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Author Topic: "Now where did I put that darn island?!" Lost thread!  (Read 34128 times)
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Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #280 on: 02-23-2009 04:54 »

United Way? 
* winna doesn't know the name of airline companies
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #281 on: 02-23-2009 05:33 »

So it looks like the plane may have come down too. :)


commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #282 on: 02-23-2009 11:45 »

also, something really cool my friend noticed. Remember when the islanders found the boat and it had bottled water in it? Remember what airline label was on it? ;)

Bumping so I can figure this out on one page.

Can you elaborate on "when the islanders found the bottled water on the boat"? Which boat? Which islanders?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #283 on: 02-23-2009 14:07 »

...look up silly.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #284 on: 02-23-2009 16:08 »

Wouldn't it be funny if it was Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley and Ben chasing Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Dan, Charlotte, Miles in the other boat?

Oh yes, highly amusing I'm sure of it! :p

*Benny Hill music plays in head*

Urban Legend
« Reply #285 on: 02-23-2009 21:31 »

also, something really cool my friend noticed. Remember when the islanders found the boat and it had bottled water in it? Remember what airline label was on it? ;)
Chay you obviously aren't an obsessed fan :(

Ajira Airlines had been teased before Season 5 ever started. The water bottle was exciting to see the first time :hmpf:

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #286 on: 02-24-2009 04:08 »

@Chay: Which boat?? :confused: Do you mean the SHIP?
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #287 on: 02-24-2009 04:41 »
« Last Edit on: 02-24-2009 04:44 »

No i mean the little boat that sawyer and co paddled out in. Then they jumped time out in the ocean? Earlier in that scene Miles (I think) picked up that bottle of water. Potentially from the plane that Jack an co were on last ep.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #288 on: 02-24-2009 16:08 »

Which leads me to believe they were the O6's boats, and why they chased the island-6 for stealin' one and their bottled water!

Urban Legend
« Reply #289 on: 02-24-2009 17:46 »

What if the guy Juliet shot was Hurley? :(

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #290 on: 02-25-2009 00:27 »

No i mean the little boat that sawyer and co paddled out in. Then they jumped time out in the ocean? Earlier in that scene Miles (I think) picked up that bottle of water. Potentially from the plane that Jack an co were on last ep.

So you mean the Zodiac?

Christ there are so many boats, planes, and others you gotta be specific!! :mad:

chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #291 on: 02-25-2009 01:00 »

NO! Not the zodiac! The old long boat! They got shot at whilst they were in it! They were paddling, not motor! Go rewatch that episode, the timecode is there! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!

(with that many e's, you know i'm serious)

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #292 on: 02-25-2009 01:40 »

Ninaka have you missed episodes again like with Entourage? :p

Urban Legend
« Reply #293 on: 02-25-2009 02:24 »

The longboats like the one Karl, Sawyer, and Kate used to escape from the Hydra Island in Season 3 Ninaka! There were two on the beach, Locke, Miles, Charlotte, Juliet, and Sawyer took one to go to the Orchid in "The Little Prince" and some people came after them in the other and shot at them. Juliet shot one of them before the time skips put them in a different time, where it was raining.

:mad: !

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #294 on: 02-25-2009 12:33 »

Ohh the longboat!!!


Like i said, you guyeeezzz have gotta be more specific........ ships boats planes rah! (but thanks, finally)

Shut up Faze!

:mad: !

Urban Legend
« Reply #295 on: 02-25-2009 14:58 »

I have been waiting for a long time to see a snowmobile on the island.

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" airs tonight at 9/8c only on ABC.

Should be another good one :)

(I wonder if it's Locke centric :confused: )

Urban Legend
« Reply #296 on: 02-26-2009 14:48 »

Something I don't understand: How did Matthew Abaddon (and by extension Charles Widmore) know that 815 would crash on the island? :confused:

I thought it had been confirmed that Desmond's failing to push the button caused the crash.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #297 on: 02-26-2009 18:55 »

Ben is freaking me out again.


Urban Legend
« Reply #298 on: 02-26-2009 19:10 »
« Last Edit on: 02-26-2009 19:12 »

Right now it does look like Widmore is the "good" guy...

