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Author Topic: I Don't Read the Reviews, The Reviews Read Me!  (Read 37386 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #160 on: 01-27-2009 12:52 »

Tweek did you know that they are making a new one about Donnie's sister?

Space Pope
« Reply #161 on: 01-27-2009 15:11 »

A review doesn't have to waffle. Mmm, waffles.

Saw Revolutionary Road, what struck me most was the intense dialogue. It must have been exhausting to be working on that baby. Kate and Leo work well on screen- great chemistry, and he's the best 50's cad ever. Enjoyed it.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #162 on: 01-27-2009 16:00 »


Whilst i think Bill often came over a little strong, and perhaps a little rude, everything he said remained valid. Religion is a very scary thing. Not looking to start a religious flame war, but it does raise a lot of question of how so many intelligent people can believe some incredibly... unusual things. It gets you thinking!


Bending Unit
« Reply #163 on: 01-28-2009 03:34 »



DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #164 on: 01-28-2009 04:08 »
« Last Edit on: 01-28-2009 04:11 »

Am I the only one who didn't fap to Donnie Darko? Maybe I need to watch it again.

chay: related viewing is "Zeitgeist", well the 1st third of that film, after that it gets very conspiracy theory-ey, "9/11 was a false flag" and Illuminati stuff, but the 1st part about how Jesus Christianity is based on other previous religions and beliefs is interesting.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #165 on: 01-28-2009 09:57 »

I missed the whole fourth page out, here's a little review.

REVISED :mad: : 8/10
HeeHee >: )

Saw Frost/Nixon tonight.
...and wow, never seen so many people over 70 in a cinema at once, out of about 50 people, there was only a handful of non-senior citizens, and I was easily the youngest person there.  :hmpf:

Burn After Reading
awww yes.

Benjamin Button

And I still hate Cate Blanchett.

I'm not the hugest Dark Knight fan, but it's a shame that it wasn't nominated for Best Picture. Stop being pretentious fags, voters.
All agreed(except for the part that you don't like Cate Blanchett, I think she's fine. And I am actually the hugest Dark Knight fan...)

Oh god, that's what it is? I seriously hope gudbjorg didn't think I was looking forward to that :(
I feel dirty now.
You are kinda forgetful. But I was kidding, you know :P


I'll just say that I didn't mind this movie, could watch it again, but that's probably just because my friends are too much into it........

Less spam more reviews please... and a review isn't one word or even one sentence :nono:
That is a good review Tweek, but I think a review can just be a rating, like 6/35, or a B-
I agree.edit: with Books.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #166 on: 01-28-2009 11:33 »

...I think a review can just be a rating, like 6/35, or a B-

 It isn't a review if it tells us nothing about the film other than how much one liked it. A review doesn't have to be long but it should give the reader an idea what the film is about and why one liked or disliked it.

I probably wouldn't have written as much as I did in my last review if I was just posting it here, I wrote it to post on the IMDb then decided to put it here too :p

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #167 on: 01-28-2009 17:54 »

Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving

In this adventure, our favourite group of dinosaur friends, including Ducky, Spike, Cera, LittleFoot, and Petri live in the Great Valley.

However, there were strange flying objects seen in the sky.

Then there's not as much green food, and your herds waste water.

You've gotta be touch.... and there are bullies, so they conserved the water and learned to share.  Littlefoot's grandparents are really old.  Where is his mom anyways?

And the most important question is, how do these movies keep making themselves?

7 treestars out of 5 or 6.

Tune in next time for my review of The Land Before Time XVII: The Secret Volcano Journey to the Time of Secret Friendship.

Urban Legend
« Reply #168 on: 01-29-2009 01:42 »

Littlefoot's grandparents are really old.  Where is his mom anyways?

I believe she died in the first movie.

Space Pope
« Reply #169 on: 01-29-2009 01:45 »

Didn't your parents ever teach you to preface things with a "spoiler alert" tag? :mad:

Urban Legend
« Reply #170 on: 01-29-2009 02:12 »


Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #171 on: 01-29-2009 20:50 »

I watched The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

For all it's fantasticism, it can actually be pretty dull in parts, I was almost falling asleep in one part until I got some Oreo cookies and 3.25% milk :o

Not bad though, worth watching.


Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #172 on: 01-29-2009 21:11 »

My 2009 List

The Road
Avatar (First James Cameron since 1997 + Sci Fi goodness + huge budget = A happy nerd)
The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus (Terry Gilliam + Heath Ledger's last movie)
The Fantastic Mr Fox (Animation + Wes Anderson = potential!)
Inglourious Basterds

I might think of more later.

I would also like to add Where the Wild Things Are and Peter Jackson's new movie, The Lovely Bones, even though King Kong was meh...but Brian Eno is doing the score. :)

Urban Legend
« Reply #173 on: 01-29-2009 22:48 »

Am I the only one who didn't fap to Donnie Darko? Maybe I need to watch it again.
Weird I was just talking to someone about that a few hours ago. But yeah you probably just didnt understand it. Not your fault. watch it again

I am depressed to find out that S. Darko is not written or directed by the same guy :hmpf:

Urban Legend
« Reply #174 on: 01-30-2009 01:37 »

To be fair, I don't think anyone understands it.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #175 on: 01-30-2009 02:14 »

So, anyone seen The Spirit yet?


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #176 on: 01-30-2009 02:32 »

And it was terrible, you're such a douche Chay.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #177 on: 01-30-2009 02:40 »

Why? I was sighing cause I had high hopes!

EDIT: I haven't seen it yet, not sure if i will anymore. I feel bad for Frank Miller :(

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #178 on: 01-30-2009 02:41 »
« Last Edit on: 01-30-2009 02:55 »

No, I'll trust the reviews thankeweverymuch.

Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist
The drunk chick was hilarious, the rest was kinda mushy love story set around music in NYC with some gay guys in a van and ex boyfriends girlfriends all over the place, but that drunk chick, she was the best. <3
Also featuring Micheal Cera and Kat Dennings big knockers and weird face.

Sam Rockwell is great in this, based of a Chuck Palahniuk book features lots of weird ideas and its quite funny, like Fight Club was funny.


My Name Is Bruce
Pretty cheesy, don't expect high quality acting or super gore here, but Bruce was great playing himself and there were some funny parts.


Urban Legend
« Reply #179 on: 01-30-2009 02:52 »

Really? I hated the drunk chick.
And I like Kat's face. Be nice!

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #180 on: 01-30-2009 02:55 »

She made me laugh because that is what drunk chicks are like, mostly...

Here is Kat Dennings face, slightly creepy, in this photo anyway.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #181 on: 01-30-2009 02:58 »

Chuck Palahniuk is my favourite author, and I've read all his books except Invisible Monsters, and I haven't found any of his work actually "funny". I haven't seen Choke yet, but the movie Fight Club wasn't funny either.
I say the same about Kurt Vonnegut, people say his books are hilarious and all that...I love them, and Kurt is another one of my favourite authors, but I don't find him comedic.

Urban Legend
« Reply #182 on: 01-30-2009 03:27 »

Well, you're Canadian.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #183 on: 01-30-2009 03:39 »
« Last Edit on: 01-30-2009 20:12 »

So, anyone seen The Spirit yet?


Yeah, I was plenty disappointed too. Not even Samuel L Jackson and Scarlett Johansson dressed as Nazis could save this one....


Might as well review some of my other recent moviegoing adventures:


Incredibly well-done movie. I'd seen the original interviews many times before, so I knew exactly what to expect in terms of content, but I will still very impressed. Frank Langella nails Nixon's style, mannerisms, and voice without looking one bit like him. Any actor who can make you forget that it's all fake wins in my book.



Che (Parts 1 & 2)
*insert expected Communist idol diatribe here*

I saw both of Steven Soderbergh's films (the Argentine and the Guerrilla) when they premiered at the sold-out Ziegfeld Theater in NYC for a limited run on the 12th of December. All of the 1000+ in attendance received a limited edition program book which included behind-the-scenes info and the film credits which were not added to the film. The two films were shown back-to-back with a 20 minute intermission, which landed the entire showing at around 5 hours.

In terms of the films, they were a mixed bag. Guevara is portrayed brilliantly by Benicio del Toro who deserves all the praise in the world for objectively playing such a controversial figure with such passion and realism. The first film, The Argentine is based off interviews that Guevara gave in 1963, and tells the story of the Cuban Revolution interspersed with black and white scenes of Guevara's address to the UN in 1964 (which include a hilarious encounter between Che and US Senator Joe McCarthy). The second film (based off Che's Bolivian Diary), The Guerrilla chronicles the depressing account from of Che's failed Bolivian campaign in 1966-1967, which ultimately leads to his capture and execution at the hands of CIA agents. While not as good or riveting as the first film, Guerrilla does provide interesting contrast between the two campaigns.

