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Author Topic: Malcolm's Dad, er, I mean, Breaking Bad  (Read 42115 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #480 on: 07-01-2014 21:47 »

That has been rumoured about since when BCS was near-enough announced. Should be interesting.

Space Pope
« Reply #481 on: 07-02-2014 01:23 »
« Last Edit on: 07-02-2014 01:27 »


I've got a really bad feeling about this

I've got a great feeling about it. Ever since the show was announced I had hoped this would be their approach, if not right away then at some point into the run (if they're smart, I think they won't introduce these elements until at least a few episodes in). This gives the writers a chance to provide a show experience that's more explicitly tied to the show it spun off from, as opposed to being a straightforward comedy awkwardly set in the same universe but containing none of the same substance (in other words, something utterly pointless and unnecessary). To me, that's a good thing.

What also makes me confident about this move is that Vince Gilligan is involved. Heavily. And I have no doubt that he will execute this in a way that's respectful of and adds meaningfully to the original show without taking away any of the impact of its conclusion. I mean, c'mon...the guy wrote Breaking Bad. Obviously there's always a chance that this could go awry, but I think he's earned a little bit of trust.

Urban Legend
« Reply #482 on: 07-02-2014 12:49 »

Second the above.

Urban Legend
« Reply #483 on: 07-02-2014 14:57 »

I'll still give it an impartial view when it airs, my only concern is that it might rely to heavily on callbacks and not be able to become its own thing

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #484 on: 07-12-2014 16:10 »

First pics of Better Call Saul:

All the other info they released about the show's plot & cast & whatnot:


Urban Legend
« Reply #485 on: 07-12-2014 17:07 »

Damn, mckean looks old

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #486 on: 07-17-2014 23:44 »

Chuck (Michael McKean) is Saul's brother.


Space Pope
« Reply #487 on: 07-18-2014 05:37 »

Can't wait for this!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #488 on: 07-18-2014 05:51 »

Unless it also stars Magic Johnson as himself, count me out. :nono:

Urban Legend
« Reply #489 on: 07-18-2014 13:50 »


Starship Captain
« Reply #490 on: 08-02-2014 02:00 »

Finished it. Holy crap. Emotional roller coaster ride, but PERFECT ending

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #491 on: 09-22-2014 13:32 »

New teaser for Better Call Saul, and it's probably the shortest and most vague teaser in existence:


« Reply #492 on: 09-23-2014 02:15 »

Goddamn I hope Better Call Saul turns out to be good because otherwise i'd be surely disappointed considering how amazing Breaking bad is. To be fair though, it's kind of an impossible standard to live up to so they might be shooting themselves in the foot here.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #493 on: 09-23-2014 02:31 »

From what I've read, it doesn't seem like they're aiming to make "Breaking Bad 2.0" at all. Supposedly the primary focus for Better Call Saul will be on comedy, which already suggests it'll be vastly different in tone. Just think of it as a completely different show set in the same universe - after all, that's what it is.

« Reply #494 on: 09-23-2014 02:49 »

Nope, they confirmed that it's be like Breaking Bad in the sense that it'll be a drama with a little comedy throughout.

And i'm aware that it's not Breaking Bad 2.0. It won't be the same show. But it has some of the same writers and I hope it comes into it's own and don't phone it in just because it doesn't have to live up to the expectations of Breaking Bad.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #495 on: 09-23-2014 03:29 »

I recalled Gilligan saying in an interview that the comedy/drama ratio would be about 70/30, as opposed to Breaking Bad's 30/70, though I suppose we should take that with a grain of salt until the show actually premieres, given that we've already heard a few conflicting things.

Urban Legend
« Reply #496 on: 09-24-2014 18:08 »

I imagine its drama to comedy ratio will be more or less the same as the scenes in Breaking Bad that feature Saul Goodman.

I bet it'll be the exact same tone of universe, but Saul's presence is obviously going to skewer it over to being more comedic because he was always the comic relief.

Honorary German
Urban Legend
« Reply #497 on: 09-24-2014 18:49 »

I think this will be The Lone Gunmen to Breaking Bad's X-Files.

Breaking Bad was such an intense show. And it ramped it up every single season, until the very end. Now with a new show, they are kind of starting over...plus the show will probably be lighter overall anyway. I wonder if audiences will be impatient if it's not gripping right from the get-go.

It's hard for me to imagine that Better Call Saul won't be seen as a disappointment to many...but I personally expect to like it.

