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Author Topic: Community  (Read 51699 times)
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Space Pope
« Reply #640 on: 05-20-2015 03:50 »
« Last Edit on: 05-20-2015 03:52 »

Yahoo Screen decided it wanted to work again on my laptop so I watched the paintball episode. Maybe because it was only 1 episode, but the story felt really short. Wasn't helped by the padding of the Garret/Vicky...thing...that wasn't really funny to begin with. But I liked it. I'm going back now and I like how Jeff has warmed up to Frankie a lot. They're cute.

Oh but the Abed/meta-humor thing is ridiculous. I don't really understand what they're trying to do with it and maybe it's because I haven't watched old Community in a while but here is just feels really trite and makes Abed kind of insufferable as well as everyone else who goes along with it. Really the group dynamic is kind of flat now but because I like the characters I still don't mind watching them.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #641 on: 05-20-2015 04:16 »

Yeah, Abed's actually been quite infuriating to me this season. I think the implication is supposed to be that he's gone off the deep end since Troy left, but if that's the case, they're doing a really bad job at communicating it to the audience (also, what in the fuck happened to his girlfriend?).

They need to team Abed and Frankie up more, I think. She's good for him, and the few interactions they have had together have been delightful.

Space Pope
« Reply #642 on: 05-20-2015 05:36 »

"Even Pierce got to die!" Haha, I love Jeff even if he's an uber-tool. His obsession with Chris Pratt in that one episode is just freaking great.

So having just caught up with the bulk of the season, I will say that overall I like it. I don't think it's found its rhythm with the longer time, but sometimes that works in favor and sometimes it doesn't. Basically this is a really weird season but I feel like it's better than the past two seasons. However making that judgment call would require me to go back and watch season 4 and 5 and I'm honestly not interested in doing so.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #643 on: 05-20-2015 06:04 »

I'd still rank it below season 5 at this point, personally (though, admittedly, season5 also had its share of disappointing episodes - namely the finale).

Space Pope
« Reply #644 on: 05-20-2015 07:16 »
« Last Edit on: 05-20-2015 07:19 »

I can't place my finger on it, but the big factor of a show for me is would I go back and re-watch it? I can't say I would re-watch seasons 4-6, nor bother to buy them on DVD like I have the first 3 seasons. But so far I actually don't feel like it's super forced -it seems more relaxed- and I think I enjoy Frankie and Elroy more than Hickey from last season. I wish I could be more specific other than, "this is not as meh as previous seasons".

Urban Legend
« Reply #645 on: 05-20-2015 11:50 »

I don't know why everyone seems to hate the finale to season 5. I thought they were both great episodes. They wouldn't make for a particularly satisfying conclusion of the show, but they don't have to (obviously).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #646 on: 05-20-2015 13:05 »

The season 5 finale is badly structured and provides an unsatisfying conclusion to that season's story arc. Dan Harmon himself even admitted that particular episode was very rushed and that he was disappointed with how it turned out.

I mean, it's still not as bad as the season 4 finale, but I'd definitely rank it as one of the weakest (Harmon era) installmemts.

Space Pope
« Reply #647 on: 05-20-2015 17:31 »

What a weird episode. I enjoyed a lot of it, but it also was very rushed and sort of confusing.

Bending Unit
« Reply #648 on: 05-26-2015 12:28 »

I liked today's episode. We once again got to see the (committee??) from an outside perspective. Can't say I really cared for the story.

I also liked the paintball ep., but in my opinion there were some lost opportunities.
 Like having Chang revert to his season one self or at least using him more, or the antagonist being someone we hadn't seen in the episode (Bob Waite, Troy, Pierce, Buzz Hickey)

Space Pope
« Reply #649 on: 05-26-2015 22:45 »

This week's episode was so freaking weird but kind of pulled itself together by the 3rd act. I don't think there was really a point to the documentary aspect other than they didn't know what to do with Abed for the episode.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #650 on: 05-27-2015 01:51 »

I thought this week's episode was fantastic (despite boasting yet another tag that didn't work) - though I'm a sucker for any episode that highlights what assholes the main characters are to everyone else. A lot of laughs, namely the Garrett impressions, and Elroy's whole thing about encouraging white people. And the incest reveal was just delightful. More episodes like this, please!

Space Pope
« Reply #651 on: 05-27-2015 02:22 »

It's still really weird to see you re-posting the exact same thing on the AVClub or vice-versa. I don't post there because the AV Club Community fan are crazy obsessive. I was kind of agreeing with the reviewer, the extended time frame hasn't really made any of this season tighter on plot but just more abstract and wandering. This episode in particular is a good example of that where it worked and also was just super weird to watch.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #652 on: 05-27-2015 02:26 »

It's still really weird to see you re-posting the exact same thing on the AVClub or vice-versa.

