. Can they still have normal children even though that symptom appears latent in them? Like...will it ever just take over them when they are alive? That would be my logical conclusion.

And it took long enough for that forest of zombies to wake the eff up. I was waiting for that after all the gunshots when Sophia was found in the barn.

I just really really hope they don't kill off Darryl :D

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #424 on: 03-12-2012 13:35 »


Bending Unit
« Reply #425 on: 03-12-2012 22:15 »

Good episode this week!
glad to see a resolution to a story arc and what should hopefully be the end of the farm, strange it hasnt happened before, luckier that they just built the defences a few hours in advance

It's exactly what the comic is about but the comic does it so much better. When the show does it, it feels like it's doing a bad impression of the comic.

when you talk about the comic on the thread and board about TV shows it feels like you should GTFO


the hat is wrong!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #426 on: 03-12-2012 22:40 »

when you talk about the comic on the thread and board about TV shows it feels like you should GTFO

Well this confirms you're a fucking retard. That's like saying "The show is based on the comic so really the show should just GTFO."

Bending Unit
« Reply #427 on: 03-12-2012 23:06 »

when you talk about the comic on the thread and board about TV shows it feels like you should GTFO

Well this confirms you're a fucking retard. That's like saying "The show is based on the comic so really the show should just GTFO."

Quit following me around humble, your posting is shit.
I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

Thinking about I think you have to catch it as the guy they shot in the bar stayed dead iirc, but I think finger cutting was just a way to write a way to have zombie Shane when he was killed by Rick and the writers probably didnt do it for any other reason

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #428 on: 03-12-2012 23:07 »

Quit following me around humble, your posting is shit.

So is your grammar.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #429 on: 03-13-2012 01:48 »

Can we go back to talking about the show? :nono:

Yeah, I forgot about the bar guys. But sometimes it takes minutes or hours to come back alive...how do you know those two just didn't come back hours later? Or did Rick shoot them in the head?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #430 on: 03-13-2012 01:59 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2012 02:30 »

I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

Good call that was pretty much confirmed by this latest episode.

Unless you already knew that cause that's what happens in the comics...in which case shame on you!

I don't recall if that was in the comics, been 3 years since I've been reading them after all. Could be it was in them, but not necessarily. But I am sure glad it turned out that way.

Though that would mean that all the dead people they encountered at the start of Season 2 in the cars did turn at some point but obviously couldn't unfasten their seatbelts or open the doors so they must have decayed on their own surely?

I can't believe this ep wasn't a finale, it really felt like one. I guess this means that next episode will be epic zombie horde attacking the farm?

I am actually quite glad this wasn't the final of Season 2, since it ended with the zombie hoard appearing.
Now we can have next week's episode with them overrunning the farm and the survivors either being rescued by someone else at the end of the season/start of next season.
Or what I hope for even more have the season end with them having to give up the farm completely and taking to the street again
Maybe kill a few of the survivors during the escape (Carol, Patricia, Jimmy, T-Dog all rank rather high on my list of possible soon dead). Hershel could be put into the role that Dale had.

The Season 3 can start with a completely new and fresh story arc.

Yeah, I forgot about the bar guys. But sometimes it takes minutes or hours to come back alive...how do you know those two just didn't come back hours later? Or did Rick shoot them in the head?

The guy behind the bar he shoots first it looks like a head shot indeed.
The fat guy gets shot twice, in the belly and in the chest. Then the third shot isn't shown so probably the head since Rick would want to make sure they are definitely dead and not just badly wounded and suffering.

Urban Legend
« Reply #431 on: 03-13-2012 02:39 »

really liked last night's episode, looks like they're ending this season with a bang, and a ton of zombies.

« Reply #432 on: 03-13-2012 04:03 »

According to the show's producer, they took great care with the makeup department to make sure that the dead people in the cars had head injuries. They planned for it in advance.

Urban Legend
« Reply #433 on: 03-13-2012 06:04 »

I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

Good call that was pretty much confirmed by this latest episode.

Unless you already knew that cause that's what happens in the comics...in which case shame on you!

I can't believe people are surprised by this revelation. I mean... that's exactly how things work in Romero's films which are the definitive zombie films. Not to mention Shaun of the Dead and, yes, the The Walking Dead comics. Pretty much every bit of zombie media to use Romero-zombies do it and I generally assume that them's the rules unless stated otherwise.

In Romero's films, a zombie bite doesn't turn you into a zombie, it just kills you. And if you die, you come back as a zombie (unless you die due to your brain being damaged).

I'm not having a go at anyone - I'm just genuinely surprised that it seems to be a shock to a lot of people who've watched it. Obviously I shouldn't take my intricate knowledge of the zombie genre for granted.

It's exactly what the comic is about but the comic does it so much better. When the show does it, it feels like it's doing a bad impression of the comic.

when you talk about the comic on the thread and board about TV shows it feels like you should GTFO

Get fucked. It's an adaptation of a comic-book and therefore comparisons of the show to the comic are completely relevant in the same way that comparisons between a film and a book it was based on are. I'm not discussing the new issues of the comic as I read them here, am I? Everything I've ever said in this thread has been directly related to the TV show.

Anyway, this episode is basically a really watered down version of what happens in the comics - presumably because a TV audience is lessing willing to be challenged.

