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Author Topic: What time is it? ADVENTURE TIME!  (Read 11520 times)
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« Reply #40 on: 04-08-2012 03:41 »
« Last Edit on: 04-11-2012 02:37 »

First couple of times I caught this show I was thinking, "What the hell am I watching?"  Must admit, it's really grown on me.  It's twisted and creepy but funny and sweet at the same time.

edit: And as long as I started a new page, I'll add an appropriate TOTPD.

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #41 on: 04-12-2012 21:01 »

It's also pretty ballsy.  I'm surprised they manage to get away with so much homoeroticism... in an American show written for children.  The bible belt have declared war over far far less.

Anyway I love this show to death.  I'm also cosplaying as Finn in a few months.  Mainly because his costume is pretty easy to do.  As long as I do the hat and the backpack, I'll be fine.


Urban Legend
« Reply #42 on: 08-30-2012 11:56 »

I'm about to start watching this show. Wish me luck.

Urban Legend
« Reply #43 on: 08-30-2012 13:26 »

I quite like it after 3 or 4 episodes. My favourite thing about it is the amazing credits song.

Can you post a picture of your costume spacegoldfish?
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #44 on: 08-30-2012 18:17 »

Sure, I'll upload them.   I do want to change the t shirt i used for my Finn outfit though, I got it for a pound in thrift store, and when I actually tried it on, it was wayy too big for me.  It actually made me look a lot larger then I actually am, so I'm going to replace it.
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #45 on: 08-30-2012 19:50 »

I caught a couple of eps of this show for the first time on holiday in America a couple of months back. It's a complete mindfuck, but gotta love it. I really enjoyed how out there this is, it bends the rules and pushes the boundaries of creativity and animation. Cloolsome show from what I've seen so far! :cool:...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #46 on: 08-31-2012 01:00 »

I personally think this decade is going to be a great one for children's animation. 
Otis P Jivefunk

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 09-01-2012 18:16 »
« Last Edit on: 09-01-2012 18:28 »

The last decade was pretty crappy for it, perhaps the last 15 years even. It would be nice if the UK had a season or two of Adventure Time released, I may just purchase one if ever that time comes...
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #48 on: 09-04-2012 10:23 »

It's a good show but it's nowhere near the quality of Regular Show in my opinion. Ice King is by far the greatest character but who could resist Lemongrab?

Urban Legend
« Reply #49 on: 09-04-2012 10:40 »

What the hell is Regular Show?
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #50 on: 09-04-2012 10:49 »

What the hell is Regular Show?


I'd also recommend "Skips vs. Technology", "This is My Jam", "Rage Against the TV", "Weekend at Benson's" and "Ello Gov'nor"
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #51 on: 09-06-2012 02:57 »

It's a good show but it's nowhere near the quality of Regular Show in my opinion. Ice King is by far the greatest character but who could resist Lemongrab?

I can do an excellent impression of Lumpy Space Princess.  But I'm told I can do a scarily accurate impression of Alice from Superjail.  The kind that actually makes male friends turn around nerviously. 

Bending Unit
« Reply #52 on: 10-24-2012 21:54 »

Season Finale:  Mind = Blown

Bending Unit
« Reply #53 on: 10-29-2012 00:19 »

3 words
adventure time SUCKS >:(
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #54 on: 10-29-2012 02:19 »

3 words: That's your opinion! Let people have their own fun here, and don't be another noobish buzzkill.

Bending Unit
« Reply #55 on: 10-29-2012 02:57 »

got it
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #56 on: 10-30-2012 01:26 »

Eh if he thinks it sucks, that's like, his opinion man.   I can see why a lot of people wouldn't like it.

This finale wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be, since it was called The Lich and everything.  It was pretty obvious who the Lich was, and it took too much time setting up the TWIST and then it ended on a cliffhanger.  I think it should have been an extended episode, because it was pretty unsatisfying, even for the first half of a two parter.  

Oh and apparently it's been confirmed that Doctor Princess and Betty are not the same person.  Darrrn, I was really hoping they were going to at least explore the possibility before they went either way with it.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #57 on: 10-30-2012 08:25 »

Unlike Regular Show, Adventure Time is often very inconsistent. You can go from a really epic, exciting episode to a boring and forgettable episode within a week. Season 4 contained some great episodes no doubt ("I Remember You", "Beyond This Earthly Realm" and "Princess Cookie") but it also had it's fair share of bland and often dull episodes ("Who Would Win", "Gotcha!" and "Dream of Love")

I suppose I am looking forward to season five but I'm not really missing the show at this very moment. If the show focuses more on the World of Ooo and all of the beautiful, interesting places then I'll be happy...
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #58 on: 10-30-2012 15:02 »
« Last Edit on: 10-30-2012 15:03 »

I'm gonna disagree with you on Gotcha and Dream of Love.  I think Gotcha is probably the best episode featuring Lumpy Space Princess, and Dream of Love was pretty enjoyable.  It's not my favourite Tree Trunks episode but it's not my least favourite (I thought Apple Thief was worse.)  However I do count Who Would Win under my least liked episodes, along with Card Wars.  