Normally I'll edit my posts on one of the two so they're not identical, but for this week's episode I couldn't really think of anything else. Plus, you've gotta get in early at The A.V. Club otherwise your comment just fades into the ether. :p

Also, the Community fanbase there now is nowhere near as obsessive as it was during the season 2-3 era. Now that was fucking intense.

This episode in particular is a good example of that where it worked and also was just super weird to watch.

To be fair, I watched it immediately after I watched this week's American Dad! episode, so it really didn't seem all that weird in comparison.

Space Pope
« Reply #653 on: 05-27-2015 04:16 »
« Last Edit on: 05-27-2015 04:33 »

This episode was totally hysterical. Thank god for this season of Community....in my view it's justified itself far more than the past two seasons. It's been more even-keeled and sure of itself and has been a joy to watch because of that.

Urban Legend
« Reply #654 on: 05-27-2015 12:22 »

I liked it, too, though I think it's safe to say that season 6 isn't going to give me any outstanding episodes to really get excited over at this point. Everything's been either a 7 or an 8 out of 10 and I guess that's fine.

Space Pope
« Reply #655 on: 05-27-2015 16:13 »
« Last Edit on: 05-27-2015 16:19 »

I suppose I'm being slightly overenthusiastic; I still don't think the show has quite come close to the genius of most of seasons 2 and 3. But I'm happy that they've managed to climb further uphill from their original post-season 3 inconsistency to something resembling a very good note to go out on, if this does indeed turn out to be the final season. And, even though this is a weird thing to say, I think if the show was still as good as it was at the end of season 3, I wouldn't be at all ready for it to end yet.

Urban Legend
« Reply #656 on: 05-27-2015 21:36 »

I would so long as we were still definitely going to get the movie.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #657 on: 06-02-2015 15:26 »
« Last Edit on: 06-02-2015 15:30 »

Well, I just watched the finale. That was... weird. I wasn't a big fan (though, unlike many other episodes this season, I absolutely loved the tag) - Community's been pushing the meta content way too far this season, particularly in regards to Abed, and while the main premise of the episode definitely had potential, the execution left a lot to be desired. And the writers really should've committed to having the emotional crux of the episode be either "Jeff and Abed," "Jeff and Annie," or "Jeff and Greendale," rather than sloppily trying to do all three.

Also, what the fuck was up with the uncensored swearing? Seems really bizarre to drop that in the season finale (especially given that we had beeps earlier in the season, despite the fact that they could've done that all along). :hmpf:

Overall, I'd have to say that Basic Crisis Room Decorum remains my favourite of the season, with this one ranking somewhere below the middle. As far as the positives go, I think the most impressive thing is how well this show has adapted to the cast changes. Frankie and Elroy were fantastic additions and I hope that they return in some capacity should the show be renewed. Having said that, it seems the writers dropped the ball with a few of the characters who've been around since day one; Annie was severely underused all season, and Britta and Abed deserve better material than most of what they were given; the latter especially, as Abed's reliance on meta commentary went from delightful to infuriating this year. It was, however, nice to see them FINALLY use Chang well. I also think this season had a few too many bottle episodes, and I was disappointed to see a lack of running story arcs (it's really weird that a half-hour sit-com became less serialised without network intervention). And lastly, the increased episode length hasn't been more of a detriment than a blessing, and the writers and editors either need to figure out how to take advantage of it, or keep the pacing of the show more akin to how it it was on network tv.

Despite all the negatives I've mentioned, I still quite liked this season for the most part, and I hope the show returns.

Final season rankings:
2, 3, 1/5 (they're even in my books), 6, 4.

Urban Legend
« Reply #658 on: 06-02-2015 21:11 »

I absolutely loved that finale. It was easily my favourite of the season and I'd say it stands as the only exceptional season 6 episode and my favourite of their potential finales so far, though, I'm still hoping for the and a movie.

Space Pope
« Reply #659 on: 06-02-2015 23:30 »

Eh. It was fine.

Space Pope
« Reply #660 on: 06-03-2015 00:05 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2015 00:18 »

I thought it was neurotic, pretentious, and absurdly self-indulgent. The dialogue was paced too quickly for how high-concept a lot of the lines were, making them difficult for me to appreciate without going back to re-listen and comprehend them, and in terms of meta-narrative it somehow managed to take the show that should have been immune to jumping the shark and sort of did it anyway.