Ben apparently just saved Locke so he could get the answer to how to get back to the island...Eloise Hawking. And he is just using the others so that he himself can get back... but why he wouldn't have tricked Locke into moving the island the first time (which would have been easy...Locke would have had no idea what was going to happen if Ben just told him to push a wheel) I don't understand.

I guess we'll see...nice job on the writers' part to keep it 50/50 on who is lying between Ben and Widmore.

Jacob/Christian did say to Locke that listening to Ben wouldn't get him anywhere...and I wonder how Ben exiled Widmore if Widmore was the leader. Very confusing but very nice writing.

Can't wait for next week :) It looked like Sawyer and Sayid were together...and they were killing people :hmpf: (survivors from 316? :confused: )

Also, Lapidus and "some woman" (Sun?) took the other boat...I hope they weren't the ones that Juliet shot. :(

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #299 on: 02-26-2009 19:46 »

Looks like Frank is a way better crash lander than Matt-from-Heroes anyway.


Urban Legend
« Reply #300 on: 02-26-2009 20:06 »

He cheated he's done it before

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #301 on: 02-27-2009 01:34 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2009 01:39 »

And he is just using the others so that he himself can get back... but why he wouldn't have tricked Locke into moving the island the first time (which would have been easy...Locke would have had no idea what was going to happen if Ben just told him to push a wheel) I don't understand.
Maybe he wanted to get off the island so he could talk to Widmore and let him know he's going to kill Penny? Not to mention convincing Sayid to kill (what I think are) Widmore's guys... Although Ben seems to be able to get off the island either way, so who knows. I'm sure we'll get an explanation. Just not anytime soon.  :rolleyes:

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #302 on: 02-27-2009 07:34 »

Well now I think we can safely assume that Christian (on the Island) is actually ALIVE. If Locke was in the coffin and is now alive after the Guam flight crash, then it's probable that this happened to Christian too after the Oceanic flight crash.

Come to think of it, speaking of manifests, did they ever count (or find) Christian's body after the crash.. wayyy back when it happened? I don't recall? If he wasn't found, then bam.. it proves Island-Christian is infact a living person. This Jacob spirit is probably just using his body as a communicative form.

I agree with Bear.. I love that we're still guessing who is actually telling the truth between Widmore and Ben!

Evil Ben is back, yay haha.. but he didn't have to kill Locke in order to get to Eloise Hawking cuz Locke would have gone with him anyway! I don't know *why* he had to do that... to continue the theme that he "must die"?


Space Pope
« Reply #303 on: 02-27-2009 12:40 »

Maybe he wanted to see if the island would bring him back to life? But then that would mean Christian is "special" too? Ben looks a bit...off colour...now that he's back on the island. Remember he told John whoever moves the island can't come back? Well, he's baaack.

Urban Legend
« Reply #304 on: 02-27-2009 13:40 »
« Last Edit on: 02-27-2009 15:59 »

Ninaka, I agree....I think Christian could possibly be alive too. Weird huh? That would explain why his body had disappeared from the coffin and why they NEVER FREAKIN ANSWERED THAT QUESTION SINCE EPISODE 4 :mad:

I thought it was weird when Christian/Jacob told Locke "tell my son I said hello" because up until that point Christian/Jacob had not acted like Christian at all. Like he was just a medium for Jacob. When he saw Jack he didn't speak to him or anything...

Now I'm thinking maybe he was just mad at him :confused:

Urban Legend
« Reply #305 on: 02-27-2009 21:55 »

Why didnt all the people that died during the plane crash come back to life then?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #306 on: 02-28-2009 00:41 »

Because they were alive when the plane crashed. They died due to the plane crash.

Urban Legend
« Reply #307 on: 02-28-2009 01:09 »

Not all of them, the guy that was like holding kate seemed to die before the crash

Urban Legend
« Reply #308 on: 02-28-2009 01:38 »

People that the island needs it brings back to life maybe... it needed Christian in order to serve as a medium for Jacob and it needed Locke to ...do whatever it is Locke does. Kill some boar. I think maybe there's a boar infestation now that Locke has put away his hunting knives.

