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Author Topic: I hate that which you love: movie reviews  (Read 25715 times)
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Urban Legend
« Reply #80 on: 07-10-2007 02:11 »

Harry Potter = WIN

Awesome. Loved it. As with all of the other movies the begining was a bit rushed, but once they really got into it everything evened out. There were some excellent uses of montages and i have to say this was the most beautifully shot of all of them. The kids are much better actors. And i seriously <3 Alan Rickman. Luna looked like a Fanning sister and i could swear i've seen the woman who plays Tonks somewhere before but i have no idea where. Helena Carter plays Bellatrix and she rocked and looked positively insane. Obviously a lot of stuff was cut out, but it's already a two and a half hour movie, it's not like there was much they could do about that.
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #81 on: 07-10-2007 09:52 »

Die Hard 4.0 is quite a silly movie.

Not content with being the most over-the-top extravaganza of "what can I blow up next" (on a par with that sequence from True Lies, you know the one I mean), it also blends the action seamlessly with the cheesiest of comic tough-guy lines.

By far the most amusing line was already spoiled due to its being in the trailer.

Computer nerd: You just shot down a helicopter with a car!
McClane: I was out of bullets.

But the second most amusing was:

McClane: Mei? Skinny Asian chick? Likes to kick people? Last time I saw her she was at the bottom of an elevator shaft with an SUV rammed up her ass.

Which is funny because it was true. She did like to kick people.

I give it eight and a half cheddars out of ten, seven flexed muscles out of ten, and two out of ten for realism.

Not a great addition to the Die Hard family, but still a good film if you feel like a chuckle.
Ralph Snart

Agent Provocateur
Near Death Star Inhabitant
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #82 on: 07-10-2007 10:05 »

Originally posted by Venus:

And i seriously <3 Alan Rickman.

You do know that John McClane kicked his ass in the first "Die Hard"?  :p


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #83 on: 07-10-2007 10:39 »

Venus: According to Wikipedia, she was in About A Boy, so that's where you might've seen her before.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #84 on: 07-10-2007 10:46 »

Walk The Line

Got around to watching it, Joaquin was really great, could have used more crazy antics from his life though, he had a good one.


Liquid Emperor
« Reply #85 on: 07-10-2007 12:09 »


First off let me say that the CGI was amazing in this movie but Michael Bay ruined it with his gay ass dialogue. This movie was 2 1/2 hours long which is way too much for a big budgeted hack fest like this, most of the time was spent discussing things that the audience didn't care about,
Also Megan Fox was hot, but she acted like the script was taped onto Shia LeBeouf's head.

Overall the CGI lived up to my expectations but the acting and the dialogue was ruined the flick.

bored idiot

Delivery Boy
« Reply #86 on: 07-10-2007 15:30 »

michael bay thinks he writes great dialogue and thinks people care about the characters in his movies (ie. why pearl harbor was 3 hours long and armageddon was 2 and a half) and don't just go to see the only thing he's good at (making things explode)

Urban Legend
« Reply #87 on: 07-10-2007 17:08 »

I think the comment my girlfriend made sums up the Transformers movie exactly:

"Far too much focus on the humans, not enough giant evil robots."

Urban Legend
« Reply #88 on: 07-11-2007 00:46 »

in other words, Too much romance, not enough human killing?

Urban Legend
« Reply #89 on: 07-11-2007 05:42 »

You know it.

commandant cleavage
DOOP Secretary
« Reply #90 on: 07-11-2007 07:20 »

You have a girlfriend?

Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #91 on: 07-11-2007 09:02 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2007 09:02 »

Harry Potter and the Adaptation Loosely Based on the Order of the Phoenix

They cut a lot of stuff out, much more than I expected, and often fabricated their own scenes as a means of replacement.  Thankfully, the movie was still really enjoyable, and I admit I actually enjoyed this interpretation of the book.  Of the five movies released so far, I think this one was the smoothest, and there were only a handful of major plotholes that I noticed off the bat.

I think major book fans should be warned, though: do not expect your favorite scene to have made the cut.  Mine didn't.   :(

my man-wich!

Starship Captain
« Reply #92 on: 07-11-2007 09:29 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2007 09:29 »

Bridge to Terabithia

I actually planned to go see knocked up, but all the tickets were sold out, So I went into this instead. And I'm fuckin happy I did, too. It's nothing like the narnia rip off I was expecting, but way more... better. I can't really talk about the plot, or I'll spoil it, so i'll just say there was some huge twists. Rent it. Buy it. Steal it. I don't give a fuck, just as long as you watch it.