And despite all of that, I loved every fucking second of it. In fact, I'd go as far as saying it was probably my favorite episode of the entire past three seasons. I found the whole thing equally hilarious, clever, and touching in spades, and I don't think I could have asked for a more appropriately cathartic series finale for the show considering what it's been through.

I'm very excited for the movie. Or multiple movies? It sounds like Yahoo is on board to fund almost anything they want to do at this point.

Urban Legend
« Reply #661 on: 06-03-2015 00:44 »

I think a TV show is well within its rights to crank the self-indulgence to the max at two points in their life: the 100th episode and the series finale, and given that Community basically just did a normal episode as their 100th, I was totally down with that (as you apparently were, too).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #662 on: 06-03-2015 02:34 »

Yeah, I guess that's true. I think I went in with the mindset that it was a season finale rather than a series finale. If it does turn out to be the latter, I actually think it works quite well, despite my comments above. Though I'd have still preferred a more conclusive ending to the show (but then again, I guess that's what "and a movie" is for).

Space Pope
« Reply #663 on: 06-03-2015 03:45 »

I'm just really tired of the show never making up its mind over who Jeff wanted to be with, Britta or Annie. Now I get that the tag totally points that out to the viewers (ha, ha, you are very very meta Community) but yeah. I guess because the show has gone past logical sense of having these characters graduate, it has felt very stagnated the past few seasons. So as a finale, it was nice to see them address that. Overall, totally solid season, but definitely not the same show it once was.

Space Pope
« Reply #664 on: 06-03-2015 17:20 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2015 17:25 »

I think I was able to enjoy this season so much more because after last season I had accepted that I'd given up on any hopes of it ever returning to the quality of its first three seasons. For me personally, its final stretch was a good deal better than I expected, especially with the further cast shake-ups and move to Yahoo.

Space Pope
« Reply #665 on: 06-03-2015 18:04 »

Yeah I agree, season 6 is better than I could have imagined, but I'm tired. Is anyone else tired? Like if they make the movie, great, but no season seven. I don't think I could withstand this show going on any longer than it needs to and I don't think they do either.

Space Pope
« Reply #666 on: 06-03-2015 22:15 »
« Last Edit on: 06-03-2015 22:20 »

I think they've pretty much put the nail in the coffin concerning more seasons. Here's a clip in which Joel McHale says he wouldn't do another season unless they give him "a lot of money" yet is excited about the idea of a movie:


One of the points of the whole finale seemed to be that Harmon intends on sticking to the #sixseasonsandamovie idea, and I never really thought that wasn't the case considering how much they've promoted that idea on the show itself numerous times. Sure, they somewhat made it a point to not rule anything out because who knows what might happen, but the intention of making it the likely series finale seemed pretty clear.

Urban Legend
« Reply #667 on: 06-04-2015 09:19 »

I think this was my favourite episode this season. I also think it was my favourite potential Community finale episode as well. It felt like it ended with a situation that would make an interesting jumping-off point for the movie while still being satisfying if it were the last Community we ever got.

I actually wasn't expecting it to be as touching as it ended up being and I was kind of caught off-guard over how emotional I got over it. What a puss.

I laughed so hard at Chang's season 7 pitch pretty much solely over Justin Roiland's performance as Ice Cube Head.

But, yeah, I hope we get a movie and obviously I'd hope they got Shirley and Troy to come back for the movie (and potentially Pierce if they came up with a good enough way to have him back) but if this is the end I'd be totally happy with that as well.

Also I loved the fact that they decided to have uncensored swearing in the last episode after spending the whole season making us think they weren't going to make use of the fact that they could do that now.

Urban Legend
« Reply #668 on: 06-04-2015 11:16 »

I honestly didn't even notice the uncensored swearing until I read various people going crazy about it on the internet.

Space Pope
« Reply #669 on: 06-04-2015 17:21 »
« Last Edit on: 06-04-2015 17:23 »

Same. I'm pretty desensitized to profanity and it hardly ever sticks out to me. I had to really strain my mind to remember where they had sweared, and when I watched the episode I was even constantly backing up and relistening to lines so it definitely wasn't a matter of not paying enough attention.

Urban Legend
« Reply #670 on: 10-22-2015 14:04 »

So, I'm not sure if the movie will happen now http://splitsider.com/2015/10/yahoo-lost-a-ton-of-money-through-original-series-like-community-and-other-space/

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #671 on: 10-23-2015 02:45 »

I'd say the movie is still quite possible. From what I understand, Community's viewership on Yahoo! was actually pretty high, the problem was that viewers weren't sticking around to watch anything else on there, which is how Yahoo! apparently thought this service would work. Plus, keep in mind that a movie likely wouldn't be commissioned nor produced by Yahoo! - I believe that decision would fall on the hands of Sony.

