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Author Topic: Ebert Gave This Movie Reviews Thread 3 of 4 Stars!  (Read 41830 times)
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Liquid Emperor
« Reply #160 on: 01-21-2010 09:33 »

Sherlock Holms

Surprised me is what it did. It beat my expectations by a lot.

I liked the characters and truth be told I was a bit tired with the over done Holms feel. I liked the different take on his personality.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #161 on: 01-21-2010 17:15 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2010 17:17 »

The Book Of Eli
Denzel Washington is a super badass with a secret book that will save humanity in post apocalyptic America, guided by a voice inside him he has to take the book West and on the way meets a town mayor of sorts (Gary Oldman) who also wants this book, for power!
Fighting and chasing ensues!
Washington is ok, Oldman is great bad guy as usual, Mila Kunis is also in it and the guy from Rome, but he's underused.
The ending is kinda cheesy but the style of the film and action is mostly plot is a bit silly.
Also it's obvious what the book is soon enough.
I was going to describe this as The Road (read, not seen the movie) but with rapists instead of cannibals, but then later on in the film there's a lovely old couple with a surprising amount of graves in their back yard. :D


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #162 on: 01-21-2010 17:21 »

Also it's obvious what the book is soon enough.

In one of the TV trailers they showed a glimpse of it.  "Are you effing kidding me?" for a) showing that in the commercial and b) actually using that in the movie.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #163 on: 01-22-2010 02:31 »

Law Abiding Citizen
Pretty slick revenge thriller, Gerard Butlers wife and kid get killed right at the start and you think maybe it's going to be standard revenge film, but then when he get's locked up by prosecutor Jamie Foxx for exacting his delicious revenge, you realise you're less than half way through and he has a larger picture of justice in mind, then once it got going I was actually expecting people to explode in front of my eyes, great tension at some points, particularly...

It's got Colm Meaney in it too so I pretty much automatically like it, but Butler and Foxx are also good.


Space Pope
« Reply #164 on: 01-22-2010 03:52 »

Fantastic Mr. Fox

The animation is old school and kicks ass but the story less so. It's what I call a sandwich movie, were the story starts out meh, then it starts to get good, then goes back to meh.

I give it an A+ on animation and a D on story.

Urban Legend
« Reply #165 on: 01-22-2010 05:51 »

Where are you buying your sandwiches?

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #166 on: 01-22-2010 11:28 »

 Astro Boy

Disclaimer: Having never seen an AB cartoon before (either on TV or in comic book form) I can't comment on this movie's relationship with the AB stuff which came before it.

All-in-all I'd say it was 'okay'. I had no problem with the animation and artistic style and while some of the ideas that the plot touched on were good the story suffered from having too many clichés. The biggest distraction for me however was the number of cringe-worthy lines of dialogue.

It's a pity really because in the hands of studio with a stronger 'story-is-king' attitude I suspect that this movie could have been so much better.

Rating: C

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #167 on: 01-23-2010 03:38 »

Mary and Max

It was very sweet and had some really hilarious moments, but also sad. It kind of goes in a wrong direction about 25 minutes from the end, but it redeems itself and you kind of forget about it.

I'll give it 9.9/10

Urban Legend
« Reply #168 on: 01-23-2010 04:19 »

Books, have you seen Harvie Krumpet? See Harvie Krumpet.
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #169 on: 01-23-2010 21:38 »

Toy Story 2 3D

I don't think the 3D added much (i'm pro 3D but I think you have to design a film for 3D - you can't do it retroactively) but the film is awesome and I wouldn't have had the opportunity to see it on the big screen again if it wasn't for that pesky dimension so 10.3/10

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #170 on: 01-23-2010 22:00 »


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #171 on: 01-24-2010 08:34 »

Maybe his rating-out-of-10 dial goes all the way up to 11.
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #172 on: 01-24-2010 11:28 »

it goes up to to 10.5492

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #173 on: 01-24-2010 14:46 »

(i'm pro 3D but I think you have to design a film for 3D - you can't do it retroactively)

I'd have assumed this to be slightly different with digital animation, since they're mastered in multiple layers anyway, with backgrounds and foregrounds rendered separately from mobile objects and characters in between. Not like actual film footage. Strikes me as a fairly easy process. The computer can already separate background and foreground, and it already "knows" where the shadows lie, so those could be converted to depth...

I dunno, I'm just guessing.
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #174 on: 01-24-2010 15:14 »

(i'm pro 3D but I think you have to design a film for 3D - you can't do it retroactively)

I'd have assumed this to be slightly different with digital animation, since they're mastered in multiple layers anyway, with backgrounds and foregrounds rendered separately from mobile objects and characters in between. Not like actual film footage. Strikes me as a fairly easy process. The computer can already separate background and foreground, and it already "knows" where the shadows lie, so those could be converted to depth...

I dunno, I'm just guessing.

I think that's right, the 3D looks flawless.

I just think the way you compose a shot in 3D is aesthetically different than the way you compose a shot in 2D. Also why colourisation doesn't work - black and white shots are composed differently than colour shots

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #175 on: 01-24-2010 16:10 »

From an artistic standpoint. I see.

