
Liquid Emperor
« Reply #122 on: 03-07-2009 14:41 »
« Last Edit on: 03-07-2009 14:43 »
Seen it last night, was amazing 9/10 Few things that irked me a little: They should have kept "Nothing ever ends" as Jon's line, not Laurie's. Laurie's acting was pretty stiff, but it done the job LACK OF BABASTIS FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Should have had the original Desolation Row during the credits or maybe just silence.

DOOP Secretary

I watched that episode yesterday and thought what if Tobias played Manhattan.


I didn't read the novel so I came in with an open mind. It surpassed my expectations. But when people have asked me what I thought about it, my first response is always "It was long." And I'm sure they left a lot of stuff out too. I did really enjoy the story and everything but I'd have to be mentally prepared to sit through it again. I don't want to come off as I'm putting this down because I really liked how it flips the whole conventional "Superhero" idea on you. I just came out thinking about all these scenes that could have been left out IMO. Anyways the thing that got me upset was when Dr. M killed Rorschach. To me it just seemed unnecessary. I mean NO ONE was listening to him through out the whole movie anyways so why would anyone believe him now. I could see him telling people about the "truth" and their response being "Aren't you supposed to be in jail?" Maybe its different in the novel but I just didn't think the people would take him as a credible source.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #138 on: 03-08-2009 12:51 »
« Last Edit on: 03-08-2009 13:15 »
LayZ Even if only one person believed him, they may investigate which would cause them to find out what really happened behind the mass genocide. Also, it's good to hear that you didn't read the novel and still enjoyed it. Edit: Since you didn't read the book, it seems that the film being too long would be a fair comment but for people who have read the book these scenes can fan favorites and we would scream rape if Zack Snyder had taken them out. And another thing I forgot to mention, HOLY BALLS ZACK SNYDER MADE A MOVIE THAT DIDN'T MAKE ME WANT TO KILL MYSELF

Bending Unit
« Reply #141 on: 03-08-2009 20:25 »
« Last Edit on: 03-08-2009 20:31 »
My thoughts:
1) The Nite Owl/Silk Spectre sex scene was indeed too long; it was a nice change to see some naked female flesh by that point, but yeah; it may have been sensual, but it got awfully close to softcore (nor not-so-softcore). More on naked manflesh later.
Actually, that they removed the a chunk of the reason that NO was impotent was annoying; yeah, he was scared, but the fact he felt helpless (impotent) about it all being the reason he was physically impotent was importent as a plot point, I thought. Anyway.
2) Was a bummer to see the Black Freighter substory removed, as that was such an effective parallel to what Ozy was doing. At least they haven't ignored it entirely.
3) I don't know why, but I kept thinking that the guy playing the Comedian was Robert Downey Jr., even when I knew it wasn't.
4) The ending was interesting, especially the use of Mozart's Requiem. The speech NO does about mutilating humanity was neat, though I thought his reaction to Rorschach's death was a little histrionic. It's nice that he cared, but in the comic, he's too busy sexxn' Spectre to even notice.
5) The thing that got me was that the movie heavily implied that the whole scheme of Ozy's would fail, because the guy at the New Frontiersman (a section of the story that was almost entirely removed, so it became 'Oh, and here's this newspaper we have to include because if we didn't, it wouldn't make sense as to how Rorschach's journal might/not get into print') would definitely put the journal into the paper. The comic was a lot more ambiguous about that, which I felt was better; it's up to the reader to decide whether they wanted the 'happy' ending where the truth gets out (which wouldn't be that happy an ending), or the realistic ending (where the truth probably never got out, or was suppressed even if it did). It somewhat undercut the whole 'turn the superhero genre on its head' idea to imply that the truth would come out. Meh.
6) Someone on LJ called Watchmen 'The Billy Crudup Blue Penis Movie'. The scary thing is that I agree entirely; I realise that Manhatten doesn't wear clothes that much in the story, but the comic was far more discreet about it. Like I said at the beginning, there was some naked womanflesh as well, but the amount of naked man-buttock and wing-wang action that movie had was...disturbing. (It may sound like I'm obsessing, but it was just...there. It was inescapable, like being in a locked room with a car wreck; you didn't want to look...) The pity of it was, they sacrificed plot/story-time for a lot of that nakedness - or at least it felt that way.
7) One last thing: it bothered me that Rorschach seemed a lot more athletic in the movie, and it was never really shown how he got that way, and the comic doesn't go into the matter. (I guess that's why so much of his backstory is gone, even though that is annoying; if he's a unemployed former unskilled garment worker, where did he get the time to learn martial arts?) It wasn't a major thing, but it was somewhat distracting.
Anyway; overall? Pretty good. As with any Alan Moore adaptation, if you want the best version, read the book. (Though to be honest, after Moore appeared in the Simpsons with that comicbook writers/superhero joke, it's a bit rich for him to complain about selling out.)

DOOP Secretary

Everybody's had an opportunity to read the novel for twenty years now, there aren't much spoilers to have.

DOOP Secretary

Book of a movie based on a book? Once again, a great graphic novel is slighted by the literary scene.

Urban Legend
« Reply #153 on: 03-10-2009 05:51 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2009 05:53 »
Silk Spectres Sandwich pls.
Original Silk Spectre FTW... except for the hair. Anyway, I thought it was throroughly enjoyable, even for someone who hadn't read it before such as myself. I don't have too many criticisms, because I was very pleased with what I saw, however: - Silk Spectre II sucks at acting, and her "mom" is hotter. That was a bad wig, too
- It was clear that I was missing things, and that there was a lot more to the story, if only they had the time. I suppose that should encourage me to go out and read the original.
You dudes need to stop complaining about the blue penii and Nite Owl's derriere. 99.9% of movie nudity is female, so I can deal with a little male nudity. Except for the blue color, it's nothing you haven't seen before. Oh, I did have a couple more questions... - Why do only the male heroes wear masks?
- How did Silk Spectre remove her outfit without taking off the thigh-high boots?
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #155 on: 03-10-2009 16:42 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2009 16:43 »
Silk Spectres Sandwich pls.
- How did Silk Spectre remove her outfit without taking off the thigh-high boots?
Who cares? :flirt: The movie and graphic novel both peg SSII as being around 40 years old. Damned, I wish my 40 year old wife looked that good.

DOOP Secretary

I associate it more with Will Ferrell falling into a pool.