Also, Annasophia robb is gonna make one hell of a actress.


Ps- It's not a kids movie. I had my little sister with me, and I think she's going to be traumatised for life. I felt extremely bad.


DOOP Secretary
« Reply #93 on: 07-11-2007 10:04 »

... It's in theaters in Australia?

Ahahahaha Australia sucks

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #94 on: 07-11-2007 11:53 »

First off is the main characters, the Transformers. The CGI was seamless and I thought they pulled it off very well.

The dialogue in the movie wasn't too great. I thought Shea did alright, but he definitely needed Turturro, Voight, the decoders, and, of course, the Transformers to help the film along. I didn't like that girl though; she ruined parts of the movie.

The fight and transforming scenes felt like too much was going on and gave me a headache, although they were awesome.

Overall, an good movie but just an okay film. I'd give it a B- and call it the 3rd best movie of the summer...

But then, at midnight last night, I saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Very, very good. MUCH better than what I expected. Luna was better than I expected for a character I didn't care much for, Snape was once again great, and I still miss Sirius.

The D.A. scenes were very good, and Umbridge was funny and I loved to hate her. The one thing I disliked about the movie was Cho Chang. She pretty much sucked, to be blunt. I didn't care for her and didn't feel connected to her like I did with the other characters. That, the length, and all the stupid people being loud during the movie were the only bad things about the movie. This passed Ocean's 13 as the 2nd best movie I saw this movie. I give it an A and suggest anybody to go see it. This is one of the only movies of this summer that I actually feel like seeing again.

Space Pope
« Reply #95 on: 07-11-2007 17:56 »
« Last Edit on: 07-11-2007 17:56 »

I just saw Ghost Rider last night, I give it a C+/B-. It was very cheesy, and the acting was a bit odd. But it was very cool visually, the story made sense, and it didn't seem to be ripping anything off (although there were a couple very cliche lines/gags). Enjoyable, but me and the person I was watching with could both sense the cheesiness when it happened.

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #96 on: 07-11-2007 20:12 »
« Last Edit on: 07-13-2007 00:00 »

Die Hardest
Pretty damn good, I liked how hot Maggie Q was, she's like if Monica Belluci and Emmanuelle Chiriqui had oily lesbian sex and somehow Maggie Q was created!    :D
Also Timothy Olyphant ("My old gaffer will never believe it!" ) was a great badguy, and Lucy McClane was pretty damn hot too.
Great addition to the series.


Bonus review!
Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
Not as bad as I was expecting.
I liked the way Galactus looked like a barnacle from Half-Life sucking on teh Earth *nyom nyom nyom!*
Silver Surfer was cool enough, and I put up with everyone else, (why the hell did they make Jessica Alba look like one of those sex dolls?!   :( )

Crappy but not as bad as Spidey 3.
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #97 on: 07-14-2007 11:14 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2007 11:14 »

'arry Poh'er

Very enjoyable. They certainly did cut a fuckton of stuff out (most of it i can't remember cause i read the book SOOOOO long ago. But just off the top of my head:

RE: the R.A.B thing, it's still unconfirmed that it's Regilus Black (Allthought it's pretty freaken obvious), although i too was looking intently at that wall the whole scene.

Wow, the director sure was subtle about showing us that ginny has the hots for harry.

*Harry talking to Cho*


Loved the epic fighting with the real wizards. None of this childish "Expelaramus* bullshit. More serious curse and spark fighting! Dumbledore and Voldemort FTW!!!

Also, even though it was a fairly minor role in this film, Bellatrix LeStrange was so wonderfully cast, can't wait for the next flick.

ALSO! I don't remember in the book everyone else having to do the hand-scratching quill thing.

ALSO ALSO: Did Luna call the Thestrals, "Festrals"/"Pestrals"?

Urban Legend
« Reply #98 on: 07-14-2007 12:57 »

Originally posted by my man-wich!:
Bridge to Terabithia

I actually planned to go see knocked up, but all the tickets were sold out, So I went into this instead. And I'm fuckin happy I did, too. It's nothing like the narnia rip off I was expecting, but way more... better. I can't really talk about the plot, or I'll spoil it, so i'll just say there was some huge twists. Rent it. Buy it. Steal it. I don't give a fuck, just as long as you watch it.

