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Author Topic: It stinks! (movie review thread)  (Read 45469 times)
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Bending Unit
« Reply #480 on: 01-02-2011 01:05 »

At least he knows how to write with proper capitalisation... probably.
shift keys killed my family.

Starship Captain
« Reply #481 on: 01-02-2011 06:08 »

Inception was disappointing, 7/10

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #482 on: 01-02-2011 12:18 »

Geez, Winna; you're not even trying anymore.

You didn't like Bladerunner?  I thought it was a fantastic movie, perhaps arguably the movie of 2010, and I disagree with your proposition.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #483 on: 01-02-2011 17:10 »

You didn't like Bladerunner?  I thought it was a fantastic movie, perhaps arguably the movie of 2010, and I disagree with your proposition.

OK, I'll bite.  How can Bladerunner arguably be the best movie of 2010 when its last incarnation, Bladerunner, the Final Cut / "25th Anniversary Edition" was released in 2007?

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« Reply #484 on: 01-02-2011 18:59 »

huh? :confused:

Space Pope
« Reply #485 on: 01-02-2011 20:57 »

You didn't like Bladerunner?  I thought it was a fantastic movie, perhaps arguably the movie of 2010, and I disagree with your proposition.

OK, I'll bite.  How can Bladerunner arguably be the best movie of 2010 when its last incarnation, Bladerunner, the Final Cut / "25th Anniversary Edition" was released in 2007?

Don't bite.  To quote Silence of the Lambs, "You don't want Winna inside your head".
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #486 on: 01-02-2011 23:36 »

You probably don't want him inside any of your other body parts either.

Also, I hope you meant to say "paraphrase," not "quote."  The Silence of the Lambs doesn't actually mention winna by name, does it?

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #487 on: 01-03-2011 00:50 »

I hope not, unless it does.  But umm, another review.


Awesome movie, very psychological killer and I hope that it gets nominated for an award... possibly best cinematography in an underwater location.  In it Samuel L. Jackson and Queen Latifa have a baby named Jerry, then their friends explore the ocean with Captain Nemo who works for the OSSA to uncover alien artifacts.  The movie turns rather serious when a sphere.

I found out something even more awesome.  This movie is best watched at 2/3rds speed.  That's right, slow it down by approximately 33% and all of a sudden the dynamic of the movie becomes even more prominent!  MIND BENDERING ALTERNATIONS...... !!!!!! .......

Starship Captain
« Reply #488 on: 01-03-2011 01:26 »

"The movie turns rather serious when a sphere."


Space Pope
« Reply #489 on: 01-03-2011 02:29 »

Also, I hope you meant to say "paraphrase," not "quote."
Yeah, that.

Sphere  I hope that it gets nominated for an award...
Nick, time to winnaspam a different thread. 

Space Pope
« Reply #490 on: 01-07-2011 05:16 »

Ice Age 3     The 3d was good...that was it.

Starship Captain
« Reply #491 on: 01-08-2011 09:04 »

I am looking forward to Tree of Life and Melancholia

Space Pope
« Reply #492 on: 01-08-2011 11:24 »

Well, that can't be determined, as the movie said at the beginning: the main characters was a ghost sent to kill his wife because the old asian dude had a dream one time about it.

I can't tell if you're trolling or if this is an actual interpretation of the movie that some people have. Either way it's silly. :)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #493 on: 01-08-2011 16:59 »

Some people are just asking for a timeout, stop spamming your nonsense.

Starship Captain
« Reply #494 on: 01-09-2011 02:13 »

Inception wasn't very good Fazesfhit :)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #495 on: 01-09-2011 04:02 »

Fun cheesy action movie.
John Malkovich: "I remember Secret Service being tougher" lols, that has to be an In the Line of Fire reference.


Space Pope
« Reply #496 on: 01-09-2011 16:30 »


Better than Despicable Me at least.


Black Swan

Pretty much like Requiem for a Dream but about one person.


