Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary

I caught a couple of eps of this show for the first time on holiday in America a couple of months back. It's a complete mindfuck, but gotta love it. I really enjoyed how out there this is, it bends the rules and pushes the boundaries of creativity and animation. Cloolsome show from what I've seen so far!  ...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #58 on: 10-30-2012 15:02 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2012 15:03 »
I'm gonna disagree with you on Gotcha and Dream of Love. I think Gotcha is probably the best episode featuring Lumpy Space Princess, and Dream of Love was pretty enjoyable. It's not my favourite Tree Trunks episode but it's not my least favourite (I thought Apple Thief was worse.) However I do count Who Would Win under my least liked episodes, along with Card Wars.
I know quite a few gay couples who have had experiences similar to the ones in Dream of Love. I'm pretty sure the similarities were unintentional (similar to lgbt who related a lot to Princess Cookie), but that's one reason why I found Dream of Love more appealing (even if it wasn't as enjoyable as the first two episodes about Tree Trunks).
I agree with you about AT being wildly inconsistent. Another thing is that they seem to be neglecting their storyline and character arcs. This is nothing new, but it's become more noticable now that they've started adding more. I mean, nothing's been made of Lady Rainicorn's pregnancy since Lady and Peebles, despite it being a great potential for stories, cameos, jokes and so on. Also while we're on the subject of LR, I really think Lady and Peebles should have had a translator. LR's koreanspeak works for quick jokes, but when she's the focus of an episode and supplies most of the dialogue, it stops being funny and quickly becomes frustrating and annoying. I also thought it was silly how the show hasn't got an episode showing how Flame Princess and Finn got back on speaking terms. Hot to the Touch and Burning Low is quite a big big biiig jump.
I'm pretty excited about Season 5 because of the half hour opening special, which seems to be correcting everything I found disappointing about The Lich.
Also, I'm still annoyed how Doctor Princess was confirmed to not be Betty in an email. Even if they're not the same person, it would have been great to see an episode exploring the possibility. I like Doctor Princess, and it would be nice to see an episode that focuses on her, even if it's just Ice King assuming she's Betty because of the similar appearance.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
I'm gonna have to disagree with you on LSP only working in small does. I think she's a great comic relief character, and while she is bratty and abrasive, she's pretty sweet deep down and it's nice to see her developed. (I suppose if you want to expand the Legend of Zelda/Adventure Crossover that keeps popping up, she's the Princess Ruto of Adventure Time in this regard.) Most of my favourite episodes are the ones that focus on her or have her as a major character (Trouble in Lumpy Space, From Bad to Worse, the Monster, The Creeps and Gotcha.) I suppose you feel the same way about LSP that i do about Lady Rainicorn? Lady's quips are cute on their own and it's fun to look them up and see what she actually said afterwards, but an episode that focuses on her (but left all her quotes untranslated) stops being funny and becomes incredibly frustrating quickly. I think if Lady is suppling most of the dialogue, she needs to be translated.
I agree, we need more Marceline. She's been fairly absent for most of this season, which is odd because she is one of the core characters of the franchise. I would like a bit more of Flame Princess, since she's becoming one of the core cast, but she's still pretty unexplored (Ignition Point didn't really focus on her very much. They should have had her coming into the Fire Kingdom too, but maybe having two female characters who have issues with their evil overlord daddy is too much).
Ah well, I can write a little comic about Doctor Princess causing some brief memories of Betty for my tumblr that turn out to be misplaced, or something. Nearly all of the things on DP on Tumblr are fanwank about her and Betty being the same person, and if there is any fanart of her it's usually porn.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Frida Waterfall


The puppies were alright. How they handled Jake's fatherhood was expected. No mention of Jake eloping with Lady, no labor or birth, skip through the non-verbal years, and end with the puppies being all grown up. But the entire belief that Jake and Lady's pups age fast because they're part rainicorns was utter bull to me. They could've just ended on the note that they don't need Jake (nor Lady) as now they are mature/badass enough to handle themselves.
Also, I was really hoping for the dog/rainicorn hybrids to either be referred to as "corndogs" or "pupcorns".
Viola was the best corndog. How could the two viola enthusiasts resist naming their child after their choice musical instrument?
On a brief note, I loved how Jake Jr. was voiced by Kristen Schaal. I'd love would imagine her eventually doing a voice for "Futurama"... well, if Futurama lives to see 3014.