Space Pope
« Reply #498 on: 09-24-2014 19:00 »
« Last Edit on: 09-24-2014 19:03 »

The Gunmen comparison is apt except for the fact that the Lone Gunmen weren't always necessarily well-written characters in The X-Files before getting their own series, at least compared to Mulder and Scully. Whereas Saul was always well-written in Breaking Bad, and most of the writers responsible for that are working on the new show. You can see how Saul's character might be fleshed out and humanized in this universe...while the Gunmen didn't really get a chance to be much more than punchlines.

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« Reply #499 on: 09-26-2014 06:48 »

I disagree with those statements.  The Lone Gunmen even had their own badass flashback episode in the X-Files.  The real reason their show was cancelled is because it was deliberately made to go off the air.  Its only purpose as a television series was to tell the public that the world trade center would be attacked.  The people that perform these sadistic, ritualistic atrocities use various media outlets to tell the public what they are up to in vague ways in order to avoid culpability when they follow through with their plans.

Better Call Saul is unrelated from this, except for the fact that I disagree with your statements that the lone gunmen weren't fleshed out as characters; they were, and they were integral with the cast on the X-Files.

Space Pope
« Reply #500 on: 09-26-2014 06:50 »

The Lone Gunmen even had their own badass flashback episode in the X-Files.

I watched it recently. It really wasn't that badass.

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« Reply #501 on: 09-26-2014 07:07 »

It had a character from Law & Order in it.  It was a great episode.

Space Pope
« Reply #502 on: 11-06-2014 03:51 »

Finally finished this show, and it was absolutely incredible. I'm glad Jesse managed to survive the whole ordeal.


Urban Legend
« Reply #503 on: 12-01-2014 18:27 »
« Last Edit on: 12-01-2014 18:29 »


This clip looks promising

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #504 on: 09-05-2017 04:28 »

Having recently moved to Albuquerque, a friend suggested I watch this show, and I figured I have no excuse not to.

I'm a couple episodes into the fifth season. It has been an exhilarating ride so far. The show just keeps getting better and better, and I would say it exceeds its reputation. I anxiously wait to see what happens in each successive episode.

Being a huge Community nerd, it's uncanny to see that some of the characters on that show were first prominent characters on this show. They imported not just the actors, but a lot of the same characteristics, as well. At one point, they also had Vince Gilligan on Community. I remember being a little confused at the time as to why the show runners and actors on Community were so excited to have him appear on the show. It seemed cool and all, but I didn't see the relevance. Well, the people from the two shows must have been friends. Now that I see these other connections, it makes a bit more sense.

I'll likely watch Better Call Saul after this.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #505 on: 09-05-2017 18:43 »

Having recently moved to Albuquerque, a friend suggested I watch this show, and I figured I have no excuse not to.

Now you also have no excuse to not go visit all the locations from the show (although, the people who live in Walt's house don't like people going on their drive and trying to throw pizzas on the roof).

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #506 on: 09-07-2017 23:44 »

Now you also have no excuse to not go visit all the locations from the show

This is true! I have no choice on the matter. I haven't had much opportunity to explore yet, but I have passed by a lot of the locations used in the show. In fact, many locations are on or near Menaul Blvd and Central Ave. These two streets seem to be mentioned and shown the most. It is quite fun seeing a location in a show that I had been passing by for weeks.

Taco Sal, the taco shop that Jesse took Andrea and Brock to, is basically right across the street from the car wash (and a little off to the side). I'm guessing that's how they got the idea to use that taco shop.

Google Maps Street View
On one side, you'll see the car wash. Turn around, and you'll see a shopping center with the Taco Sal sign.

I also walked by Jesse and Jane's duplex on the way home from the grocery store the other day. :flirt:

(although, the people who live in Walt's house don't like people going on their drive and trying to throw pizzas on the roof).

I had read an article about this long before watching the show. Needless to say, I was excited to finally see the scene.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #507 on: 09-08-2017 01:16 »

Does it get true dark where you stay in NM?  I've driven through a few times, and the whole state seems peaceful.  Once, long ago, I pulled to the side of the highway, and it was so dark, I could not see two feet in front of me.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #508 on: 09-08-2017 04:45 »

Hmm... Not where I've been so far, but I imagine that pulling over in more remote areas would allow for greater darkness than being in the middle of a neighborhood. There are too many artificial lights around to really notice. Granted, I haven't really been going out at night since there's a lot of crime around here.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #509 on: 10-13-2017 10:40 »
« Last Edit on: 10-13-2017 22:52 »

Having recently moved to Albuquerque, a friend suggested I watch this show, and I figured I have no excuse not to.

Now you also have no excuse to not go visit all the locations from the show (although, the people who live in Walt's house don't like people going on their drive and trying to throw pizzas on the roof).

I've been quite lazy getting around to go visit all of the Breaking Bad locations. (Also, no money and no car.)

