
DOOP Secretary

Don't write it off just yet.
It's a remake of a live-action Australian show from 2000 which, if I recall, was pretty damn funny. Plus it's by Mitch Hurwitz, the creator of Arrested Development (and also features some cast members of the show doing voices, too), and I believe some old Simpsons writers have creative input too.
So yes, I'm definitely going to give it a shot.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend

Bending Unit
« Reply #27 on: 04-22-2009 20:04 »
« Last Edit on: 04-22-2009 20:05 »
USA Today Robert Bianco If you want to get away with being offensive on TV, you have to be awfully funny, and Sit Down gets much closer to "awful" than it ever does to "funny." Read Full Review 30 Washington Post Tom Shales Fox is plopping the series into its Sunday-night animation pit starting this weekend, with executives presumably hoping the audience won't notice that it isn't any good and will numbly sit through it. Read Full Review 30 Hollywood Reporter Daniel Carlson Every joke is telegraphed a mile off or just plain flat, especially the attempts to break the fourth wall. Read Full Review 30 Boston Globe Matthew Gilbert The series, premiering tomorrow night, is completely hackneyed, a dull dropout from the Adult Swim school of looney 'toons. Read Full Review 25 Newsday Verne Gay Sit Down is raw, vulgar and blithely offensive, with so many triple and quadruple entendres for so many sexual acts, I lost count. Read Full Review 20 Orlando Sentinel Hal Boedeker Sit Down, Shut Up is a disaster. Read Full Review 0 Miami Herald Glenn Garvin Staleness, however, ranks as a virtue in Sit Down, Shut Up, for the show's token stabs at topicality are truly appalling. I absoltely agree with that opinions

Liquid Emperor
Well that sucks, because I didn't watch it this time.
Don't trust these people, Books. It was better but still very bad.

DOOP Secretary

I liked both episodes very much. Sure, the second was better, but I really hope this isn't canceled.

DOOP Secretary

Second one was definitly better than the first.