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Author Topic: Movie Trilogies  (Read 4200 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #40 on: 05-08-2009 04:21 »

The 'dollars' trilogy.

Fistful of Dollars 5/5

For a Few Dollars More 5/5

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly 100,000/5
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #41 on: 05-08-2009 06:56 »

Well I disagree with you and wish you and yours great misfortune, but you're entitled.

What did Enemy of the State have to do with it?

I liked it better, and I think it came out the same year. Or at least I saw it in the same cinema.

Urban Legend
« Reply #42 on: 05-08-2009 07:06 »

As you can see, I watch a lot of movies.

Star Wars: Havent seen any of them
Indiana Jones: I saw the last 2, they were pretty eh
Matrix: Nope
Superman: Nope
Jurassic Park: I saw the first one about a year ago
X Men: Nope
Spiderman: Nope
LotR: Nope
Mad Max: Nope
Die Hard: Nope
Jaws: I've only seen the first one and it was pretty predictable
BttF: I saw most of the first one
Die Hard: Nope
Blade: Nope
Planet of the Apes: Nope
Godfather: Nope
Rocky: Nope
Terminator: Nope
Rambo: Nope
Batman: Nope
Alien: Saw most of the first one. I intend to finish watching it someday.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #43 on: 05-08-2009 08:43 »

Jesus fuck... you've missed out on some cornerstones of our culture there.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #44 on: 05-08-2009 11:03 »

Bianca, we should go on a movie date. You're missing out on so many good movies!

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #45 on: 05-08-2009 14:42 »

Or all three of us!

Space Pope
« Reply #46 on: 05-08-2009 14:51 »

Dissenting and likely to be unpopular opinion: I think the first is superior to anything that followed. Terrance Stamp was obviously excellent but the second film as a whole does not share the production value of the first and suffers for it. Still love Superman 2 but it should be a notch below the first (even more so if you count the special edition).

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #47 on: 05-08-2009 15:34 »

I believe Superman 4 is left out from that trilogy graph the whole retarded nukes b gone and NUCULAR MAN plot. We say Batman and Robin was the most retarded Super Hero movie but we forget Superman 4...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #48 on: 05-08-2009 15:55 »

Superman Returns was pretty good.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #49 on: 05-08-2009 16:16 »

I haven't seen it yet, but I hear is almost as good as Batman Begins. I'm up for anything that reboots a classic super heroes series to a more modern realistic platform.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #50 on: 05-08-2009 17:11 »

I'd recommend it in that case.
The only thing missing is a super-powered villain. That absence continues to necessitate Kryptonite as a plot device. In the sequel, I'd like to see Supes go up against someone who can give him a run for his money.

Also, the Superman/Batman crossover movie is finally supposed to take place with both franchises current actors/incarnations. Won't be for a few years yet, but it'll certainly be something to look forward to.

I'd like to see a Spiderman/Wolverine crossover movie, but that's never going to happen. Should really have mentioned that in the other movies thread, but anyhow...

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #51 on: 05-08-2009 17:34 »

I'd love to see The Death of Superman made into a movie.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #52 on: 05-08-2009 17:45 »

The Death of Superman would be good as a movie. I would like to see more of a Superman and Brainiac, they could make Brainiac look pretty fucking cool.

Space Pope
« Reply #53 on: 05-08-2009 17:47 »

I thought Luther's plan was a bit impractical in Superman Returns.

But I enjoyed it, especially how they visualised just how bloody strong the guy is, they could never quite get that across in the older films.

I was too busy collecting Spider-man back issues when Death of Superman was released and I wasn't too eager to buy all the titles that it spawned (was it 4?). Did I miss out?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #54 on: 05-08-2009 18:29 »

Pretty much Superman and some other DC heroes trying their best (and hilariously failing sometimes) to stop a murderous rock monster from a destructive rampage with aim of destroying Metropolis.

Sadly, it was missing Batman :(.

Urban Legend
« Reply #55 on: 05-08-2009 19:03 »

Ok first there is a Death of Superman film. Granted it is straight to DVD animation but it is still pretty good with Adam Baldwin as Superman and James Masters as Lex Luthor. Still i enjoyed it as i have the majority of the DC direct to DVd films with Justic League The New Frontier being my fave. The plot was slightly different due to time contrants but still good (main parts missing are the other heroes getting whooped by Doomsday and the four alternates after Superman died)

-Edit: if you are looking for the film it is called Superman Doomsday

As for Superman 2 being better than 1, well if they left Richard Donner on the film it would have been much better. The Richard Donner cut is suprior ven if some of the scens are unfinished as it does not have some of the stipid slapstick that was placed in the theatrical and would continue to plague Superman 3.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #56 on: 05-08-2009 23:48 »

How accurate to the comic is it though? do we see Guy Gardner being a dick?