The second film concluded with a huge standing ovation, which must have lasted well over 5 minutes. Expecting my the night to be over, I, and most of the audience started moving towards the doors, before a representative from IFC, the company who sponsored the limited engagement came in front of the screen and introduced a surprise guest, the director, Steven Soderbergh who thanked us all for attending and proceeded to answer questions from the audience about the film, the subject, and the making of it. As expected, the audience was polarized between those who loved the film's portrayal of Che and at the same time, people who constantly shouted out insults and were generally very contentious. Soderbergh was both very modest and defensive about the subject, saying that he chose to portray Che as the warrior in the campaigns because he felt the most intrigued by those periods in his life; and that he does agree that Che was brutal and vicious, responding to criticism that the film glorifies him as a martyr and not as a dictator who presided over political executions and as some say, terrorism.

Following the Q&A, he said that he'll happily sign any autographs or answer any more questions, to which I had him sign my program and take a picture. Of course, the guy who took the picture snapped it too early and he happens to be looking away, but it's still pretty cool regardless:

So all in all:

Part 1:   9/10
Part 2:   7/10
The total experience:   11/10


Gran Torino
Was very highly-anticipating this movie and it did not disappoint. Clint Eastwood is one of those actors who plays basically the same guy in every movie but still manages to make it interesting every time. Playing a Korean War widower living next to a Hmong family, and battling gang violence in the neighborhood and coping with his own racism, Eastwood takes his well-developed wild west persona into the 21st century and still comes off as a total badass. If this is indeed Eastwood's last acting role, I'm certainly glad he went out with a big bang.

Not to mention, I learned more racial slurs in this one 2.5 hour movie than I learned all through middle and high school, which is also a plus.... :)



Benjamin Button

Another anticipated movie for me, as I read F. Scott Fitzgerald's original short story in my first year of college, and it has intrigued me ever since. The movie, although pretty much nothing like the book, is just as memorable. Taking place from the end of WWI in 1918 to Hurricane Katrina in 2005 instead of in the late 1800's, the film is told through Brad Pitt's character's journal, while Cate Blanchett's character is on her deathbed. Contrary to other reviews from this thread, I absolutely loved the movie, finding it one of the most touching and ultimately depressing movies in years. While I won't exactly call it the next Forrest Gump, this one comes highly recommended and deserves it's Oscar nominations.



Urban Legend
« Reply #184 on: 01-31-2009 13:25 »

Sam Rockwell is great in this, based of a Chuck Palahniuk book features lots of weird ideas and its quite funny, like Fight Club was funny.


The book was so much better, even though I don't remember most of it.  :p I do remember him always thinking of disgusting stuff when he's trying to last longer during sex.
Anjelica Huston just looked weird when they tried to make her look younger. Rockwell was great. Kelly Macdonald is always adorable. It's just not as good as it should have been.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #185 on: 01-31-2009 15:55 »


It's your standard Western Yojimbo-type story.  The two main characters are both well played and likable enough when Ed Harris isn't inexplicably wooing the more grotesque than ever Renee Zellweger.  Jeremy Irons with an American accent is a big meh.  It also has Frank from CSI: Miami and Wormtail from the Harry Potter films.

I think I could tell what Ed Harris was trying to do with the whole "young gun-haver gets grizzled while the grizzled gun-haver settles down"-thing, but Viggo Mortensen and Ed Harris' characters are nearly indistinguishable from the get-go.  The middle of the film is sort of clunky what with all the Ed Harris/Squishy Squityface stuff interspersed with Good Guys vs. Bad Guys stuff.

Still, not a bad film.  Realistically short gunfights with period-correct (though frequently too-nice) weapons are a plus.  The beauty of the landscapes in wherever the hell it took place would be worth a visit.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #186 on: 02-01-2009 20:43 »

The English Patient:

Seinfeld was kind of right. It's boring, but uninteresting is a better word. How the hell did this win Best Picture and 9 academy awards?
Gah!/10 (5)

Fight Club in the cinema:

Godly. Cinematic bliss.

The Birds:

It's great. I haven't seen many Hitchcock's but this is my favourite. I hated the ending as a kid, but I like it now. 

