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Author Topic: Spike Lives! (Anime talk)  (Read 68517 times)
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PEE Poll: This world is made of
Love   -19 (70.4%)
Peace   -8 (29.6%)
Total Members Voted: 27


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #280 on: 04-04-2010 10:55 »
« Last Edit on: 04-04-2010 10:59 »

   009-1 is a cyborg agent … [with] machine-gun breasts.

A fembot with machine gun jubblies, eh? Now, why does that sound familiar?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #281 on: 04-18-2010 19:49 »


When I started watching this series I thought I might not make it past the first episode as it was immediately clear that it was going to be packed with unnecessary fanservice and probably a poor plot. I was right about the amount of fanservice; nearly all the female characters had enormous breasts which their clothes barely cover assuming their clothes haven't fallen off in a fight or they aren't taking one of their many visits to the bath. Thankfully the series had an enjoyable plot that soon had me roped in. Minato is trying to get into university but has failed his exams for the second time, one day he is out when a girl literally falls out of the sky and lands on him. It turns out that this is Musubi, a Sekirei, and when she kisses him her special powers increase and he becomes her Ashikabi or master. After some confusion with his landlord he finds himself homeless luckily the two of them find a new home where it turns out there are already Sekirei living. In the early episodes Minato increases his harem of large breasted Sekirei and one child then in later episodes we learn that the Sekirei are destined to battle it out till only one of them remains.

While we see quite a few fights the battle to the last Sekirei doesn't end within the series, in fact the final episode ends with "To be continued...". I was surprised at just how much I enjoyed this series; the characters were interesting and by the end I really cared about whether or not they would survive the climactic battle. Given the size of the girls chests the fanservice looked as if it was designed to be more comic than erotic. As well as the action there are plenty of comic moments such as one Sekirei who is never without a bottle of sake and Minato's harem competing for his affections. At only twelve episodes the series ended all too soon although I hear that a second series is due to be released this Summer. Given that it can be watched free and legally on Funimation's YouTube channel at the moment I'd recommend checking it out if you aren't offended by gratuitous nudity. 


Sir Rank-a-Lot
Urban Legend
« Reply #282 on: 04-19-2010 20:29 »

Gratuitous nudity, the best kind of nudity.
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #283 on: 04-22-2010 21:22 »

Finished Fruits Basket. It was so lovely!! It's my first anime after having quite a large break from it, and it didn't disappoint.
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #284 on: 04-23-2010 17:24 »

Yeah, it's a cute series, but it was made before the manga finished, so it doesn't really have a proper ending.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #285 on: 06-11-2010 10:39 »

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I had heard good things about this series long before it got a UK DVD release so when I saw it for sale I didn't waste any time in getting a copy; I have no regrets. When first released the episodes were not shown in chronological order but as the DVD had rearranged them into chronological order I watched it that way rather than in broadcast order.

At the start it looked like it was going to be an ordinary school based comedy; Kyon is an ordinary school boy who gets chatting to classmate Haruhi Suzumiya, she is interesting in things like aliens, time travellers and people with ESP but nobody else appears to share her interest... when Kyon casually suggests she starts a club to find others who share her interest he doesn't that she will take up his suggestion and press-gang him into being the first member. The next three members have equally little choice about joining: Yuki, the sole member of the literature club whose room is taken over, Mikuru who is dragged in because Haruhi wants a 'moe girl' in the club and finally transfer student Itsuki. Haruhi is the kind of girl who gets what she wants, this is partly due to her 'genki girl' personality and partly because unbeknownst to her she is effectively God... she wanted aliens, time travellers and ESPers and she got one of each in her club although they can't tell her as they believe the universe could come to an end if Haruhi were to learn what she was.

This might all make it sound like a weird science fiction show but despite the odd situation it is a comedy with lots of laughs. Haruhi is one of the most memorable anime characters I've come across, her boundless enthusiasm means she can do things that would be considered very wrong were a normal person to do it... her methods of persuasion include blackmail and sexual harassment, usually of poor Mikuru. I'd certainly recommend this to anybody wanting a good laugh and something a little different, I can't wait for the second series to get a DVD release.

These comments are based on watching the first season in Japanese with English subtitles.


