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Author Topic: Ebert Gave This Movie Reviews Thread 3 of 4 Stars!  (Read 41792 times)
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DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #200 on: 02-02-2010 18:40 »

The guy who did the 70 min review of Phantom Menace did one for Avatar.

Space Pope
« Reply #201 on: 02-04-2010 00:22 »

Supposedly based on a true story, the film centers on a woman who is in a car accident & awakes to find herself paralyzed from the waist down.  AND, she now has the ability to heal people with a touch of her hands.  She heals herself, then starts to heal others.  However, in the bible belt community she lives in, many begin to feel her gifts are tools of the devil. 

It's an older film (1980) and has no CG or special effects.  What it does have is a strong story and great acting.  Definite rental recommendation.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #202 on: 02-04-2010 00:57 »

The guy who did the 70 min review of Phantom Menace did one for Avatar.

I didn't realize the Disney eyes or that it was basically Titanic + Aliens until I saw this review. Now I'm as mad as ever that this thing is the highest grossing movie ever! His reviews are probably the best things on YouTube. His review of Star Trek Generations was great. I'm looking forward to his review of Attack of the Clones.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #203 on: 02-04-2010 01:51 »

Now I'm as mad as ever that this thing is the highest grossing movie ever!

Adjust for inflation and feel the rage drain away.
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #204 on: 02-04-2010 08:05 »

Also, remember that it makes absolutely no difference to anything. We might get a few more Avatar rip-offs but they started coming out last year anyway (Gamer, Surrogates and Pandorum anyone? I'm asking some kind of question here. I expect an answer)

Urban Legend
« Reply #205 on: 02-04-2010 08:55 »

The guy who did the 70 min review of Phantom Menace did one for Avatar.

I couldn't finish watching this review because his voice annoyed me so much.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #206 on: 02-04-2010 10:37 »

And it was too long.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #207 on: 02-04-2010 15:20 »

Had some good points though, plot and characters compared to the OT were a pile of butts.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #208 on: 02-04-2010 16:28 »

I'm still waiting for my pizza roll.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #209 on: 02-05-2010 11:59 »

   Had some good points though, plot and characters compared to the OT were a pile of butts.

As someone who had never even heard of the book let alone read it, those criticisims were of no interest to me whatsoever. (In general I've found that film reviews that get sidetracked into comparing the film with the book its based on tend to end up telling me much more about the reviewer than about the film itself.)

To me he came across as a guy who view of the movie was centered around a couple of things that differed from the book which ultimately offended him so much that he couldn't keep them in perspective..

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #210 on: 02-05-2010 16:39 »

OT = Original Trilogy, I was referring to his Phantom Menace review, derp! :p

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #211 on: 02-05-2010 16:50 »

The ... Star Wars books?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #212 on: 02-05-2010 17:31 »

I think hobbitboy thinks there was an Avatar book. James Cameron should've wrote that 10 years ago and made billions off that first.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #213 on: 02-06-2010 10:44 »

Sorry guys. I've been completely barking up the wrong tree.

I had followed the link ~FazeShift~ provided and watched the review but then I started checking out other reviews for films that I had recently seen and one that really stuck in my memory was some guy's 20 minute review of The Fantastic Mr. Fox. It stuck in my memory so much that I came to associate it with the link I had originally followed and hence that was what I was referring to in my subsequent replies.


Space Pope
« Reply #214 on: 02-07-2010 01:40 »


This movie, filmed in 1968, centers around a rogue San Francisco police detective, played by Steve McQueen, and his search for a mob-syndicate hitman who shot a mob witness under his protection.  Good story, strong performances, and one of the greatest car chase sequences ever filmed.  A definite rental.


Space Pope
« Reply #215 on: 02-07-2010 04:17 »


Pretty awesome concept. Winona Ryder and Christian Slater were excellent characters. I realize that I've never seen Christian Slater in a totally awesome movie before so it definitely upped my likings for him.

