

Don't forget to pickup season 3 on dvd today.
And season 4 starts Jan. 17th on FX.

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

I'm actually enjoying Season 3 right now  I'm so happy they brought they ocelot back hehehe

salutatory committee member
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #88 on: 01-09-2013 18:12 »
« Last Edit on: 01-09-2013 18:14 »
Hahaha I actually had texted that same line to Frisco  Love him for introducing me to this show! And similarly, he has my seasons 2 and 3 of Arrested Development and has two episodes left  Also, I just ordered the 'How to Archer' guide on Amazon las night. I believe that if people haven't seen Arrested Development, but have see Archer, they should be raped senseless. So please tell me you've seen Arrested Development.
That was Frisco up til a few months ago...it's okay, he's pretty much been raped senseless up to this point anyway 

DOOP Secretary

I think Randi meant it was the other way around...he was already into Archer and she just got him into Arrested Development.

Space Pope
There weren't that many Bob's Burgers references in this episode, were there? It was basically just the set-up...  My theory is that the episode occurred entirely within the confines of Cheryl's acid-addled mind, assuming that she was eating the gummy bears before they reached the spa and the talking ostrich was merely the apex of her trip. It's the only thing that makes sense. Was that a Pigley v.2 that Krieger was tucking into his pocket at the beginning? How did Malory hear Sterling call her a cougar from across the pool? Why was Pam (or someone) constantly saying "Aww."? IT WAS CHERYL'S SUBCONSCIOUS TRYING TO WARN HER! WAKE UP FROM THE NIGHTMARE! I like that Benjamin manages such strikingly different deliveries for Archer and Bob, despite the characters sounding virtually identical. He was completely in Archer mode right from the beginning here, obviously, but I watched this back-to-back with the new Bob's Burgers and it was really interesting to contrast. Archer's voice is almost always exuberant and self-satisfied, but Bob's voice makes him come across as weary and, on occasion, dryly amused.
SpaceGoldfish fromWazn

Urban Legend
I'm surprised how damn milfy Linda looks now. She's a knockout.
For all you know I could be a male, you little gaywad.