Burn After Reading:

Pretty good actually, I can see how some people might dislike it though. Has some funny parts, and shocking/unexpected events. And I actually liked the ending, thank you.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #187 on: 02-02-2009 01:08 »

The very shocking event that happened in Burn after reading was not my favourite part. I envy you of seeing Fight Club in the cinema. I saw Valkyrie, and I stopped counting how many times you could see the microphone thingy at the top, completely ruined the movie for me, I probably would have enjoyed it if it hadn't been for that.

Near Death Star Inhabitant
Urban Legend
« Reply #188 on: 02-03-2009 01:40 »
« Last Edit on: 02-03-2009 01:42 »

Gudbjorg: Did Slumdog Millionaire live up to your expectations, and did you see it in the cinema?

Edit: It's called a boom, and sometimes I have to hold one, but I promise I do a better job :mad:

Urban Legend
« Reply #189 on: 02-03-2009 01:46 »

I've never had that boom mic problem. I always see people complaining about that on imdb boards. Go to better theaters!

« Reply #190 on: 02-03-2009 02:05 »

Here is Kat Dennings face, slightly creepy, in this photo anyway.

Hey!  I like Ivy from Soul Calibur. :)

Space Pope
« Reply #191 on: 02-03-2009 05:40 »
« Last Edit on: 02-03-2009 05:44 »

I don't think she is a real person, LayZ, but if she is, I hope she gets my letters. :)

Zack and Miri Make A Porno
It's been a good twenty seconds since Seth Rogen starred in something, I applaud Kevin Smith for approaching comedy from this bold new direction! :eek:

The usual formula: vaguely amusing dirty jokes peppered throughout a boring post-modern 20-something slacker relationship problem that people today can probably relate to and identify with or something. I'd say something appreciative about Bernie Mac (because that's what you do about the recently deceased before the unfounded allegations set in) but I can't muster up any enthusiasm for the guy at all.

Urban Legend
« Reply #192 on: 02-03-2009 06:03 »

How dare you!

Space Pope
« Reply #193 on: 02-03-2009 06:13 »

You've betrayed me for the last time. :mad:

*booby traps novelty seltzer tie with... regular water!!!*
David A

Space Pope
« Reply #194 on: 02-03-2009 06:41 »

And it was terrible, you're such a douche Chay.

You're the douche.  The Spirit is one of the best superhero movies I've seen in a long while.  They need to let Frank Miller make a Batman movie, or at least force Chris Nolan to watch this and scream at him, "Why?  Why can't you do this?"

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #195 on: 02-03-2009 10:43 »

Gudbjorg: Did Slumdog Millionaire live up to your expectations, and did you see it in the cinema?

Edit: It's called a boom, and sometimes I have to hold one, but I promise I do a better job :mad:

No, I didn't see it in the cinema, but it was on a 120 inch screen and in good quality. I thought it was really good and yeah, I would say it lived up to my expectations, I knew it would be different from the book but the worst thing was that Alexandra kept asking question and saying this and that was wrong from the book :mad at alexandra: then I asked if she could pretend to be in a cinema and she said she talked just as much then, but she calmed down after half the film.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #196 on: 02-03-2009 14:15 »

The Spirit

Heh... *sigh* Such a mess.


Urban Legend
« Reply #197 on: 02-03-2009 15:37 »

Hi everyone I'd just like to let you all know what I thought about the movie Ferngully. It was weird. C-

I think it's all Ferngully's fault that we have all these treehuggers nowadays with their carbon copies and windpower.

Delivery Boy
« Reply #198 on: 02-03-2009 16:04 »

Gran Torino

Great to see Clint Eastwood still in form. The Hmongs weren't the best actors, but it wasn't bad enough to bring down the movie and the movie was good enough to not make me care too much about it. Liked how they made Clint's old-fashioned persona clash with 21st century issues like materialism, racism, and street violence...made the movie that much better. Shame this wasn't nominated, though.


Black Hawk Down
Pretty good war film. Pure, unadulterated war action for at least the last 2 hours of the movie...one thing I liked in particular about this film was how much it focuses on the combat and the fact the Americans were getting overrun and because of this, doesn't have any real main character, character development, etc...just pure war. The only real drawback about this was it was hard to remember most of the characters.


Mars Attacks!
One of my favorites as a kid and still a pretty good movie to watch for me, I can't get enough of the 1950's alien movie homage/parody aspect. Great parody/comedy.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #199 on: 02-03-2009 16:25 »

I completely agree with what you say about Mars Attacks KoolMoeDee, except for that B+ (or what's that in metric?)
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