
DOOP Secretary

« on: 02-04-2008 10:51 »
A thread for all your favourite spaceships! Inspired by recent happenings in the Trek thread. My favourites: SixthSerenity Why: Because it looks shiny. FifthRed Dwarf Why: Old reliable. Three million years go by and she still keeps on truckin'... FourthThe Death Star Why: Raw power practically emanates from this thing. Raw power!ThirdThe Planet Express Ship Why: The laws of comedy prevent it from ever being destroyed. SecondUSS Enterprise Why: Is technologically invincible when Scotty's on board. BestThe TARDIS Why: Every single other ship in this list coupled with a chronomobile.

DOOP Secretary

That doesn't look like a sneaker at all.

DOOP Secretary

I'd knock the Tardis down, and put the Death Star at No.1.

DOOP Secretary


DOOP Secretary

I just go with some ones that haven't been picked yet. Suffice to say though, I love all Xanfor's picks.  Discovery One, from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Mostly for its cultural significance, but it also looks sinister and cool, and like something we would actually build.  Executor class Super-Star Destroyer from Star Wars... because it's massive! Lookit that thing!!  Galactica. Same reason.  The hovercrafts from The Matrix Series... which technically aren't spaceships, but they're just so cool.  Spike's Swordfish II from Cowboy Bebop. Small, nimble, heavily armed, and painted red so it goes fast. It's such a nifty little thing, and very detailed, with control surfaces and vectored thrust mechanisms.  That's the greatest spaceship ever, right there.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #10 on: 02-04-2008 18:46 »
« Last Edit on: 02-04-2008 18:46 »
10. Klingon Bird of Prey (Star Trek) 9. Otana (YT-2000, Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance) 8. Executor-class Star Destroyer (Star Wars) 7. Akira-class vessel (Star Trek) 6. NX-class vessel (Enterprise, Enterprise) 5. Planet Express Ship (Futurama) 4. X-Wing (Star Wars) 3. Defiant-class vessel (Defiant, Star Trek) 2. Firefly-class vessel (Serenity, Firefly/Serenity) 1. Sovereign-class vessel (Enterprise-E, Star Trek) Honorable mentions: F-302 (Stargate: SG1), Millenium Falcon (Star Wars), Space Ball 1: Mega Maid form (Spaceballs), Columbia ( Wild Horses, Cowboy Bebop), Swordfish II (Cowboy Bebop).

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #17 on: 02-04-2008 21:44 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2008 00:00 »
Got to agree with the Executor on this one.  Some others worth mentioning are: Jade Shadow (SW)  Your standard ISD Mk-II (SW)  Daedalus Class Cruiser (SG-1)  YT-2000 (SW)  And of course 

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by VelourFog: Is a sphere really a good design for a spaceship?
Do we have any like, spaceship engineers on here?
I am, and yes it's a good design, in terms of superstructure strength.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by coldangel_1: I am, and yes it's a good design, in terms of superstructure strength. Even taking into account that the artificial gravity is pulling towards one of the poles? Sound rather precarious to me...

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Frisco17: YT-2000 (SW) ::High five::

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by Xanfor: Even taking into account that the artificial gravity is pulling towards one of the poles?
It isn't. Who said that? Which of us actually comes from the future? Raise hand. *raises hand* artiGrav goes toward the core. That's how they've been building them since the early 2200s.

DOOP Secretary

« Reply #26 on: 02-05-2008 03:30 »
« Last Edit on: 02-05-2008 03:30 »
Originally posted by coldangel_1: It isn't. Who said that? Which of us actually comes from the future? Raise hand.
*raises hand*
artiGrav goes toward the core. That's how they've been building them since the early 2200s. Malarkey! On the Death Star, floors ran latitudinally, meaning "south" and "down" were one in the same. People would be falling toward the walls if gravity pulled toward the core. Also, there would never be conventional windows, only skylights (or "space-skylights" ). Originally posted by Books: The Heart of Gold
 I hear that ship is completely undetectable by Neil Young's sensor array. My favorite spaceship is the eponymous Voyager. Short of the Defiant, it was the only Federation ship from TV that didn't look entirely cumbersome.

DOOP Secretary

Originally posted by DrThunder88: On the Death Star, floors ran latitudinally, meaning "south" and "down" were one in the same. People would be falling toward the walls if gravity pulled toward the core. Also, there would never be conventional windows, only skylights (or "space-skylights" ). Fuck the Death Star, I was talking about REAL spaceships. Ones that make logical sense.
Nasty Pasty

DOOP Secretary

Frak no! Long live the Pegasus!!!!  So say we all!

DOOP Secretary

Pegasus = Galactica 1978

DOOP Secretary

Lol Starcraft Ghost

DOOP Secretary

Bravo Faze, The Sulaco! Nice!
Hmm, how about the Nostromo?