
DOOP Secretary

Hmm, if Chevy Chase is leaving, then Pierce's place as group antagonist will go to Chang, and I'd personally love to see more John Oliver in the show, I doubt The Daily Show will let him do more of it though...
Agreed on the Paintball Troopers, seeing Troy's exit from the game was a highlight....

DOOP Secretary

Right now, it's just speculation based on what happened at the end of the Season. I like Pierce, I thought his highlight was in Advanced D&D where he was deliciously evil towards Fat Neil...
...although a burgeoning relationship between Fat Neil and Vicky is pretty heartwarming... I prefer that to Jeff and Britta....

DOOP Secretary

Yah, are they done with Annie wanting to and/or actually making out with every guy in the group?
I could take a little more of her making out with Abed... However, the joy of Abed's character is that he doesn't need a woman (not even the one from the FBI), he has TV and Movies... ....and who doesn't love KickPuncher...? His punches have the power of kicks.

DOOP Secretary

That wouldn't happen. Troy and Abed is the strongest bond on the show.

DOOP Secretary

My favourite moments of the season was Claymation John Oliver as a Chrismas Wizard, The Epic Blanket Fort, and Annie being saved from the exploding car, Advanced D&D: Abed being seduced by Annie, and Chang as the dark-elf... especially his exit from the game. Troy: "My Uncle put his finger in my no-no!"
Plus all of the double finale, especially the change-over from Western to Star Wars....

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #56 on: 07-23-2011 18:02 »
« Last Edit on: 07-23-2011 18:05 »
Meta doesn't even begin to cover it. When I was pitching this to Mariel, she did stumble around episode four, but I did insist that she revisit it by showing her Modern Warfare, Conspiracy Theories, Advanced D&D and Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas, by then she was hooked, and I felt suitably justified. It's a slow start, but by the time you realise how great it is, you'll wonder why you doubted yourself in the first place. I bought Season One from Amazon, and the outtakes, and commentaries are just fantastic. Makes me love it even more. Love you Maz, welcome to the fold! 

DOOP Secretary

I've been re-watching too. First season episodes mainly (waiting to buy the second season box set - mmmm).
I still love "Introduction To Film", the 'sieze the day' episode. John Michael Higgins is fab in that episode.
"I will have....... A BIRTHDAY CAKE!"

DOOP Secretary

.....and we're back.
Jeff: This table is magic, because it magically stops our books from hitting the floor.
Troy: *gasp*

DOOP Secretary

Making up euphamisms for number twos based on movie titles....
Tory: Hehe, Remains Of The Day....
Jeff: You forgot the obvious one! Operation Dumbo Drop!

DOOP Secretary

The dark timeline should do battle with the prime timeline in paintball! Remedial Choas Theory joins the list of all time best episodes.... Streets ahead of anything else. 