I give it Five chainsaws to fuck you gently with.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #216 on: 02-07-2010 10:05 »


   Good story, strong performances, and one of the greatest car chase sequences ever filmed.


The movie may only be a 9 out of 10 but the chase scene definately rates 6 hubcaps out of 4!

Space Pope
« Reply #217 on: 02-08-2010 07:44 »

Oh, the hubcap scale, eh?  Ok, here you go:

The French Connection

Based on a true story, "I do things my way" New York police detective Popeye Doyle and his partner discover a drug connection between French heroin manufacturers and the New York Mob.  The film follows their efforts to not only discover the identity of the mysterious French heroin source, but also to break up the New York mafia drug ring.  Excellent story & performances, and an unbelieveable car chase through the streets of Brooklyn; the car chase sequence rivals Bullitt and The Seven Ups for it's intensity.  This film is based on the exploits of Detective Eddie Egan, one of the most decorated Officers in the history of the New York City Police. 

9 hubcaps out of 10

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #218 on: 02-12-2010 01:00 »

Pretty safe play by Clint Eastwood here, Freeman is good, Matt Damon is ok, if you really like slow motion rugby scenes or cheesy inspiring stories then see it, but otherwise I'd pass.


Space Pope
« Reply #219 on: 02-12-2010 08:41 »


Sometimes, when I see a film that is a total waste of time, I ask myself "why the hell was this film made, and who is the moron that greenlighted this abortion?"  This is such a film.  Totally lame futuristic interplanetary gladiator film.  The only positive thing I can say about this film is I caught it on cable & didn't have to pay extra for it.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #220 on: 02-13-2010 00:30 »

Metropolis - 2010 version (only 6 minutes missing)

Well, everyone should know the story of the movie and behind the movie
and why it took 83 years until the (closest we can probably get to the) complete version was shown for only the 2nd time ever.
sure the new material isn't in the best condition, but what can you expect from a 16 mm copy that way lying unnoticed in an archive in Buenos Aires for about 50 years...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #221 on: 02-13-2010 01:54 »

What is it with you people and hiding things in Argentina?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #222 on: 02-13-2010 02:08 »

it wasn't hidden, it was unknown

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #223 on: 02-13-2010 02:25 »

They don't happen to have any copies of Marco Polo, Mission to the Unknown, or The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, do they?

Space Pope
« Reply #224 on: 02-13-2010 02:33 »
« Last Edit on: 02-13-2010 02:47 »

The Fugitive

Cardiologist Dr. Richard Kimble (played by Harrison Ford) is arrested & convicted for the murder of his loving wife.  All during the trial, he maintains a one armed man killed her.  Upon transport to prison, his bus crashes & he escapes.  The arch of the story is the cat & mouse chase between Dr. Kimble & a Deputy with the US Marshalls (played by Tommy Lee Jones), determined to capture Dr. Kimble & take him to prison.  What seemed like a simple hunt & capture to the Marshalls starts to change, as they begin to wonder if he's guilty.  At every opportunity, Dr. Kimble altruistically helps others & saves peoples lives even while he's on the run; totally uncharacteristic of a criminal.    

Based on the 1960's hit television series, this may well be a perfect movie.  Fast paced, intense, layered characters (even the bad guys are multi-dimensional & likeable), strong story, great acting.  It's Harrison Ford's film, and he's exceptional in it, but the movie is stolen by Tommy Lee Jones's remarkably dynamic performance, one that won him the oscar in the Best Supporting Actor category.  I can't think of anything that rings untrue or wrong with this film; it's one of the best I've seen in recent memory.  Definite rental.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #225 on: 02-13-2010 03:16 »

They don't happen to have any copies of Marco Polo, Mission to the Unknown, or The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, do they?
go over and ask...

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #226 on: 02-13-2010 13:12 »

   The Fugitive

   10 chocolate doughnuts with some of those little sprinkles on top out of 10 


Space Pope
« Reply #227 on: 02-13-2010 13:17 »

That movie sounds delicious!
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #228 on: 02-13-2010 15:51 »

Just saw Not a Photograph: The Mission of Burma Story which is a documentary about the Burma reunion.

