
Bending Unit
« on: 06-02-2010 21:56 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2010 20:32 »
Many adult cartoons such as Futurama, Family Guy, Simpsons etc get mentioned here a lot, so I figured I'd start a thread.
I have a particular question: After the simpsons, futurama, south park, family guy, american dad, the cleveland show and king of the hill............ what is the next 'biggest' adult cartoon?
I've been trying to think, and I cannot think what would be the next biggest adult cartoon apart from those listed. By 'biggest' I basically mean, most famous/most succesful/most well known etc.
I'm curious as to what people think it could it be?
So what do you think is the 8th biggest adult cartoon? (Assuming that the first 7 are the simpsons, family guy, south park, futurama, king of the hill, american dad, cleveland show)

DOOP Secretary

Also, I'm preeeeety sure we already have a thread range of threads covering all these shows. That's not what he was asking about. He was asking what the big show after those was. He wasn't trying to discuss those shows. Third, it would be Seth's upcoming fourth show, as of now untitled and with no hope it won't suck.
I wouldn't even consider The Cleveland Show as one of the majors as is, so Seth the Fourth isn't guaranteed to be in this list. For #8 (or #7, as I look at it), you could look at old shows (Beavis and Butthead, Daria, Ren and Stimpy, The Critic) or you could look at current "kids shows". Spongebob, Fairly Oddparents, and Adventure Time come to mind of shows that transcend being "kids shows".


4th, have you gone mad? Yet you are on a Futurama forum.


4th, have you gone mad? Yet you are on a Futurama forum.
Please clarify what you are on about
You placed Futurama in your number 4 slot. I was suggesting if Futurama was indeed in your fourth spot, then why are you not on a forum for your number 1 slot show. Sorry for the confusion. Unless your were just saying overall which shows were more popular by the general populous. In which case, I retract my previous post. I think I misunderstood, maybe I am quite foolish indeed.


I hear you loud and clear, sorry about that. Sadly you are probably right about Futurama not being top show. Quite frankly I can not see why. I guess ignorent people do not enjoy genius.


I would probably go for The life and times of Tim. Maybe not very well known, but it's hillariously funny and definitely adult content, I love it.


You're missing the point. For you it may be big, since you watch it a lot, but we're talking about the overall fame of shows and viewership which make up what the next biggest cartoon has. I've never even heard of that show you're talking about so how could it possibly be one of the biggest.
Actually that isn't a valid point either. I like it and watch it but that doesn't count, yet because you haven't watched it or heard of it, that does count? Just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it's not big or popular or watched by lots of other people. Back when the dragonball Z movie came out my friend had to ask what dragon ball z is**. Now that's massive, it has a huge fanbase and is extremely popular yet he had never even heard of it. HOWEVER I do get what you're saying, because the life and times of tim really isn't very big or well known and I did just mention it as it's a personal favourite of mine. It's the next big adult cartoon for me, but i agree that it isnt the next big one in the grand scheme of things. **please note i am not comparing the life and times of tim to dragonball z, I was just using it as an example.
Ghost and Horse


Invader Zim is big in terms of selling merch to emo Hot Topic kids, but I have no idea if any of them actually watched the show. And it certainly didn't last very long.


Anyone remember The Critic? Or maybe Home Movies.
Was Home Movies 'adult'? I certainly remember it, and watched it, but can't really remember the content.
As or The Critic, I've heard of it lots, but never watched it back in the day
I would say mostly yes.