I'm happy to spoil it now seeing as this can't happen in the show anymore, but in the comics:

- it's a pivotal moment that shapes the beginning of Carl as an awesome and really interesting character... especially for a child.

So basically, when

The ending left me incredibly excited for next week - mostly because they've surely got to leave the farm now. I bet most people will be thinking "where the fuck did those zombies come from?". In the comic, it's established that gigantic herds of zombies roam about because for whatever reason, they tend to congregate.

It was a pretty great episode despite not being up to what it could have been. I was never bored and I'm eager to see the finale. It's probably my second favourite of the season so far.

Space Pope
« Reply #434 on: 03-13-2012 08:53 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2012 08:55 »

I'd guess the later, hopie.

Maybe it's actually some kind of virus that all people already have in them which kicks in as soon as someone dies to reanimate the body.

Good call that was pretty much confirmed by this latest episode.

Unless you already knew that cause that's what happens in the comics...in which case shame on you!

I can't believe people are surprised by this revelation. I mean... that's exactly how things work in Romero's films which are the definitive zombie films. Not to mention Shaun of the Dead and, yes, the The Walking Dead comics. Pretty much every bit of zombie media to use Romero-zombies do it and I generally assume that them's the rules unless stated otherwise.

In Romero's films, a zombie bite doesn't turn you into a zombie, it just kills you. And if you die, you come back as a zombie (unless you die due to your brain being damaged).

I'm not having a go at anyone - I'm just genuinely surprised that it seems to be a shock to a lot of people who've watched it. Obviously I shouldn't take my intricate knowledge of the zombie genre for granted.

I wouldn't say I was at all shocked, but rather that the question was open as far as how it worked in this particular series, and the recent episode answered that. I suppose I didn't, as you put it, just take it for granted that that's the way it always is in the zombie genre. Now that you point it out though, it does seem to be the standard.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #435 on: 03-13-2012 17:13 »

I've never seen a zombie film or any zombie media before this (with exception of Thriller heh) so I did not know that's how this sort of thing worked in these stories. I was basically told the same thing on Sunday by the people I watch the show with :shifty:

I think, or have a feeling, that Carol is going next. Or of all the people listed, I think she should...I don't know, I know she's been through a lot but she just annoys me at this point...

They are definitely getting off that farm, I just hope Hershel is still around next season because I like him. And Maggie. Kill off suicide girl if you have to...

btw Bend-err, I think Sunday's episode did have a black zombie! :cool:

Space Pope
« Reply #436 on: 03-13-2012 20:44 »
« Last Edit on: 03-13-2012 21:03 »

I've never seen a zombie film or any zombie media before this

Buh....but...how is that even possible? :O_o:

You need to fix this, Randi. Like...watch the original Romero trilogy, then 28 Days Later, then maybe Zombieland, then...wait, you haven't even seen Shaun Of The Dead? And you call yourself a nerd? What the flying fuck, Randi?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #437 on: 03-13-2012 21:54 »

In my opinion, all of Rick, Lori, Carl, Glenn, Daryl, Hershel, and Maggie are all safe for this upcoming episode. Most of everybody else has been relegated to background characters as of late, so I don't see them making a big hub-bub to save them from this horde. The "odd" pick on that list is Daryl, but I see him filling the role of Rick's right-hand-man for the upcoming season. Plus, he's too damn awesome. Somebody has to die next episode though. The cast feels like it's gotten too big.

I have to say though, after my big flipping out over killing Dale two episodes ago, I'm very glad that they got around to killing the other half of his foil. Shane's character wouldn't have survived long without having that foil around, so it's good to see him go for that reason alone.

On the subject of how Randall and Shane turned, it seemed pretty obvious to me. Everybody's infected with the virus that makes you a zombie after death. Perhaps we could say that the virus kicks in when your body temperature reaches a certain level. Zombies attacking you and giving you that fever is totally separate. It's probably something along the lines of rabies and not related to the thing that's actually turning people into zombies. As mentioned at the CDC, the brain keeps running motor functions when a zombie, thus the only way to ensure somebody won't turn into a zombie after dying or to kill a zombie is to cause massive brain damage. This is why since the CDC that all of the characters have shot or attacked zombies in the head rather than anywhere else.

It's also possible that this is what the doctor at the CDC told Rick before he left, that everybody turns into zombies after they die so it's hopeless. Maybe.

Urban Legend
« Reply #438 on: 03-13-2012 22:26 »

I can't remember; did the CDC actually confirm that it was a virus?

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #439 on: 03-14-2012 00:13 »
« Last Edit on: 03-14-2012 00:19 »

Since he (CDC guy) took all their blood, I believe he told Rick that Lori was pregnant. That's why he already knew.

If Rick had known that you had to kill everyone in the head, why did he stab Shane in the abdomen, while Carl saved him?

What bugged me in that scene was that Rick couldn't hear/sense Shane coming up on him. It's always so eerily quiet out there but he can't hear wobbling in the grass? Okay...

Ha Josh, I was actually thinking about watching Zombieland but that would probably be a bad start to this genre :shifty: The only reason I got into this show was because a high school friend of mine (who also is a Futurama fan, among many other TV shows) asked me if I wanted to view it with a couple other guys during first season, when he found out through facebook we actually still live less than 5 minutes from each other. So...I've been watching it every Sunday with them since then.
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