
DOOP Secretary

Episode would have been better if Lorne had said "It's a trap!" instead of "It's a booby trap."


Collapsed building definitely had the "ambient lighting of doom" applied liberally. To every surface. Multiple times. As for the episode, it had a cool space battle, so I'm happy.  I like how they're taking a less 2-dimensional approach to filming the space scenes. Asgard beam weapons look like arse compared to the missiles/railguns/drones though. I don't really see it as a finale episode, despite it being the end of the season.. really episode 11 (where the replicator homeworld got destroyed) would have been the one to finish things off in style. Something about Woolsey's uniform in the flashback didn't look quite right, I think the costume dept just lent him sam's suit instead of making a new one.  Also, Michael still looks like a bit of a gimp in that shiny snakeskin outfit.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #45 on: 03-10-2008 00:00 »
« Last Edit on: 03-10-2008 00:00 »
"I was going to write a virus, but I guess there's no time now." "I was just gonna blow it up." "Of course you were."  Ronon and Todd.

DOOP Secretary

Sheperd named him

DOOP Secretary

Just watched Ark of Truth (thank goodness for a slow day at work). Yay closure! Initial reaction is definitely positive, but more later after a second viewing.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #53 on: 03-11-2008 21:56 »
« Last Edit on: 03-11-2008 21:56 »
Got Ark of Truth today. I loved Vala's rant at the beginning. I agree with SO about the replicator thing. It kinda just seemed like a metal version of the flood.
I was also expecting some kind of awesomely huge final battle. You know, Endor style.
For awhile there, when Mitchell was talking to Landry at the end, I thought they were gonna stick the thing in a box filled warehouse. Now that would have been awesome.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

I very much enjoyed the Arc of Truth movie. I've been a constant critic of the Ori storyline since it's beginning, and was definitely one of the best parts of it.
And besides, now that those stupid Ori and their flying jockstraps are done with, we can all drool in anticipation of the next movie, "Continuum".
I want more Go'uld and General O'Neill goodness!!


I thought the best line was "Oh shit!" but then I might be a little immature. I really liked the movie, the buggy replicators are so much better than their boring human-form cousins.

DOOP Secretary

Or you could just watch The Ark of Truth with the Ori Arc Primer beforehand.

DOOP Secretary

Yeah it lasts like ten minutes and you could almost have never seen the show before and get what was going on.

DOOP Secretary

Well I just watched Ark of Truth for the first time and I enjoyed the hell out of it. The whole Ori arc in SG1 was pretty uninspiring on the whole, but this movie was wicked awesome nerd fun, and a return to form.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #65 on: 04-13-2008 21:56 »
« Last Edit on: 04-13-2008 21:56 »

DOOP Secretary

The amazing this is that that's techinically possible I've seen it done. Not with P90s miind you but I've seen it. Wouldn't work in a combat situation though, mostly a show trick.

DOOP Secretary

It's coming out on Blu-Ray, which means July 29th is my deadline for getting a PS3
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Finally, some real villains.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #71 on: 05-04-2008 01:53 »
« Last Edit on: 05-04-2008 01:53 »
Arc of Truth was excellent, so I'm actually expecting continuum to be excellent as well.
There's been no discussion yet, how do people feel about the premise for Stargate: Universe? The fact that it's apparently going to be set on a ship is surprising, but to me the basic premise seems kindof wonky... resuming an abandoned ancient "experiment" (their word, though I'm not entirely sure how it applies) to explore and build a gate network throughout the entire universe? And the whole "the 9th chevron goes to the ship" thing makes no sense at all to me...
7 chevrons: anywhere in the same galaxy. 8 chevrons: anywhere in any galaxy! 9 chevrons: a single abandoned spaceship?
The idea just hasn't been sitting well with me, but then, I'm a cynic (some would say "asshole" ).
I mean... sending out an automated ship to distribute gates through other galaxies is a brilliant idea. Sending a single manned vessel to follow it exploring, not so briliant. I mean, one ship? whole universe? Presumably it gets reports from the automated ship which help direct them towards points of interest, but why not send such info directly back to civilization, where fleets of ships are available for dispatching?
On a more random and positive note, having not watched Firefly until recently, I had never noticed that Jayne is the leader of SG9. Many a reference to that SG team has taken on new levels of hilarity for me, as in "You sent Jayne on a diplomatic mission? Bwaha!"

DOOP Secretary

So, Continuum. Kinda like an even more kickass version of Moebius, Pt 2.
Was anyone else hoping that Mitchell would pull a Fry right near the end?