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Author Topic: The Fall (a film by Tarsem Singh)  (Read 971 times)
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Bending Unit
« on: 06-10-2008 18:27 »
« Last Edit on: 06-10-2008 18:27 »

Hi.  I just saw this movie yesterday and was really impressed with it.  It seems like something Futurama fans would like since it has an interesting mix of adventure, science fiction/fantasy and comedy.  And the cinematogrophy is amazing.  There is no CGI in it at all.  It is on limited release, so it is hard to find.  The plot and the surreal dreams vs. reality aspect really reminded me of "The Sting."  (Especially if it were blended with "The Princess Bride" and were written by the Brothers Grimm.) 
The basic premise is that, at a Los Angeles hospital in 1915, a broken hearted, paralyzed young movie stuntman (he had a status hungry  girlfriend who dumped him for a rich actor) befriends a friendly  5 year old Romanian girl with a broken arm. He has lost his will to live, but since he cannot walk, he cannot get to the hospital drug dispensary to steal enough morphine to kill himself.  He decides to get her to do the job for him.  So he entrances the girl  with tales of a far away world that she imagines as he tells the story.  Since she is so young, her images of the characters are very childlike and wondrous.   The stuntman will not finish the tale,  though, until the girl  steals some morphine for him so he can "go to sleep" for a very long time.   What makes it more tragic is that the two of them have actually started to develop a very touching surrogate father-daughter relationship and you can see the guy is actually very sweet and kind in a Philip J Fry way (he even has droopy hair horns), but bitterness has closed him up inside. She is too young to understand the situation, but she does not want him to die, and  she realizes the fairy tale world  and her faith in him are the only things that can save his life.  The movie alternates between the real world and the fantasy tale, with the fantasy characters just happening to be people from the real world.  The stuntman and the girl, for example, are a father and daughter masked bandit team. It was a really amazing movie. Have any of you been able to see it where you live?

 Here is the trailer for it- sadly it does not show the comedy aspect of the story, but it does show the basic plot.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #1 on: 06-10-2008 19:13 »

Go find the film review thread please, I'm too lazy to link you...

Bending Unit
« Reply #2 on: 06-10-2008 23:38 »

Thanks for that... the only problem is that all the threads I see for that are now closed, so I guess I have to create a new film review thread.  The main discussion I wanted was to see how people who saw this film could relate it to Futurama episodes, so it was not the typical review thread.  I will create a new thread, but only if there is not a new movie review thread I have ignored... and this movie is really worth watching, so I hope you see it and like it. 


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #3 on: 06-10-2008 23:42 »

Here you are, FM.  ;)

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