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Author Topic: You can go quite far and you don't need a car or even a ship (Stargate)  (Read 16583 times)
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DOOP Secretary
« Reply #120 on: 11-08-2008 04:05 »


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #121 on: 11-09-2008 01:14 »

Wait, Michael was kind of a badass, why did he turn a little whiny in that episode?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #122 on: 11-09-2008 21:17 »

I figured they'd be back, the producers of this series don't seem to be capable of actually killing anyone or anything off completely and permanently. :)

The Tollans?

The Tollans?

I figured they'd be back, the producers of this series don't seem to be capable of actually killing anyone or anything that are/is popular with the fans off completely and permanently. :)
Fixed. ;)
Janet?  Or are you counting Ripple Effect against her?
I'm counting ripple effect against her.

Not so much because it's reasonable, as because it defends my position.

They killed off the Asgard, Weir, the Ori, Baal, Apophis, Anubis, Yu, the Tok'ra, and they were some of the best pro-and-an-tagonists.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #123 on: 11-09-2008 23:47 »

No, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, wtf
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #124 on: 11-18-2008 19:41 »

Well, just seen Continuum. Loved it.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #125 on: 11-29-2008 04:45 »

Is it just me or is tnuk the biggest stargate fan around here?

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that I must say, great show!

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #126 on: 11-29-2008 06:09 »

It's just you.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #127 on: 11-29-2008 14:42 »

Is it just me or are Nixorbo the biggest stargate fans around here?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #128 on: 11-30-2008 01:27 »

It is possible. I didn't know nixorbo was a group though.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #129 on: 11-30-2008 01:57 »

They aren't?

Sorries to all Nixorbos.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #130 on: 11-30-2008 03:59 »


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #131 on: 11-30-2008 05:32 »

I knew it! Take that Gopher!

Stargaters rise to ascension.. this has been lying here for over an hour.. just press post.. and don't care if the spelling is wrong.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #132 on: 11-30-2008 08:02 »

I never said he wasn't, I just said I didn't know he was. They was. Were. Whatever.

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #133 on: 11-30-2008 13:46 »

So the ranks aren't everthing?


Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #134 on: 11-30-2008 20:33 »

Of course they are. All objects and ideas which appear not to be ranks either really are about ranks or don't really exist at all.

Starship Captain
« Reply #135 on: 12-01-2008 05:42 »

Continuum was amazing for two reasons: Jack, and F-15's rolling in for a heroic last stand against death gliders. Entire rest of the movie was bonus.

Must have watched stargate season 1-8 4+ times by now, love the show so much. But feel like it REALLY should have ended at 8, reckoning was the perfect story ending, threads was the perfect fan ending, and mobius was the perfect way for the cast to finish off a great show!

It just wasn't the same without RDA season 9 and 10... besides missing him it felt like the Ori were a pretty terrible bad guy. Its like the writers came to work one day and someone told them "yeah, so were back on, we need a new bad guy by noon". The Goa'uld were amazing, great idea, so much potential from all the ancient civilizations, and an epic 8 year arc from introduction to defeat. You could really get a sense of SGC's progression through the seasons, how we learned more and more as they went. Don't have that with the Ori.

That and Teal'c dual wielding P90's... WTF?

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #136 on: 12-01-2008 05:50 »

I didn't actually start watching the show seriously until season 8, and season 9 was over by the time I'd caught up on all the old eps, so I was insulated from the change. I ultimately agree the earlier seasons were better, I just don't feel as strongly about it. There were some great moments in seasons 9 and 10 tho, even if they did keep writing for Jack to the point of putting constant simpsons references in cam's dialog.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #137 on: 12-01-2008 06:29 »

The best SG1 season was 7.  Lost City was simply epic.

Seasons 9 and 10,while enjoyable, I refer to alternately as SG1.2 (SG1.1 being Jonas) and Fargate.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #138 on: 12-04-2008 02:05 »

The best SG1 season was 7.  Lost City was simply epic.

I heartily agree. Also,
Continuum was amazing for two reasons: Jack, and F-15's rolling in for a heroic last stand against death gliders. Entire rest of the movie was bonus.

I totally agree. But,

But feel like it REALLY should have ended at 8, reckoning was the perfect story ending, threads was the perfect fan ending, and mobius was the perfect way for the cast to finish off a great show!
Go to hell. Mobius was a terrible excuse for a finale. Unending was vastly superior.

