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Author Topic: Glee  (Read 9961 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 05-15-2011 16:15 »

I changed my bed cover.


Urban Legend
« Reply #121 on: 05-15-2011 17:36 »

Wow that is some Rant. I like this episode and I thought it was an issues with underage drinking

I thought you didn't watch the show josh :P

Juliet, it was an episode about underage drinking.  The problem was that there was really no consequences or a resolution of any of them stopping. 

Same thing with the Sexy episode.  What was the point of that?  It was another episode full of a controversial topic that ended in a "do what ever the hell you want, no one cares."  If you are going to do a show with issues that actually effect teens, can you have a small encouragement in any direction? 

In fact, what they really did is make anyone who believes in celibacy seem like an idiot.  I don't mind if they really showed both sides of the story for the sex and drinking, but they really presented the pro drinking and pro sex as the BEST alternative for teens.  It just wasn't good writing.  There are a lot of young people watching, and at the very least they should give those who believe in avoiding drinking/sex a line that doesn't read as "durrr I no have sex, I'm mentally retarded."

If you transferred this show to the 90's, it would be like the full house episode about child abuse.  Except at the end Bob Saget would say "Hitting a child is wrong, but its freaking awesome!  So don't get caught!"

Space Pope
« Reply #122 on: 05-15-2011 22:12 »
« Last Edit on: 05-15-2011 22:54 »

Except at the end Bob Saget would say "Hitting a child is wrong, but its freaking awesome!  So don't get caught!"

So basically Saget's standup comedy?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #123 on: 05-15-2011 22:55 »

I've been catching up.  I know this isn't a "children's" show, but I'm annoyed by the alcohol episode. 

You established several years ago on PEEL that your policy with regards to kids and alcohol is both retarded and hypocritical. They dealt with it the same way every TV show deals with it. Accept it and move on.

Urban Legend
« Reply #124 on: 05-16-2011 05:22 »

TNUK, they didn't.  You don't watch the show.  So you have no idea how they dealt with it.  Quit following me around and posting after me.  Or at least be a little less obvious.  Geez.

Anyways, all caught up.  Blaine was totally hot when he was at at Rachael's house.  Poor Trouty Mouth :(.  Quinn needs to stfu already.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #125 on: 05-16-2011 05:32 »

TNUK, they didn't.  You don't watch the show.  So you have no idea how they dealt with it.  Quit following me around and posting after me.  Or at least be a little less obvious.  Geez.

1. I've seen enough of Glee to know that it's incredibly formulaic, and I've seen enough of that episode (youtube, caught fifteen minutes of it whilst at somebody's house), to know that it dealt with alcohol the same way every TV show in America deals with alcohol. They all deal with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, sexuality, and bullying in exactly the same way, all the time. Glee is no different.

2. If I were specifically following you around to post after you, I'd have followed you into the US Office thread as well. I'm just posting. I actually came into this thread having been linked to a post that had nothing to do with yours. I just chose to respond to yours.

3. Lists are fucking brilliant.

Urban Legend
« Reply #126 on: 05-16-2011 05:34 »

Blaine was totally hot when he was at at Rachael's house.

Blaine is always hot. End of.

I liked him before he was in Glee, and I miss his curly hair, but damn he's still cute.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #127 on: 05-16-2011 10:20 »

Yep Blaine is the hottest Gay ever Kurt comes Second. And I do like Karofsky too as his character development is getting good.

Urban Legend
« Reply #128 on: 05-16-2011 16:03 »

Kurt isn't hot, he's sweet.

Darren Criss is most definitely straight as well so it's okay to lust after him.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #129 on: 05-17-2011 19:42 »

I've never watched the show but thought UK fans might be interested to read this:

Glee to exit from E4 and Channel 4.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 05-17-2011 19:51 »

Booo to them. At Least Sky will get Season 3 if not could watch them online. 

Urban Legend
« Reply #131 on: 05-22-2011 06:59 »

Blaine was totally hot when he was at at Rachael's house.

Blaine is always hot. End of.

I liked him before he was in Glee, and I miss his curly hair, but damn he's still cute.

I think his hair is why I fell for him in that ep.  When he was drunk it was all messed up and gorgeous. 

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #132 on: 04-10-2013 21:21 »

Not sure this has been mentioned here but OH MY GOD!!!


Bending Unit
« Reply #133 on: 04-13-2013 13:11 »

Hate this. Makes me want to kill.
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