Urban Legend
« Reply #57 on: 05-09-2009 13:38 »

Well he would not be Guy Gardner if he was not being a dick but no he is not in the film. None of the Justice Leauge are in fact, probably to simplify the story. Also no lead up to Hal Jordan going batshit crazy and becoming Parallax.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #58 on: 05-09-2009 13:58 »

I think I'll pass then sadly :(.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #59 on: 05-09-2009 15:19 »

Going by Rotten Tomatoes scores (82, 82, 93):

I think they're all good personally.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #60 on: 05-10-2009 02:42 »

No, the second one is the best.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #61 on: 05-10-2009 02:51 »

Going by Rotten Tomatoes scores (82, 82, 93):

I think they're all good personally.

I think they're all crap. I fell asleep during the first one, was bored through the second one, and have only seen bits of the third, but it seems pretty like the other two: crap.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #62 on: 05-10-2009 03:07 »

I saw the first and found it completely mundane and forgettable, didn't see the others.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #63 on: 05-10-2009 03:46 »

I found the first to be painfully mediocre too but I found the latter two great.

I probably should watch the first again...

Urban Legend
« Reply #64 on: 05-10-2009 08:55 »

Bourne had some decent action. At times. Everything in them that wasn't a chase scene wasn't terribly interesting, however. Modern action films have no sense of fun. :(

Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #65 on: 05-10-2009 10:04 »

Wasn't Bourne #1 a re-make anyway? How did it compare to the original like, I wonder?

Space Pope
« Reply #66 on: 05-10-2009 22:33 »

As for Superman 2 being better than 1, well if they left Richard Donner on the film it would have been much better. The Richard Donner cut is superior even if some of the scenes are unfinished as it does not have some of the stupid slapstick that was placed in the theatrical and would continue to plague Superman 3.

Time to buy that little beauty, and thanks for making me look up why Superman 2 is a bit crap. Got the Donner version in the mail now and cant wait, and I cant believe I let the release pass me by.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #67 on: 05-11-2009 04:37 »

I have yet to watch any Bourne and don't really care for Matt Damon

Bending Unit
« Reply #68 on: 05-11-2009 05:27 »

alien 3 wasn't that bad.

well the assembly cut wasn't that bad, at least.

Space Pope
« Reply #69 on: 05-11-2009 05:39 »

It was better than 'Resurrection, in any case.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #70 on: 05-11-2009 05:50 »

But Alien 3 was nowhere near 1 or 2. It's this comparison that's why it's so lowly ranked in the trilometer. Also because the original trailer promised a more Terran war kind of a movie, which didn't happen.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 05-11-2009 06:00 »

Jesus fuck... you've missed out on some cornerstones of our culture there.

Whilst i've seen most of the films on that list (or at least one or two of each trilogy), i think i've still not seen some "Must-see" classics. For instance Apocalypse now. I want to try put together a list a 10 movies that i must watch before the year is out.

So! PEELers! What are some movies that I absolutely HAVE to see?

« Reply #72 on: 05-11-2009 06:11 »

home alone 2 is the best movie ever made

Space Pope
« Reply #73 on: 05-11-2009 06:20 »

Well, first you should list every film you've already seen, then we'll suggest some.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #74 on: 05-11-2009 06:26 »


Serenity - 12 times.
BASEketball - 8 times.

that is all.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #75 on: 05-11-2009 06:27 »

Watch the original Night of the Living Dead, and also watch Steel Dawn. Then go get drunk and watch something at random. Lather, rinse, repeat.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #76 on: 05-11-2009 06:42 »

Whilst i've seen most of the films on that list (or at least one or two of each trilogy), i think i've still not seen some "Must-see" classics.

Quite, but this thread is for trilogies. Regardless of how many installments said trilogies actually ended up having.

So! PEELers! What are some movies that I absolutely HAVE to see?

Anything with Bogart. Most notably Casablanca, The Maltese Falcon, and The African Queen.

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (and any other Spaghetti Western by Sergio Leone.

Each and every Hitchcock movie.

The original Planet of the Apes, but none of the sequels and certainly not the remake.

Forbidden Planet - the father of modern sci-fi.

...There's some good ones to start on.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #77 on: 05-11-2009 06:46 »

Beneath The Planet Of The Apes is OK.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #78 on: 05-11-2009 07:07 »

No it isn't. Except for the fact that the omega bomb makes an appearance in Futurama.

Urban Legend
« Reply #79 on: 05-11-2009 07:31 »

All the Evil Dead films, but especially the last two.

Escape from New York.

The first two Mad Maxes (the third feels more like a retelling of the second. Except that there are kids in it. I hate kids).

Just about everything Kubrick's done except for Eyes Wide Shut. I would also give Spartacus a miss, personally.

All of Bruce Lee's films, though I'd give Game of Death a miss and just watch the fight footage from the Enter the Dragon two-disc DVD instead.

Coldy's got some good picks, I'd go with them, too.

Ed Wood, so you can remind yourself that Tim Burton was fairly interesting once.

Most Kurosawa films hold up pretty well, though Seven Samurai is veeeeeeeeeery long.

The Blade Runner director's cut. Probably the best version of the film.

Most Michael Man films before Miami Vice are pretty good to excellent.

Oh, and George Romero's Dead series, though Land of is a significant drop in qualitiy.

Anything by John Carpenter in the 80's, especially The Thing and Big Trouble in Little China.

I'll put more down if they come to me.
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