Space Pope
« Reply #497 on: 01-10-2011 05:02 »

Black Swan

Good movie. I don't really have that many thoughts about it, other than it was intense and I loved the use of Swan Lake music as the score.


Urban Legend
« Reply #498 on: 01-10-2011 05:36 »

Fantastic Mr. Fox

I liked the animation, but after watching it I kinda felt like "and they needed to make that into a movie because?..."


Scott Pilgrim

Good, was a bit disappointed though.  In the movie they used a lot of Zelda noises and stuff.  So I was waiting for the "Got Item" sound, but I'm pretty sure it never happened.  Sad face.


Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I actually enjoyed this one.  Probably because the Greek god Hades cracked me up.  Or that its a hugely popular series that my students check out non-stop.

transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #499 on: 01-10-2011 07:29 »

Scott Pilgrim was way more awesome than a "B".

Inception was a great film. No complaints there.

Toy Story 3... meh. Not as good as the first one. Not nearly as good. Something seems to have been lost between sequels.

Might watch this Percy Jackson thing next... might watch Coraline. Whichever I get first.

Space Pope
« Reply #500 on: 01-10-2011 07:46 »

Not sure why "this needed to be made into a movie because?" makes Fantastic Mr. Fox any less of a good movie. It surely didn't need to be made into a movie, but it WAS made into a movie, and that movie ended up being really, really good, at least in my opinion. The voice acting was great, the humor was unique and quirky, and it was fun.

Space Pope
« Reply #501 on: 01-10-2011 09:48 »

The answer to "this needed to be made into a movie because?" is MONEY.  That's it.  Hollywood isn't pretending to be about art anymore; it's run by beancounters & suits who make all the greenlight decisions.  And, they're exceedingly greedy; in baseball, you can win games by hitting singles, but in the movies, all the studios want nowadays is home runs & that's it.  Hence how, as a general trend, movies have been mostly unoriginal, increasingly stupid & poorly written for over 2 decades. 

I'm not bitter...  :)

Bending Unit
« Reply #502 on: 01-10-2011 10:01 »

Old Dracula

A rare movie I have the misfortune to own.

Written and Filmed under the name, "Vampira," Old Dracula features an aged David Niven (No... poor Dave!) playing an elderly Dracula trying to revive his dead wife and she ends up becoming black. I really want to make some Mr. Freeze jokes here, but I'll try to refrain from them. During the final months of post-production on this movie, Mel Brooks' ever-so-hilarious Young Frankenstein was released, so in order to capitalize in the success of it, Vampira was renamed Old Dracula- even comparing the two films in the slogan: "If you liked Young Frankenstein, you'll LOVE Old Dracula!"

Oh- did I mention that he revives his wife using the blood of Playboy bunnies? Yeah- and they even live in his mansion for a while. This would have been a perfect opportunity to cast the Heff! I mean, if they got him in Miss March (we'll get to that later), why couldn't they get him in Old Dracula- when he probably wasn't as expensive... wait...

Another problem is acting and cinematography just don't look natural- in Young Frankenstein it looked like a movie. This looks like a mediocre Saturday Night Live Sketch from the mid-eighties. As I said, the acting is stiff, and Would You Believe that CLIVE FRIGGIN' DONNER directed this picture? Why would he sign onto a film of such ASS proportions?!

If you are one of the odd one's out who liked this film, and are offended by this review for some reason: "CHILL AUHT!!!" (I said TRY to refrain... ah, what the f**k, BAT CREDIT CARD.)

I give it an astounding 2/10 or an F!
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #503 on: 01-11-2011 10:08 »

Megamind: Loved it. Fantastic animation, the voice characterisations were brilliant, and of course the theme and genre are one of my personal favourites. Far, far better than Despicable Me.

Can't wait to see the Green Hornet...