Urban Legend
« Reply #286 on: 07-04-2010 11:57 »

Been a while since I have reviewed so here we go


Short review: It's directed by Hayeo Miyazaki. Nuff said

Slightly less short review:

Firstly and slightly unusually for me I watched the dubbed version of the film, fortuantly the dub was quite well done in my opinion and the child voices seemed just right for the parts they were playing.

As with most Ghibli film it is visually stunning and Joe Hisashi provides another wonderful score.

The story itself is a loose retelling of the little Mermaid with a magical fish who wishes to become human after meeting loving man (in this case a 5 year old boy). The film contains some wonderful set pieces with special mention to Ponyo's transition to a human and coming to the surface.

In summation another heart warming Miyazaki film with only mild envriomental films (at least compared to his previous works).


And now time for another round of

What the hell Japan?

Stumbling across a new series called Seikon No Qwser, at first I thought I had accidently come across one of those adult anime's but no I find this show is broadcast on Japanese TV. Basic premise humans who can control certain elements (the main character can control iron) but to power these abilities they must drink soma, ok so fair no diffrent from alot of anime until they reveal that soma is breast milk drunk straight from a woman's breast.

Seriously Japan we try to defend anime with works by Miyazaki and other greats, then you start producing more shows like this and it makes things so much more difficult.

Space Pope
« Reply #287 on: 07-05-2010 08:19 »

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

I had heard good things about this series long before it got a UK DVD release so when I saw it for sale I didn't waste any time in getting a copy; I have no regrets. When first released the episodes were not shown in chronological order but as the DVD had rearranged them into chronological order I watched it that way rather than in broadcast order.

At the start it looked like it was going to be an ordinary school based comedy; Kyon is an ordinary school boy who gets chatting to classmate Haruhi Suzumiya, she is interesting in things like aliens, time travellers and people with ESP but nobody else appears to share her interest... when Kyon casually suggests she starts a club to find others who share her interest he doesn't that she will take up his suggestion and press-gang him into being the first member. The next three members have equally little choice about joining: Yuki, the sole member of the literature club whose room is taken over, Mikuru who is dragged in because Haruhi wants a 'moe girl' in the club and finally transfer student Itsuki. Haruhi is the kind of girl who gets what she wants, this is partly due to her 'genki girl' personality and partly because unbeknownst to her she is effectively God... she wanted aliens, time travellers and ESPers and she got one of each in her club although they can't tell her as they believe the universe could come to an end if Haruhi were to learn what she was.

This might all make it sound like a weird science fiction show but despite the odd situation it is a comedy with lots of laughs. Haruhi is one of the most memorable anime characters I've come across, her boundless enthusiasm means she can do things that would be considered very wrong were a normal person to do it... her methods of persuasion include blackmail and sexual harassment, usually of poor Mikuru. I'd certainly recommend this to anybody wanting a good laugh and something a little different, I can't wait for the second series to get a DVD release.

These comments are based on watching the first season in Japanese with English subtitles.


You wouldn't happen to know if anyone's translating the second season, would you?

I hear there's eight episodes that are almost identical.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #288 on: 07-05-2010 08:45 »
« Last Edit on: 07-05-2010 12:50 »

I don't know about official translations, judging by comments posted on the IMDb there is a fan-subbed version on line somewhere. As season one was only just released here I suspect it will be a while before we get season two.


When I started watching this series I didn't know much about it but as it could be watched legally on Funimation's YouTube channel I thought I'd give it a go; I'm glad I did as it is one of the best anime series that I've seen. It is only sixteen episodes long but there isn't a moment wasted as it is jam packed with story and a large cast of memorable characters. When the cast it is first introduced in the opening credits it seems that it will be impossible to remember who is who but as they are such great characters it isn't so difficult. The great names also help; who could forget characters with names like Jacuzzi Splot, Czeslaw Meyer and Szilard Quates. The characters are a mix of immortals, gangsters and psychopaths living in 1930's America. Over the course of the series we learn how they became immortal, how they get to know each other and most importantly what happened aboard the 'Flying Pussyfoot' a transcontinental express bound for New York on board which most of the cast meet and many people die in unpleasant circumstances. Much of the series take place on the train but we also see frequent flash forwards of what happened before and what happens later, amazingly this does not lead to confusion.

The series was a lot of fun but also included violent scenes which would make it unsuitable for younger viewers; the actions of 'Rail Tracer' might give them nightmares, they made me cringe and its a long time since I was a child. The animation looks fantastic, the slight sepia tint giving it a period look and distinctive characters made it a joy to watch, it also had a great musical score to accompany it.

