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Author Topic: It stinks! (movie review thread)  (Read 45573 times)
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Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #400 on: 11-29-2010 18:55 »

the vo track was first removed from the original director's cut back in the late 80s/early 90s, tho it's also not present in the "final cut" version.

Space Pope
« Reply #401 on: 11-29-2010 19:01 »

Sank you bery much.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #402 on: 11-29-2010 19:05 »

while poking around to find out what's different in this "final cut" from the original directors cut, I found this quote and thought I'd share.

Producer Herb Jaffe optioned it [blade runner movie] in the early 1970s, but Dick wasn't impressed with the screenplay: "Robert Jaffe, who wrote the screenplay, flew down here to Orange County. I said to him then that it was so bad that I wanted to know if he wanted me to beat him up there at the airport or wait till we got to my apartment."

Space Pope
« Reply #403 on: 12-01-2010 04:57 »

Minority Report
I don't know why, but this movie never really looked that interesting to me. Being left alone in a tiny unit, you start scratching at the walls and decide fine I'll bloody watch the damn thing and see what the fuss was about.

So I actually quite enjoyed it. Except the part where Cruise was temporarily sightless and ate a mouldy sandwich, followed by a swig of what looked like milk from 1843. That part made me gag. Yeah, I almost threw up watching a guy pretend to choke on off food stuffs, yet I have no problem looking at pictures of real murder scenes.

I'd be interested to read the short story the movie was based on, apparently there's a few changes, as expected when they transfer book to film. Even though it was a 2 and a half hour movie, it kept me watching. I often find it difficult to sit down and concentrate on something for too long unless it's actually..good. And even though I caught on quickly to the whole thing where they were trying to trick the audience/Cruise about one character's involvement in the whole conspiracy, it was still interesting to see how it all played out. Maybe it would have been less enthralling had I read the story first..


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #404 on: 12-01-2010 05:53 »

Rapunzel: A Tangled Tale

Watched it the other day and in 3D version. I don't really want to pay extra 8 bucks just to watch the 3D version but so far Disney has yet to disappoint me with its quality.

I actually like this version as compared to the Brothers Grimm. Then again, I am a Disney fan freak so I may be a bit biased on this. Well, I thought the story was beautifully told and I love the characters and background designs. I like how they stick with the colours used in the Rococo period (all pastel and light).

Truly it was beautifully done and I actually didn't mind the singing bit. Oh, I also love Maximus, the horse :D


Space Pope
« Reply #405 on: 12-01-2010 06:02 »

How did it compare, cartooning style wise, to a Dreamworks pic like Shrek?

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #406 on: 12-01-2010 06:08 »

Well, if I were to compare it to Dreamworks' Shrek, yes Shrek has a great storyline but the character design (as in most of their human characters looked the same) and the animation was so-so. They improved alot when they did Kung Fu Panda.

Whereas, the execution of the animation style done in Rapunzel was smooth and great. There were times I thought I was watching it in 2D.

Space Pope
« Reply #407 on: 12-01-2010 06:46 »

Nice.  I think I'll go see it then.

Starship Captain
« Reply #408 on: 12-01-2010 12:12 »

There were times I thought I was watching it in 2D.

You get that a lot when you see a film in 3D.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #409 on: 12-01-2010 16:34 »

That's not what I meant though.

Space Pope
« Reply #410 on: 12-01-2010 21:52 »


The only good thing about this movie was the crazy grandma.

I give it about a D+/C-


Bending Unit
« Reply #411 on: 12-02-2010 05:26 »


The only good thing about this movie was the crazy grandma.

I give it about a D+/C-

I think you're forgetting the acting....

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #412 on: 12-02-2010 11:55 »

Voyage of the Dawn Treader

On the whole I enjoyed this movie and I was surprised how faithfully they were able to stay to the book but somehow it left me feeling a bit underwhelmed.

I mean it was better than just okay but it felt too much like a series of loosely connected episodes that, individually, didn't quite have enough grandure about them and, collectively, didn't have an engaging enough through-line and didn't build to as satisfying conclusion as I was expecting.

