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Author Topic: Underestimating Middle-America Since 1950: Television Test Thread  (Read 55491 times)
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chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #120 on: 12-30-2010 16:49 »
« Last Edit on: 12-31-2010 05:02 »

Watching a bunch of english stuff at the moment.

Bought a show called Identity on DVD, it's an itv show starring Mayor Carcetti from The Wire. watched a few eps, it's intriguing, a bit hammy at parts but good.

Also FINALLY watching Life on Mars (UK not US) and it's bloody great. Love that it looks like it was made in the 70's. Afterwards I'll be watching Ashes to Ashes and also Sherlock at some stage.

EDIT: Anyone who's watched Life on Mars, what are their accents? Specifically, like region or whatever.

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #121 on: 01-08-2011 09:08 »

Oh, wow, they made a show of that?
Gah, chalk up another on my list of things-I-want-to-see-or-should-watch-or-should-watch-again-but-never-really-get-around-to..


It's Dirk Gently.  Now there's a tea time!

Space Pope
« Reply #122 on: 01-08-2011 14:59 »

Tea and crumpets!

Dirk Gently who?
Do not Dirk Gently into that good night..

(Honk honk)

I found one of the books! in my old room.  But anywhey regarding TV, my method is, I usually like to flip channels, scout around and watch bits and pieces of things.  I just sample a bunch of a variety of things if nothing in particular catches me.  Then I will settle on something if it arouses my attention and piques my interest enough.
Which reminds me of that awesome educational program on T.S. Eliot I caught at five o'clock in the morning once..

Space Pope
« Reply #123 on: 01-09-2011 07:25 »

I must congratulate Saturday Night Live for making an episode with Jim freakin Carrey, and still not being that funny. Why did he wait so long to come back on the show? Even if he is funny on his own he could have come back, I mean the Roxbury sketch he did back in like 96' with Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan is still so damn hilarious. Oh well, I still love you Jim.

Space Pope
« Reply #124 on: 01-10-2011 07:49 »

It doesn't matter how good of a guest host they get, Saturday Night Live has been a humor vacuum for a LONG time now. Only a few remotely funny things have come out of it the last few years, and everybody is so shocked that those couple things are actually funny that they become huge internet hits.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #125 on: 01-10-2011 13:45 »

I began hating Jim Carrey for his anti-vaccination stance, but all stupidity movement asides, he was pretty damn lame in that episode.

I generally find that SNL episodes with a male host are funnier than those with a female host.  Dunno why, but maybe because men are more willing to make an ass of themselves than women.

But I agree with JoshTheater, SNL is more miss than hit these days.  There are some funny bits here and there.  I don't know what to pin this on, but I think my problem with a lot of the sketches are that they should probably not have been in at all.  Ironically, some of the funniest parts of SNL are the parts that are not live these days.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #126 on: 01-10-2011 14:48 »

Ashes to Ashes is great.

I'm liking season 2 over-arcing story. I miss Annie though, still haven't found out what happened to her. Hopefully get more info soon.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 01-21-2011 08:25 »

Is Sarah Shahi's adorable hotness enough to make me watch Fairly Legal?


Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 01-21-2011 09:03 »

EDIT: Anyone who's watched Life on Mars, what are their accents? Specifically, like region or whatever.

Northen. If you want more specific then the are Mancherian (hmm not sure that is the right spelling). The accent in a Manchester accent (like Dapne is Frasier), hence why in Ashes to Ashes Gene Hunt is called "The Manc Lion".  Although the actor who plays Gene Hunt is as Southern as some one can be.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #129 on: 01-21-2011 16:54 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2011 16:56 »

Is Sarah Shahi's adorable hotness enough to make me watch Fairly Legal?

Just GIS'd that, they're using the Arrested Development colour scheme for their poster!

She's also in that Life show with Damian Lewis (Captain Winters!), is that any good?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 01-22-2011 13:19 »

Life was very good for the first season.  There was some weirdness in the second season surrounding Sarah Shahi's sexy character, and I didn't see the last several episodes.  My dad assures me the storyline wrapped up nicely by the time the series was cancelled though.

As an added bonus Christina Hendricks guest starred in a few episodes.

Space Pope
« Reply #131 on: 01-22-2011 13:29 »

EDIT: Anyone who's watched Life on Mars, what are their accents? Specifically, like region or whatever.

Northen. If you want more specific then the are Mancherian (hmm not sure that is the right spelling). The accent in a Manchester accent (like Dapne is Frasier), hence why in Ashes to Ashes Gene Hunt is called "The Manc Lion".  Although the actor who plays Gene Hunt is as Southern as some one can be.

Quite right, except it's Mancunian, not Mancherian. And that Daphne in Frasier sounds about as Mancunian as the Queen (but she is supposed to be from Manchester, of course).

Urban Legend
« Reply #132 on: 01-22-2011 16:08 »

Ahh well us 'Ampshire folk do ave trouble with our spelling.

I did enjoy Life on Mars but the ending to Ashes to Ashes jsut seemd a little off.

Space Pope
« Reply #133 on: 01-28-2011 03:49 »

If there's one spin-off show that should be made and would have my complete support it'd be:

Action Hank

Dexter's Laboratory = Fuck yeah!

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #134 on: 01-28-2011 04:28 »

the missing cat was a running gag through the series from what I remember; he'd been looking for this one woman's lost cat for something like 15 years.  She balked in the 2nd book when her bill included his new refrigerator, which he bought so he could throw out the old one as the final escalation of a protracted battle with his housekeeper over who would open the fridge - and therefore clean it out - first.