On a related note, the first 3D cinema thing I've seen since I was a kid was the preview for Toy Story in 3D when I went to see Avatar. When the cowboy dude suddenly reached out I nearly shit. Crazy. I noted that the actual movie, Avatar, didn't ever seem to reach out the same distance as that preview.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #176 on: 01-24-2010 20:00 »

Mesrine: L'instinct de mort
Part one of two, a profile of Jacques Mesrine, French criminal and wanted bad guy in the 60s and 70s starring the sag eyed Vincent Cassel.
Pretty standard gangster beginning, comes back from war, gets connected to gangsters via his friend, bankrobs his way into prison, breaks out and becomes a Bonny and Clyde figure with one of his girlfriends.
Not bad, I'll see how part two is.
A tubby Gerard Depardieu and the gorgeous Elena Anaya also star.

What About Bob?
Bill Murray stars as Bob, a seriously multiphobic guy who gets a new therapist Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) and follows him on vacation for unwelcome therapy, lols ensue!
Dr. Marvin is Nurse Ratchet to Murrays Jack Nicholsons fun crazy guy, but much more lighthearted, Bobs kid-like neediness and acceptance by Marvins faimily eventually leading Dreyfuss to go crazy himself.
Good for a laugh.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #177 on: 01-25-2010 11:19 »

   Bobs kid-like neediness and acceptance by Marvins faimily eventually leading Dreyfuss to go crazy himself.

You say that like its a good thing.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #178 on: 01-26-2010 00:09 »

The Princess And The Frog

I saw this free screening on Sunday.  It is a beautiful movie. It has a great storyline, full of comedy and romance. I would go and see it again

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #179 on: 01-26-2010 00:26 »
« Last Edit on: 01-26-2010 04:25 »

last 5 BLUs i watched:

Visual: 4.5/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Movies: 5/5
great picture with tiny annoyances (bit soft colours at time) else it looks fantastic. not only the action scenes have a great sound, but the quieter scenes have a perfect sound mix that really draws you into the movie

Inglourious Basterds
Visual: 4.5/5
Audio: 4/5
Movies: 4.5/5
great visual details, sharp images. great audio too, music and dialogues mix well with the action sounds

Fight Club
Visual: 4/5
Audio: 5/5
Movies: 3.5/5
great black tones in a very dark movie, sometimes a bit lacking in the sharpness. sound is just perfect!

Visual: 5/5
Audio: 5/5
Movies: 5/5
perfect restored images, pictures are as sharp as if they were freshly drawn, looks as if it's computer generated. with a 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD 192 kHz/24 bit japanese audio... what more do you want? just fantastic, probably one of the best if not THE best sound of any blu!

Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Visual: 3.5/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Movies: 5/5
the visuals are great, compared to other T2 releases (and there surely have been a lot) but compared to other blus it's just good, but not awesome. sound on the other hand is great!

Space Pope
« Reply #180 on: 01-26-2010 04:20 »

   Bobs kid-like neediness and acceptance by Marvins faimily eventually leading Dreyfuss to go crazy himself.

You say that like its a good thing.

But Faze is right. Drefyuss is a total dick to Bob who is just as innocent as any little kid despite the fact that everyone else in his family loves him. With Dreyfuss going crazy in the process is justified in how he treats Bob in the movie.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm schizophrenic. And so am I."

I love that movie.


Space Pope
« Reply #181 on: 01-26-2010 08:31 »

Favorite lines from that movie: 

[Leo has a rifle pointed at Bob]
Bob Wiley: What are we doing?
Dr. Leo Marvin: Death Therapy, Bob. It's a guaranteed cure.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #182 on: 01-26-2010 16:48 »

Visual: 5/5
Audio: 5/5
Movies: 4.5/5
perfect picture and audio... well, what else can you expect from an aninmated movie from last year?

Partly Cloudy
Movie: 4/5

Dug's Special Mission
Movie: 4.5/5

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #183 on: 01-28-2010 10:59 »

I finally got off my chuff and went to see Avatar.

Yeah, it was pretty good though it did tend to feel a bit too long in the middle (montage, anyone?)

It was definately right up there with the best movies that I've see so far this year.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #184 on: 01-28-2010 11:54 »

I saw Avatar and I thought it was really good. Well better then Titanic

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #185 on: 01-28-2010 12:13 »

It was not better than Titanic.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #186 on: 01-28-2010 18:55 »

Mesrine: L'ennemi public n°1
Concluding part of Jacques Mesrine criminal bio action story.
More robberies and prison breakouts, only with a bigger gut, different girlfriend, different crime partners, higher police profile (Public Enemy No 1, a bit like Dillinger)
Eventually leading to Mesrine getting gunned down by the police in Paris by the police chief with the most ridiculous beard ever.