Also, Annasophia robb is gonna make one hell of a actress.


Ps- It's not a kids movie. I had my little sister with me, and I think she's going to be traumatised for life. I felt extremely bad.


Of course it's not a Narnia ripoff. It was a book first, you know. I read the book in 4th grade,  think... that said, I did not see the movie, and don't expect to. Hmm.. I haven't seen any movie recently. PEEL, if I am to see one movie this summer, what should it be?
transgender nerd under canada

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #99 on: 07-14-2007 15:55 »

Hapless Potter and the Order of the Penix was not a great movie. Masty, don't go see it.

Don't get me wrong, I liked it. It was good but not great.

It started pormisingly enough, but the best part from the beginning of the movie had already been seen in the trailers. Harry, riding his broom down the Thames at night.

Of course, the second best part was realising how much Richard Griffifths is still uncle Monty, just slighty less (and only slightly less) homosexual.

Further in, the Weasley twins were hotly anticipated but failed to live up to expectations.

There were some funny moments. Like when Dumbledore tells Fudge that "evidence of the Dark Lord's return is incontrevertible", and I mentally pictured him as Dr. Gene Ray, telling the Wizengamot that they are educated stupid fools to ignore the simeoultaneous harmonic four day rotation of the time cube. That bit was only in my head though.

The wizard fights were worth the price of admission though. Totally worth sitting through the film for.

Of course, one of my favourite scenes in the whole film turned out to be one of the incidental moments that you dont really pay that much attention to. Because they don't impact the plot too badly or anything. It was Filch, taking down the castle paintings. Watch for the evil grin. Why does he hate them so much? Why? Such a mystery. Such a wonderful little moment.

Luna Lovegood was perfectly played. The death eaters and Voldemort were pretty good, ut by far the biggest star of the film was undoubtedly Dolores Umbridge. Wonderfully sweet and syrupy with an undercurrent of deep, dark  (but just as sugary-sweet and sickly) evil.

Overall, I think this film deserves a miserly six house-elves out of ten.
Nicky boy

Bending Unit
« Reply #100 on: 07-14-2007 15:59 »
« Last Edit on: 07-14-2007 15:59 »

harry potter: and the order of the phoenix

it was ok. it would get boring after seeing it twice in one week! lol. 8/10
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #101 on: 07-14-2007 16:31 »

Harry Pothead.

I liked it  :D

Not too much emphasis on the death (thank god, thought it was going to be a washout) and I liked Luna. The woman (the name I forgot) who played Umbridge was brilliant.

So overall, A

I'm sure I caught some LOTR-esque moments though.

Fighting was good, as was the opening scene.

So yeah, pretty good. I liked it.
HookerBot 5000

Liquid Emperor
« Reply #102 on: 07-14-2007 16:48 »

*Also, Daniel can't kiss for poop. I know I can't talk, but the first stage of that kissing sesh was rubbish. I could have done better than that. Obviously not with Cho though.  :laff:

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #103 on: 07-14-2007 17:41 »

I saw Harry Potter again. It was still good. I still give it an A. I made jokes while I saw this one, like doing the Bender "OOOOOOO" from Spanish Fry when Cho and Harry kissed. For the record, I still hate Cho and still love to hate Umbridge. Also, the one person behind me was making the most cliché reactions to situations, like when there was something scary, she shrieked, and when the Minister said "He's back" after seing Voldemort, she said "Duh". I laughed so much because of her; It just made the movie better. Oh, and, in addition to Umbridge being excellent, I'd have to say that Luna, Snape, Sirius, and the black wizard were still top shelf as well. I also still liked Tonks and Fred and George. Like I said before, I still give this an A, and this is one of the two best movies of a dismal, overhyped summer.

Fallback Guy
Space Pope
« Reply #104 on: 07-14-2007 18:48 »

I laughed so much because of her; It just made the movie better.

In light of this statement, I must retract my strikethrough promotion from the other thread; you are not a theatre afficionado anymore, you're just a drama geek.  :laff:  :D

DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #105 on: 07-14-2007 20:29 »

You are all gay wizard fanciers in the eyes of Faze, where only tnuk is saved for seeing Die Hard 4.0 aswell... but he still only has one nut, the rest of you are NUTLESS!
(And in the case of girls, ovary-less!)
chay´s head

Space Pope
« Reply #106 on: 07-15-2007 10:01 »

Die hard isn't out here  :(, but i spose that doesn't count anyway, since i've pre-ordered my copy of Deathly Hallows already! OMGSQUEE!