Anyway, this pretty much confirms season 6 is the last season (which Dan Harmon has all but said himself, anyway), though to be honest, I'm not too upset by that - I've gotten more than enough closure on the show at this point. I'm actually more saddened by the prospect of Other Space only ever having 8 episodes. :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #672 on: 10-23-2015 12:08 »

Yeah, Dan Harmon has said that the viewing figures from Yahoo essentially confirmed his belief that loads of people were always watching the series, but the Nielson system is biased towards a certain kind of person. He's also suggested that the viewing figures outperformed their expectations considerably, so, this loss of money seems to be based more on Yahoo's mishandling of how to actually monetise the show rather than the show, itself, finding viewers.

That alone should be good news for anybody looking to finance a film, as a sizeable percentage of those viewers should translate into movie tickets.

I'm fine with season 6 being the end of the show. As much as I liked it, it was easily the weakest Dan Harmon season by my estimation (partly due to cast changes, partly due to it feeling awkward that everyone is still hanging out together, partly due to the general sense that they've covered all of pop-culture and there not being a huge deal of obvious genres to delve into, meaning that future high-concept episodes would predominantly be sequels and rehashes), they'd almost certainly lose another sizeable chunk of the cast if they were to continue (though, to be fair, they handled the cast changes well in seasons 5 and 6) and the season 6 finale was an utterly beautiful end to the series that was clearly written to serve as an ending and felt much more final than any of their open-ended finales from the past. Also, they've fulfilled the TV part of their prophecy.

So now it's just time for the movie and, based on what's been said in the past, I think that that is very likely to happen, though whether it be funded conventionally or made with tape in Dan Harmon's basement after a Kickstarter project as he once joked, remains to be seen.

Space Pope
« Reply #673 on: 10-23-2015 19:39 »

The thing that bothered me the most about season 6 was the refusal to change the opening sequence when by this point half of the original cast wasn't even on the show anymore. That kind of signified to me the...laziness?...no the exhaustion that this show really needed to end. But sure make a movie, have them go look for Troy, that'd be fun.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #674 on: 10-24-2015 02:21 »

I guess it was too hard to cut the song down to the right length. I found it a little jarring, but it definitely wasn't my biggest gripe with season 6 (which I'd say would either be the awkward pacing or the general lack of direction).

Urban Legend
« Reply #675 on: 10-26-2015 12:01 »

I find it a bit annoying that season 6's finale came seemingly out of nowhere.

I would have liked it if the season had followed a few "this is the end" stories leading up to its finale, because, as it stands, it feels very abrupt, but... I mean, I was happy with it.

I assume there were some strange contractual reasons why they couldn't add the new cast members to the start in place of the likes of Chevy. Weren't they credited as guest stars?

Space Pope
« Reply #676 on: 06-12-2020 16:57 »

Hello 5-year-old thread! I just watched this entire show show on Netflix, and I can see why it's so popular. It's definitely unfortunate that it lost some cast members along the way (and as such, the first three seasons are easily the most dean-lightful), but I'll definitely watch it again at some point.

One random thought: it's inevitable that characters in comedies become flanderised at some point, but I loved how utterly ridiculous Britta became. It seems like she's not most people's favourite character but I think she may mine. Or possibly Diane Nguyen Annie.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #677 on: 06-13-2020 09:52 »

It's a good show.  I didn't watch it when it came out, but I caught it in syndication later.  They should have let it end with season four, though; I didn't bother watching season five.

The D&D episode was probably the best D&D episode of anything ever shown on television ever.

Starship Captain
« Reply #678 on: 07-06-2020 06:09 »

Not to make every post a comment on good/bad seasons, but.. season 5 & 6 are worth watching. Season 6 especially is as good or even (heresy I know) better than the first three.

They got some new characters who overall worked out well.. Elroy and Frankie are my favourites there. The plots were more disconnected from reality, but were still internally consistent. Some plots were absolutely labyrinthine; "Grifting 101" is on the level of "Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design", for example. "Basic RV Repair and Palmistry" is probably my favourite episode. Worlds within worlds!

David A

Space Pope
« Reply #679 on: 07-06-2020 20:41 »

I'm not going to argue that there weren't entertaining episodes in the fifth and sixth seasons.  (That would be pretty silly of me.  I haven't seen them, so how would I know?)

The fourth season was the last one with all of the original cast, and it managed to bring the show to a more or less satisfying conclusion.  Sometimes it's best to stop when you come to a good stopping point, rather than trying to continue on past that point.
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