I know quite a few gay couples who have had experiences similar to the ones in Dream of Love.  I'm pretty sure the similarities were unintentional (similar to lgbt who related a lot to Princess Cookie), but that's one reason why I found Dream of Love more appealing (even if it wasn't as enjoyable as the first two episodes about Tree Trunks).  

I agree with you about AT being wildly inconsistent.   Another thing is that they seem to be neglecting their storyline and character arcs.  This is nothing new, but it's become more noticable now that they've started adding more.  I mean, nothing's been made of Lady Rainicorn's pregnancy since Lady and Peebles, despite it being a great potential for stories, cameos, jokes and so on.   Also while we're on the subject of LR, I really think Lady and Peebles should have had a translator.  LR's koreanspeak works for quick jokes, but when she's the focus of an episode and supplies most of the dialogue, it stops being funny and quickly becomes frustrating and annoying.   I also thought it was silly how the show hasn't got an episode showing how Flame Princess and Finn got back on speaking terms.  Hot to the Touch and Burning Low is quite a big big biiig jump.

I'm pretty excited about Season 5 because of the half hour opening special, which seems to be correcting everything I found disappointing about The Lich.  

Also, I'm still annoyed how Doctor Princess was confirmed to not be Betty in an email.  Even if they're not the same person, it would have been great to see an episode exploring the possibility.  I like Doctor Princess, and it would be nice to see an episode that focuses on her, even if it's just Ice King assuming she's Betty because of the similar appearance.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #59 on: 10-30-2012 21:39 »

I suppose I do need to re-watch the earlier episodes of the season such as "Gotcha!" and "Dream of Love" before I can consider them the worst of the season. It's a shame that I don't remember them too fondly as I'm a huge LSP fan and who doesn't love lil' ole Tree Trunks?

I just feel that Lumpy Space Princess is a lot like Zoidberg in Futurama. In episodes that they're not the focus of, they are hilarious, while episodes based around them seem a little like overkill and don't supply many laughs. I also remember "Dream of Love" being extremely repetitive and the residents of Ooo (including Finn and Jake) being extremely harsh to Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig showing their affection for one another.

It's nice to see someone else who's not a fan of the lack of past episode references in this season. A tiny reference (and I mean tiny, it could have been a single passing comment) to Lady Rainicorn's pregnancy would have been much appreciated and I would have assumed it to have happened (I mean it's a pretty big part of Jake's life). I do however like that this season did focus on other characters a lot more featuring Finn and Jake in often smaller roles ("Lady and Pepples", "BMO Noire" and "I Remember You" to name a few). It's a nice change of pace to episodes in previous seasons...

I'm also glad to see that season five will open with a half hour special (which I thought was needed for the finale but oh well, hopefully things are wrapped up nicely then). Finally I would like to see more of Marceline in the fifth season. Her episodes are often very deep and give us a lot of back story into the history of Ooo. She only appeared in three of the twenty six episodes when she is essentially as important as the Ice King or Princess Bubblegum.

I doubt that the Ice King will remember Betty considering that it was so apparent that he didn't even remember his normal self before the war. I guess it would have been pretty neat if Doctor Princess did prompt the memory of his one true love but here's hoping that something else later in the series does...

Urban Legend
« Reply #60 on: 10-31-2012 03:09 »

Gravity Falls is better than this show anyway.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #61 on: 10-31-2012 03:26 »

I'm gonna have to disagree with you on LSP only working in small does.  I think she's a great comic relief character, and while she is bratty and abrasive, she's pretty sweet deep down and it's nice to see her developed.  (I suppose if you want to expand the Legend of Zelda/Adventure Crossover that keeps popping up, she's the Princess Ruto of Adventure Time in this regard.)    Most of my favourite episodes are the ones that focus on her or have her as a major character (Trouble in Lumpy Space, From Bad to Worse, the Monster, The Creeps and Gotcha.)   I suppose you feel the same way about LSP that i do about Lady Rainicorn?  Lady's quips are cute on their own and it's fun to look them up and see what she actually said afterwards, but an episode that focuses on her (but left all her quotes untranslated) stops being funny and becomes incredibly frustrating quickly. I think if Lady is suppling most of the dialogue, she needs to be translated.

I agree, we need more Marceline.  She's been fairly absent for most of this season, which is odd because she is one of the core characters of the franchise.  I would like a bit more of Flame Princess, since she's becoming one of the core cast, but she's still pretty unexplored (Ignition Point didn't really focus on her very much.  They should have had her coming into the Fire Kingdom too, but maybe having two female characters who have issues with their evil overlord daddy is too much).

 Ah well, I can write a little comic about Doctor Princess causing some brief memories of Betty for my tumblr that turn out to be misplaced, or something.   Nearly all of the things on DP on Tumblr are fanwank about her and Betty being the same person, and if there is any fanart of her it's usually porn.  
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #62 on: 11-04-2012 11:04 »

All of the titles for the fifth season have been revealed by Pen Ward...