It just wasn't the same without RDA season 9 and 10...

I mostly agree. But I feel it suffered more from the inclusion of Claudia Black than the absence of Richard Dean Anderson. I hate Vala. Katesh on the other hand is a better character.

And finally,
Is it just me or is tnuk the biggest stargate fan around here?

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that I must say, great show!

Maybe fifth. Gopher and Nix tie for the top two spots. Nix is maybe ahead by the skin of his pants.

There must be others here who are bigger SG nerds than me as well.

I'm really more of an Amanda Tapping fan than I am a Stargate fan. :D :love:

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #139 on: 12-04-2008 03:28 »

Hey I'm a good fan, I starter the original SG thread, I demand recognition... and some cookies!

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #140 on: 12-04-2008 03:34 »

yeah, I'd have to object to being classified as tied for #1 with Nix too, I think Nix is a bigger fan than I am.  So faze, you can have my spot, I'll take 34d or 4th, just ahead of tnuk.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #141 on: 12-04-2008 03:45 »

I *do* have the SG1 Arkset.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #142 on: 12-04-2008 04:36 »

Well, that doesn't prove anything...


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #143 on: 12-04-2008 04:45 »

It's so awesome
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #144 on: 12-05-2008 04:53 »

The best SG1 season was 7.  Lost City was simply epic.

Seasons 9 and 10,while enjoyable, I refer to alternately as SG1.2 (SG1.1 being Jonas) and Fargate.


DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #145 on: 12-06-2008 17:04 »

Hive ships don't have Burger Kings, what did they expect the Wraith to eat once they got their digestive systems back? Haha.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #146 on: 12-06-2008 17:14 »

And that's why you don't give spaceships cancerAIDS.  Otherwise you get cruddy CG ship crashing segments.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #147 on: 12-06-2008 19:44 »

When it broke up it was cool, and they had some decent water stuff when the rose the city though, not sure why it didn't look the best in that ep.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #148 on: 12-12-2008 16:01 »

I'm rewatching S9 at random. Just watched the death of Prometheus. For some reason it seems like a really lame way to get rid of the ship, having it blowing up in space. I really think that an uncontrolled descent into the atmosphere should have been the final effects shot. :(

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #149 on: 12-12-2008 18:23 »

costs a lot more that way.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #150 on: 12-12-2008 18:24 »

Also, it's been done.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #151 on: 12-13-2008 06:37 »

Oh screw you both.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #152 on: 12-13-2008 06:58 »

Also, it's been done.

At least twice
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #153 on: 12-13-2008 07:07 »

Oh screw you both.
At least twice


Starship Captain
« Reply #154 on: 12-13-2008 17:27 »

Go to hell. Mobius was a terrible excuse for a finale. Unending was vastly superior.

Unending made me want to puke my face off, it really did.

Mobius wasn't supposed to be considered a finale, reckoning was the end of the story. Threads was exactly what the title suggests, tying up the loose ends. That's the end of the series, Mobius was bonus!

Mobius was a way for the cast to go out on a high note, a funny makes little sense time traveling adventure. It wasn't there to add to the story, or to further any characters, or to act as the grand finale. It was there for the fun of it, something I've always loved Stargate for was the ability to poke fun at themselves. After 8 years of amazing show a "Sam Jack Teal'c and Daniel" adventure was the perfect way to go! Resetting the characters back to their "Children of the Gods" selves, getting General Hammond back, it was a tribute to the 8 years!

And then they went and ruined it by making more.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #155 on: 12-13-2008 17:31 »

Moebius didn't have Credence Clearwater Revival
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #156 on: 12-13-2008 18:40 »

Moebius was good Probably in my top 5. But it was a terrible note to bow out on. They should have placed it mid-season.

A really great way to end with a "fun" episode would have been something in the vein of Season 4's window of Opportunity. Still one of my top 3.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #157 on: 12-13-2008 18:42 »


Hah. Just noticed this. Nixorborg!

* tnuk shudders involuntarily. Creepy.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #158 on: 12-15-2008 03:18 »

Another Entity type episode. :(
What is it now, 2 episodes left?

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #159 on: 12-15-2008 04:01 »

It's either 2+finale or 1+final, I forget.

Also, merry Christmas:
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