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Author Topic: It stinks! (movie review thread)  (Read 45616 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #440 on: 12-17-2010 23:55 »

Don't put it in here if you haven't seen it! What are you a knucklehead?
Or as they say in Trading Places, "What is you, ignorant?"

Lawrence of Arabia
Made by the same director (David Lean) who made Bridge Over the River Kwai, this is the first major film performances of Peter O'Toole and Omar Shariff.  The scope of the film is overwhelming, and also very personal.  Unbelieveably, David Lean manages to give barren desert a personality of it's own.  See this film in the showbox format, otherwise you'll lose the scope of the film.  Considered one of the best films ever made, this is an amazing achievement in moviemaking. 


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #441 on: 12-18-2010 07:48 »

Tron: Nix gets a headache for the rest of the day because 3D is stupid and needs to die a fiery death

Visuals: A+
Characters: C (Worst guru ever, Flynn)
Story: WTF
3D: Fuck you.

Can someone explain to me how CLU's plan was going to work?


Space Pope
« Reply #442 on: 12-18-2010 08:08 »

Nix, this movie was made for one reason: money.  Period.  It's a sequel, which is the only thing that hollywood seems capable of making these days.  Don't look for continuity, story, character development or anything making sense when studios crank out sequels just to make money.  And, agreed on the 3D; studios are all lemmings running toward a cliff with this; not an independent or original thought amongst any of them.   
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #443 on: 12-18-2010 08:24 »

Oh, so you've seen it SJ?

Space Pope
« Reply #444 on: 12-19-2010 08:39 »
« Last Edit on: 12-19-2010 08:46 »

TRON: Legacy.

I enjoyed it thoroughly. So the story's not that deep and somewhat generic, MEH! It looks awesome, the sound track is great, and there are all kinds of eye-candy in it. Stop being bitches and just enjoy it.


While I'm looking forward to see Tron: Legacy myself, this bothers me. Most of the reviews of Tron: Legacy have said "story sucks, visuals are great, enjoy it for the visuals". Isn't that exactly what everybody said about Avatar? I'm guessing most people who were looking forward to Tron: Legacy were not fans of Avatar (I certainly wasn't). So why do the stunning visuals in Avatar not make up for it's horrible story and dialogue, but with Tron: Legacy, we should not care and just enjoy?
I'll tell you why: Because Avatar was the big jock movie and Tron: Legacy is the nerdy underdog. Hypocrites, all of you!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #445 on: 12-19-2010 11:03 »

I thought the whole thing about Tron always was the coloroured lights on black felt?  That was the point right?  And maybe electronic sounds too, I guess?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #446 on: 12-19-2010 13:12 »

   Can someone explain to me how CLU's plan was going to work?


I've seen some reviews which said that the plot was hard to follow. Personally I didn't find it that hard to follow at all, but that's what I get for paying attention, I suppose.

Overall, I agree with ~FazeShift~'s grade of B.

Space Pope
« Reply #447 on: 12-19-2010 13:19 »

I'd give it a full review, but I'd just be dogpiling at this point.  I give it an 8/10; visuals are amazing, but, like many of the films being made today, storytelling is not the focus here.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #448 on: 12-19-2010 17:56 »

Also the title Tron: Legacy is a pun or double meaning or one of those things.

Space Pope
« Reply #449 on: 12-19-2010 19:37 »

Black Swan

Good story, some freaky moments, weird as fuck.


Space Pope
« Reply #450 on: 12-20-2010 00:03 »
« Last Edit on: 12-20-2010 00:13 »

Don't look for continuity, story, character development or anything making sense when studios crank out sequels just to make money.

The original wasn't exactly Citizen Kane.

I think Legacy actually carries on the spirit of the original quite well - even down to the obtuse, barely comprehensible plot.

My god it's pretty, though.

EDIT: Another thing, did I miss something, or did Clu totally blow up Daft Punk?

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #451 on: 12-20-2010 02:43 »

Do you have a twitter account Ben?  I'd like to follow your tweets.
RS 2thou

Urban Legend
« Reply #452 on: 12-20-2010 03:32 »

   Can someone explain to me how CLU's plan was going to work?


I've seen some reviews which said that the plot was hard to follow. Personally I didn't find it that hard to follow at all, but that's what I get for paying attention, I suppose.

Overall, I agree with ~FazeShift~'s grade of B.

Since when was the plot hard to follow?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #453 on: 12-20-2010 05:33 »

I quite liked Tron Legacy. It's an improvement on the original, which (when viewed without the nostalgia goggles), wasn't really a very good movie. The sequel was whooping good fun. I especially liked the addition of flying machines leaving the solid ribbon behind them like the bikes.
Also, Jeff Bridges sprouting cheesy 80s dialogue and hippy-talk was funny.

Space Pope
« Reply #454 on: 12-20-2010 06:44 »

Also, Jeff Bridges sprouting cheesy 80s dialogue and hippy-talk was funny.
See "The Big Lebowski".  That's primarily what he does the whole movie.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #455 on: 12-20-2010 08:53 »
« Last Edit on: 12-20-2010 09:15 »

EDIT: Another thing, did I miss something, or did Clu totally blow up Daft Punk?

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I assumed they when everyone else did... Maybe... I hope :(

Urban Legend
« Reply #456 on: 12-20-2010 09:06 »

Spoiler tag, Chay!  :mad:
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #457 on: 12-20-2010 09:15 »

FIXED! Sorry Buddy!