My Glob some of those sound exciting.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #63 on: 11-04-2012 16:13 »

The titles sound exciting because they show something exciting, but as titles on their own they sound a bit... uninspired.   Maybe that's the point?   But I kind of wish the titles were more creative then "LSP gets robbed" or "Simon and Marcy". 

Still, the episodes I am the most excited about are
Bad Little Boy
Simon and Marcie
Jake the Dad
Finn the human (o cos)

I really hope they don't do a copout or reset button hitter with Jake and Lady becoming parents.
Boxy Robot

Starship Captain
« Reply #64 on: 11-04-2012 17:18 »

Sure the titles are terrible but from what the hinted plots are, they sound great. I'm hoping (like in the last few seasons) that at least two or three of the titles change closer to when the episodes air (such as the blatantly obvious and mundane ones you mentioned above...)
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 11-04-2012 17:59 »

Agreed.  "I remember You" is a good title, but calling it "Marceline and Ice King" would have been a bit sucky, to give an example. 
Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #66 on: 11-11-2012 22:29 »

This show is by far the greatest kids show I've ever seen. Of course it's not exactly a kids show, but I refer to it as that because of some of it's elements. But its characters are developed perfectly, its cast is right on, the world is so vivid, its comic value is through the roof, the action is awesome, and I haven't shipped this much in a show since "Parasites Lost" when Fry and Leela were about to get down. Seriously, this show kicks some flippin' ass, and I love it to bits. And I'm glad that so many adults watch it, because it truly is a show of high value.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #67 on: 11-13-2012 04:25 »

Solid Gold Bender

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 11-13-2012 04:30 »

If you look closely, you can see a slip. Or as I like to say, the gateway to the foxy cave... :flirt:
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #69 on: 12-12-2012 11:59 »

What happened to this week's episode?

Oh and I loved last week's episode, though my only disappointment was that the "c-listers" like Kim and the Witch (two characters I was extremely excited about seeing again) only turned up for the end, despite what the promos had me thinking.  I also think it's funny how so many shippers seem to be getting their panties in a knot saying it's making fun of them and spitting in their faces, when nothing about the episode is malicious even if it is about shipping.  In fact, the crack pairing worked out well so if anything it's positive.  I also love how none of these people were bothered by Fionna and Cake, which certainly made fun of shippers.   I guess they were too busy drawing Marshall Lee and Gumball having bishie bumsex to notice.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #70 on: 12-13-2012 02:54 »

Wait which characters are in relationships again?  It's the dog and the rainicorn, right?

Urban Legend
« Reply #71 on: 01-10-2013 17:41 »

On sale for today only...

SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #72 on: 01-14-2013 00:01 »

Was an all right episode.   I was looking forward to it, but everything about Lady Raincorn's pregnancy and birthing was treated in a pretty half-assed way.  It could have been a pretty interesting and dynamic arc.  Doesn't help that the puppy designs were pretty sub-par, which is a terrible shame because Adventure Time's character designs was what got me into the show in the first place.

Urban Legend
« Reply #73 on: 01-14-2013 00:09 »

Sub-par puppy designs? THEY WERE ADORABLE.

Exhibit A:

from this lady: http://jeromeanimations.tumblr.com/
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #74 on: 01-14-2013 00:15 »

Those two were two of the better ones.   I actually have trouble remember what the other two that weren't Jake Jr look like (who sticks in my mind for looking so crappy)

I just think they could have looked so much better.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #75 on: 01-14-2013 02:58 »

Those are adorabubble!

Write me some fanfactions where I hang out with Marceline and do stuff, SpaceGoldfish.  k thx bai.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #76 on: 01-14-2013 04:43 »

Once upon a time, winna and Marceline were best friends.  They sucked the red out of some buttons, some roses, a cherry tart and an ugly scarf.  Then they went to the movies and saw Skyfall.  Then they made fun of Adele's weight on Tumblr.

The end.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #77 on: 01-14-2013 04:49 »

Also they liked each other very much! :D
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
« Reply #78 on: 01-14-2013 05:06 »

Best friends usually do!
Frida Waterfall

« Reply #79 on: 01-14-2013 07:39 »

The puppies were alright. How they handled Jake's fatherhood was expected. No mention of Jake eloping with Lady, no labor or birth, skip through the non-verbal years, and end with the puppies being all grown up. But the entire belief that Jake and Lady's pups age fast because they're part rainicorns was utter bull to me. They could've just ended on the note that they don't need Jake (nor Lady) as now they are mature/badass enough to handle themselves.

Also, I was really hoping for the dog/rainicorn hybrids to either be referred to as "corndogs" or "pupcorns".

Viola was the best corndog. How could the two viola enthusiasts resist naming their child after their choice musical instrument?

On a brief note, I loved how Jake Jr. was voiced by Kristen Schaal. I'd love would imagine her eventually doing a voice for "Futurama"... well, if Futurama lives to see 3014.
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