I hadn't gotten around to seeing the White residence until just today, even though I had passed by the neighborhood and street it's on many times. Well, it turns out that the owners of the Breaking Bad house put up a fence to stop people throwing pizzas onto their roof. There are "reports that as many as a hundred people a week show up at the house." So, naturally, I decided that I had to be one of those obnoxious visitors today. Also naturally, in the two minutes I was outside the house, another car slowly rolled by and stopped in front of the house for a little bit.

It turns out that the iron fence isn't completed yet.

Either that or the iron rods contain sensors that, when tripped, SPOILERS: will initiate a contraption with an assault rifle on a garage door opener that will pop out of a nearby car's trunk I did not test to find out which is the case.

Notice the many Private Property/Do Not Enter/Security signs posted about. There is another sign visible in the first photo but not this one.

If I were a gazillionaire, I would buy that house and turn it into an official tourist spot. I would charge money for entry, hire a chef to cook bacon and eggs and put the bacon in number form of the customer's age, vend the rock candy that was used as a prop for the crystal meth, add a surcharge for those that want to swim in the pool, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Space Pope
« Reply #510 on: 10-13-2017 14:17 »

It's pathetic that anyone would think for a second that throwing a pizza on the roof is okay. It's somebody's fucking home. :nono:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #511 on: 10-13-2017 17:28 »

It's kind of depressing to see the real-life location in that state. Shit, it's even more depressing to see it like that than it was to see it all dilapidated in season 5 of the show. :hmpf:

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #512 on: 10-16-2017 11:14 »

I finished watching Breaking Bad a couple weeks ago.

There is a lot more symbolism throughout the series than had initially I realized. Even things like colors, bugs, and reflections carry a lot of weight and meaning, and can foreshadow a lot of events if you're observantly paying attention.

I can tell from just walking around this town that they are very proud of their association with Breaking Bad. They have every right to be. It makes total sense considering that this show is the record holder in the Guinness Book of World Records for the highest-rated TV series of all time. Every single aspect of this show is top tier. The acting, the dialogue, the production, the directing, the score, the symbolism. Absolutely everything.

I've only watched this show once, but I can tell that this is one of those shows that will be rewarding to rewatch. It is so fully packed to the brim with meaningful content that you will get further enjoyment from further watching -- picking up on new stuff each time you watch it.

I saw an author on The AV Club write that, though he loved it, Breaking Bad is a show he would never watch again. I find his reasoning to be sound, but limited and narrow in scope. Overall, I could not disagree more. He stated that so much of the joy from watching this show came from all of the twists and unexpected events that they threw at you. He surmised that such an experience can only be as impactful the first time.

However, I also recently read an article that reported that there is data to show that spoilers can actually increase enjoyment of a show or movie. This is because if you know what is going to happen, then you are able to identify, watch, and enjoy the machinations unfolding. If you rewatch Breaking Bad, then you will be able to enjoy the machinations, the foreshadowing, and the symbolism that you might not have caught the first time around. In fact, there is so much meaningful content -- every scene, every line, and every action are with purpose -- that you might be rewarded on a third and fourth viewing.

There are many fascinating and insightful analyses of Breaking Bad overall and on specific episodes on YouTube. When I finished watching the show itself, I spent the next two nights just watching interviews and analyses. There is so much depth to explore.

One of my favorite analyses was on the antepenultimate episode, Ozymandias (the saddest episode of the series). This video explained how the episode was so powerful because it focused not on the actions, but on the reactions. I would definitely recommend watching this analysis (and falling down the rabbit hole of clicking on related videos in the sidebar for the rest of the night).

Breaking Bad: An Episode Of Reactions | Nerdwriter1

They take time to develop the characters, and it pays off. It feels real, so it has a real effect on the viewer. There is no single moment where Walter becomes Heisenberg. There is no single moment where Walter becomes comfortable with murder. There is no single moment where Skyler accepts their new lives. There is an ebb and flow to their lives and the effects it has on their personalities.

It was, of course, a fantastic show. The series finale tied up all of the loose ends and wrapped things up nicely. Walt was able to secure his family's financial future, give Skyler a bargaining chip, avenge Hank's death, ensure nobody would be around to ever threaten his family again, and more. But what made the finale so fitting was that it was so definite and closed-ended. From the series premiere, we could see how finite this story was going to be, and that implicit promise was honored all the way through to the end.

