
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #161 on: 01-21-2010 17:15 »
« Last Edit on: 01-21-2010 17:17 »
The Book Of EliDenzel Washington is a super badass with a secret book that will save humanity in post apocalyptic America, guided by a voice inside him he has to take the book West and on the way meets a town mayor of sorts (Gary Oldman) who also wants this book, for power! Fighting and chasing ensues! Washington is ok, Oldman is great bad guy as usual, Mila Kunis is also in it and the guy from Rome, but he's underused. The ending is kinda cheesy but the style of the film and action is mostly plot is a bit silly. Also it's obvious what the book is soon enough. I was going to describe this as The Road (read, not seen the movie) but with rapists instead of cannibals, but then later on in the film there's a lovely old couple with a surprising amount of graves in their back yard. C+

DOOP Secretary

Also it's obvious what the book is soon enough. In one of the TV trailers they showed a glimpse of it. "Are you effing kidding me?" for a) showing that in the commercial and b) actually using that in the movie.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Law Abiding CitizenPretty slick revenge thriller, Gerard Butlers wife and kid get killed right at the start and you think maybe it's going to be standard revenge film, but then when he get's locked up by prosecutor Jamie Foxx for exacting his delicious revenge, you realise you're less than half way through and he has a larger picture of justice in mind, then once it got going I was actually expecting people to explode in front of my eyes, great tension at some points, particularly... all the coffee cups lying around caught me, I thought he poisoned them and they'd all drop, but it was a red herring! It's got Colm Meaney in it too so I pretty much automatically like it, but Butler and Foxx are also good. B+

DOOP Secretary


DOOP Secretary

(i'm pro 3D but I think you have to design a film for 3D - you can't do it retroactively)
I'd have assumed this to be slightly different with digital animation, since they're mastered in multiple layers anyway, with backgrounds and foregrounds rendered separately from mobile objects and characters in between. Not like actual film footage. Strikes me as a fairly easy process. The computer can already separate background and foreground, and it already "knows" where the shadows lie, so those could be converted to depth... I dunno, I'm just guessing.

DOOP Secretary

From an artistic standpoint. I see.
On a related note, the first 3D cinema thing I've seen since I was a kid was the preview for Toy Story in 3D when I went to see Avatar. When the cowboy dude suddenly reached out I nearly shit. Crazy. I noted that the actual movie, Avatar, didn't ever seem to reach out the same distance as that preview.

DOOP Ubersecretary
Mesrine: L'instinct de mort Part one of two, a profile of Jacques Mesrine, French criminal and wanted bad guy in the 60s and 70s starring the sag eyed Vincent Cassel. Pretty standard gangster beginning, comes back from war, gets connected to gangsters via his friend, bankrobs his way into prison, breaks out and becomes a Bonny and Clyde figure with one of his girlfriends. Not bad, I'll see how part two is. A tubby Gerard Depardieu and the gorgeous Elena Anaya also star. B
What About Bob? Bill Murray stars as Bob, a seriously multiphobic guy who gets a new therapist Dr. Leo Marvin (Richard Dreyfuss) and follows him on vacation for unwelcome therapy, lols ensue! Dr. Marvin is Nurse Ratchet to Murrays Jack Nicholsons fun crazy guy, but much more lighthearted, Bobs kid-like neediness and acceptance by Marvins faimily eventually leading Dreyfuss to go crazy himself. Good for a laugh. B

DOOP Secretary

The Princess And The Frog
I saw this free screening on Sunday. It is a beautiful movie. It has a great storyline, full of comedy and romance. I would go and see it again

DOOP Secretary

Up Visual: 5/5 Audio: 5/5 Movies: 4.5/5 perfect picture and audio... well, what else can you expect from an aninmated movie from last year?
Partly Cloudy Movie: 4/5
Dug's Special Mission Movie: 4.5/5

DOOP Secretary

I saw Avatar and I thought it was really good. Well better then Titanic

DOOP Ubersecretary
Mesrine: L'ennemi public n°1 Concluding part of Jacques Mesrine criminal bio action story. More robberies and prison breakouts, only with a bigger gut, different girlfriend, different crime partners, higher police profile (Public Enemy No 1, a bit like Dillinger) Eventually leading to Mesrine getting gunned down by the police in Paris by the police chief with the most ridiculous beard ever. B-
Copland Not sure why I've never watched this, it's got a shit ton of super actors, Stallone, DeNiro, Keitel, Robert Patrick, Ray Liotta, Peter Berg, Michael Rapaport and a few of the Sopranos cast are in there too. Nice to see Stallone in a more muted role, he plays a quiet lazy sherriff of Garrison New Jersey, a town where all the city cops live, which was seemingly set up by the mob. So there's all sorts of corruption going on and cops start dying left and right and eventually Stallone has to TCB. It's pretty oldschool cop stuff but entertaining nonetheless. A-
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

I too saw Avatar in 3D Imax, but was disapointed that the glasses made the whole movie seem out of focus and forced your eyes to continuously adjust to keep up with the jerky camera work and the overuse of depth of field shots...
As for the film itself, I found the story a bit cliche'. The whole thing felt like something George Lucas would make, not James Cameron. I admit that during the thick of the movie, I was entralled at times, but then something would happen to snap me out of it...
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Was it someone giving you oral sex?
Nah. That happens so much at the movies I don't notice it anymore...