These comments are made based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles although I did see one of the episodes in English and though the dub was pretty good.

Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #289 on: 07-14-2010 20:10 »
« Last Edit on: 07-16-2010 19:07 »

Yeah.  You knew I was going to watch it.  I knew I was going to watch it, so lets just get it over with.

Evangelion 1.0 - You are (not) alone

Much of this movie consists of shot-for-shot rehashes of the original series.  Most of the first and second episodes have been entirely duplicated rather than being reworked in the slightest.   For that I am ducking it down a letter grade already for Copypasta.  That being said, there's just not a lot to hate about the movie.  It's well executed, it's very true to the original, it fleshes out plot and characters better than the series in some places.  It also accomplishes a task of being through without feeling forced or rushed.  Whenever Godzilla has to duke it out with a giant monster he always takes a whole movie to come out on top.  This film plows through the first three Angel battles without batting an eye.  I really hate to say it, but it is in fact really well done.

A warning to purists of the original series that the plot has been dumbed down considerably and the characters are far less complex than their television counterparts.  If you want an Evangelion version that forces you to think, watch the series instead.  While nobody is out of character and there are still epic battles that amaze the senses and lock your focus don't think that you'll come out of these movies and then have a two hour long discussion with your friends about the nature of mankind.  This is an all-accessible audience friendly version of EVA that does not focus heavily on introspection and human interaction the way the series does.  Still, it covers all the bases and even though less intellectual than EVA has been in the past it's well made, fairly true to the original, and a pretty good time.  Consider this:  I went into it really wanting to hate it and when it was all over I just couldn't do it.


Evangelion 2.0 - You can (not) advance

I hate Mari.  If she wasn't voiced by Maaya Sakamoto I'd be at 100% fan rage.  I can understand Gianax throwing in a new character to liven up the series, and make things a little less predictable but come on.  She's a fourteen year old super spy AND she knows about the Eva's secret modes?  How broken is that?

The hard part now is that despite all that I can STILL recommend this film.  Gorgeous animation, inventive fight scenes, competent use of CGI animation, and it takes EVA in a new direction that eventually goes totally over the top, and it STILL works.  Of course there is also: Asuka fans rejoice.  She's back, She's got a new last name but she's just as much of a bitch and she's still got that hidden soft side that made her a hold-out fan favorite and fan least-favorite.  It's also refreshing to see her not drooling over Kaji every time they're in the same shot.  Be ready for a big plot-twist that deviates wildly from the TV's Canon and will make Asuka's role now, and in coming features a much different presence.

The narration as with the previous installment has had the characters youthful trauma assuaged in favor of a more simplistic interaction and character based approach.  To that end I'm going out on a limb to say that this film may just prove to be a shipper's dream come true (I won't say which shippers, though).  The pilots and crew spend their time in slice-of-life vignettes which are punctuated on and off by sprawling, epic, colossal Eva/Angel battles.  It's everything that made the first third of the series so memorable.  Scenes that have little action but meant a lot to character development and relationships have been fused and modified in such a way that it feels fresh and works, while still very much being in the core of Evanglion's style.

I'll state again that this is not the brainy philosophical Evangelion you're accustomed to but it's well done and it will go great with popcorn.  I'll still come back to it, though: Stupid Mari.


Summary of the angle of the movies so far:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #290 on: 07-17-2010 16:10 »

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom

I would have watched this series sooner if I'd realised it was from Bee Train and director Kōichi Mashimo who gave us 'Noir', 'Madlax' and 'El Cazador de la Bruja'; AKA 'The Girls with Guns' trilogy. This series has some similarities with its predecessors; like them it features assassins, some of whom have lost their memories, however this time their is a male lead and there are no supernatural overtones.

The series follows a Japanese student who wakes up in America with no memory, he is immediately confronted by a masked girl who forces him to fight, he wins but does not kill her. She says that she is called Ein and from henceforth he is known as Zwei, she proceeds to train him as an assassin and he is eventually given missions along side her by a sinister character known as Scythe Master who works for a criminal organisation called Inferno. At first there targets are members of the local Mafia but it becomes clear just how far Inferno will go when Zwei is sent to kill the wife and child of a Mafia boss. Over the course of the series we learn that Inferno is full of internal rivalries that will lead to factional in fighting and pit Ein and Zwei against each other. Later in the series Zwei learns who he really is and ends up acting as big brother to Cal, a little girl who's sister was killed in the crossfire.