Not sure why I've never watched this, it's got a shit ton of super actors, Stallone, DeNiro, Keitel, Robert Patrick, Ray Liotta, Peter Berg, Michael Rapaport and a few of the Sopranos cast are in there too.
Nice to see Stallone in a more muted role, he plays a quiet lazy sherriff of Garrison New Jersey, a town where all the city cops live, which was seemingly set up by the mob. So there's all sorts of corruption going on and cops start dying left and right and eventually Stallone has to TCB.
It's pretty oldschool cop stuff but entertaining nonetheless.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #187 on: 01-30-2010 13:24 »

Did anyone think that the star of Avatar displayed an Australian accent during the movie? I've read a number of reviews which said that the actor's Australian accent could be heard at times but I didn't notice it at all.

Maybe I've lived too close to Australia for too long now and have become acclimatised to them [shudder].

Urban Legend
« Reply #188 on: 01-30-2010 13:43 »

I noticed it. A lot. And I'm from Australia... Or in Australia or whatever you say...
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #189 on: 01-30-2010 20:14 »

I literally don't remember anything about that movie except the visuals but it's still my third fave of the year

Space Pope
« Reply #190 on: 01-31-2010 01:11 »

I just don't remember much about Worthington full stop. His face doesn't really stand out as anything other than just some bloke. More like Sam Unworthington, amirite!

I'm sorry, Sam. But seriously, grow a mole or something.

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #191 on: 01-31-2010 09:27 »

   I just don't remember much about Worthington full stop. His face doesn't really stand out as anything other than just some bloke.

Uh, isn't that actually a good thing for an actor? I imagine it must be awful to miss out on roles because the director (etc) thinks that the audience will only see you as 'that guy from [your previous movie]'.

Space Pope
« Reply #192 on: 01-31-2010 09:42 »

But then people might not even notice that he's in the next movie so nobody will watch it and therefore he will be less likely to be offered jobs..

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #193 on: 01-31-2010 11:42 »

See, I tend to think that job offers are more tightly linked to things like acting talent, how easy you are to work with, and how successful your previous movies have been than to things like how distinctive (or otherwise) your face is.

Sam Worthington has, most likely, just acted the most famous part he'll ever play. Do you think his chances of getting any future work will depend on him now growing a mole?
Monsieur Fuzzywuvems

Bending Unit
« Reply #194 on: 01-31-2010 16:45 »
« Last Edit on: 02-01-2010 07:24 »

You need a flaw to be beautiful. Like my giant, disfiguring facial scar, or my fourth leg.

Been working through the Preston Sturges Box set. It's where the Coen Brothers get all of their ideas.

Christmas in July - Awesome story about NY advertising (what the Mad Men's dads got up to). Clearly an influence on the Hudsucker Proxy. The basic message is the people with authority have no idea what they're doing but everything works out ok anyway, which is very much the moral of alot of Coen films, particularly A Serious Man. I'd be very surprised if Matt Groening wasn't a Preston Sturges Fan.

Hail the Conquering Hero - A fundementally good man is credited with something he didn't do and reluctantly runs for mayor because of it. Has one of the best big rousing speech endings ever. Reminded me alot of Quiz Show.

The Lady Eve - If you think old films are boring watch this. One of the most purely entertaining films ever made. Starts with some awesome Fleischer/early Disney style animation.

Sullivan's Travels - One of my top ten favourite films. A big influence on anyone who values pure entertainment. I don't think the Coens would exist without this film. It's about a director who lives as a hobo to research a film called "Oh Brother Where Art Thou".

It's very much the flipside of Barton Fink. In Fink a pretentious New York "realist" (or something) writer travels to LA for the wrong reasons and fails to learn that the Walter Beary wrestling picture he's been contracted to make means way more to the common man than any pretentious realist play about fishmongers.  

In ST a director of incredibly popular comedies tries to make a serious film about the depression and winds up learning that no poor person would ever want to wallow in their own misery. They want to laugh at the Mickey Mouse.

The Great Moment - This one isn't a comedy, it's about the guy who invented anaesthesia. Today's bloated middlebrow biopics could learn a thing or two from this film. It tells you everything you need to know in about 75 minutes.

Space Pope
« Reply #195 on: 02-02-2010 04:03 »


The movie itself was crappy bitch shit. It was like Ferngully if the movie never ended and was more bland. The 3D was the best part of the movie I also saw it on IMAX. It felt like I was in with them in a few parts.

3D A+
The movie itself was blah
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #196 on: 02-02-2010 08:23 »

I too saw Avatar in 3D Imax, but was disapointed that the glasses made the whole movie seem out of focus and forced your eyes to continuously adjust to keep up with the jerky camera work and the overuse of depth of field shots...

As for the film itself, I found the story a bit cliche'. The whole thing felt like something George Lucas would make, not James Cameron. I admit that during the thick of the movie, I was entralled at times, but then something would happen to snap me out of it...


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #197 on: 02-02-2010 10:47 »

   I admit that during the thick of the movie, I was entralled at times, but then something would happen to snap me out of it...

Was it someone giving you oral sex?

Urban Legend
« Reply #198 on: 02-02-2010 16:34 »

that would've given the movie 10/10
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #199 on: 02-02-2010 17:23 »

Was it someone giving you oral sex?

Nah. That happens so much at the movies I don't notice it anymore...
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