Maybe I'm biased because I enjoyed the book so much when I was a child but I would have happily accepted a longer film if they had used the extra time to flesh things out a bit more.

Rating: B+

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #413 on: 12-04-2010 19:52 »

Despicable Me
Steve Carrells voice was cool and the little yellow dudes were amusing, fun.


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #414 on: 12-05-2010 12:46 »

Speaking of Despicable Me, this weekend I went to see the other CGI movie which features a super villain as the protagonist: Megamind.

I wasn't expecting it to be all that good, partly because of Dreamwork's tendency to churn out as many misses as the do hits, but mostly because I figured that the only possible resolution of a family-friendly movie about a villain was
, especially if, as the trailers implied, the villain is one whose's evil schemes never succeed.

Not only was I right about the ending but it's hard to find a single original element in the film. So what I still don't really understand is why I like this movie so much.

While I can see that other people may not be overly impressed with this film, it was, for me, just the right mix of comedy, parody, moral/message, pop-culture references, homage/shout-outs, zanyness, and so forth.

I'm still not clear on exactly why none of Megamind's plans had ever come off (he didn't come across as an idiot,  his side-kick/minion wasn't incompetent, and all his gadgets & gizmos seemed to function exactly as intended) but that's about my biggest complaint this movie. (When the credits began to roll I was initially slightly disappointed that one minor loose-end hadn't been tidied up but—oh, me of little faith—that had been covered by the time the credits were over.)

I wouldn't rank it above How to Train Your Dragon or Toy Story 3 but for everything that it could have been but, thankfully, wasn't I'm giving Megamind a solid A.


Space Pope
« Reply #415 on: 12-06-2010 04:48 »


It was cute, which for me is pretty good considering I don't care for Disney Princess movies. The songs weren't necessary though.


I saw this movie again, this time with a friend and not my boyfriend. And this time I loved it way more.

Urban Legend
« Reply #416 on: 12-06-2010 05:17 »

An 11-year-old girl likes a princess movie? Shocking!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #417 on: 12-06-2010 10:31 »

I assume the 'happy ending' was the original version where the voice over said that Rachael isn't programmed to 'die' after four years like the other Nexus 6 replicants.

What about Decker?  So, she gets to live forever, and he's screwed?  Awesome. :rolleyes:

Btw Faze, I have the Director's Cut on Laserdisk if you ever wanna come over and watch it. :)

« Reply #418 on: 12-10-2010 01:22 »

My Dinner with Andre
I saw this for the first time the other day and still don't know what to think. I guess it's the kind of thing to reflect upon and watch again some time later, seeing what new insight can be found each time.

Space Pope
« Reply #419 on: 12-11-2010 23:50 »


I don't get it :confused:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #420 on: 12-12-2010 03:53 »

An 11-year-old girl likes a princess movie? Shocking!

I believe somebody's been deleting our posts freind. :hmpf:

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #421 on: 12-12-2010 03:58 »


I don't get it :confused:
Did you fall asleep during the parts where they explain what's happening quite straightforwardly? :D

Space Pope
« Reply #422 on: 12-12-2010 11:13 »


I don't get it :confused:
Did you fall asleep during the parts where they explain what's happening quite straightforwardly? :D

I just knew someone would bite. I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, even though the final shot could have been predicted by a retarded donkey.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #423 on: 12-12-2010 17:39 »

Aha, I see, you were pretending, hoping someone would fall into your extremely well executed trap, so as to insult them, hoho!
You sir are truly the king of the interwebs and should feel highly intelligent and superior to us all.

Or I could just delete your crappy non-review, hmm, a dilemma. :p

Space Pope
« Reply #424 on: 12-12-2010 18:33 »

You sir are truly the king of the interwebs and should feel highly intelligent and superior to us all.