This series was quite a bit darker than the 'Girls with Guns' Trilogy, here blood is seen in many scenes and the odds of any given character surviving till the end of the series are not good. The animation looks very good through out as one would expect from Bee Train as is the accompanying music. The characters, both heroes and villains are interesting and with the possible exception of Scythe Master none are purely bad or purely good; he is both bad and rather creepy. If you enjoyed the 'Girls with Guns' trilogy then I recommend watching this one too; it can be watched free legally on Funination's YouTube Channel.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.


Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #291 on: 07-18-2010 05:43 »

I've been watching a lot of Superbook lately. (At church, I am teaching a class of 11 year olds about the old testament and I like to include Superbook clips because I am goofy).

Great show, but I don't understand why none of the bible characters ever freak out when they see that a robot has traveled back through time to see them. You'd think at least one of them would call on the lord to smite such a wicked mechanical abomination. :shrug:
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #292 on: 07-21-2010 08:34 »

Maybe they were ancient Mormans and just assumed he was a friendly space-droid from the planet Kolob.


OK.  It's not Japanese animation but I need to read subtitles to watch it and the female leads are kind of hot, so close enough.  Plot wise for this, I could put up in huge bold letters STANDARD QUEST TALE.  Yugo is destined to be a dragon spirit or something but has to find his family, he meets up with a sagely treasure hunter, a tree spirit nymph princess Amalia with her elvish female bodyguard Evangelyne who are both exploring the broad world and also a gung-ho fighter named Sadlygrove (Tristepin) with an imp-possessed sword.  They go town to town helping people for the first half of the series, and finish off the major story arc in the series second half.  Along the way they are all pursued by Nox, a time wizard who wants to drain the worlds wakfu (Life force) in order to go back in time and rewrite history.  The series is based on an online MMORPGuh and sadly a fair chunk of the show is devoted to tie-ins to the online community.

This is the part where I'm supposed to say it's a whimsical farce for the whole family, but it's not.  This is a kid's show.  It's a damn good one at that in terms of delivering likable characters, and fun mascots, marketable tie-ins and toys.  The only real people over the age of 19 that should really get into this are people who genuinely love animation as an art form.  The whole series is done in Adobe flash.  The last show I saw that was all done in flash was Home Movies.  It was clever, funny, well written and touching but the animation in it was always bare-bones which I always assumed was a halfway meeting point between the simplicity they were going for and the limitations of Flash as an animation platform.  When I saw Wakfu, however, I was stunned.  The amount of visual detail, liveliness and complexity of this animation is simply jaw-dropping at times.  From an army of woodland spirits each with their own moving arms and eyes to amazing fight scene animations that rival the best that Japan has ever put together on their weekly beat-em-ups like bleach and naruto.  The style and flow of the whole universe really comes together brilliantly in a way that reminded me of Samurai Jack with its stylized characters and color schemes.  Some scenes had me reminded of Miyazaki's environmental opus Princess Mononoke, while others had backgrounds and layouts so complex and diverse that I instantly thought of Blockbuster anime films like Ghost in the Shell and Metropolis.  It didn't take me long to realize that this 20-minute a pop Kids show had me constantly comparing it to some of the best animated features I'd ever seen.  That to me is actually kind of scary.

For my own sake, I want you to take this with a grain of salt, I can be pretty easily impressed by flashy visuals, but what I really love are solid stories and characters.  Wakfu has likable, fun characters and a can't-go-wrong formulaic plot  That runs briskly along up to its surprisingly dark final battle.  I can really go nuts for the animation, but even if it's my hype, don't believe the hype.  Watch it if you want to see what flash animation can really do.

Oh, one more thing.  I said how this is a kids show, but it is a french kids show, and for one scene at least they really went out on a limb for some sleazy sexiness.  Spoiler warning, so watch this if you don't plan to see the series at all, but if you're not, and you only ever see one scene in wakfu, see this one:


Sorry about the low quality of the vid.  best I could find.  But anyway, I say for this series a strong B+
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #293 on: 08-06-2010 07:27 »

And now time for another round of

What the hell Japan?

