
DOOP Secretary

The 'dollars' trilogy.
Fistful of Dollars 5/5
For a Few Dollars More 5/5
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly 100,000/5

DOOP Secretary

Jesus fuck... you've missed out on some cornerstones of our culture there.

DOOP Secretary

I believe Superman 4 is left out from that trilogy graph the whole retarded nukes b gone and NUCULAR MAN plot. We say Batman and Robin was the most retarded Super Hero movie but we forget Superman 4...

DOOP Secretary

Superman Returns was pretty good.

DOOP Secretary

I haven't seen it yet, but I hear is almost as good as Batman Begins. I'm up for anything that reboots a classic super heroes series to a more modern realistic platform.

DOOP Secretary

I'd recommend it in that case. The only thing missing is a super-powered villain. That absence continues to necessitate Kryptonite as a plot device. In the sequel, I'd like to see Supes go up against someone who can give him a run for his money.
Also, the Superman/Batman crossover movie is finally supposed to take place with both franchises current actors/incarnations. Won't be for a few years yet, but it'll certainly be something to look forward to.
I'd like to see a Spiderman/Wolverine crossover movie, but that's never going to happen. Should really have mentioned that in the other movies thread, but anyhow...

DOOP Secretary

I'd love to see The Death of Superman made into a movie.

DOOP Secretary

Pretty much Superman and some other DC heroes trying their best (and hilariously failing sometimes) to stop a murderous rock monster from a destructive rampage with aim of destroying Metropolis. Sadly, it was missing Batman  .

DOOP Secretary

How accurate to the comic is it though? do we see Guy Gardner being a dick?

DOOP Secretary

I think I'll pass then sadly  .

DOOP Secretary

But Alien 3 was nowhere near 1 or 2. It's this comparison that's why it's so lowly ranked in the trilometer. Also because the original trailer promised a more Terran war kind of a movie, which didn't happen.

home alone 2 is the best movie ever made

DOOP Secretary

Whilst i've seen most of the films on that list (or at least one or two of each trilogy), i think i've still not seen some "Must-see" classics.
Quite, but this thread is for trilogies. Regardless of how many installments said trilogies actually ended up having. So! PEELers! What are some movies that I absolutely HAVE to see?
Anything with Bogart. Most notably Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, and The African Queen. The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (and any other Spaghetti Western by Sergio Leone. Each and every Hitchcock movie. The original Planet of the Apes, but none of the sequels and certainly not the remake. Forbidden Planet - the father of modern sci-fi. ...There's some good ones to start on.

DOOP Secretary

No it isn't. Except for the fact that the omega bomb makes an appearance in Futurama.

Urban Legend
All the Evil Dead films, but especially the last two.
Escape from New York.
The first two Mad Maxes (the third feels more like a retelling of the second. Except that there are kids in it. I hate kids).
Just about everything Kubrick's done except for Eyes Wide Shut. I would also give Spartacus a miss, personally.
All of Bruce Lee's films, though I'd give Game of Death a miss and just watch the fight footage from the Enter the Dragon two-disc DVD instead.
Coldy's got some good picks, I'd go with them, too.
Ed Wood, so you can remind yourself that Tim Burton was fairly interesting once.
Most Kurosawa films hold up pretty well, though Seven Samurai is veeeeeeeeeery long.
The Blade Runner director's cut. Probably the best version of the film.
Most Michael Man films before Miami Vice are pretty good to excellent.
Oh, and George Romero's Dead series, though Land of is a significant drop in qualitiy.
Anything by John Carpenter in the 80's, especially The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China.
I'll put more down if they come to me.