I highly reccomend it. Makes a great counterpoint to stuff like the Pixies reunion doc, New York Doll: the story of Arthur "Killer" Kane and even the Ramones doc that came out a couple years ago. Burma were poised to be as big as those three bands (and were far more influential than one of them and almost as influential as the other two) but they broke up after one album because the guitarist had tinnitus.

Unlike Kane, The Ramones and half of the Pixies, the Burma dudes grew up to be nice, well adjusted guys with good jobs and families and stuff (with the exception of the drummer who in his own words is "just a guy who goes to record stores". He actually formed the band Volcano Suns after Burma broke up who IMO were better). There's footage of these three middle aged dads (only two of them are fathers, the other one just looks like a middle aged dad) playing on the same stage as the drummer from Gang of Four, the guitarist from Versus, Ira Kaplan from Yo La Tengo, Moby and all of Sonic Youth AT THE SAME TIME!

8 screeching guitar noises accompanied by weird tape loops out of 10 

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #229 on: 02-13-2010 16:03 »

The Way of The Gun
I'd not heard of this before but it's pretty good, awesome gunfights, much more tactical than the usual bloodbaths too.
Drifter criminals Benicio Del Toro and Ryan Phillipe kidnap pregnant girl (Juliette Lewis) for ransom, but don't realise the supposed father of the baby is connected with the mob and sends his many goons, including old bagman James Caan, down to Mexico to get the baby back.


Bending Unit
« Reply #230 on: 02-14-2010 01:04 »

ok i'm not really sure i get why avatar is so damn amazing the special effects and fight scenes were cool but that's about it

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #231 on: 02-14-2010 01:39 »

That's only what everybody has been saying since it came out, Roger Ebert.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #232 on: 02-14-2010 05:34 »

Tnuk's single sentence reviews

Spoilers alert.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #233 on: 02-14-2010 06:00 »

Those are less reviews and more summaries.  By which I mean those are entirely summaries and are in no way reviews.

Unless, of course, you're using a completely different definition of review than what is implied in the thread title.
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #234 on: 02-14-2010 06:33 »

ok i'm not really sure i get why avatar is so damn amazing the special effects and fight scenes were cool but that's about it

The special effects and fight scenes are the point. That's like saying "I don't get why this Shakespeare play is supposed to be so amazing. The plot and dialogue were cool but that's about it"

Bending Unit
« Reply #235 on: 02-14-2010 08:34 »

ok i'm not really sure i get why avatar is so damn amazing the special effects and fight scenes were cool but that's about it

The special effects and fight scenes are the point. That's like saying "I don't get why this Shakespeare play is supposed to be so amazing. The plot and dialogue were cool but that's about it"
but it's gotten to a point where a lot of people are literally jerking off over the characters and plot and themes and the message and goddamn
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #236 on: 02-14-2010 08:43 »

I agree with that. Avatar's a spectacle, there's no reason to pay any attention to the plot. I think it's a good enough spectacle that it deserves all the praise and money and oscars it's getting (and it definitely doesn't deserve any writing or acting oscars).

My personal pick for best picture would be A Serious Man but I think Avatar is by far the greatest (as in most important) film of the year.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #237 on: 02-14-2010 15:23 »

Those are less reviews and more summaries.  By which I mean those are entirely summaries and are in no way reviews.

Unless, of course, you're using a completely different definition of review than what is implied in the thread title.

Whatever. Single sentence summaries sounded too alliterative.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #238 on: 02-14-2010 15:39 »

tnuk why would you willingly watch G-Force?

Also, Surf's Up was way better than Happy Feet!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #239 on: 02-14-2010 15:50 »

Whatever. Single sentence summaries sounded too alliterative.

Awesome alliteration is actively artistic.

I *want*  either District 9 or Up to win Best Picture. I *expect* Hurt Locker to win.
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