Stumbling across a new series called Seikon No Qwser, at first I thought I had accidently come across one of those adult anime's but no I find this show is broadcast on Japanese TV. Basic premise humans who can control certain elements (the main character can control iron) but to power these abilities they must drink soma, ok so fair no diffrent from alot of anime until they reveal that soma is breast milk drunk straight from a woman's breast.

Seriously Japan we try to defend anime with works by Miyazaki and other greats, then you start producing more shows like this and it makes things so much more difficult.

Yeah, but aside from that, is the show any good?  You never said.  :p

When the cast it is first introduced in the opening credits it seems that it will be impossible to remember who is who but as they are such great characters it isn't so difficult.

I think the trick is to just pick a character or two to follow, and not to worry too much about the rest.  I chose Isaac and Miria.  :)  I'm about halfway through the series, and I haven't even been trying follow the story, I've just been watching to see Isaac and Miria do silly things, but I still pretty much know what's going on and who everyone is.

...don't think that you'll come out of these movies and then have a two hour long discussion with your friends about the nature of mankind.  This is an all-accessible audience friendly version of EVA that does not focus heavily on introspection and human interaction the way the series does.

Oh, so they made it better then.


*crickets chirp*

I've been watching a lot of Superbook lately. (At church, I am teaching a class of 11 year olds about the old testament and I like to include Superbook clips because I am goofy).

Great show, but I don't understand why none of the bible characters ever freak out when they see that a robot has traveled back through time to see them. You'd think at least one of them would call on the lord to smite such a wicked mechanical abomination. :shrug:

Well, yeah, but he's a robot that was sent back in time to see them by God.  I guess they just figure that he's on their side.  It is odd that no one ever freaks out, but then again, no one ever seems to comment on the strange (i.e. modern) clothes that Chris and Joy are wearing, and no one seems to have any trouble understanding them, despite the fact that they're speaking English or Japanese or whatever.  The MST3K mantra applies here, I suppose.

Urban Legend
« Reply #294 on: 08-09-2010 21:54 »

Yeah, but aside from that, is the show any good?  You never said.  :p

I would give it a collosal meh, nothing to surprising about the plot adn teh characterisation is not great.

Urban Legend
« Reply #295 on: 08-25-2010 15:42 »

Scuse and old hand double posting but there is some sad news in the world of anime.

Satoshi Kon director of such films as Perfect Blue and Parika has died at the age of 46.

I really enjoyed his work especially the series Paranoia Agent, sad to think that there will be no more series or films with his distinct directoral approach.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #296 on: 08-25-2010 15:52 »

been posted here: http://www.peelified.com/index.php?topic=18619.msg1136497#msg1136497

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #297 on: 08-28-2010 22:38 »

Time of Eve

Set in the not to distant future in a world where most households possess androids that look human to do the domestic chores some people believe others are getting too close to their androids. Rikuo is a high school student who possesses an android called Sammy; she can do basic chores but it is soon clear that she does not possess conversational skills. While she may look human it is clear to everybody that isn't due to the halo above her head. One day Rikuo finds something strange in Sammy's activity log; since she is fitted with a GPS he can track down where she went. He investigates with his friend Masaki and discovers 'Time of Eve' a café where it is the house rule that humans and androids are to be treated equally. At they are puzzled because the android they followed in no longer has a halo, something unthinkable outside. They feel a bit uncomfortable but soon that are chatting to Akiko, a young girl who clearly isn't bothered by the anonymous androids. It isn't until the next day they learn that she is in fact an android herself; it appears that androids have personalities just as complex as our own, they just feel compelled to hide this fact in the outside world. As they continue to visit they meet a range of customers including an old man with a young child, his grand daughter perhaps, a couple of young lovers and an android that looks anything but human. They also meet Nagi who runs the establishment and is always friendly but strictly enforces the equality rule. Sammy turns up there too and here she is just like everybody else; nothing like how she behaves at home and no halo. We later learn that Masaki's father works for the Robot Ethics Committee, a group wanting to shut down places like 'Time of Eve', will Masaki help his father or will he protect his new friends?

This was an interesting series, it was only six episodes long and the first five of those were only fifteen minutes long but in that short time it managed to tell a story that was both heart-warming and interesting. The characters were all a delight to watch and until it was revealed it was heard to guess who was human and who was an android; even the characters don't know which of their group is human in some cases. The backgrounds were stunningly created and the characters well animated. I'd certainly recommend this to anybody looking for a science fiction anime which isn't full of giant robots, explosions or space battles... if you watch the first episode and don't like it you've only wasted fifteen minutes but if you are like me as soon as that episode ends you'll be watching the next and so on till the end.

