
Bending Unit
« on: 04-23-2010 18:42 »
Yes, I am talking about you! But seriously, I think this show is great, one of my favourites at the moment the bad news is that it is the last of the run next week the good news is that it is back in october I think my favourite character is the Wizard but they are all pretty great  Check it out

DOOP Secretary

I agree with SO. The first time I saw it I really expected it to suck but it's really growing on me.


This show did not grow on me at all. I saw two episodes and I had enough.

DOOP Secretary

How do you even know half these people?

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

This show is too weird to watch while you are half asleep! I was shown the episode that mocked that Jeff Probst and also Jersey Shore...I think it's kind of funny a demon would like that show though heh. I can see why the young folk may like it, it's not the same cartoon resurrected in new form, it's completely different... but a little to weird for me as of yet. It's the drawings of the zombie and ogre that make me uncomfortable.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

I saw the episode Soul Sucker which was pretty amazing. Hilariously funny. The Jersey Shore one grew on me but Quaggle the troll annoyed me. I just saw the man bird episode and that was bizarre...Soul Sucker is my favorite so far

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Update: I got the first season on DVD. Now I love it. Haha and at first I hated it. Pretty funny stuff! I love the zombie roommate Randall he makes the show

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

This show is high on the rewatchability factor. I like that.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Why won't they come out with a release date for Season Two instead of having it on the iTunes  I love the direction they have taken with Twayne's character the last season...he started out as a self-centered hardass now he's a self-centered wimp and it's awesome because you expect the opposite from a badass demon. They found what works and are really milking it hahaha.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

The Ugly Americans reference to Close Encounters was AWESOMELY RANDOM!!
Seriously am I the only one watching this show? There are weeks when I prefer it to Futurama, even. There isn't really one episode of this series I strongly dislike.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Really? I wasn't sure based on the previous week's previews, but they even made Randall being a plant funny (and the whole thing referring to The Little Shop of Horrors).
Twayne is probably my favorite character now because of how much he has turned around from season one. First he was mega hardcore badass, now he's mostly just a wussy heh.

DOOP Secretary

I was unsure of this show initially. It's weird. But it's growing on me. Like some kind of lichen.

DOOP Secretary

I think the writers are stoned. But that's okay.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

Classic Futurama or season 6 episodes like TLPJF, maybe. But lately I have been finding UA much more enjoyable to watch than recent Futurama episodes.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

It's baaaaack! Really great episode. Usually Premiere episodes are a lot of hype with little to no return entertainment value, but as far as Premieres go this one was pretty good. Way better than Futurama Season 6 premiere, but oddly enough just as weird (or more).
BTW has anyone been able to find Season 2 on DVD? Amazon is only offering virtual downloads of episodes, and I want to watch it on my tv (since I can't hook up my computer to the tv)!