
DOOP Secretary

« Reply #41 on: 02-05-2008 22:19 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2008 22:19 »
Originally posted by FishyJoe: The Death Star neither shines nor looks cool. It's a ball, people. Geez, Luke Skywalker even confused it for a small moon. Cool ships aren't supposed to look like moons. I think the coolness stems from the fact that it's just so freakin' powerful. Originally posted by Nixorbo: Originally posted by Frisco17: YT-2000 (SW) ::High five:: Nix is aparently the only other persone here who's played XWA. Some more awesome ships. TIE/sa  CCA class Assault Carrier 

DOOP Secretary

Gopher - I thought I was the only one on Earth who liked or even saw Last Exile! You win at Steampunk!

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by FishyJoe: The Death Star neither shines nor looks cool. It's a ball, people. Geez, Luke Skywalker even confused it for a small moon. Cool ships aren't supposed to look like moons. I'll 'moon' you! No wait, that sounds too bawdy... I'll 'ball' you!
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
Originally posted by Frisco17: Nix is aparently the only other persone here who's played XWA no he is not.. -Imperator class Destroyer:  No matter its 31 year old design.. no matter how many times we see it.. its still the star destroyer of excellence the ship that doesnt age, allways seem powerfull from any angle ..its so good that even the New Republic equiped its fleets with as many of them as possible.. 2-Hyperion class Cruiser  I love this ship.. naval lines merged with space .. batteries .. it seem so pretty and yet functional.. 3-BattleStar Pegasus  Actually i strugled in this one between Galactica and Pegasus.. both are seriously cool ships.. seem reliable, powerfull, and are base to squadrons of fighters.. the Galactica has that nostalgic touch and more streamlines..but in the End the Pegasus looks win by a little.. A really shame they took her out... 4-Muraigne class cruiser  Dont know if anyone renember those.. they were my introduction to mighty star cruisers 5-Soyuz class  for some reason i just love this design.. normal trek ships look a bit silly but this one looked more... sense ..more packed.. I have tried to keep down one ship "per universe" so those are the designs i left out to avoid 2 in same unverse: -Warlock class Destroyer:  -BattleStar Galactica  Special mentions: -Red Dwarf -P.E Ship (Wich i have for XWA Frisco ) -USS Discovery -CCP Leonov

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #54 on: 02-06-2008 21:46 »
« Last Edit on: 02-06-2008 21:46 »
This thing just radiates kick-assness. TIE/de  And this one is just cool. A-9 Vigilence Interceptor Originally posted by Javier Lopez -P.E Ship (Wich i have for XWA Frisco )
Must-get-file. Where did you find that? I'd heard awhile ago that it existed but could never find it.
Javier Lopez

Urban Legend
Originally posted by Frisco17: Must-get-file. Where did you find that? I'd heard awhile ago that it existed but could never find it. I have it in my HD  Some years ago i decided to make it.. and i started modding the ATR Assault Transport.. i failed misserably but then came Leon Richter "TK-421" to the rescue and he modeled the ship and used (and corrected) my textures.. its only 96kb and has no cockpit.. but you have an auto laser turret (think of it like having Fry in it and ordering him to fire) and ion cannons (its a transport ship so it must be able to dissable and board other things) I just posted spaceships because the topic tittle..but if i go to fighters... 1- X-Wing  Again, a 31 years old design that simply doesnt became obsolete and doesnt age, apart from its ficticious stats, its not the fastest, not the agiler, not the more powerfull not the more shielded.. but its one of the best balanced 2- Viper mk.2  I allready knew the old colonial Viper and it was ok.. cool.. but the mk.2 got me.. it was the perfect "refit" of the original Viper design.. its both classical and modern at same time 3- Thunderbolt StarFury  Also the Starfury design was cool but it lacked something.. and the Thunderbolt filled in.. 4- VF-1 Valkyrie  I onle saw Macross Zero and Macros "do you believe in love" or something.. wich was a mistake to do in that order i suposse.. but the VF-1 still gets me.. one of my all time favs, the Tomcat, converted into space fighter.. And this is not a starfighter but a sci-fi fighter but still i like it a lot:  In fact, if someone choosed to do a remake , like Galactica in todays days, this would be one design i would left unchanged


Okay, I know it's the Ford Transit of spacecraft, but I still like it: the Eagle from Space:1999: 

Lost Belgian
DOOP Secretary

^^Ahh that one brings back memories. I liked it but my older sister really hated it and made me watch Star Trek instead. It worked.

DOOP Secretary

Shit, we forgot to mention these mothers: 
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

The sexiest ships in any galaxy: #5: The Reman Warbird Scimitar(ST). Over 50 disruptor cannons, 27 Torpedo launchers, and the ability to annihilate an entire species. Not to mention it looks so fucking badass. Definitely the best part of the whole Star Trek Nemesis movie:  #4: Cylon Basestar(BSG Reimagined). One of the most creative-looking designs. Verrrry cool:  #3: Dadeleus-Class(SG). Awesome looking ship, and it doesn't look TOO futuristic, by keeping its military feel. Almost looks like spaceborn aircraft carrier. Much better than the old Prometheus-Class:  #2: The Battlestar Pegasus(BSG Reimagined). Possibly the most intimidating-looking battleship in Sci-fi. Looks like a giant metal shark. With missiles. And a Viper factory. And I dare anyone to think of a cooler ship being destroyed. TWOFER!!!  #1: Constitution-Class Refit(ST). Old reliable. I dunno about alot of purist Trekkies, but I love the refit of the Enterprise much better than the original series design. Long live the NCC-1701!  Honorable mentions: The Millenium Falcon(SW):  Klingon Bird of Prey(ST): 

DOOP Secretary

Quad, actually

DOOP Secretary

Sun Crusher? Lamz0r. I'd rather fly an ice cream cone.
Pitt Clemens

Urban Legend
« Reply #68 on: 02-19-2008 00:39 »
« Last Edit on: 02-19-2008 00:39 »
Not the best in history, but easily the most hilariously powerful:  It can destroy whole squadrons of capitol space creatures (each of which is roughly the size of an Imperial star destroyer) with a single sweeping beam from it's forehead unit. It's apparently powered by the screams of 15-year old girls. The Gunbuster. I mean...GUUUUUNBUUSTAAAAAAAA!

DOOP Secretary

Has anyone mentioned:  ?

DOOP Secretary

Indeed. Extra points of choosing a pic from Halo CE.

DOOP Secretary

I'd rather have a Halo 3 Pelican. You know, with weaponry?

DOOP Secretary

What the hell is that, a space Yamato?