Your condescension, as always, is much appreciated.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #425 on: 12-13-2010 07:36 »

Or I could just delete your crappy non-review, hmm, a dilemma. :p

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #426 on: 12-13-2010 11:40 »

Aha, I see, you were pretending, hoping someone would fall into your extremely well executed trap, so as to insult them, hoho!
You sir are truly the king of the interwebs and should feel highly intelligent and superior to us all.

Or I could just delete your crappy non-review, hmm, a dilemma. :p

I second this; all hail King ShephardofSharhks, King of the Interwebs, Superior Lord over us all, and the Highly Intelligent!

Space Pope
« Reply #427 on: 12-13-2010 12:38 »

Can I put that on my wiki page?

Space Pope
« Reply #428 on: 12-13-2010 20:45 »

Or as your signature.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #429 on: 12-13-2010 21:33 »

Can I put that on my wiki page?

You'll have to figure out how wiki pages work, but I don't see why anyone would try to stop you. :)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #430 on: 12-13-2010 23:53 »

Because it's just another black hole of timewasting on the internet?! :D

« Reply #431 on: 12-14-2010 00:47 »

Not when the grand ShepherdofShark does it.

Or: Only because SoS has decreed it so.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #432 on: 12-15-2010 06:52 »

Because it's just another black hole of timewasting on the internet?! :D

I don't know, I haven't gotten around to properly vandalizing it yet. :hmpf:
Professor Zoidy

Urban Legend
« Reply #433 on: 12-17-2010 00:11 »
« Last Edit on: 12-17-2010 00:12 »

Two reviews from me? Blasphemous I say!

I you know me, I'm hardcore Pixar, pretty "meh" for DreamWorks, so for this review to exist with positive words is short of a miraculous occurrence. From the previews, I was pretty unconvinced about this film being worth a shit. I think they took parts of the film that weren't the best for the first trailer and stuck 'em together. I completely forgot about the film after that until my friend told me she'd seen it and that it was good. I went on a limb and took her word for it and saw it. I was surprised that I liked it. It was a superhero movie so it was action-packed but it had some heart-felt moments that actually worked (as opposed to almost every OTHER DreamWorks film where heartfelt moments don't make me give a shit). A pleasant and refreshing surprise from DreamWorks. Kudos for doin' something right.

A because who doesn't love a bad-ass blue dude with a giant head who loves classic rock that happens to be able to dance?

It's a Disney priness movie. In CGI. You'd think they wouldn't go good together, but the film did work. The songs seemed out of place/superfluous/forced but the songs are almost all in the beginning, so you've got like twenty minutes of song and the rest of the film of adventure. Zachary Levi + any film = win. Also, Flynn= best "prince" ever IMO.

A- because the songs initially feel reeeeaallly corny and superfluous but Flynn alone made up for that.


Space Pope
« Reply #434 on: 12-17-2010 06:45 »


chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #435 on: 12-17-2010 08:56 »

TRON: Legacy.

I enjoyed it thoroughly. So the story's not that deep and somewhat generic, MEH! It looks awesome, the sound track is great, and there are all kinds of eye-candy in it. Stop being bitches and just enjoy it.


Space Pope
« Reply #436 on: 12-17-2010 10:49 »

Did it give you a boner?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #437 on: 12-17-2010 11:32 »


Starship Captain
« Reply #438 on: 12-17-2010 21:27 »

Fred the movie:
I'm never ever going to see it in my entire life because of how crap it looks, but:


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #439 on: 12-17-2010 22:34 »

Don't put it in here if you haven't seen it! What are you a knucklehead?

Tron: Legacy 3D
I agree with chays review but for one part, it is totally an allegory for God, The Devil, Jesus and the Virgin Mary... :p
And I guess Daft Punk are like the 12 apostles or something.

Nothing mindblowing but Jeff Bridges is kewl, CLU-face is uncanny valley, but the rest is blacklight fetish fap material.
Also what was Olivia Wilde talkin' bout when she said in some interview her character was a strong influential role model or somesuch, nawww girl, you're just a sexy butt!

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