Space Pope
« Reply #107 on: 07-17-2007 12:28 »

Harry Blah-er

I saw this 2 days ago actually but I've forgotten about it until now.

Ok one pro that's a big pro: Luna Lovegood was so perfectly cast, I applaude them for finding her. She was the best actor in the whole freakin movie. Second was Ron, I really liked his character in this one.

Overall, it didn't do anything for me. The fifth book was my least favorite to begin with, so my expectations for this movie weren't great. It was fine. Not my favorite, I didn't think it really did anything that I wasn't expecting.


Now on the otherhand, I cannot wait to see Die Hard 4.0. The whole time while watching HP I wanted to really badly sneak out and find it. Damn temptation.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #108 on: 07-17-2007 13:42 »

I went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and I thought it was good.

Luna Lovegood is a good character
The end fight scene was good
Daniel Radcliffe is hot
The kiss scene is hot

Space Pope
« Reply #109 on: 07-17-2007 22:16 »

Harry Potter and the Whatever of the Phoenix

Voldy had manboobs in this one!  :eek:

Other than that masterwork twist it was pretty meh, but Helena Bonham Carter sure does a great crazy. It's like her direction was just "laugh crazily for no reason HERE"

On an unrelated personal note: For some bizarre reason I was the only one in the theatre laughing when they whispered "She works for Fudge!"  :nono:


Die Hard 2

Man, what a letdown. That backstab half-way through was great though!

Soldier: "Just like being back in Grenada!"
Newbie: "I sure wish I was with you guys in Grenada!"
Leader: "Me too. So I wouldn't have to do THIS!"
*slits newbie's throat*


Urban Legend
« Reply #110 on: 07-18-2007 06:56 »
« Last Edit on: 07-18-2007 06:56 »


Knocked Up
Seth Rogen and the rest of Apatow's buddies hit it out of the park. Yes, it's doubtful that Katharine Heigl would ever hook up with Rogen, but if you're willing to suspend disbelief for that handful of minutes, the rest of the film is as realistic a "sex comedy" as I can recall ever seeing. Apatow proves his ability to treat unusual, unformulaic characters sympathetically and avoids the easy laughs for the most part. (See: "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", "Freaks & Geeks", etc.) Bonus: I wanted Harold Ramis to keep dispensing his authentic fatherly wisdom for at least 20 more minutes. Inspired casting.

Grade: A.

What the fuck? Michael Bay, are you entertaining me? I must have fallen into an alternate earth or something. Is this my Infinite Crisis? Nevertheless, Transformers succeeds in the same way that previous summer blockbusters like Independence Day did: by not taking itself seriously, but still delivering the action the testosterone-driven audience demands. Megan Fox is imposssibly hot to fall in love with Shia Le Bouf, yes, but so what? I think I saw Cthulhu (or at least some kind of Lovecraftian Deep One) in one of those pickle jars at the Hoover Dam, which wins an assload of awesome-points. Optimus Prime has lips sometimes, yes, but he also had a badass sword that grew out of his wrist. That evens out on my scales. If you think this movie is silly, watch the 1986 animated movie and pay special attention to Eric Idle and a soundtrack featuring Weird Al's "Dare To Be Stupid".

Grade: B-. (It could get not higher rating, mind you, barring an act of God himself.)

This is probably one of the hardest movies I've had to judge in a while. I love Patton Oswalt's standup (advice: buy Werewolves and Lollipops right now), and I've been worshipping Brad Bird ever since I saw The Iron Giant. Let me just say this: my enjoyment of films is often communal with the audience I see one with, yet I enjoyed this wholeheartedly in an empty theatre by myself. Is it better than The Incredibles? No. Is it better than The Iron Giant? Hell no! Is it good? Definitely yes. I mean, Will Arnett is in it! I didn't even know that was Janeane Garofalo affecting a Fench accent! Clearly, the film had me too diverted to notice, which speaks well. (Note: I'm not going to lie, some of the rat-cook moments are cringe-worthy, if you know your Hanta virus. You have been warned.)