Something like that anyway. Been a while. Not seen the series yet.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #135 on: 02-04-2011 11:07 »

Nobody's likely to have a response so I'll post this here rather than bump the Babylon 5 thread.

Been re-watching it slowly over the last month, and I just got to "In the Shaow of Z'Ha'Dum" which has one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. It's also remided me why I loved Vir's character so much.

I could describe the scene but I'm not alone in my opinion so youtube has me covered.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #136 on: 02-06-2011 02:25 »

Finished watching Ashes to Ashes. Sad! :( Need to rewatch the beginning of Season 3 to work out what exactly happened...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #137 on: 03-30-2011 08:16 »

Is American Idol being replaced with the exact same show, only now called The X Factor?

Space Pope
« Reply #138 on: 03-30-2011 19:03 »

Not being replaced I believe. I guess you could call The X-Factor a spin-off.

Still, fuck the world.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #139 on: 03-31-2011 00:05 »

Those shows are nothing but glorified karaoke contests with record deal prizes.

Californication season 4 finale: kinda meh, but at least there's another season on the way, more Hank Moody shenanigans.

« Reply #140 on: 03-31-2011 01:25 »

I like what Rage Against the Machine did in the UK in 2009, beating X-Factor for Christmas #1 in the UK singles chart, which is a very big deal in the music world, here, that was cool. Indeed made for an even Merrier Christmas for me, a guy who liked that song anyway.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #141 on: 03-31-2011 16:32 »

Arnie has a new animated TV show coming out called:
The Governator...

Bending Unit
« Reply #142 on: 04-01-2011 00:03 »

Californication season 4 finale: kinda meh, but at least there's another season on the way, more Hank Moody shenanigans.

Thought the finale was really strong compared to the rest of the series but the series was the worst so far (still one of the best shows on tv though)
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #143 on: 04-05-2011 09:39 »

Dirk Gently is getting another 3x1 hour-long episodes! :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #144 on: 04-05-2011 12:23 »

That is good news; I rather enjoyed the pilot episode :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #145 on: 04-05-2011 16:10 »

Was it as good as the books, Tweek, or did it suffer from adaption decay?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 04-05-2011 18:19 »

It was quite different as I recall; although I haven't read the books for twenty years.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #147 on: 04-05-2011 19:11 »

Cool, 3 episodes, better than nothin'!
There's only 2 books for the material anyway.

Urban Legend
« Reply #148 on: 04-05-2011 20:23 »

FazeShift did you delete my Bella Thorne thread?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #149 on: 04-06-2011 00:05 »

Yes, it seemed to be less about a TV show and more about you perving on the 13 year old girl in it... not cool.

Urban Legend
« Reply #150 on: 04-06-2011 01:24 »

Oh gross I thought she was 14 :puke:

It was more about it being a milestone for the TV forum, I thought. That thread belongs in The Museum, sir! You will be hearing from the PEEL Historical Society regarding this matter!

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #151 on: 04-07-2011 21:36 »

I didn't even know who Bella Thorne was until I googled her. I still don't know. But if you image search her name one of the related searches is "Bella Thorne bikini" (is that you Bear?) which I find disturbing. Can't people wait til she actually grows some boobies to be perving it up? :mad:

Urban Legend
« Reply #152 on: 04-07-2011 22:56 »

It's not disturbing for a bunch of 14 year olds. They think she's smokin and I don't mean cigars :laff:

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #153 on: 04-08-2011 00:11 »

Please share with me Bear.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #154 on: 04-25-2011 17:06 »

Anybody been watching Game of thrones?

Took me a while to understand who the hell everyone was.

Space Pope
« Reply #155 on: 04-29-2011 13:32 »

A friend just put me on to Bored to Death. Absolutely adoring it, nearly through season 2. Funny, funny stuff.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #156 on: 04-29-2011 21:52 »

Yay, it's good did you see the one with the boobs girl yet?
That was a great one... :p

Space Pope
« Reply #157 on: 04-30-2011 10:23 »

I saw boobies and penies in that show!

Now for season 3...

Space Pope
« Reply #158 on: 05-09-2011 18:02 »
« Last Edit on: 05-09-2011 18:03 »

I was really tempted to make a new thread for this at first but then decided against it., but has anybody here watched the original Twin Peaks series? It's on Netflix and I just watched the first two episodes and I have to say I'm hooked. The acting is wonderful and the characters are ridiculously interesting. The FBI agent might already be one of my favorite television characters of all time, he's awesome. Definitely going to watch this entire show.

The only bad thing I can say about it is some of the music is at times a bit too cheesy for the situation, in particular the dramatic piano theme that plays whenever something sad or emotional is happening. On the other hand I love the smooth jazz that plays in a lot of the scenes, it's awesomely kitschy.

Also please nobody spoil any of it for me. :)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #159 on: 05-15-2011 21:56 »

Anybody been watching Game of thrones?
I'm all caught up on it!
Last episode I was all "Ohhhh snap son!"

There's a lot of weird looking dudes in it.

I wonder if there are actually dragons in the books, I presume they are, as each opening shot of Conan Dex (seewhatIdidthere?) and his new sexy missus pan over the dragon eggs as if to say to the audience:
"Hey guys, look, dragon eggs... just reminding you that there are dragon eggs up in here, but don't worry about it, it probably won't be important... probably... they're dragon eggs by the way... ;) ;)... "
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