Urban Legend
« on: 02-20-2008 23:33 »
« Last Edit on: 02-20-2008 23:33 »
I must've done a whole bunch of searches for a thread like this and I couldn't find one exactly what I wanted to bring up and that's the fact that Hollywood is banking on bringing back stuff from our past rather than work on original stuff.
Look at the films: Tranformers, TMNT, Rambo, Rocky Balboa, Live Free or Die Hard, King Kong, and more horror movies are remakes of old films. Basically most of these films are remakes, sequels or adaptions of popular 80's cartoons.
They are making the Indy 4 and there's talk in Ghostbusters 3, GI Joe the Movie, Thundercats the movie, Smurfs in CGI and others.
TV has remakes/adaptions of popular franchises. Terminator, Bionic Woman and now Knight Rider,
Why is that? Is it just for money? Or is because that people where work on these films and TV were childs back in the days of watching this classic stuff. I think it's a little bit of both, and that the world is so frightening now that Hollywood is using our past memories to remind us of simplier times.
I personally like trend to a certain degree. There's talk of remaking 1980's films like Friday the 13, Nightmare on Elm Street and Back to the Future. I personally think these films shouldn't be remade, esp BTTF.