Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
Oh, wow, they made a show of that? Gah, chalk up another on my list of things-I-want-to-see-or-should-watch-or-should-watch-again-but-never-really-get-around-to..
*KNOCK KNOCK* It's Dirk Gently. Now there's a tea time!
DOOP Secretary
I began hating Jim Carrey for his anti-vaccination stance, but all stupidity movement asides, he was pretty damn lame in that episode.
I generally find that SNL episodes with a male host are funnier than those with a female host. Dunno why, but maybe because men are more willing to make an ass of themselves than women.
But I agree with JoshTheater, SNL is more miss than hit these days. There are some funny bits here and there. I don't know what to pin this on, but I think my problem with a lot of the sketches are that they should probably not have been in at all. Ironically, some of the funniest parts of SNL are the parts that are not live these days.
DOOP Secretary
Is Sarah Shahi's adorable hotness enough to make me watch Fairly Legal?
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #129 on: 01-21-2011 16:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2011 16:56 »
Is Sarah Shahi's adorable hotness enough to make me watch Fairly Legal?
Just GIS'd that, they're using the Arrested Development colour scheme for their poster! Trickery. She's also in that Life show with Damian Lewis (Captain Winters!), is that any good?
DOOP Secretary
Life was very good for the first season. There was some weirdness in the second season surrounding Sarah Shahi's sexy character, and I didn't see the last several episodes. My dad assures me the storyline wrapped up nicely by the time the series was cancelled though.
As an added bonus Christina Hendricks guest starred in a few episodes.
chay´s head
Space Pope
Finished watching Ashes to Ashes. Sad! Need to rewatch the beginning of Season 3 to work out what exactly happened... Did she actually go back to the real world at any stage? When Ray, Chris and Shaz are all watching their tape... saaaaad! Poor Shaz! Poor all of them! Poor Gene! Poor Alex! ! Also, that arse face who was being a dick to Gene the whole seaon, the devil right?
DOOP Secretary
Is American Idol being replaced with the exact same show, only now called The X Factor?
I like what Rage Against the Machine did in the UK in 2009, beating X-Factor for Christmas #1 in the UK singles chart, which is a very big deal in the music world, here, that was cool. Indeed made for an even Merrier Christmas for me, a guy who liked that song anyway.
DOOP Secretary
Was it as good as the books, Tweek, or did it suffer from adaption decay?
DOOP Secretary
It was quite different as I recall; although I haven't read the books for twenty years.
DOOP Ubersecretary
Anybody been watching Game of thrones?
I'm all caught up on it! Last episode I was all "Ohhhh snap son!" There's a lot of weird looking dudes in it. I wonder if there are actually dragons in the books, I presume they are, as each opening shot of Conan Dex (seewhatIdidthere?) and his new sexy missus pan over the dragon eggs as if to say to the audience: "Hey guys, look, dragon eggs... just reminding you that there are dragon eggs up in here, but don't worry about it, it probably won't be important... probably... they're dragon eggs by the way... ... "