Urban Legend
« Reply #458 on: 12-21-2010 05:47 »

Also, Jeff Bridges sprouting cheesy 80s dialogue and hippy-talk was funny.
See "The Big Lebowski".  That's primarily what he does the whole movie.

Yeah, well, that's like, just your opinion, man

Space Pope
« Reply #459 on: 12-21-2010 06:34 »

Don't get me started; I can quote forever from that movie.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #460 on: 12-21-2010 18:31 »

The Other Guys
Enjoyable silliness, not the usual Will Ferrell madness, close enough but at least it has some cool stars like Jackson, The Rock, Keaton and Eva Mendes to mix it up.


Urban Legend
« Reply #461 on: 12-21-2010 19:39 »

Black Swan

Definitely one of the 10 best ballerina movies I've seen this week. Possibly even top 5.


Space Pope
« Reply #462 on: 12-22-2010 01:30 »

The Other Guys
Enjoyable silliness, not the usual Will Ferrell madness, close enough but at least it has some cool stars like Jackson, The Rock, Keaton and Eva Mendes to mix it up.


Took the words right out of my mouth. The humor was odd but it was still pretty funny.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #463 on: 12-25-2010 07:54 »

Horton Hears a Who

Can a 65 page picture book provide enough material to make a feature film?  Nope.

Space Pope
« Reply #464 on: 12-25-2010 08:35 »

Damn; so much for my screenplay for "Green Eggs & Ham"...

Urban Legend
« Reply #465 on: 12-25-2010 16:28 »

True Grit

Coen's made a great western movie, loved the dialogue between Bridges and Damon


Space Pope
« Reply #466 on: 12-26-2010 04:48 »

If I did not love my mother, I would have spared myself the last two hours of cinema-shit that was Little Fockers. But it's Christmas and my mom wanted to see it so I bit the bullet and sat. I don't think I've ever writhed in my seat before out of sheer agony and boredom. Dustin Hoffman is the only funny thing in this movie, everyone else is a douche or one of the wives who has little screen time and little personality. Fuck all these movies, I hate them.


Space Pope
« Reply #467 on: 12-26-2010 05:24 »

I thought it was Little Fuckers?

Space Pope
« Reply #468 on: 12-26-2010 07:06 »

As I said once some indeterminate period of time ago, I love the original Tron.  It's one of those semi-cheesy yet absorbing movies that you can just watch and get raptly engrossed in.  Also, 1982 special effects for the win.

Horton Hears a Who

I'll hear you a Who, you hooter you.

I thought I should point out that I watched most of Team America and parts of Slums of Beverly Hills and some obscure horror movie and Galaxy Quest again on TV recently, and continued to find them various degrees of amusing and/or entertaining.  That constitutes the general extent of my movie-watching.  Thank you.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #469 on: 12-27-2010 11:56 »


I was intrigued (and pleased) that most of the footage from the trailers wasn't in the actual movie.

I thought it was pretty good but I wasn't quite as impressed as many of the reviewers that I have read/watched. Having animal-companions who do not speak was a nice touch, though.

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #470 on: 12-27-2010 21:41 »

True Grit

Coen's made a great western movie, loved the dialogue between Bridges and Damon

Isn't most of the dialogue just lifted from the original?

Starship Captain
« Reply #471 on: 12-27-2010 22:28 »

Groundhog Day
Downloaded it to my iPad yesterday. Definitely one of my favourite films. Bill Murray does an excellent job. The story is very well written, as it reinvents itself throughout the film (because obviously this film is about a weatherman living the same day over and over again).

Wow, that was a short review.

Space Pope
« Reply #472 on: 12-29-2010 20:36 »

Tron 2

Only a tiny little bit better than the first one. I wasn't that crazy about all the neon again. The story kinda died after the bar deal. The music gave it an 80's feel and did it's job. I didn't see it in 3D.


Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #473 on: 12-30-2010 03:29 »


Arguably the best film of 2010.  In it, a bladrunner goes out and falls in love with androids.  He has to find them first and kill some of them to gain their power.  Then he finds out he is one!  Completely mindblowing, and it acurately describes Los Angeles.  One of my new favourites, definitely; go see this if you haven't had a chance yet!


Space Pope
« Reply #474 on: 12-30-2010 04:24 »

Geez, Winna; you're not even trying anymore.

Urban Legend
« Reply #475 on: 12-30-2010 04:36 »

   Harry Potty Number Seven: The Finale - Part One

Here's a question which has only just occured to me: In the scene, toward the end, where the trio

Having just seen it myself, don't they...

And I liked the whole film, too. Nice and dark, with some scary shots. And I'm constantly amazed how they use CGI to flawlessly remove Ralph Fiennes' nose. :D
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #476 on: 12-30-2010 16:45 »

No, he ACTUALLY had that done for the movie. True story.

I saw the kings speech recently, it was good and stuff.

Space Pope
« Reply #477 on: 01-01-2011 11:19 »

Can someone explain to me how CLU's plan was going to work?

Ha my boyfriend had the same prediction. I thought it was alright, it was better than I expected, and I didn't expect anything great. Music and visuals were pretty badass though.

Bending Unit
« Reply #478 on: 01-01-2011 23:23 »

i saw the great new thriller from m night shymalan, DEVIL. it features a devil on an elevator because the devil's just a dick and instead of haunting big things like skyscrapers or cruise ships he goes for four or five people at a time. anyway it sucks and by the time i got to the twist i was so apathetic that they could have fucking made anything up.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #479 on: 01-02-2011 00:48 »

At least he knows how to write with proper capitalisation... probably.
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