Grade: B+.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I can appreciate everyone commenting on how much was left out, but thankfully I hadn't read book 5 in about a year when I saw this. So, while I noticed some omissions, it still felt like they were getting overything right. (That doesn't mean that I'm not praying for a DVD Director's Cut that's at least 30 minutes longer than this, though.) Director David Yates does a better job transmuting everyone's collective memory of the pain of adolescence than Rowling herself did, with her tiresome reliance on allcaps (in a typeface uniquely unable to render that writing choice effectively, as a sidenote). Luna was great enough to make me wish Rowling didn't write book 6's romantic plotlines the way she did. Plenty was missing, yes, but Umbridge is spectacular and the ending wizard battle has the rare distinction of leaving you wanting more of the same. Like I said, hoping against hope on those deleted scenes. Yates, I promise there's a market. Even at 30 bucks, I want the three-hour version of this movie.

Anyway, I think it's my fave so far out of the film series. I probably need to see it one more time before I can be sure, but I'm leaning heavily in its favor. Also, the soundtrack theme that plays just as Harry first experiences the main hall of the Ministry of Magic is maybe the best combination of film and score so far in the Harry Potter series.

Grade: A-.

Longtime PEELers may be curious about my sudden reappearance. The explanation involves alcohol. It was not mine. Take that, "roomate"!

Space Pope
« Reply #111 on: 07-18-2007 10:58 »

Originally posted by M0le:
Harry Potter and the Whatever of the Phoenix
On an unrelated personal note: For some bizarre reason I was the only one in the theatre laughing when they whispered "She works for Fudge!"   :nono:


Nay! I thought it was always funny when they said his name. I laughed at all the wrong times. Like when Malfoy pisses Harry off after the train ride and he tries to jump him, it was such a serious moment of "anger" that I had to laugh out loud.

And Die Hard 2 is awesome. Shame on ye.


Urban Legend
« Reply #112 on: 07-18-2007 11:11 »

Oh, it's okay. The original was just more fun, is all, and this, assuming you'd seen it first, your expectations would reflect poorly on the sequel.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #113 on: 07-18-2007 11:25 »

I laughed at the Harry/Malfoy train scene too! I don't feel as bad anymore.

Also, Gnome's back?!

Avatar Czar
DOOP Ubersecretary
« Reply #114 on: 07-18-2007 13:42 »

Originally posted by Officer 1BDI:
Harry Potter and the Adaptation Loosely Based on the Order of the Phoenix

They cut a lot of stuff out, much more than I expected, and often fabricated their own scenes as a means of replacement.  Thankfully, the movie was still really enjoyable, and I admit I actually enjoyed this interpretation of the book.  Of the five movies released so far, I think this one was the smoothest, and there were only a handful of major plotholes that I noticed off the bat.

I think major book fans should be warned, though: do not expect your favorite scene to have made the cut.  Mine didn't.    :(

Duh.... you should have read the spoilers before making such ridiculous comments.  Jackass.  :rolleyes:

Bending Unit
« Reply #115 on: 07-18-2007 14:57 »

I thought Transformers was great. I keep wanting to go see it again, but I've already seen it too many times and $10 a ticket is no joke.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #116 on: 07-18-2007 16:10 »


Acting: Shia LaBouf was fun, Megan Fox is hot.  Seriously though, Jon Voight?  B+
Script: WAS I NOT ENTERTAINED?  Yes, yes I was.  B+
Story: It's a story about giant robot toys who blow up downtown Los Angeles.  It's not exactly Shakespeare.  C-

My favorite parts:


"Sir, are you aware that you're leaking coolant at an alrming rate?"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man.

Bending Unit
« Reply #117 on: 07-19-2007 13:40 »

Didn't you think Megan Fox's acting was a bit... lacking... though? I thought her lines came off pretty lame.

DOOP Secretary
« Reply #118 on: 07-19-2007 14:05 »

Eye candy doesn't need good lines.
Officer 1BDI

Starship Captain
« Reply #119 on: 07-19-2007 14:12 »

"Sir, are you aware that you're leaking coolant at an alrming rate?"Bumblebee, stop lubricating the man.

So I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of that scene.  :P


I... didn't like it.  I thought the human characters were fine (Shia was great), but I just couldn't grow attached to the robots, and as kick-ass as the visuals were, I couldn't get into the action scenes.   :hmpf:  Clearly I have no appreciation for the relics of my youth.  :cry: 

Re: Megan Fox; she didn't come off as terrible to me, but she didn't exactly stand out, either.
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