Space Pope
« Reply #504 on: 01-11-2011 10:19 »

SciFi channel is running a Green Hornet marathon this weekend.  I think I'm going to check it out & see why the people of Hong Kong used to call it the "Kato Show".
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #505 on: 01-11-2011 14:19 »




Urban Legend
« Reply #506 on: 01-12-2011 05:05 »

Josh - because of what seattlejohn said.  It makes a movie annoying knowing it was made JUST to rake in cash.  Like the new Spiderman movies.  Really?  Didn't we JUST see these?  I mean, this isn't like remaking True Grit or something older, this is like... 5-10 years old. 

Honestly I find it odd to do a Dahl book that is so straight forward and... boring.  Would have much rather seen them use this format of animation to do his short stories, like "Skin and Other Stories."

And Scott Pilgrim BARELY gets a B.  Seriously, could Ramona have been anymore of a snore fest?  And really, she honestly showed NO interest in Scott.  "Yah, we can see how things go, oh I just wanna be free, insert another sentence about not wanting to be in a relationship."  The best thing of the whole damn movie was Kieran Culkin and April from Parks and Rec.  Scott, how dumb are you, how many times do you need this explained to you?

Seriously, casting in movies lately has been mega shitty.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #507 on: 01-12-2011 05:15 »

Scott Pilgrim BARELY gets a B.  Seriously, could Ramona have been anymore of a snore fest?  And really, she honestly showed NO interest in Scott.  "Yah, we can see how things go, oh I just wanna be free, insert another sentence about not wanting to be in a relationship." 

WOW, you missed a lot of subtext. She's into Scott at least a little, from the beginning. She warms to him over the course of the film, as he pursues her. It's about his pursuit, his chase and his battle (a metaphor given literal being) to overcome her previous bad experiences (exes) and show her that he's actually a nice guy and that they have a shot at happiness together. Which they take at the end of the film... through the subspace door, they go to (presumably) a fresh start away from everything that's negatively impacted them over the course of the film.

If she had no interest in Scott, then there wouldn't have been any evil exes showing up to be battled, as there would be no point in them doing so. See, her interest is held back by the ghosts of her former relationships at the beginning, and only freed at the end, with the defeat of Gideon. Scott has a similar freedom given to him by Knives in the closing seconds, and they're finally ready to begin their relationship.

Urban Legend
« Reply #508 on: 01-12-2011 05:24 »

But he's not a nice guy.  He really is a douchebag.  You can't say he is trying to prove to her that he is a nice guy throughout the movie when the ONLY non-selfish thing he does is like with 10 mins of movie left.

Its a movie about emo kids.  Seriously, change the music to linkin park and you would hate it.  But it would be the same damn thing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #509 on: 01-12-2011 05:42 »

I hate myself for saying this but here goes. "It makes a lot more sense in the books."
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #510 on: 01-12-2011 17:44 »

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief: Poorly executed, but well-cast. Pacing and exposition felt a little off, and there were too many inconsistencies with the actual greek myths for me to enjoy it thoroughly, but overall not terrible. I think I can see why other people enjoyed it, I suppose. Still, it's a sad indictment on the state of people's classical education these days that they can enjoy a movie which one moment is telling us the story of Perseus is true, the next is showing us a still very-much-alive Medusa.

Logical inconsistencies aside, the action scenes were quite well done - even if the CG is at times a little too painfully obvious.

I wanted to like it more than I ended up doing, but that's par for the course with a lot of children's films at the moment. Toy Story 3, Despicable Me, and the awful, awful Ice Age 3.

Nevermind. Still got high-ish hopes for The Green Hornet.

Avatar Czar
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« Reply #511 on: 01-12-2011 18:40 »

Some people are just asking for a timeout, stop spamming your nonsense.

My first post would have sufficed. :rolleyes:

It didn't even say anything bad about your silly movie fazey. :hmpf:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #512 on: 01-12-2011 18:48 »

Scott Pilgrim BARELY gets a B.  Seriously, could Ramona have been anymore of a snore fest?  And really, she honestly showed NO interest in Scott.  "Yah, we can see how things go, oh I just wanna be free, insert another sentence about not wanting to be in a relationship." 

