
DOOP Secretary

Irresponsible Captain Tylor is one of my personal favourites. They don't make stuff like it these days. Don't forget the hostage situation in the second episode!
Lol, the ghost episode. I seem to recall the skeleton of the previous captain of the ship having a moustache.
And I agree with Cold, the GiTS series is a lot less depressing than the movies.

DOOP Secretary

And Motoko is hotter.

DOOP Secretary

So, any chance the title is going to be changed back to what it was?
Also, Planetes is pretty cool. How'd that slip under my radar? been around since 2003!

DOOP Secretary

I prefer S.A.C. to the GitS movies. It's more action-y and less depressing.
I just watched the first gig and thought it was great  I got the second Gig and Solid State Society so I have plenty of GitS to watch still 

DOOP Secretary

Gah, said series is only a few pounds on Amazon. I wish I had a job to buy it with  .

DOOP Secretary

Anyone seen Black Lagoon yet?

DOOP Secretary

I like Black Lagoon  . I haven't seen the 2nd series of it though.

DOOP Secretary

Najica Blitz Tactics
Najica is rather a strange anime, on the on hand it is an enjoyable action/comedy show with stories that would be suitable for children to watch, on the other there are so many shots of female characters' underwear that the show isn't suitable for children.
Najica; the heroine of the series makes perfume for her main job but also finds time to work as a secret agent capturing escaped Humaritts. These Humaritts are artificial people who are almost impossible to tell from real people without cutting them or seeing the ID tattoo which can only be seen with a UV light and is just above their backsides... presumably it is there as an excuse to not only show their underwear but to pull it down a bit. Najica is assisted by one such Humaritt. She is called Lila and like all such Humaritts she is totally loyal to her master.
The episodes are stand alone villain of the week type stories although there is some development in the relationship between Najica and Lila so it is a good idea to watch them in the correct order although this is less important than it is with many series. If you can get past the excessive amount of panty-shots this is a fun series with decent enough animation and a fun sound track. I think the later episodes were better so it is worth sticking with the series, I also suspect they toned down the number of shots of undies later on... although it is possible I was just getting immune to them. I wouldn't recommend buying it unless it is cheap but it is worth watching once for a laugh.
These comments were made after watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.

DOOP Secretary

Bleh, I like LOVEU AND PEACU better.

DOOP Secretary

Excel Saga
Excel Saga is one of the most insane shows it has been my pleasure to see, from the first episode to the last it is almost constantly funny. If you like anime or even if you don't this is worth watching, while it spoofs a lot of other shows it isn't necessary to have seen them to enjoy this.
On leaving school our heroine Excel joins the ACROSS organisation where she helps her beloved Lord Ilpalazzo in his mission to take over the city. Unfortunately for her he isn't interested in her and unfortunately for him she is incompetent. She is however very enthusiastic always trying her best. Excel is assisted on her missions by Hyatt, a princess from outer space who is constantly coughing up blood and dies with alarming regularity. The two of them live together with their dog which is their emergency food supply. Their attempts to take over the city are countered by the Department of City Security who are equally incompetent and live in the neighbouring apartment. To add to the strangeness we have the tale of Pedro, a dead migrant worker who returns to win back the heart of his "sexy wife" with the help of Nabeshin, the director of the show who sports an impressive afro and the Great Will of the Macrocosm, a character that seems to be the embodiment of the universe.
If that all sounds very strange that is because it is... in a good way. The animation is all pretty good and the voice actors did a great job, especially the woman who provided Excel's voice. If you see this on DVD I'd strongly recommended getting it although it doesn't appear to be available on R2 PAL at the moment, much to my disappointment.
These comments are based on watching the programme in Japanese with English subtitles.

DOOP Secretary

just watched the 1st 6 episodes of Paranoia Agent
wow that stuff is confusing and great great plot twists, character relationships etc

DOOP Secretary

Excel Saga makes me wish there was more parody anime and manga sometimes.

DOOP Secretary

When I first saw Excel Saga I hadn't seen much anime, even now when I watched it a second time I didn't recognise what was being spoofed, I still thought it was great though. I also enjoyed the spin off Puni Puni Poemi and I've not watched any magic-girl anime which it was spoofing.

DOOP Secretary

In the last few years? I'm assuming you're not including Bebop then.

DOOP Secretary

Bebop was a decade ago I believe Nix. I'm being more recent, say three or four years.

DOOP Secretary

Air Gear?

DOOP Secretary

I haven't seen Air Gear. I've read about it, Roller Blading Gangs I think.
Bebop did have the best intro though I have to agree.

DOOP Secretary

If Excel Saga hurt your brain you had better avoid Puni Puni Poemi  I agree Paranoia Agent was great, sadly my favourite episode is heavily cut on the UK DVD release... good that I watched it on line 

DOOP Secretary

Excel Saga is delicious madness. Nabeshin and Rikdo get bonus points for pardodying the Kagato-esqe villain that sadly has died out these days  . PA is also pretty bitching, and has some interesting social commentary to boot. In other news, that DBZ Abridged in YouTube is actually pretty hilarious.

DOOP Secretary

This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
I watched this series after reading a recommendation that people who liked "Elfen Lied" might also like this. People that have seen that series will know that it contains lots of gory violence, rather a lot of nudity and not very much jokeyness. This is rather different in that it isn't very violent, contains plenty of laughs but does include a fair amount of nudity. It is very much a series of two halves, the earlier episodes are predominantly comedic where the characters do relatively normal things and in the later episodes they battle to save the planet from an extinction event.
In the opening episode Takeru and Ryou, two school boys witness a bright light in the sky which crashes to Earth. When they investigate they find a naked girl with bright red hair and no memory. Shortly after this a monster appears but it is defeated when Takeru transforms into a creature himself. He names the girl Hikari and takes her home, a little while later another girl arrives and is given the name Akari by Ryou who found her in the forest. The two girls soon become part of a group of school friends and join then in their day to day activities such as going to school and taking a break in the mountains. The group are also joined by Jennifer Portman a blonde scientist who is investigating extinction events and is usually found with a beer in her hand.
I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum so as not to spoil the series. It isn't the best anime I've seen although it was fun enough, especially the earlier episodes. The animation was fairly standard in style with characters that look like those in many others shows, although it doesn't go in for characters with unnatural hair colours apart from the new girls and it is commented on that it isn't an expected colour. As mentioned before there is quite a bit of nudity, while it is gratuitous it is more amusing than sleazy.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.

Bending Unit
« Reply #78 on: 06-18-2009 15:12 »
« Last Edit on: 06-18-2009 15:15 »
Irresponsible Captain Tylor (comedic space opera) Ooh, I need to see that series!! I heard that my favorite voice actress is in that one. =O And I also need to see His and Her Circumstances. Great Teacher Onizuka (legendary street thug turned high school teacher)
Yeah, that's an awesome show! I still need to finish watching that series. XD I recommend the following:- Pokemon season one, for anyone who is feeling nostalgic (you can't go wrong with those old, classic episodes) - Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (only 13 episodes, but it's very good and it's made by Gainax!!) - Kyo Kara Maou (I like this series because it's so random and funny, and it has both magic and action in it, hehe) - Angelic Layer (I like this series, cause it's very similar to Pokemon, except it's about people fighting with dolls instead of Pokemon XD)

DOOP Secretary

Watch Tylor dammit, it is also a lovely tribute to a certain other space opera classic too  . Watching Tenjo Tenge, It is a pretty decent Shoen fighty anime.