Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
So has anyone been watching Season 2? The last few minutes of episode 10 were amazing, and no doubt we're going to see some wrath of god from the Sons in the next episodes.
That was powerful stuff from Sagal. I can't wait for sh** to go down tomorrow. Someone's going to die. I don't know this for sure. I just have a feeling. Rollins' character has long been passed his expiration.

Somebody must die to save the "holy" trinity. Might as well be him.
Roy Bluth

Bending Unit
Yes, it would. Wait, there are only 3 episodes left? Anything could happen then. And according to IMDb... (summary for tomorrow's episode) Opie learns the true circumstances that led to Donna's death and seeks both revenge and reconciliation. Oh my.

who's out of contract? Probably Ryan Hurst. Arkin probably has a couple more shows before he bows out. But he's had a great character run. He won't die he has soldiers willing to do that.
The "Dons" usually don't die

« Reply #32 on: 11-16-2009 22:23 »
« Last Edit on: 11-16-2009 22:24 »
So Opie is gonna be appeased when Clay says "Sorry I offed your old lady Opie, but if it's any consolation, the bullet was meant for you" I think not.
There will be blood. Maybe that will be the cliffhanger, Somebody will "die", like Horatio Caine in CSI Miami.

Bending Unit
Yes, it would.
Wait, there are only 3 episodes left? Anything could happen then.
And according to IMDb... (summary for tomorrow's episode)
Opie learns the true circumstances that led to Donna's death and seeks both revenge and reconciliation. Oh my.
Actually, I'm surprised none of the others have worked out what's been going on. Jax's retort of Clay being the last one who should try to lay the guilt of a dead wife on him should have tipped someone off.

Yes, it would.
Wait, there are only 3 episodes left? Anything could happen then.
And according to IMDb... (summary for tomorrow's episode)
Opie learns the true circumstances that led to Donna's death and seeks both revenge and reconciliation. Oh my.
Actually, I'm surprised none of the others have worked out what's been going on. Jax's retort of Clay being the last one who should try to lay the guilt of a dead wife on him should have tipped someone off.
I believe that this is exactly what tips Opie off.

Oops didn't see this kiss and make up thing coming and I expected the shooting to come from Opie and not the old man. When he pulled the gun from his footlocker, I expected him to kill himself. Unexpected. The dinosaur sex scene at the end was unexpected as well. Next week Weston and his cronies get theirs, probably after Jax tells him that Zobelle was dealing behind his back.