WOW, you missed a lot of subtext. She's into Scott at least a little, from the beginning. She warms to him over the course of the film, as he pursues her. It's about his pursuit, his chase and his battle (a metaphor given literal being) to overcome her previous bad experiences (exes) and show her that he's actually a nice guy and that they have a shot at happiness together. Which they take at the end of the film... through the subspace door, they go to (presumably) a fresh start away from everything that's negatively impacted them over the course of the film.

If she had no interest in Scott, then there wouldn't have been any evil exes showing up to be battled, as there would be no point in them doing so. See, her interest is held back by the ghosts of her former relationships at the beginning, and only freed at the end, with the defeat of Gideon. Scott has a similar freedom given to him by Knives in the closing seconds, and they're finally ready to begin their relationship.

It's really difficult to ascertain those things throughout the movie, and Scott does act like a douchebag throughout various portions of the film including the whole part where he doesn't dump knives before pursuing someone new.  The story is about growth though.

I think the parts that appeal to me about that movie are the indie feel about it, which I enjoy, and the nerdom, and the pretty girls.  I wish my twenties had been more like this except for Scott being a douche and breaking Knives' heart.  He also never has a job... but I also liked most of the other characters.  The effects (both visual and audio) are really enjoyable and the comic book logic is fantastic and engrossing.  I'd probably consider this as another post-modern comic book take on superheroes along with Kickass and The Watchmen (although that predates all of these and has a different mood surrounding it) and I've enjoyed these glances at realistic thoughts on superheroes as individuals rather than just fictional one dimensional characters.

Also, I have a theory that the entire story of Scott Pilgrim is really just another dreamworld in the movie Inception, but for some reason Ellen Paige never showed up.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #513 on: 01-12-2011 22:50 »

It's perfectly fine to say you don't like a film, but your posts were talking about silly nonsense that wasn't (by my awesome recollection) in the film, and I'd like to keep at least a few threads on this thing srs bizness pls. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #514 on: 01-12-2011 23:15 »

Also, I have a theory that the entire story of Scott Pilgrim is really just another dreamworld in the movie Inception, but for some reason Ellen Paige never showed up.

Because she was in a dream within that dream where she had just had scott's baby.  They didn't show that part cuz being a general douchebag and then letting people know he dumped his ex pregnant gf for a 17 year old would be too much!

Bending Unit
« Reply #515 on: 01-13-2011 00:33 »

true grit

movie owns. coen brothers own. jeff bridges owns. nice cameo by barry pepper. do i really have to say anything else? 9/10

Bending Unit
« Reply #516 on: 01-13-2011 02:05 »

Futurama based movie reviews:

Free Hot Meal

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #517 on: 01-13-2011 03:16 »

haha nice....and to the post above this ^^^^, I do want to see True Grit at some point...I have heard it is really good.

My parents, who saw the original years ago, don't want to see the re-make...though I'm sure I will be able to convince them.

We were watching movies on HBO a few nights ago and a 1970ish remake of King Kong was on.  It was sooo ridiculous (not to mention the hilarious "special effects" and clothing).
We were basically doing an MS3K gag through the movie...that was fun.

Urban Legend
« Reply #518 on: 01-13-2011 03:44 »

True Grit was fantastic!  A+

I've never seen the original, but the people I know who have say that the remake is actually better than the first. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #519 on: 01-13-2011 05:02 »

haha nice....and to the post above this ^^^^, I do want to see True Grit at some point...I have heard it is really good.

My parents, who saw the original years ago, don't want to see the re-make...though I'm sure I will be able to convince them.

We were watching movies on HBO a few nights ago and a 1970ish remake of King Kong was on.  It was sooo ridiculous (not to mention the hilarious "special effects" and clothing).
We were basically doing an MS3K gag through the movie...that was fun.
i still can't process the fact that someone thought a remake of king kong with jeff bridges and charles grodin was a good idea.
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