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« Reply #513 on: 10-16-2017 17:55 »

I like to think Breaking Bad is the prequel to Malcolm in the Middle and Walt changes his name to Hal after faking his death.  It makes a lot of a sense.  Minerals.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #514 on: 10-17-2017 07:43 »
« Last Edit on: 10-17-2017 12:19 »

I have read a fan theory that suggests that after the events of Malcolm in the Middle, Hal left the family or something and moved to Albuquerque, assuming the name of Walter White. I mean, neither of these theories really make any sense considering that they both give plenty of background information and flashback scenes on his characters that dispute the very possibility, but, like, you know, whatever...

I also did watch through the entirety of Malcolm in the Middle earlier this year. And then the entirety of Breaking Bad. I've also seen one of the four episodes of King of Queens that have Bryan Cranston playing their annoying neighbor Tim Sacksky. He was also in five episodes of Seinfeld as Dr. Tim Whatley. And he was featured in an episode of the X-Files.

If I get to it, I can watch pretty much every TV episode he's been in this year.

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« Reply #515 on: 10-17-2017 10:33 »
« Last Edit on: 10-17-2017 10:35 »

In the X-Files episode he was a prison convict carrying something like bubonic plague.

Really, the only string that even throws the MitM/BB tie'in is the intelligence aspect.  I think MitM after BB holds more water... as Walter couldn't possibly have gone back to Skylar and Walt Jr, even if he had wanted to.  However, he did want to have a family, with kids, etc, and by the point of the end of BB, he'd already done so much that he'd b willing to settle down with anyone.  He also wouldn't have any real need for money, as he'd already accomplished anything and everything he could have ever hoped for, and anonymity, living lower class would be insanely valuable to him, in order to start over and give the family aspect another try.  He's also a lot more loose and care free in MitM, where as he started out uptight in BB, so he couldn't really be expected to go from care free crazy dad to passive aggressive chem teacher dad who gets embarrassed working at a car wash for a second job.  By the end of BB he neither has anything to prove to himself, as far as accomplishments go, and he has no reason to be embarrassed about anything.  By all means, at the end of BB, having walked through hell, any simple pleasure life would logically be appreciated.  He's also crazy, by quite a bit, in MitM (naked painting in one episode), which wouldn't be illogical for a man who has no fucks to give, and an entire life to essentially forget and repress.

Even Hal's children are a reflection of Walter White.  Frances is a representation of Walt's stubbornness and inherent bad streak (he would have been born closest to Walter's bad life, and Walter probably went a little overboard parenting his first child after falsifying his death), Reese represents a lot of Walt's pride and arrogance, along with his disregard for authority, Malcolm of course represents his genius and subtle the other characteristics stated above, Dewie also has the genius aspect, but being born furthest from the bad streak represents Walt's later chapters in life of being more laid back, along with Walter's younger life as being naive of the world around him, very reminiscent even of young Walt jr.

It's also quite possible Walter didn't fake his death purposefully.  Rather he did die in the finale, yet was rescued in an unseen way, perhaps by a third character.  It's even possible that the police were unable to identify a body properly, and there were plenty of bodies to take Walt's place.  After waking up, serendipitous in the miracle of his freedom and life, Walter suffers incredible amnesia, having no idea who he is, he wanders away from New Mexico, decides he likes the name Hal (which is closer to heisenberg, or even haliburton) and then starts his family, all the while unknowing of how close to death and imprisonment his life is tied, free and innocent of his past evil intents and actions.

Even the theme song may be a clue about Hal's previous life, and the emphasis which is placed on Malcolm being in the Middle, as Walt hides in plain sight in the background.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #516 on: 01-23-2018 02:58 »

Ten years ago today, Breaking Bad premiered on AMC. The show exudes quality in every aspect and even holds the Guinness record for the most highly-rated TV show of all time. One of its many great aspects is the seemingly fluid transformation from Walter White to his alter-ego Heisenberg.

Here is an insightful exploration of that transformation. Spoilers abound, of course.

Breaking Bad: Walter White - How a Man Becomes Evil  | ScreenPrism

Also, some die-hard fans paid to transform the on-screen location of Los Pollos Hermanos (which was filmed inside one of many locations of a local burger-and-burrito chain called Twisters) back into Los Pollos Hermanos for the day. I would have liked to go, but I had to work today and couldn't feasibly travel all the way across town and back by bus. (This town has a horrendously ineffective public transit system.) Here is an article on the occasion from several days ago, however.

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DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #517 on: 01-25-2018 07:44 »


Space Pope
« Reply #518 on: 10-11-2019 13:34 »

Anybody watched El Camino on Netflix? I was speptical about the idea of a Breaking Bad movie, but now that I've seen it, I'm glad it exists. It won't do anything for someone who's never seen BB (and, I mean... why would it?) but it serves as a fantastic epilogue for the show.

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« Reply #519 on: 10-12-2019 08:31 »

Was he Malcolm's Dad the whole time?
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