These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.

Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #298 on: 09-02-2010 05:29 »
« Last Edit on: 09-02-2010 17:38 »

Now I'm not definitely saying that the guys who made FLCL were high when they made it.  All I'm saying is I happened to smoke some weed the other day and watched FLCL and everything in it made perfect sense for the very first time.  I even figured out what Amaro's Nori eyebrows do.

Edit:  They're re-making Paprika!  GoddddddddDAMMIT.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #299 on: 09-19-2010 16:49 »


To date the films of director Hayao Miyazaki have not disappointed me and 'Ponyo' is no exception. While this film as aimed at younger children it is a delight for adults too, transporting them to a magical childhood world.

This film was an utter delight from start to finish, possibly the most delightful Studio Ghibli film since 'My Neighbour Totoro'. The animation was stunning throughout, although it did have a slightly different style to previous films. The story was such that very small children could probably follow it as well as enjoying the visuals. There were plenty of laughs to be had along the way such as when Ponyo the Goldfish ate the ham out of Susuke's sandwich and his mother's somewhat reckless driving.

These comments are based on watching the film in Japanese with English subtitles.


Bending Unit
« Reply #300 on: 09-19-2010 17:17 »
« Last Edit on: 09-19-2010 17:21 »

i like your review, tweek, its a thousand times better then my review in the “it stinks” thrend. Ponyo made me smile, its a cute and amazing film, though Studio Ghibli flims usually are.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #301 on: 09-19-2010 17:28 »

I wouldn't call Grave of the Fireflies cute ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #302 on: 09-19-2010 19:38 »

I disagree; the reason that Grave of the Fireflies is so heartbreaking is because Setsuko is a cute and believable little child.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #303 on: 09-19-2010 19:40 »

Yes, she is cute, but the movie isn't cute ;)

Bending Unit
« Reply #304 on: 09-19-2010 20:10 »

I haven't seen it yet so I don't know if it is or not.
P.S. go to wikipedia, he made a new movie. :)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #305 on: 09-19-2010 20:23 »

You mean The Borrower Arrietty? Yeah, it's already in cinemas in Japan.
or do you mean The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter? That probably won't be out before 2012. Lately all Ghibli Movies come out every 2 years.

So Porco Rosso #2 will probably be out 2014.

Bending Unit
« Reply #306 on: 09-19-2010 20:34 »

Yes, The Borrower Arrieity, I hope the dub comes soon, like you said two years.
P.S. its taking too long to write my posts because im typing with my Wii.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #307 on: 09-19-2010 20:40 »

Who cares for a dub, I hope the original comes soon ... at least on blu :D

Bending Unit
« Reply #308 on: 09-19-2010 20:42 »

i don't have blu :(

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #309 on: 09-19-2010 21:00 »

well, dvd then for you.

Bending Unit
« Reply #310 on: 09-19-2010 21:23 »

speaking of anime, does anyone remember the block, TOONAMI?
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #311 on: 09-20-2010 08:47 »
« Last Edit on: 09-20-2010 08:48 »


*Is so old-school he misses Moltar*

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #312 on: 09-20-2010 17:20 »

SPike may live but the Cowboy Bebop movie is dead.

Thank God.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #313 on: 09-20-2010 17:22 »


now someone also kill Keanu!
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #314 on: 09-20-2010 17:48 »
« Last Edit on: 09-20-2010 17:49 »

Dammit, Booze, you made Keanu sad.

Cheer up, Keanu.  Devils Advocate was really good!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #315 on: 09-20-2010 17:52 »

He still sucks.

Space Pope
« Reply #316 on: 09-21-2010 03:25 »
« Last Edit on: 09-21-2010 03:28 »

My boyfriend's roommate lent me all of Cowboy Bebop. I is in love.

He still sucks.

Indeed. He would have sucked as Spike.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #317 on: 09-21-2010 03:26 »

Hopefully the movie too ;)

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #318 on: 09-21-2010 04:22 »

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills because apparently I'm the only one who thinks he would be a decent Spike.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #319 on: 09-21-2010 04:34 »

You must be drunk, or high... or both.

Spike should, if at all, be Asian.
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