Space Pope
« Reply #309 on: 02-28-2009 10:35 »

For some reason while I was watching this episode I suddenly remembered that Terry O'Quinn (Locke) was a supersoldier in The X Files. Perhaps he really is invincible! Even though he ended up dying...but he was a bomb expert who got blown up in the X Files movie and that was a few years before he suddenly came back as a supersoldier. :evillaugh:
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #310 on: 03-02-2009 05:19 »

That ep was pretty good. Some good lines, i liked hurly saying "Am i talking to a guy in a wheelchair?" Lols.

So which people do you think were in a different time zone? It makes sense for Lupidis to be separate from Jack, Kate, Sun, Hurly (Even though we haven't seen sun yet, i'd assume she'd be with them too) So who do we think Lupidis took off with?

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #311 on: 03-02-2009 15:28 »

"Go away!... Bye!... Get outta here!"

Urban Legend
« Reply #312 on: 03-04-2009 18:04 »

Sawyer concocts a lie with some of the other island survivors in an attempt to protect themselves from mistakes of the past.

"LaFleur" airs tonight at 9/8c only on ABC.


Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #313 on: 03-04-2009 18:23 »

I would never remember to watch Lost if it wasn't for Bear reminding me in this thread. I missed it last week when I was banned.

Urban Legend
« Reply #314 on: 03-04-2009 20:06 »

If you watch an hour early tonight you can catch last week's episode as well. :)

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" airs again tonight at 8/7c only on ABC. :)

Sorry I didn't Twitter it to you :(

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #315 on: 03-05-2009 04:09 »
« Last Edit on: 03-05-2009 04:10 »

Best episode of the season. Except for Kate of course. Why'd you have to come and ruin the ending, retard face :mad:

Sweet cameo for the 5-toed statue, and Richard was the leader for the other-others? (the indigenous population). Doesn't he become the leader for the Dharma's later?

Urban Legend
« Reply #316 on: 03-05-2009 04:14 »

4-toed silly, 5 toes is normal.

WHY is Lost taking a week off?!? :cry:

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #317 on: 03-05-2009 04:15 »
« Last Edit on: 03-05-2009 04:33 »

I'm so mad I could spit!  :mad:

One other thing: hehe at Faraday seeing Young Charlotte. Wonder what he's gonna do. :D

 ;) ...  :rolleyes: ...  :mad:

Edit: Who is Horace? Is he a new character?

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #318 on: 03-05-2009 05:18 »

Edit: Who is Horace? Is he a new character?

There are a couple of names being dropped that aren't that all familiar to me.

The name Rayus (?) was mentioned a few times when Ben's "lawyer" dropped off some papers in the carpark, in the van with Sayid driving, a few eps ago.

Maybe that's the same name?

Urban Legend
« Reply #319 on: 03-05-2009 05:53 »
« Last Edit on: 03-05-2009 05:55 »

Edit: Who is Horace? Is he a new character?

When Ben was born prematurely and unexpectedly in the woods in Portland, Oregon (Season 3, "The Man Behind the Curtain") Ben's father ran out to the street for help. A car stopped and a couple got out to help Ben's parents. The man was Horace Goodspeed. Ben's mother died and Ben's father and Horace became friends. Horace convinced Ben's father to go to the island to work for the Dharma initiative. Horace is the reason Ben came to the island.

He was killed during the purge while sitting on a bench. Ben walked over to him and closed his eyes; Horace was the only member of Dharma that Ben seemed to feel sad for.

In Season 4's episode "Cabin Fever" Locke came across the apparition of Horace chopping wood. Horace told Locke he was dead and had a nosebleed reflecting how he died (as the victims of the purge had nosebleeds).

The name Rayus (?) was mentioned a few times when Ben's "lawyer" dropped off some papers in the carpark, in the van with Sayid driving, a few eps ago.

Maybe that's the same name?

The name was "Reyes" which is Hurley's last name. They were referring to Hurley as the lawyer was working to get him out of jail.
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